them a lesson Reagan reversed Jimmy Carter's Executive Order and
taken to supplying material support for Saddam Hussein. This despite
Saddam's use of nerve gas to kill tens of thousands of Iranians, 241
dead at Marine BLT Barracks at Beirut Airport, blamed on Hezbollah,
revenge killings; for Muslims, the term retaliation is
more appropriate, four truck bombs killed 398 people to take revenge
for Reagan using the U.S. Navy to shell Lebanese
villages, slaughtering Druze and Muslims indiscriminately. The
technology for the bombs was provided by Iran, two days later, 25th
was the first use of the American military overseas since Vietnam.
rbg/Why does a veteran take his life every 65 minutes? the
fundamental lack of hope and complete inability to see meaning in
life. it is despair. A fog has clouded everything about these wars;
from their start to their inconclusive endings, so utterly
implausible now that no one is even trying to defend it. Where does
that leave the young man who went through hell in Iraq in the name of
liberty for future Americans? What does that say to the young woman
who believed her sacrifice in Afghanistan would have an enduring
legacy? No amount of counseling can dispel the gnawing sense that one
sacrificed for a bogus cause rbh
was a terror attack because your campaign didn’t want that out?
Obama: “And they believe it because folks like you tell them that
... These kinds of things keep on surfacing in part because you and
your TV station will promote themWhenever president Obama scores
points, as he did yesterday with Loofaman, Fox News goes into damage
control mode and brainstorms a "response" to feed their
legions of Orcs. In this case, the talking point went out; "Notice
Obama never denied it? He just attacked Fox-Wrapped in the Flag, sad
day when celebrating the people who make America is a cause for
anger. These nasty people are in the same family as the "Irish
Need Not Apply" gang and the "Italians Go Home" crowd
of the 1860s. They take their cue from the folks who hated the
Japanese, the Vietnamese, the French and Native Americans. These are
the same kind of people who used their God and their Bible to justify
the buying and selling of slaves. Racial hatred lives just below the
surface in America. Stir the water a bit and it bobs to the surface.
Haters will hate, Such a beautiful commercial that's generated a
flood of hate, It's ugly and it's evil, America has to walk a
different path fb/Republicans unveiled their 2014 agenda, and it was,
nothing, House Republicans filed and received a blank piece of paper
labeled 'Agenda 2014, aide said, The problem is we don't know where
we are headed the Republicans don't know where to go, not that they
don't know how to get there Politico rbg/researcher Seralini, fed
rats GMOs, in the form of Monsanto's Roundup Ready corn, and they
developed tumors. Some died. The study was published in the journal,
Food and Chemical Toxicology. Pictures of the rats were published, A
wave of biotech industry criticism ensued. Pressure built. 'Experts'
said the study was grossly unscientific, its methods were
unprofessional, and Seralini was biased against GMOs from the get go.
Monsanto didn't like Seralini at all-sprayed on weeds, It's a salt of
glycophosphate and has been used for years. This is another
"crusade" of liberal nitwits ever desperate to make our
lives as difficult as possible by hindering things like agriculture
and energy production. Children are starving, have you no
heart?-adjuvants in insecticides and herbicides have been used for
decades. MANY decades. piperonyl butoxide is added to most
insecticides containing pyrethrins to give the insects the proverbial
'one-two' punch-I have a heart. Monsanto is probably the biggest
poisoner on the planet, turning our biosphere into a toxic
environment for massive $profit. Do you have any brains? I have
serious doubts aibafs/48 interruptions post superbowl interviewa bo
slaps billy for faux snooze, on stephanie/unpleasant interview, rudy
sez that's wot losers do 911 bengazi etc, on geraldo paying 4k$ for
is an antiSemite, musician’s comparison of Israeli policies with
those of the Nazis, Abe Foxman, who had previously defended British
rocker from critics, calls him ‘narrow minded bigot, ADL
acknowledged that “anti-Semitic conspiracy theories” have “seeped
into the totality” of the former Pink Floyd frontman’s views
iapb/There is no possible way the hatriots will ever be in charge of
the country, thankfully-Amen to that, Sistah!-As long as a few
intelligent, politically progressives continue to post here I can
enjoy sending the politically moderate here to show them what the
Reight really looks like. And these guys make for a motley crew of
vulgar bigots-If the progressives leave, it would simply be a toilet
aibafs/ Harvard study shows Republican Governors who Refuse Medicaid
Expansion and the Affordable care act, will KILL THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE!
Refusing the expansion is a political decision by Republican state
lawmakers that will have a big economic impact for those states. What
it will also cause, according to a new study from Harvard University
and the City University of New York, is eight million people
remaining uninsured, and up to 17,000 premature and avoidable
deaths-How many people died in 9/11 again?-IDF soldier shoots an
innocent Palestinian man four times in the back of the head. No
charges are filed 972mag-fb
US House Candidate Ryan Zinke (R) referred to Hillary Clinton as the
anti Christ before passing out bullets to his supporters-Maher said,
wear your good bandana. Nice to see you observing the dress code,
Cletus. But you know if Beyonce wore that, they would say she was
bringing down America from within. But somehow everybody is cool with
this 1840s gold prospector sweating goose grease into the Stars and
Stripes. All because his homophobic daddy invented a whistle that
makes ducks horny-fb/One student shot dead, another wounded near
Michigan State University
seem to think anything other than missionary is perverse. What a
boring world that must be to live in. That went through my mind as
well. Men who find womens breasts repulsive and liken them to
defecation who also think oral sex should be illegal, wow just wow.
No wonder those teabagger women look so angry aibafs 13014/ the
Effing Cross: Illinois Monument wiki Effingham-What good does a
million dollar cross serve? Wouldn't that money that was pretty much
stolen by the church (those who donated were willing brainwashed
victims, but taking money from the brainwashed should be a crime of
some sort), be much better used clothing, feeding and sheltering the
poor?-Money from the brainwashed seems to be exactly how they did it,
I bet Jeebus would be pleased to see so much wealth squandered on a
giant recreation of the torture device that killed him. Fuck the
poor-Lebanese politician critical of Iranian backed group says
unmanned planes used over his home; army confirms Hezbollah tracked
car bomb across Lebanon-Syria border, Hezbollah is proving once again
that its fight is not only against Israel, but is also focused on its
own internal interests in Lebanon and Syria. After dispatching
thousands of its fighters to the battlefields of Syria, on behalf of
ally and sponsor Bashar Assad, who has sustained major military
losses, it has now begun to support the beleaguered president by
supplying him with unmanned aerial vehicles. iapb/US seeks $2.1bn
from BofA over mortgage fraud yfnm/politicususa, Palin embodies the
entire GOP in an epic Facebook rant accusing Obama of being arrogant,
full of hubris, and naive-Democrats have no logical argument so they
always have to resort to commie propaganda-the race card doesn't work
anymore-The church that closed its food bank cause it attracted poor
People, Rev. David Durksen of the Unity Church of Victoria following
the teachings of a different Jesus, Most clients of food banks have
not yet come to a sense of personal responsibility in life. They are
still in denial, blame or seeing the world as owing
them-eyeonthenation The court has ruled that Amanda Knox and her ex
boyfriend Raffael Sollecito are guilty of Meredith Kercher’s
murder, overturning their appeal. The Foxy Knox has been sentenced to
28 years-fb/zerohedge Cursed is the House of Saud! bandar
puppetmaster behind syrian war/INTELLIHUB recent snow storm that
blanked Atlanta and parts of Virginia sending thousands of residents
into turmoil, causing nearly the entire city to come to a standstill,
may have been a false flag operation or beta test carried out by
diabolic factions of the U.S. government, one thing is for sure,
havoc has ensued/Cathy sotu rebuttel, claims to have ‘graduated’
from PCC debt free, having paid her way with 4H projects. However,
in reality her 4H projects would not even cover the airfare to
Florida. willingly gave up everything that American’s are
guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, including, the freedom of Religion,
freedom of speech, freedom of the press and free assembly. I believe
this education at this extreme fundamentalist school was her first
test as an obedient foot soldier for the far right wing of the
GOP,Meanwhile back in Kettle Falls, her dad, whose local nickname was
‘Boss Hog’, became the county chair of the Republican Party
fb/the Coburn Burr Hatch plan, They call it the Patient CARE Act, the
most credible plan yet” offered by the GOP, Except amounts, among
other things, to a big tax increase. by making employer provided
health insurance plans, which are currently not taxed, partially
taxable as income. In fact, this income replaces income that, under
ObamaCare, comes from taxing companies aibafs/Chicago woman sues
company that fired her hours after cancer diagnosis-racism drives GOP
opposition to immigration reform-Felons should buy guns, but helping
people buy Obamacare is too far-Maher: GOP was wary of Christie after
he got ‘Kenya cooties’ hugging ‘President Blackula-Nevada man
shoots paralyzed wife to death in hospital bed: She was ‘begging to
die- Scientific American’ calls on U.S. to open doors to LSD, MDMA,
pot research-Gohmert, Bachmann, and King tell Hannity they’ll ride
Obamacare ‘repeal train’ to bitter end-Utah kids in tears after
school seizes and tosses out 40 lunches over debt-Stewart:
Republicans’ response to Obama was ‘world’s sh*ttiest open mic
night’ rsy/Police Use Drone, Without Warrant, in Arrest and
Conviction of ND Farmer-Hannity's Dinner With Willie Robertson-He
Doesn't Need a Pen, He Needs an Eraser': Cruz on Obama's Exec.
Order-fni/Egypt Arrests Al-Jazeera TV Crew for Ties to Muslim
Brotherhood tw/
rep grimm Threatens to throw Local Reporter "off this fucking
balcony" fni/harpoon tip dating to 35,000 years ago has been
discovered on Timor, an island northeast of Darwin,
Australia-Storybook Apocalypse tempting to dismiss the 16th century
depictions of Biblical miracles, flaming comets, multi headed beasts,
and apocalyptic chaos that fill the pages Augsburg Miraculous Signs”
as the superstitious vestiges of the post Medieval mind-Swedish
divers unearth Stone Age 'Atlantis' relics, left by Swedish nomads
11,000 years ago, discovered by divers in the Baltic Sea, prompting
some to claim that Sweden's Atlantis had been found-Israel hints that
early humans sat around fires as early as 300,000 years before Homo
sapiens arose in Africa-Medicine Or Mass Murder? Discredited Research
May Have Caused 800,000 Deaths In Europe Over The Last 5
Years-Mansfield, beams of light appeared to be coming from the ground
and shooting skyward-Bubonic plague DNA found Yersinia pestis
bacteria in small pieces of DNA in ancient teeth, warning another
outbreak similar to the bubonic plague could strike, buried at the
time of the Justinian outbreak in Iron Age Germany critical
believers/Rand Paul doubles down: Bill Clinton committed ‘violence’
against Lewinsky-Staten Island Republican caught bullying reporter:
‘I will break you in half-Louie Gohmert: Raise taxes on poor people
because they can pay with welfare-Seattle socialist Kshama Sawant’s
SOTU response: ‘We need a break from capitalism-Virginia pastor:
Women are sinners if clothes ‘outline’ body ‘to make it
noticed-Researchers discover new area in your brain that may control
your bad decisions-Erickson defends ‘Abortion Barbie’ slur of
Wendy Davis with vile rant rsy/No Motive in Shooting as Maryland Mall
Reopens-California Teacher Denies She Shut Down Report on
Jesus-Colorado governor temporarily renames peaks for Broncos- Castle
Rock to allow open carry of guns- Lawmakers consider extending bar
hours in Colorado aol/DOJ says the Arizona Department of Public
Safety 4.75 pounds of heroin and three pounds of meth were found in
the car to be delivered to a house in Rocky Ford krdo/Baby Dies After
Sister 3, Tried to Change His Diaper thestir/Doctor, His Wife, and
Texas Police Chief Caught in Love Triangle gma/bo takes the high
road, on ed/ deleware river oil spill un reported for 2 weeks gnpv 10
yr aniversary-red response to sotu circa 60's tv with satanic stars
background, on thom/Right wing Projectionism Reaches Bizarre Level,
Then An Apology-Remember that televised live ACA debate at RNC HQ in
Va where Obama slayed all GOP without a teleprompter?-GOP Finally Has
A Health Care Plan And It's A Huge Step Backward-GOP's DOA HC plan
doesn't reduce deficits by ACA's $1.5 T via CBO, that all repub
budgets use for deficit reduction in Ryan's decades from now
acrobatic balancing trick- alan/Georgia’s GOP governor blasted for
‘gamble’ on snowstorm preparations-Fox News, Women don’t want
equal pay, they already get ‘exactly what they’re worth-CEO tells
Daily Show ‘mentally retarded’ could work for $2: ‘You’re
worth what you’re worth-jeff Sessions quotes Lady Gaga to prove pot
hurts ‘the health of America-Fox News contributor busted again for
pushing fake story about persecution of Christians-West Virginia
scientist detects formaldehyde in water sample taken from
restaurant- Grimm blames reporter’s lack of professionalism for
violent threats rsy/
400 Are as Rich as All US African-Americans, and MoreThe richest 400
people in our nation have as much wealth as the entire African
American population in the United States/Hartmann, 50 years ago, the
federal government declared that everyone had the right to
voteSocialist" government of French President François Hollande
continues France's time honored tradition of disagreeing with US
foreign policy, with a new twist: "Socialist" France is to
the right of De Gaulle, and, Obama-federal waiver in hand, Maryland
is going to implement a test program that will incentivize preventive
medical care while reducing costs-Sanders proposes restoring money in
the budget for military pensions by using war funding and giving us a
true cost of war at the same time- Truthout/Intifada: Three
Palestinian children were allegedly burned with lit cigarettes and
denied access to food, water or toilet facilities after being
arrested and detained by Israeli soldiers and police/Krugman If
progress against poverty has been disappointing over the past half
century, the reason is not the decline of the family, but the rise of
extreme inequality-an alarming amount of optimism, Why? Because of
the Three Stooges effect/Antiwar Activists Robbed the FBI, Got Away
With It, and Exposed Massive Covert Surveillance, Knopf Criminal
behavour in the extreme resulting in government policy that pushed
fuel costs skywards pushing thousands into fuel poverty. This act
caused hardship to those low payed who live on the edge of poverty
first and caused many to loose their homes. These ''scientists should
be called to account for this criminality. They should be tried and
then promptly shot. That will put an end to "fudging
figures-It's funny listening to all of you suggest thousands of
scientist are intentionally misleading people and how they should all
be punished, all the while most of you go and tell you children that
some imaginary character watches them at all times of the day and
will burn them for eternity if they don't do as they are told. The
lack of intelligence is astounding from the right-leave out the
babble?/Man Dies After Waiting 8 Hours in NYC Hospital ER-Taylor
Swift's Reaction to Losing-Mitt Slow Jams the News With Jimmy
Fallon-Man Used Photos of Fallen Soldier for Facebook Dating
Scam-Kansas Judge Says Sperm Donor Must Pay Child Support-Cruise:
Trip Cut Short as 600 Passengers, Crew Get Sick-huckabee Hits Back at
Dem Critics on 'The Kelly File-fni/Texas GOP candidates agree: Teach
creationism and ‘always err on the side of life- Seattle’s
socialist city council member vows to keep just 34 percent of her
salary-Indiana police believed woman’s tale of supernatural
haunting that ended in exorcism-Olbermann slams Sochi mayor ahead of
‘most tear-stained’ Olympics ever-Ingraham: ‘Wall off Detroit
to keep immigrants in- Stewart to Sean Hannity: ‘It’s not East
Germany, you can get out of NY any time-Erickson defends ‘Abortion
Barbie’ slur of Wendy Davis with vile rant rsy/44 wasn't "a
multi millionaire" until millions bought his book in 2008 and
elected him President TWICE for $400,000 per year for life. That
really pisses you off-On Average, One School Shooting Every Other Day
This Year-Our very prepared "well regulated militia" US
Milt, NG & Police drones don't fear your veiled & often
repeated threats: "As for the tax on bullets-Right Wing
Obamacare Talking Point Bites The Dust-Good news for American
employers providing jobs and workers with Affordable Health Care in
2014, is bad news for the GOP and Cruz who still can't find anyone
injured-Cokehead Congressman Trey Radel Quits-GOP crackPAC now blame
their deeep voices on huffing steroids- Radel involved with GWB Cheney
Norton's Interior Dept MMS oil leasing bribery scandals, 'Dude,
Boehner's GOP wants their stash back now! Or I am toast-Allen West
laments his GOP loss in his own specially gerrymandered district, The
Left Tries To Win Women's Vote By Talking From The Waist
Down-delusions deny conviction or indictment. Waaaaa nobody likes
W/O's record low approval GOPtp anymore alan/mother of a Seal Killed
in Benghazi will be there tonight, as guest of a Republican
Senator-the word former is disparaging, as pointed out common
practice is to remember the individual forever at the station, when
he lost his or her life in service to this nation. We are able to
call you a former human, as you have never served, and lost all
contact with what a human is
State of the disunion speech-both
Groundhog Day (2.2?) and the State of the Union address will occur on
the same day.This is an ironic juxtaposition of events. One involves
a meaningless ritual in which we look to an insignificant creature of
little intelligence for prognostication. The other involves a
groundhog-Appears the disunity you are experiencing, your inability
to unite with facts-You should really get your head out of your
keister. I can't think of another president which has inflamed the
differences between capital and labor, the races, the economic
classes, Dems and Repubs, etc. And you'll hear more of it tonight-of
course the tea party and 10 trillion in debt, by the GOP has nothing
to do with it with their trickle down economics giving more and more
to the rich, Did you know that in the last election the Koch brothers
spent more money that all candidates combined? GOP trying to take
away voting rights, war on women, war on immigrants, wanting cust in
social security, foodstamps, school loans, and you want to blame the
division on Obama? Wake up Hitch the rest of us have caught o the the
GOP agenda. ybac/
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