Republicans Fighting back against what they call unfair targeting of
conservatives, voted to delay efforts by the Obama administration to
further restrict political activities of groups claiming Texas
Democratic Candidate Calls For Execution Of Obama ap/journal
Forensic Science International, two outwardly healthy young men, aged
23 and 28, who died unexpectedly after smoking cannabis, the first
cases of suspected fatal cannabis intoxications full post
mortem investigations, showed that the younger man had a serious
undetected heart problem and the older one had a history of alcohol,
amphetamine and cocaine abuse. Dr. David Nutt, who is chairman of
Britain's Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs and wasn't
involved, said the researchers had presented an
"exceptionally complete collection of evidence in support of
their theory that, unusually, cannabis was the trigger for these two
tragedies, Nutt added that alcohol and tobacco use are responsible
for a large share of premature deaths in Europe each year. An
additional strain to the heart during strenuous activities can have
similarly fatal consequences in people with underlying conditions/TX
issues? Texas declared a disaster state! Record drought continues,
vanishing Texas lakes expose Ghost Towns & Zombie Graves-Man
Shoots, Kills Himself While Showing Girlfriend How Safe Guns
Are- Possessing a gun makes you less safe not more safe. Paranoid gun
addicts can't help continually proving they're Darwinian discards
alan-Bolton: We're In Decline As Iran Ascends-The USA is the only
remaining global super power and our #1 Military is stronger than the
next top ten Military spending nations combined including China, NATO
France, etc! Johnny in the conversation Will Ferrell Slammed By Right
Wing For Promoting Obamacare-many cons deserve zero credit for being
opposed to "rabid lefty" Nixon's EPA & GHWB's Clean
Water Act! -Even Repub Governors say Obamacare is here-Tea Party
Buys Likes-Protests and a coup d'etat restored democracy in Ukraine
right now' so they can join the socialist EU-USA's GOPtp
disenfranchises voter democracy because they know they can't win a
legal election-Astroturf fads flameout and buying ‘Likes’ won't
help Koch Oil's flushed & buried TP-Cheney Attacks Obama: 'He'd
Much Rather Spend The Money On Food Stamps-SNAP Food stamps save
lives, unlike the Cheney Admins $6 T Halliburton bailout leaving
record low everything since Hoover's Great Depression- Bush Cries Over
Vets Suffering From His Wars: 'I'm Right There With Them-
Teary looks
back on his deadly decade of death saying 'Don't look at me. It
wasn't Big Oil's fault! God lied when I was told to invade Iraq-Spent
More On Defense In 2012 Than The Next Ten Countries Below Us
Combined-DARPA, NSF, NIH & VA's research & science create
many excellent well paying jobs. But if all US Military &
National security spending is included: The USA spends
DOUBLE-alan/Anti-LGBT researcher Paul Cameron open to death penalty
for ‘dangerous’ gay ‘parasites-Kansas investigators
video of firefighter’s deadly brawl with police officer-Will
Ferrell’s Facebook followers don’t want to ‘get covered,’
they want him to ‘get f*cked-Republican bill to revise Obamacare
would kick one million off their policies-Texas teen viciously beats
and abducts gay man after targeting him on dating website- Fox News
Overfed’ blacks use food stamps as a ‘fat pill’ Hannity-Texas
police defend DUI arrest of black man who blew 0.00 on
Breathalyzer-Maryland police chief cites phony report on weed deaths
in testimony against drug bills-No charges for Michigan cops who
fatally shot homeless man 11 times over stolen coffee-Virginia GOP
treasurer sorry he called Republican woman lawmaker a sexist tw*t-IMF
study debunks right wing arguments against income
redistribution- carlson: It’s ‘called fascism’ when laws give
LGBT people equal treatment-King: Obama should impose Christendom on
Latin America like Columbus-Robertson: Eric Holder elevated sodomy
over the Constitution, so impeach him-demeaning’ same-sex marriage
ban is unconstitutional in texas-Don’t let capitalists control
firearm production, warns creator of 3 D printable ‘Liberator’
gun-Florida woman living off solar power and rain water ordered use
city utilities-Nugent says he learned his Nazi rhetoric from the DEA
and Texas Rangers-Cooper destroys Arizona Republican-Takei rips
‘extremist’ Arizona Repubs: ‘How do people like that get
elected?-Fischer: LGBT activists are ‘jack-booted homofascist
thugs’ for wanting equality-AZ bill not anti gay if pro gay
‘straight men’ are also refused service- Daily Show’ obliterates
Fox News Confederate apologist: ‘I just un-f*cked your facts-Church
officials blame Minnesota mom for not protecting sons from priest who
abused them-Mary Landrieu on Obama: ‘I don’t vote for black
people… They got their place-Vermont stepfather crushed baby’s
skull after months of abuse didn’t end parental rights-Buchanan:
Anti LGBT measures prove civil rights laws should be
repealed-Grandmother in tears after Burger King receipt brands her a
‘b*tch a** hoe-rsy/ Morgan slammed for 'accidentally' omitting oil
pipeline maps in federal application-These are people in charge of a
$5 billion construction project, and they ‘forgot’ to include
their maps? Absolutely extraordinary vo/Link Between Acetaminophen
Use During Pregnancy and ADHD?-CA Couple Stumbles Onto Historic $10M
Gold Discovery-VA Destroyed Vets' Medical Records to Eliminate
Requests for Exams-Bible Stopped 2 Bullets in Attack on Bus
Driver-Lobster Buying CA Musician on Food Stamps: My Lifestyle 'Looks
Like a Good Time, Man-Student Teacher Sexting Considered Protected
Free Speech-Inexcusable': GOP Rep. Blasts Obama for Ignoring US
Success in Afghanistan-Could Tornadoes Be Stopped By Building a
'Great Wall' in the Midwest?-Environmentalists Try to Silence Charles
Krauthammer on Climate Change-FDA Panel Mulls Technique That Creates
Babies Using DNA of 3 People fni/The judge's bosses want the lawsuits
dismissed- The "powers that be" (the REAL power in the
world) can get anything done that they want to. They killed JFK,
orchestrated 9/11. Sure, they can get this case dismissed. The media,
which is their puppet, won't say a word about it.
Have any regrets for ignoring Intel in march 01? Almost 3,000 died
because of you and the amd. You yell about Benghazi, I beg to differ
about your lack of ethics, morals, and patriotism-Regret. what for? I
came away 39 billion dollars richer for making people believe that I
started a war for their Freedom. They were too dumb to ask why Iraq?
3,000 people lost? Who gives a F&&K. Hell I got rich while
over and a half died. So, no no regrets. What would make you assume
such a thing? I may have a heart now, that does not mean I feel-Vote
the lying demonic scheming republican crime syndicate out of
government 2014-figures YOU would admire a subhuman DICK-Please Don't
Disrespect A Sith Lord-Cheney never met a war he wouldn't send others
to die in-Die soon. Please-you are using fairy dust to argue
logic-ashes to ashes, dust to dust, if that's where you want to
go-The Facts have a well known Liberal bias! Stephen Colbert. fb/
Coulter; such an egotistical indoctrinated self-loving cunt. Why the
fuck is she on my computer screen? How can such an unenlightened,
ignorant person get so much air time ut/Brewer vetoed a religious
freedom bill under threat of a national boycott by foes of the
measure who said it would promote discrimination against
gays-Teabaggers were more fun when they were opposing Sharia Law
instead of trying to implement it-adjacent to the marriage issue.
Your author makes a huge reach and you fell for it. No one should be
forced to participate in a gay marriage if it violates their
religious beliefs, but that doesn't mean we need to deny an entire
segment of society their constitutionally guaranteed right to equal
protection under the law-aibafs
Legalizes Medicalized Killing of Children- Also in the Netherlands,
the infamous Groningen Protocol is a medical and legal road map for
killing disabled newborns-legal, medicalized killing supposedly for a
very few under very specific circumstances, followed by the expansion
of killing to categories of people who were never, ever defined under
the law as being eligible for death. The unsurprising result has been
unregulated killing, people being killed who never requested
euthanasia, "regulatory" panels stacked with pro-death
zealots, and skyrocketing body counts everywhere. Even less
surprising, the availability of death on demand has bent the public
will to acceptance of this grisly business. Recent polls in the
Netherlands, for instance, have shown that about three quarters of
the public now support assisted suicide and euthanasia for just about
any reason, including requests from those who are "tired of
living. the moral catastrophe of pro death madness. Hundreds have
traveled to Swiss death clinic Dignitas, where they are put to death,
at their request, by assisted suicide. Luxembourg thinks killing via
euthanasia and assisted suicide is just dandy, as do the Dutch. In
2002, Belgium followed this hellish contagion, however, one part of
this macabre drumbeat for death on demand at any time, anywhere, for
any reason that has been held somewhat in check: the age of the
person requesting medical killing. Until recently, even the most
virulent pro-deathers have been careful to emphasize that death
requests should be made by adults, that is, those 18 years and
older-Rogers shot 34-year-old James T. DeWitt after a night of
drinking at Rogers’ home. DeWitt stayed the night, the following
morning after they returned from an errand to buy more beer. Rogers,
who is legally blind, said he felt threatened by DeWitt, so he went
into his bedroom and retrieved his assault rifle. Rogers said DeWitt
charged at him and he shot DeWitt without provocation, Florida court
granted Rogers immunity from criminal charges under the state’s
Stand Your Ground law, But even states that have expanded their
“Castle Doctrines” typically limit these home protection laws to
those who forcibly enter a home or vehicle, not invited guests.
Rogers also escaped conviction several years earlier in a deal with
prosecutors for firing 15 rounds at his cousin after a night of
drinking, and spent time in jail after punching a woman in a domestic
violence, because the Stand Your Ground law immunized Rogers from any
criminal charge whatsoever arising from the incident, the law
requires police to give the guns back
aibafs/Uganda has passed a new
anti gay bill meaning that gay people could face life imprisonment if
they repeatedly break the law against homosexuality Denmark,
Netherlands cut aid to Uganda Attitude/
speech on campus would be abolished If this Harvard University
student got her way, and professors with dissenting views fired,
because radical leftism is the only permissible political philosoph
dailycaller/From Reagan to Bush, how the GOP has broken the American
dream, For over thirty years, the growing gap between the rich and
poor in the United States has widened at an alarming rate.
examiner.-The ol "blame it on Bush" never seems to stop for
some. Why don't they focus on fixing the *problem*, Obama, who's our
President *now-Conservative Christians Help Write Law That Kills Gays
In Uganda, Funded by American Tax Dollars newspaper published a list
of the “Top 100 Homosexuals” which included their full names,
pictures, and addresses coreysviews/Nugent: Obama Starting Race War,
Just Like Brown Shirts-All NRA board member gun salesmen find it
impossible to tell any truth ever. Even Dennis Miller implies 'you
loons are delusional. NRA xenophobic gun nut racists need mental
hospitalization, Even Pat Robertson says Radioactive Zircon dating
proves creationists are delusional alan/Black GOP candidate: Georgia
Republican Assembly is ‘full of a bunch of damn bigots-substitute
‘truther’ teacher explains 9/11, Jonestown, Pearl Harbor to high
schoolers-Substitute elementary school teacher arrested in Oklahoma
for showing up to class drunk-Georgia Republican stands up for sex
offenders-Cobain’s home town honors him with sad, ugly
statue-Minnesota nursing home defends rapist: victim 89 was a
‘flirt-Cop harasses photographer, steals his cellphone battery and
tries to get YouTube to pull the video-Perry: Background checks is a
bad ‘attitude towards manufacturers of weapons’ rsy/
here we have it: the Nazis paved the way, and now we can follow in
their futuristic, progressive path: marriages are in decline,
Christianity is dying, illegitimacy is on the rise, paganism seems
the way forward, and homosexuality is making great advances towards
normal status enza ferreri blogspot americanthinker aibafs
Bush administration State Department official and ardent
neo-conservative, Dobriansky’s heirs, including his daughter Paula
Dobriansky, are raising the bloody shirt for Western intervention in
Ukraine and the Russian Federation, The so called nationalities
problem of Russia and former republics of the Soviet Union has often
been used as a weapon by the CIA and its front organizations and
supporters. Dobriansky once thundered to Congress about places most
Americans never heard of in his plan to bring about ethnic tension in
Eurasia. Dobriansky ridiculed U.S, commentators, Where is White
Ruthenia? Where is Cossackia? Many admitted they never heard of Idel
Ural or Azerbaijan or even Turkestan, Their rhetoric is as inane and
silly today as it was during the 1950s and 60s when their forefathers
only found allies in right wing extremists, aging movie stars like
Ronald Reagan and Adolphe Menjou, and ex Nazis-Yuval Steinitz
recently refused an American offer to convene a joint Israel U.S. PA
against Israel, explaining that there is no point in convening a
committee that will be a coverup for continued incitement by the
Palestinian, in order to achieve peace, the PA must first stop its
incitement against Israel, which includes educating young children
towards hatred and terrorism israelnationalnews-iapb/
Gun At Snow Plow Driver-Another CCW Gun Addict arrested for Attempted
Murder. The wussy gunman has a concealed pistol license-refuses help
and dies. My Reaction: Surprising, even to Me-gun worship vs loaded
snakes. These fundamentalist Bible fanatics are really snake
worshipers who sacrifice themselves to their superior snakes. Snake
addicts are identical to gun own-32,163 killed by guns in 2011. Your
pedantic ignorance is dishonest & deceptive-DeLay: Americans
Forgot That God 'Wrote The Constitution-God told Perry to deep throat
a corndog for photographers, so he'd win the GOP nomination in 2011
and be elected in 2012 as POTUS alan/ GOP blackmailed and were
willing to shut down gov and cut ALL pay from everyone in order to
force votes to get veterans benefits cut need to be impeached and
jailed. The dems that voted were forced to in order to keep gov
functioning but they also fought back and got it reinstated so that
there are no cuts. BLAME the guilty party the GOP don't blame the
dems that were blackmailed to vote and fought for veterans because it
is only due to these democrats that veteran pay was fully reinstated
with no cuts fb/Nebraska judge throws out a state law that gave a
Nebraska Governor the power to push the Keystone XL pipeline through
private lands voYoung Mom Claims McDonald's Fired Her for Paying
Firefighters Tab-Family of Murdered College Student Outraged Over
Sentence for Knockout Attacker-Man Saw Light After Heart Stopped for
45 Minute-Neighbors Witnessed, Chased Suspect Kidnapping of Slain
Girl 10-Texas Islamic 'Village' Linked to Extremist Group in
Pakistan-Bibles Removed From Univ. Hotel Rooms: Hannity Takes on Head
of Atheist Group-If FCC Shows Up Here, Throw Them Out! Nap Takes on
Radical Media Monitoring Plan-Bolton, No One Is Paying Attention to
Obama as Ukraine Violence Worsens- Tea Party Being Hijacked? Hannity,
Coulter Go Head2Head-O'Reilly Obscure Other Problems' fni/Bucking
Republicans, Obama’s 2015 budget to call for end to austerity-250
copies of Anne Frank’s Diary vandalized in Tokyo libraries-Blitzer
presses Perry on Ted Nugent’s vile disgusting comments-Noam
Chomsky: ‘How to ruin an economy’ in three simple steps-Florida
Cop attacked me for recording traffic stop-Austin police drag jogger
to car screaming after jaywalking without ID-
Jon Stewart mocks ‘meth
labs of democracy’ bills in Arizona, Kansas, and Missouri-Colbert:
O’Reilly an idiot for not verifying $10 million eBay bid from Bone
Ranger-Michele Bachmann: Hillary can’t ride wave of white guilt
into office like Obama did-
Tenn. official ‘threatened’ blacks
with skin ‘trophy’ he saved from 1896 lynching-Abbott doesn’t
want to answer questions about Ted-Colorado
lawmaker leaves his loaded handgun behind following concealed carry
meeting rsy/
head coach Pete Carroll hosted a retired four-star general at the
Seahawks facility last spring and blitzed him with questions about
whether the 9/11 attacks had been planned or faked, didn’t stop at
9/11—he had lots of questions about the role of the military
today-Investigator Stonewalled and Threatened, the professional
expertise to conclude the official story is impossible, and to demand
arrests in order for the public to have the truth and demand for
criminal arrests of leaders involved in Sandy HookIn my professional
opinion, [Sandy Hook was] a scripted event, in planning for maybe
two, two and a half years aibafs/Georgia cop fatally shoots teen boy
who was holding a Wii video game controller-VW workers may block
southern U.S. deals if no unions-Montana judge admits fault for
blaming victim of rape-McDonald’s fires 8-year worker after she
donates food to firefighters-Nugent calls Obama ‘subhuman
mongrel-five banker deaths in January, a sixth: J.P. Morgan exec
jumps in Hong Kong-Texas GOP county chair candidate arrested for
attacking man who called him a ‘RINO-Tony Blair ‘advised Murdoch
executives over hacking-Cops suffer burns trying to subdue Georgia
man who set himself on fire in grocery store-Stewart: Michael Dunn
trial teaches us, ‘If you fire a gun, you better f*cking hit
somebody-South Carolina white supremacist pastor charged with
sexually abusing little girl-Florida teacher forced elementary school
student to unclog urinal with bare hands-Zimmerman says angry Florida
mob chased him out of Miami-Gay heart attack patient says Catholic
priest refused him last rites-RNC chair Reince Priebus leaked info to
Scott Walker about primary opponent, Scott Walker may be the next
Chris Christie, trouble for Republicans-Candidates for TX Board of
Education do not believe state should be involved in education-South
Carolina lawmaker wants to defund colleges that teach award-winning
LGBT books-Taibbi quits Rolling Stone, joins Greenwald-Stewart on
drone strikes: Obama is ‘our country’s all-time leader in outside
battlefield sky killing-Calif. Christian missions tortured mentally
disabled with Bible punishments rsy/Zimmerman's failures are just
like Cheney's statement '9/11/01 was my best day in the GWB Admin.'
GZ's life up until 2/26/12, like the GWB Admin, was the worst-U.S.
Facing National Clown Shortage-GOPtp politicians, your country needs
you to resign in 2014, change jobs to meet this national crisis.
You're all clowns anyway, so no retraining is required- snake charmer
Cruz never refuses a bet. Jeb should challenge Cruz to a no
anti-venom snake bite duel dis/proving their anointment as false
prophets. This is a win win eitherway-Increase In Missouri Murder
Rate After Background Check Repeal-I wanna shoot people because GWB's
Great Recession lost 8 M+ better jobs, than the tepid 1 M+ government
jobs lost by Obama's-Former Congressman Busted In Zimbabwe For
Filming Porn, Another Rhodes Scholar lost weekend-Holt: 'I will no
longer be teabgged by congressional hillbillies & Stephen King's
character Al from Bangore, Maine alan/Reacts to Startling Study,
America is ‘ignorant’ because of public schools, Internet. Not
from watching Fox-Goodall: China is pillaging Africa like an old
colonial power-Obama is trying to turn Uganda gay-Joe the Plumber has
a union job at Chrysler, doesn’t like being called
‘teabagger-Abbott vows to campaign with Nugent despite ‘sexual
predator’ history-Chevron offers coupons for pizza combo after
their fracking well explodes-Stop threatening to kill people on
Twitter-Pat Robertson: Keep your mouth shut after having sex with
transsexuals-What Will Congress Do to Stop Obama's Power Grab?-Mom
Protests 'Indecent' Shirts in Store Window By Buying ALL of
Them-Gov't Monitors in Newsrooms? FCC to Look Into Media Decision
Making-2 Ex-Navy SEALs Found Dead on 'Captain Phillips' Ship-You're
Done for the Night, O'Reilly Shut Down Colmes-Not Anti Union, I'm
Anti UAW Corker-What's Stopping Hannity From Becoming a Libertarian?,
Makes Cameo Appearance in 'House of Cards-Catch Me If You Can' Biker
Caught-U.S. Considering Prisoner Swap Involving Lone American
POW-Establishment GOP Want IRS to Go After Tea Party? Self-Absorbed
and Ignorant': O'Reilly Calls Out Uninformed Americans- fni/Way to
rawstory Alabama House panel wipe their asses with the constitution
approves school prayer bill even though majority no vote committee
approved legislation by a voice vote that would allow public school
teachers to lead students in prayer fb/A meeting she describes with
an elderly Palestinian woman in the territories is telling about the
impetus behind Walker’s hostile attitude towards Jews and Israelis.
The woman, upon accepting a gift from Walker, says “May God protect
you from the Jews” to which Walker responds, It’s too late, I
already married one, yes, Alice Walker hates Jews, possibly because
she hates her ex, possibly because she thinks they’re space aliens…
because among other things, Walker is a fan of David Icke. And Icke
believes the world is run by space lizards who have a moon hologram
to conceal their base iapb/
upholds Citigroup arbitration win over Abu Dhabi fund R/ Celebrating
`A Real American Hero/GI Joe Turns 50 at Bloomberg Lehman's $767M
payout to Freddie Mac approved, WSJ says at theflyonthewall/Roughly
54.8 million households currently pay for cable TV, down 3.3% from
2012 and down 17.6% from a decade prior, Cable companies are expected
to shed roughly 1.3 million subscribers in 2014 mw/AP Dozens of
Africans have accepted an Israeli government offer to relocate to
Uganda/AFP-Sunni extremist have said they will target Hezbollah,
which is backed by Iran, Two suicide car bombs targeted an Iranian
cultural centre in Beirut-What demands do you hope to achieve by
killing all of these innocent people? Hell and worse? That's all God
has in store for you. None of this is martyrdom. This is murder and
suicide, both of which are strictly forbidden in Isalm as stated in
the Quran. Your Amendments to the religion as a means to justify your
terrorism are your own, not God's. These Amendments are also strictly
forbidden and are a gauranteed route to enternal damnation-now you
are worried about innocent people killed ??. How many innocents live
have been killed by Iranian sponsored terrorists ? That is why you
people will always stay inferior-really sad folks how can anyone deny
the bible wich was wrote 2000-4000 yrs ago and these things are
coming true today? we are folks living in the last days.every 2000
yrs something major happens and 2000 yrs ago the Jews had the Romans
crusifiy Jesus and they, have denied him but the time is almost here
that they will turn to him as a nation, if you want to make fun of me
or critisize me thats fine but you cant deny the power of
God-Actually, you can't deny that evolution of fact, religion is a
myth-you are deranged. Excuse us for not paying any attention to your
ravings-Iran is fighting Al Queda while Israel is arming them in
Syria? These car bombs seem very similar to the bombs Israel placed
on the Iranian scientists cars not long ago, CORRECTION: the above is
bogus, the Israelis, if they did it, carried in the car to kill
dozens around it. MOHAMMEDAN STYLE.-wondered how long it would be
before some jerk blamed this on Israel. Now, someone drop the other
shoe and come on here and blame it on Obama, and then your work will
be done-does support the Muslim Brotherhood at the same time
that he allows Iran to thumb its nose at us, so he is at least
indirectly responsible/
design group attacks Darwin by linking evolution to disgraced right
wing writer-Justified’ actor Nick Searcy asked us not to call him a
‘Teabagger,’ ‘Ultra Con,’ or ‘Bigot’ in this
headline-Levin: Gay marriage affects society like father daughter
incest-Cruz: ‘Pray’ for discrimination because same sex marriage
is ‘heartbreaking rsy/The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, a
zealous revolutionary swept up, as all Jews of the era were, in the
religious and political turmoil of first-century Palestine rh/Zell
ought to be forced to spend a week with a single mother with three
jobs, struggling just to feed her children and keep a roof over their
heads. Then he should spend a month working in a dangerous, gritty
coal mine in West Virginia-Big Tobacco Hasn't Given Up Peddling
Cancer Sticks-Institutional Homophobia, Looming Terrorism, Anti
Semitism and the Slaughter of Dogs: The Propaganda Olympics in
Sochi-Francis, Help the Children Sexually Abused by Priests: Open the
Vatican Archives-How Entitlements for the Rich Cheat the Rest of
Us-The Persistence of Selective Deficit Disorder BuzzFlash/federal
jury found Mathew Martoma guilty of insider trading. Martoma's boss
is Steven A. Cohen, worth about $9 billion, who directs a criminal
enterprise masquerading as a hedge fund called SAC Capital-Illinois
Department of Corrections and Attorney Staughton Lynd Respond to
Ongoing Menard Prison Hunger Strike-reports of poisons massively
entering our water supply have been occurring with the same dreary
regularity as reports of shootings at schools to/Warren Calls on
Obama To Nominate Fewer Corporate Judges Salon/Will Obama Do the
Right Thing on Ozone and Smog This Time Around? Grist/ Health, Work,
Lies Krugman-No, Liberals Don't Control the Democratic Party
Atlantic/ ZNet: Getting radical anti capitalist ideas wrong and
ignoring those ideas completely are timeworn traditions for US
intellectuals/ Ohio Oil Industry Paying to Educate Teachers About
Fracking Al Jazeera/Moral Monday Movement Kicks Off 2014 With a
Massive Rally in Raleigh tn/The NSA's Secret Role in the US
Assassination Program TheIntercept/US Suspect Possibly Targeted for
Drone Attack ap/Scott Walker Says He Voted for Reagan, But He Wasn't
Old Enough tpm/Hartmann: More than 80,000 People Marched Against
Right Wing Policies in North Carolina-thanks in large part to Dick
Cheney, it's exempt from having to follow most important
environmental laws on the books./Taibbi: The Vampire Squid Strikes
Again: The Mega Banks Most Devious Scam Yet/Last Flight of the
Monarchs? A Plea for Help for the Dying Butterflies DailyBeast
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