Teacher Curses Out 8th-Graders-U.S. Soldier Gets 20 Years for Afghan
Battlefield Shooting-Palin's Warning to GOP Senators Who Voted With
Dems -They Just Can't Help Themselves': Greta Calls Out Senate's $3B
Earmark-Knife Wielding 'Meth Head' Arrested in Terrifying School Bus
Hijacking fni/
You Ignorant Filth Blame The Debt On LBJ? Born: August 27, 1908,
Stonewall, TX Died: January 22, 1973, Stonewall, TX-he gets blamed
for THE GREAT DEMONICRAT FAILURE SOCIETY responsible for much of the
debt-How So You Ignorant Filth?,. The Debt Is From Not Paying The
Bill Filth! The Bill Was Known To Be Coming You Maggot!,. Raygun Knew
He Was Deficit Spending ALL 8 Years!-Twenty TRILLION DOLLARS spent on
LBJ's "war on poverty" the very WORST bang for the buck
gubmint program ever devised. It was meant to lock up the poor black
and white votes for the dem party and it worked! The problem, of
course, is that it institutionalized poverty, addicting millions to
government handouts and on the other side, removing any sign of
independent ambition from those same millions. It still exists today,
the democrat slave plantation. A stronger addiction than the best
heroin produced-You Are Including Medicare!, That Is Given To
EVERYONE Over 65!, Not Just The Poor!, Go Check Your Numbers Again!,
BTW Since 1981 We've Paid $9 Trillion Just In Interest On The Debt
Because Raygun Said, "Deficits Don't Matter-he invented the
single black welfare mama which the libdems have been cultivating and
exploiting-yhal/What a way to waste a life. Go for it, Jethro! Right
wing rat humpers can't do anything but jerk off on message boards,
Which one of you loser POS rat bumpers can come up with the most IDs
using Obama's name?-You know you are a Teabagger if you consider the
fifth grade your senior year-POS Teabagger losers: what's it like
living with nothing but humiliating losses? Your gang of goonies is
drying up. By 2014, you'll all be gone- what's it like living with
nothing but humiliating losses in the Great Obama Market Bubble
?,You're so STUPID you can't even make money in a bull market-Loser
fool: you haven't got a clue how to do anything but jerk off on a
message board. I enjoy your pain. I laugh at every message posted by
you waste of meat losers because it's always something extremely
negative; it shows your agony, fool. We laugh at you pain, morons.
You can't win an election. You can't stop Obama. You can lie and
slander and cry like a sore loser, but you can't do anything else
except squeal like a stepped on rat-ybac/bought 4000 shares at $4.35
conference call yesterday that FDA was investigating. anyone who
knows anything about biotech would know that. This POS will bounce.
Mark my words. I will make $$$$ on Monday- Now you in trouble trust
me because you going after to sell @ $2. yard/Hartnett calls it the
final melt-up for the one-percentersIn our view, macro will be lifted
by lower fiscal drag and lower banking drag. Meanwhile, we think Wall
Street’s boom will likely continue until Main Street’s recovery
becomes visible and tightening starts (note while tapering may harm
the weak hands, we believe only tightening will harm the strong) Fund
Manager Survey believe the global economy will grow "above-trend"
in 2014 versus 84% who believe it will be "below trend". We
think "Bernanke care" may have truly cured all known
investor concerns, lending to large corporations appears to be
accelerating and now growing at a double digit pace; lending to small
businesses is now positive YoY for the first time since May 2008 We
continue to believe that asset allocators should reduce risk
allocations only once the consensus believes in sustained economic
growth ('escape velocity') which in turn allows the Fed to reduce
liquidity (tapering) and later raise interest rates
(tightening.:ybi/A Paleontologist’s Dream… Inside a Quarry THEY
DID NOT TREAD LIGHTLY, 300 Ft Wall In Bolivia Has Over 5,000 Dinosaur
Footprints, Believe it or not, Cal Orko is situated entirely within a
limestone quarry owned by FANCESA, Bolivia’s National Cement
Factory. Located in the ‘El Molino’ formation, you will find 462
distinct dinosaur tracks from at least 8 different species, totaling
an incredible 5,055 individual dinosaur footprints. So how did
thousands of dinosaur footprints appear on a seemingly vertical rock
face hundreds of feet high? the sight of heavy mining machinery (one
could argue they are today’s ‘land giants’) set against a
backdrop of 68m yr old dinosaur footprints-twistedsifter/fresh
charges against four former Blackwater Worldwide security contractors
[mercenaries], hired to guard US diplomats. opening fire in busy
Nisoor Square on September 16, 2007, killing 17 Iraqi civilians,
including women and children-an innocuous e mail, one of millions
sent every day. But this one was of particular interest to the
National Security Agency and contained clues that put the sender's
husband in the crosshairs of a CIA drone. Days later, Hassan Ghul, an
associate of Osama bin Laden who provided a critical piece of
intelligence that helped the CIA find the al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh]
leader, was killed by a drone-I'm Fukuppy. Nice to meet you,"
the mascot says on the company's website Tokyo Electric Power Company
(TEPCO) said on Friday they detected 400,000 becquerels per liter of
beta ray-emitting radioactive substances, including strontium, at the
site, a level 6,500 times higher than readings taken on Wednesday,
NHK World reported. The storage tank leaked over 300 tons of
contaminated radioactive water in August, some of which is believed
to have found its way into the sea through a ditch-Booker won nj U.S.
Senate special election becomes only the ninth African American
appointed or elected-Vote to End Govt Shutdown 285-144 roll call
Wednesday night- Anthony Badalamenti, 62, of Katy, Texas, faces a
maximum sentence of 1 year in prison and a $100,000 fine, former
Halliburton manager pleaded guilty destroying evidence in the
aftermath of the deadly rig explosion that spawned BP's massive 2010
oil spil-guilty in the United States to two terrorism offences in
connection with the Tamil Tigers. Piratheepan Nadarajah, Brampton,
Ont, admitted to a conspiracy to acquire anti aircraft missiles and
attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist
organization-Japan) Two groups set up by the health ministry have
started full scale studies of whether cervical cancer vaccines are
directly linked to severe pain that has affected some young women.
The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare started recommending in
April that girls between the sixth grade and the first year of high
school be given cervical cancer vaccines under a free vaccination
program. However, the ministry suspended the recommendation in June
following reports of adverse reaction-clg/how can you hope to win a
battle against an enemy when the enemy possesses jump gates and mind
control technologies so that any head of government can be abducted
and mind controlled at any time? And how can you hope to win a battle
against an enemy that can hide itself from your perception? humanity
targeted by predatory hyperdimensional species, veteran michael relfe
exopolitics/while others cheer budget deal, this is a 'very sad day,'
high-stakes budget fight was worth it, Bachmann was the only
Minnesotan to vote no on the compromise plan minnpost fb/IMF has set
off shockwaves this week in Washington by suggesting countries fight
budget deficits by raising taxes. In its Fiscal Monitor report,
subtitled "Taxing Times", the Fund advanced the idea of
taxing the highest-income people and their assets to reinforce the
legitimacy of spending cuts and fight against growing income
inequalities/NSA informants is an effortless task, when Turning a
constitutional republic into a collectivist wackos that believe that
Barack Hussein Obama is a political rock star, government schooled
illiterates adore Barry Soetoro, blind to reality. It would be one
thing if eccentric characteristics shaped such opinions of social
outcasts, but when entire segments of the MTV population speak in a
PBS lisp, the liberal popular culture has drunk the kool aid. The
zombie rage in flicks is no accident. gulag is only possible, when
the greater fool principle becomes the law of the land. Converting
entire generations of lost souls into National Civilian Service Corps
To Clean Our Brains Scientists claim to have a new explanation for
why we sleep: in the hours spent slumbering, a rubbish disposal
service swings into action that cleans up waste in the brain/MIAMI,
Salsa overtaking ketchup as America's No. 1 condiment was just the
start. These days, tortillas outsell burger and hot dog buns; sales
of tortilla chips trump potato chips; and tacos and burritos have
become so ubiquitously "American," most people don't even
consider them ethnic. Welcome to the taste of American food in
2013-turkey blew israeli spies iran cover nationalpost-tea party
faction, ominous almost like Jidahis-similar to Al Qaeda. They hate
gays, they want a state religion, they want to convert the world to
one religion, and they use terrorism to "negotiate, it's all
Constitutional-After committing sedition, can anarchy be far behind?
These tea party members are 'wild-eyed', crazy mofos!--problems of
enrolling in the exchanges have been bad enough, and the obstacles to
actually buying an insurance plan well documented. However, the
consumer experience is far from the only problem plaguing the
exchanges. The connection to the insurers passes bad data, forcing
insurers to hire more temp workers and leaving in question whether
anyone is properly covered at all, it’s more than just the
“glitches cbsnews- the point of Nutting’s analysis: if you
attribute most of fiscal year 2009 to George W. Bush then, after
adjusting for inflation, federal spending under Obama has actually
dropped by 0.1 percent. Politifact checked the numbers and agreed:
“Using raw dollars, Obama did oversee the lowest annual increases
in spending of any president in 60 years-Nobody here is conflating
opposition to Israeli policies with antisemitism; that's just another
Paliphile strawman. What we are opposed to is opposition to the idea
of Israel itself, which is what you and your people here are really
about. And it is antisemitic-pro Israel crowd on here is selling us
the New anti Semitism, that conflates opposition to Israeli policies
and actions with old guard Jew hatred. It's fascinating, not to
mention instructive, how quickly an Israeli becomes a Jew (and his
adversaries anti Semitic) when he or his State is challenged-you made
my point for me. Do you see how you did it?-(oh the irony!who do
research in that inconvenient thing called science. The site is
really more of a denialist style Drudge Report that links to whatever
nonsense it can find. Climate Depot is sponsored by the Committee for
a Constructive Tomorrow, an Exxon funded think tank.[1] Supposedly,
he exposes the "lies" of the "warmists" and
"scientific McCarthyites" given the "Petr Beckmann
award" by Doctors for Disaster Preparedness. Apparently, he
thinks this is something to be proud of wikiMarc_Morano-No major
hurricanes hit the USA this year. Thank goodness for global
warming-stupidity is contagious around here. Obama just drains your
brains-You, and everyone who liked your post, are guilty of the
latter virtually every day on this board. Anti-Zionism, at least in
this context, is antisemitism. Don't get mad at me, though; I just
call it like I see it-There is no pretense of insult to you or anyone
else, Jew. You are "proudly a Jew" per your very words, so
I thus flatter you, Jew (you have yet to claim pride in being an
American). Do you also take pride in your snake like behavior? Do not
make speculations about my "cultural beliefs," nor about my
education. That you are a "proud Jew" doesn't qualify you
as an expert in anything, other than being a Jew. Culture has many
aspects. Food is only one of them-Assad have had no better ally than
Turkey’s prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. He has effectively
kept Turkey’s border with Syria open, allowing fighters a haven in
the south of his country as weapons, cash and other supplies have
flowed to the battlefield, even fired on Assad’s forces, now,
Turkey finds itself in the same position as many of the rebels’
early backers, including the United States, concerned that Islamist
radicals have come to dominate the ranks of the Syrian opposition. It
shelled rebel positions this week for the first time since the war
started, in yet another positive turn for Mr. Assad, who has found
his position increasingly stable, if not secure-The enemies of Israel
fight with, and kill themselves-I might not question your motives.
But, I've read a number of posts authored by you over the course of a
decade of years on a whole host of issues ranging from things like
the holocaust, jewish 'crime', jewish financers, get real, man. If
the conditions of the palestinians were a concern for you from a
humanitarian stand, you might here and there post about other places
in the world where people are going through struggles similar and
worse-easy for you to say because you think it's quaint to ethnically
cleanse the Palestinians-Jews are ethnically cleansing the
Palestinians the same way that the Arabs are ethnically cleansing
whitey in Dearborn-When we talk about crimes against the Palestinians
we're talking about the Israeli people's social norms-Chris Matthews:
I Wish We Could Go Back to the Days of Friendly Politics, But the
Racist Terrorist Tea Party Traitors Who Hate the President Because
He's Black Won't Let Us-The petition is juvenile in that MoveOn.org
has no authority. If it did, the petition would be cause for alarm.
Boehner, Cantor and others would have already been arrested and
hauled before the inquisitors, law professor and blogger Glenn
Reynolds says, "these people are making plain how they think,
and what they'd do if they had the power to." Reynolds warns to
"take it seriously, because they do." thinker from Long
Beach, Calif., complained the Republicans "won't stop hurting
America until we give them a disincentive. Jail should do it."
Nashville, Tenn., says the GOP leaders' are a sorry, irresponsible
and sincerely DANGEROUS group. They should be immediately prosecuted
and jailed upon conviction, Springfield, Ohio, demands the
Republicans be hanged "on the capital lawn" because treason
"is punishable by death ibd-
iapb/Connecticut man allegedly
hurls parrot at cop-Thank goodness for Obamacare #Republicans
stupidity is no longer a pre-existing condition #edshow- tw/megyn
kelly lets sarah rant-tea party robot programmed to spew nothing but
unpracticed, rambling talking points-hanging out with confederate
flag wavers and she has the nerve to think she supports our
constitution-Someone should tell Sarah she doesn't have to use every
Republican talking point before she takes a breath-Palinettes can
listen to that incoherent rambling and hear only pure genius-Megyn
... you've been out-bimboed!-Watch Megyn try to lasso meth monkey-How
Drunk Was Sarah Palin On Megyn-hp/Aaron Foster, saying of the fans:
“You should never kick a man when he’s down.” Imus notes that
it’s probably the best time to kick a man…because they’re
closer to your feet- I-Man looks like Carol Channing this morning, in
what amounts to one of his most spirited appearances…I-Man
countered by saying “Pee Wee Herman called, he wants his jacket
back-Wouldn’t you think that Harvard, Yale, and McCombs would be
the three best Business Schools in terms of getting a job when you
graduate? Yes. That’s exactly what we would’ve chosen. With
University of Phoenix online a close fourth-We all try to give Carley
some relationship advice…this marriage is ALREADY doomed. If this
guy is preferring to sit in a bar drinking beer with a bunch of other
like-minded mouth breathers instead of spending time with Carley?
Don Corleone might say Pete is showing some ‘Finnochio’ type
behavior-Dietl told Imus that last week he had a blockage in his
heart and had to have a stint put in. Bo said we need to listen to
our bodies, not take any chances, and get checked out. He then told
Imus he needs to start eating weeds like the I-Man-ibts/W.’s Dana
sez, if this was a battle, the Democrats Small and petty, definitely
won. in better shape than he was a month ago, when he was seen as zig
zagging on Syria-That is not small and petty, that is a statesman Get
out of the bubble. Reality is a lot more interesting, the irony.
trying to schedule negotiations with BOTH Parties to avoid a repeat
of this GOP caused debacle-users who are getting through and
enrolling on aca are those either desperate for medical
care because of preexisting conditions, or because they're the ones
who'll be receiving the most subsidies- righy. Obama will be praised
for his lofty and noble ideas, while throwing Sebelius and all the
I.T. firms she hired under the bus. Republicans will also be blamed
for scaring away potential enrollees-MEDICAL COSTS are the root
cause. They have been spiraling out of control for decades. Why am I
even on here trying to educate fools. Not my words McCain's ("it
was a fool's errand") Maybe once we get a white president back
in office all of this will be forgotten-If I'm going to say anything
about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed
in a terrorist assassination plot., M. Hart Coulter-Twain: Suppose
you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But
there I go repeating myself-
aibafs/blamitol rmike, clinton laugh
easy walk to 2016. gomert sez in alciada numbnuts mccain returnd with
dummy, mortimer and randoff duke koch, dixiecrats, teabillys,
whackobirds, nutbags, delay does drunken fox interview, on stephanie
wingnut war on the horizon/ 7b$ caos shutdown, black conservative
asks permission to be political racist gets schooled, bocare
corporate controlled glitches, do you understand the words coming out
of my mouth, sudo nobel prize, on bppv 6 yrs @msnbc, cop shows junkie
black list, person of interest, ironsides, elementary, wants westerns
barrooms, and sex on ed/airoccupy-australia bush fires early-h40b oil
embargo-kentucky kickback mcconell rule, bbpv/ highjacking gop
catching on, america loses, urging tolerance, defending w nome
continues aca dos attack, jfk conspiracy denier apologist, has
harressment trap barney (bitch slapping wingnut 2005 w relaxed loan
requirements callers) main stream envious of cruz while voting for
him now a danger, should have learned mountain driving on cruze
control baynors imcompetence, crisis expert jennifer agrees from the
right failed stragety, down the rabbit hole republican brand,
consoles cop loser hinze praising kelly stop and frisk one week 0 gun
deaths biker gangs, bill shares a joint, element of racism in some
wingnutz is stronger than love of country, on geraldo now
what?/religious messengers/workers independant news, on pv/
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