acts being carried out in the Syrian civil war know no bounds. The
war has seen more than 120,000 people killed in just under three
years, with many mass executions documented, thousands
of women and girls, and torture of prisoners, sometimes ending in
their death. A new book currently on sale documents close to 3,000
victims of execution, who were killed by forces loyal to Syrian
strongman Bashar al-Assad, videos show
entire families, from babies to old grandparents, who had their
throats slashed with knives. But Islamist rebels are also involved in
mass atrocities. Over the last few months, pictures have been
published showing rebels literally slaughtering Assad's soldiers.
They even go a step further, often beheading their victims and
showing the head to the camera, as a sign of victory over the
Alawites and Shiites, video, made by an organization identified with
Al Qaeda, terrorists proudly demonstrate what they call "the
fastest way to behead Alawites, captive is seen kneeling, his hands
tied behind his body and his eyes covered with cloth. In front of him
is a pickup truck equipped with a heavy machine gun. A member of the
Islamist organization points the gun to the victim's head and fires,
as cries of "Allahu akbar" are heard, latest footage comes
on the heals of a call by the Islamic State of Iraq and al Shams
(ISIS) for the systematic killing of Shia Muslims. ISIS is one of two
Al Qaeda-linked groups operating in Syria, and those comments among
others illustrate the sectarian nature of the civil war, as the
mainly Sunni rebels seek to oust the regime of Bashar al Assad, who
is a member of the Alawite offshoot of Shia Islam al Qaeda vows death
to Shi'ites for 'cursing the prophet Mohammed'; urges terrorists to
keep fighting in Iraq, Sinai peninsula israelnationalnews-Sounds like
a "Civil War" to me. The American Civil War killed more
people than all the rest of our wars put together. Viciousness hasn't
only happened in the ME militaryfactory-War is bad enough. How many
beheadings during the Civil War?-I don't know if there were any,
knowing some Americans there might have been some. But, it was a very
bloody war and in the South, it still simmers, no matter what anyone
says-Israeli soldiers shot dead a 15-year-old Palestinian boy in the
West Bank, Wajdi Ramahi from the Jalazoun refugee camp near Ramallah
said his son, Wajeeh, was killed by a shot to the back. Ramahi said
his son was playing football on school grounds and then went to a
nearby grocery store to buy something to drink ap-clash Arab rioter
in Jelazoun refugee camp in Ramallah AFP israelnationalnews-most of
taxi cabs in israel are mercedes benz-guess that means Israel has
forgiven Germany for the Holocaust. In the 60's and early 70's many
Jews wouldn't dream of buying a Mercedes Benz or VW-Republicans
were the racists?- 148-years-ago republicans outlawed slavery-You
didn't know that Lincoln was a Republican? He used to sleep with men,
but it was OK because he was a Republican-amazing that the ACA site
works as well as it does right now, considering the limited budget
and bull-headed efforts of republicans to block affordable healthcare
to anyone who does not make as much as they do. Republiteas? You
might want to work on that one a bit. That one fell flat. What
specific funding was blocked? Please provide links. No one is denying
it was a large undertaking. The problem is that after sufficient time
and funding it was launched without being complete. It still is not
complete. The problems go far beyond just being able to access the
site itself. Sufficient funding?" ROTFLMBO. So you don't think
"rebubliteas" has a nice ring to it? It is much more civil
than how democrats and progressives are referred to on this board.
Not going to bother with links because you and I both know you would
not read them-Mandela did not free South Africa’s blacks and
establish equality for all. He created a society of racial
retribution that has been hidden by international presses. When I
heard that President Obama ordered American flags to be lowered to
half mast, it turned my stomach. There is nothing to praise or honor
this man for other than he reversed the roles of apartheid, making
white South Africans the oppressed and fair targets for black
vengeance. Godfather politics/if THAT is the case, why is 80 percent
of the farmland still owned by whites, the fact is, godfather is
guilty of not doing any real fact checking before running with one of
their typical stories... what the story refers to happened in
Lestotho, Zimbabwe, and Swaziland-Juan Williams argues that the Tea
Party movement emerged from the "ashes" of Ron Paul's 2008
presidential primary campaign.[66] Others[who?] have argued that the
Koch brothers were essential in fostering the movement.[67][68] In
2013, a study published in the journal Tobacco Control concluded that
organizations within the movement were connected with non-profit
organizations that the tobacco industry and other corporate interests
worked with and provided funding for, including groups Citizens for a
Sound Economy (founded by the Koch brothers). Al Gore cited the study
and said that the connections between "market fundamentalists,
the tobacco industry and the Tea Party could be traced to a 1971 memo
from tobacco lawyer Lewis F. Powell, Jr. who advocated more political
power for corporations. Gore said that the Tea Party is an extension
of this political strategy "to promote corporate profit at the
expense of the public good-iapb/We conservatives don't have to stoop
to MSNBC's Martin Bashir's low life filth to show how full of s**t
Barack Hussein Obama is, He's doing a fine job all by himself!-Palin
is a treasonous small minded, shrill piece of work that doesn't
deserve the attention she receives. As anti-American and as obvious
as her use of FALSE PATRIOTISM is, her TABLOID Patriotism makes her
one of the most repulsive public characters in the unUS of
A-Yourself, the devil, another lying religion, the ghost busters,
who?-so many people from all religions capitulate into the mental
illness of their cultures' verbal religion addiction claims, hanging
on to them for dear life and never letting go. For once again, what
is there to let go to if you let go?
Nothing!- you can continue the
lie though, and say evil and lies are the way god processes us, till
we break through them and win the gift of good existence and eternity
in the next life. Where the real religion is the world republic,
shamanism, science and now Tesla, which got robbed by the strong men
elites of the world and their made up state religions over their
people. Who keep the old lies front and center, which unfortunately
keeps the process of their motto that 'their can only be one elites'
state religion and world empire from that, left standing, requiring
constant lies, evil and wars till it is achieved, That has to be
fought with the new lie of the world republic religion, and standing
up to god devil like it wants us to, against the old lies it allowed,
and then win the good gift of good existence and eternity in the next
life, when it has been won by fighting the old lies and god's
allowances of that. Then no more reincarnation coming back to this
reality till we get it right-Nice lie or nicer lie or lie of last
resort, in order to keep us sane, hopeful and meaningful?
was surprised by the hostility and vehemence of some of the people
who reacted to me saying a kind word about a unique historic figure.
So let me say to those conservatives who don’t want to honor Nelson
Mandela, what would you have done? Mandela was faced with a vicious
apartheid regime that eliminated all rights for blacks and gave them
no hope for the future, if you had been imprisoned for 27 years, 18
of them in a cell eight foot by seven foot, how do you think you
would have emerged? Would you have been angry? Would you have been
bitter?-I bet the race baiters wont have much to say about that. For
once I totally agree with Newt! The venom against him just showed the
inherent racism within the Teabagger extremists! Of course, we have
always known this was the case. I guess it is just beginning to dawn
on Newt and other more seasoned Republicans-Conservatives seem to
always find themselves on the wrong side of history. Apartheid was
evil in S. Africa, and it's evil in Israel-Gauck had visited both the
Olympics and the Paralympics in London last summer. The boycott is
the first by a major political figure. So far, it has mainly been
artists and activists such as Stephen Fry, Harvey Fierstein and Lady
Gaga, who have called for a boycott of the Sochi Games in reaction to
a new Russian law which criminalises gay “propaganda”. In an open
letter to the British prime minister and the IOC in June, Fry said
“an absolute ban on the Russian Winter Olympics of 2014 in Sochi is
simply essential”. David Cameron has ruled out a boycott, arguing
that anti gay prejudice would be better tackled by presence rather
than absence-the highest number of tropical storms, 10 have been
since the year 2000. Records go back a hundred years. We are having
busier hurricane seasons period. Steer has been refuted but of course
he will not admit it because this right wing propaganda is his
religion-wunderground hurricane top10-the last 162 years the ten
busiest hurricane seasons have been in the last 13 years-must be a
coinkydink-what does the KKK site or John Birch Society have to say
about it? Dat's de only source dat matter-a cautionary message:
austerity does have a tipping point. Ratchet up the budget cuts a few
notches, and sparks will fly-yes indeed, one might reasonably ask
with the economy going the way it is, with the unequal economic
playing field, with the unequal banana republic type of wealth
distribution, with the social safety net under attack by austerity
sharks in the right wing ...."Why Don't American Cities
Burn?- Corporate conservatives want special rules that let them
privatize profits and socialize losses. Religious conservatives want
special exemptions from civic duties and laws that apply to everyone
else. Libertarian conservatives simply believe they are special—that
4,000 diaper changes and university educations notwithstanding, they
truly are self-made and don’t owe anything to anyone, past, present
or future. It’s time we challenged the notion that the Republicans
are the party of responsibility. rbg/Fox News Editor Declares War on
Pope Francis, Calls Him the Catholic Church’s Obama people flock to
Walmart for perceived bargains and convenience. Here are some facts
that might keep them from adding their hard-earned cash to the
profits of a company that's squashing lives and worker rights
worldwide/Hypocrisy, Stupid: Fundamentalist Christian Bullies Running
Amok in America's Military, AlterNet/ Bankruptcy or Bunko? The Right's
War on Detroit's Public Pensioners-purposeful, ideologically driven
assault on democratic government orchestrated by ALEC and forces in
Michigan's Statehouse has starved already ailing Detroit of revenues.
Through the emergency financial manager, they will continue to
redistribute public assets to corporate pockets/Agency Proves That
Some Bankers Aren't Too Big to Jail/"Do What Thou Wilt," or
Who Imagined Ted Cruz Into Existence?-Walmart Is Not the Bargain You
Might Think-The closer your political platform gets to allowing
everyone to do as they want and at the same time pointing out and
berating what's interfering with this, the better your chances are to
get elected to national office in the United States/Agency Proves
That Some Bankers Aren't Too Big to Jail wp/ Vermont Approves
Single-Payer Health Care: "Everybody In, Nobody Out, will be
fully operational by 2017, and will be funded through Medicare,
Medicaid, federal money for the ACA given to Vermont and a slight
increase in taxes/Hartmann: The Fossil Fuel Industry Is Refusing to
Accept Defeat in Colorado Fracking Bans, filed a lawsuit in two
cities claiming that voters violated a state law by banning
fracking-workers and activists delivered a petition to the
Massachusetts State House to put paid sick time before voters on the
2014 ballot-Mandela's life long work as a political activist; and
to Keep Your Personal Information Safe Online-Author Stirs
Controversy by Claiming That Women Need a Husband to be Happy-Listen:
New Yorkers Say Eerie Sound Is Coming From One World Trade Center-5
BILLION Records a Day: Judge Nap Takes on NSA's Massive 'Dragnet-Is
Organized Crime Moving Into the Legalized Marijuana Industry? fni/
is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies
Nelson Mandela/Conservative Movement's Long Time Hate Affair With
Mandela-Like Pavlov's Dogs When the Corporate Bells Ring
BuzzFlash/ Krugman Obama Gets Real nyt/Matt Taibbi Another Batch of
Wall Street Villains Freed on Technicality rs/Another Shutdown?
Conservatives Push to Scuttle Budget Deal tpm/Holiday Lunacy: How
Americans Are Conditioned to Buy-Bye-Bye, Fake Liberals: The Warren
Democrats Are Winning Salon/Twelve Years a Slave: Kidnapped Into the
Horror of Slavery published in 1853, about the business and culture
of enslavement in the South. Solomon Northup's memoir offers a vivid,
horrifying account of the abominable practice/Truthout: Given that
neocons are agitating for new Congressional sanctions on Iran now in
the hopes that this will sink recent diplomatic success, shouldn't
Sen. Elizabeth Warren be speaking out now?
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