GRAM CAN KILL 1 MILLION PEOPLE, Scientists Are Keeping Details On One
Of The Most Poisonous Substances In The World A Secret npr/Allen
West, a tea party darling who now heads a political action group to
elect constitutional conservatives, gave his personal endorsement
to four candidates seeking congressional seats in 2014,
calling them genuine patriots with principled stances-most intriguing
discovery came to him while he was studying "Wars of the Jews"
by Josephus [the only surviving first-person historical account of
first-century Judea] alongside the New Testament. "I started to
notice a sequence of parallels between the two texts," he
recounts. "Although it's been recognised by Christian scholars
for centuries that the prophesies of Jesus appear to be fulfilled by
what Josephus wrote about in the First Jewish Roman war, I was seeing
dozens more. What seems to have eluded many scholars is that the
sequence of events and locations of Jesus ministry are more or less
the same as the sequence of events and locations of the military
campaign of [Emperor] Titus Flavius as described by Josephus. This is
clear evidence of a deliberately constructed pattern. The biography
of Jesus is actually constructed, tip to stern, on prior stories, but
especially on the biography of a Roman Caesar. Was Jesus based on a
real person from history? "The short answer is no," Atwill
insists, "in fact he may be the only fictional character in
literature whose entire life story can be traced to other sources.
Once those sources are all laid bare, there's simply nothing left. uk
prweb ancient confession invented jesus Christianity did not really
begin as a religion, but a sophisticated government project, a kind
of propaganda exercise used to pacify the subjects of the Roman
Empire. "Jewish sects in Palestine at the time, who were waiting
for a prophesied warrior Messiah, were a constant source of violent
insurrection during the first century," he explains. "When
the Romans had exhausted conventional means of quashing rebellion,
they switched to psychological warfare. They surmised that the way to
stop the spread of zealous Jewish missionary activity was to create a
competing belief system. That's when the 'peaceful' Messiah story was
invented. Instead of inspiring warfare, this Messiah urged turn the
other cheek pacifism and encouraged Jews to 'give onto Caesar' and
pay their taxes to Rome-dailycaller bush higher approval rating than
obama at this point-on behalf of school districts id sue obamacare
56m potential cnsnews-noble ideal, championed by PBS, that these
national treasures actually belong to the people of the United States
is false. They belong to a government that prints and borrows its own
money, tells its citizens how to behave, and demands whatever tribute
from them it may require for its purposes. When the people, 60
percent insist on some accountability through their elected
representatives, the federal government sets out to exact its revenge
from the public for exercising that right, it resorts to petty
tyranny wt-Progressive eliminationist rhetoric at its worst: atlantic
photoshops boehners-head of irish republican murderer
legalinsurrection-Every Jewish House has Bullet Holes in It,
israelnationalnews-a very dangerous place to raise a family-There are
various reasons why Arabs feel the need to cloak their real concerns
behind a façade of verbiage about the Palestinians. The truly
puzzling question is why the West hasn’t yet learned to look behind
this verbiage to the telltale actions – what Arabs care enough to
spend money on, or, as I’ve written before, to put their lives on
the line for. But until it does, it will keep right on believing that
fatuous claim of Israeli-Palestinian centrality, anyone tracking
Riyadh’s actions rather than its words can easily see which issues
it cares about and which it doesn’t: In contrast to its massive
support for the Syrian rebels, or the $5 billion it pledged to
Egypt’s military government, support for the Palestinians is
meager, gets almost all its funding from the West; Saudi Arabia gave
it a mere $12 million last year, less than half the sum provided by
Holland alone. Western states are also financial backers, Arab
countries not only pledge less to begin with, but serially default on
their pledges-The conflict is between Israel and the enormous,
world-Mysterious Essays wide power of anti Zionism. Israel is the
most hated country on earth, and that's all there is to it
iapb/Now now, Democrats are pretty good at mass killings
too.. over 2 million civilians were slaughtered in Vietnam because of
your wonderful Democrat presidents Kennedy and LBJ war. Kennedy had
the ethics of a pimp- That is just like a Teabagger ! Cant win the
argument so they cheat and throw tantrums teabagsonscrotum, Typical
sore loser tattle tale Teabagger reported me to Yahoo and stole my
ID!-He lives in a nice neighborhood in a house that is much larger
than he needs, not required to do any upkeep, If he makes a mess,
someone else cleans it up, He has his choice of luxurious places to
sleep, receives these accommodations absolutely free, living like a
king and has absolutely no expenses whatsoever, costs are picked up
by others who earn a living, thinking about all this, and suddenly it
hit me like a ton of bricks, MY dog is a CONGRESSMAN ybac/ingraham
loves pee and vinegar in cruz: sez, if you’re going to try and win
battles, then you need to pick battles that you can win, rather than
kill your troops going up a hill with you-he gives her golden
showers?-conservative do love that trickled on economics-She looks
like the type, Cruz is Full o' chit too- she sucks Cruz as well as
Koch?-paid liar whore of Fox-astonished us with an overt
demonstration of one of his many psychoses. Beck Ponders Moving to
Canada Before Obama Starts to ‘SCOOP PEOPLE UP aattp- buzzfeed ryan
hates some guy mowing lincoln memorial-Where are all these security
guards coming from during the "shutdown". Seems like the
police state is here.- taking responsibility for what we elected the
government to do. I think we need to fire everyone right now and hire
this dude.-conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force
the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or
to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent,
hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by
force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States
contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under
this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both-by far
the Dumbest Uneducated Religious F**kTards of America! There
Destructive to our Nation and National Security and going to put us
in a Global Economic Turmoil that we have never seen before! They
have done Enough Damage to this Country alone with there Hate and
Bigotry, America has had Enough and its time to pull the Plug to the
*Republican Party* America will not tolerate traitors that commit
Treason and Terror to Our Country-self righteous Right Wing Hypocrite
bluenose like yours to judge, Bachmann is a POX on this country, and
that the likes of YOU let her EXPLOIT her so called "faith"
to destroy America is the REAL Obscenity, or should I call it by its
true name of "Treason?-evil and she is a racist, sexist,
misogynistic, homophobic, idiotic, isolationist, fundamentalist
buttwipe. You like "buttwipe" better?-calling Miley a
stupid little whore isn't misogyny. It's just stating the obvious-Is
there even an iota of doubt?-
fb/various dangerous consequences of
using fracking technology, but none can be compared to the issue of
radiation exposure and contamination of the development areas it
poses-Strange super-Earth planet has 'plasma' water
atmosphere-Swedish nuclear reactor was restarted on Wednesday
following a 3 day closure caused by a build-up of jellyfish in a
cooling system-people who work with livestock are more likely to
carry antibiotic resistant bacteria on or in their bodies, posing a
risk of a serious infection. But they're not the only ones at
“VALOR” court briefs were filed in support of Shanker by Ralph
Nader, the Native American Rights Fund, the Center for Biological
Diversity, the Morningstar Star Institute, the Association on
American Indian Affairs, Women’s Earth Alliance, the Tribal Wisdom
Foundation, and two professors of legal ethics from the Sandra Day
O’Connor School of Law, discussed the importance of the work that
DNA Legal Services does for the community. He also discussed the
importance of having private attorneys who are willing to fight for
important causes, even if they don’t get paid. recounting the
political and ideological roadblocks, the unfounded and
unsubstantiated attacks on his professionalism, and the abuses of
process perpetrated, not only by other lawyers, but by federal
judges, to counter his defense of the sacred San Francisco Peaks,
rendered non precedential on a questionable technicality by a
majority of an en banc panel along political party lines, re heard by
a second three judge panel, all of whom were appointed by Republican
Presidents. This second panel, not only unanimously ruled against
Shanker on the merits, it found, with no explanation or
justification, that he had grossly abused the judicial process. we
had the exact same facts and the exact same law at issue. In a
properly functioning system, you could anticipate the same result.
Here, however, the opinions of the two panels were not only
different, they were contrary. What we see here, is a complete
breakdown of our system of justice, The same hostile panel that ruled
against Shanker and Tribal and environmental interests initially
imposed sanctions on Shanker, with no explanation or justification,
later withdrew the order on sanctions when it became apparent the
sanction issue would be granted bgk/Obama Approval 44% Disapproval
51% gallup/kt gives scare agenda, on geraldo/bonerfreado called to
the teabag carpet, being, bo downgraded from hitler to capone,
cathaline visits, on stephanie be tweeked by ebola rather than meet
World News, Russia's Investigative Committee says preliminary tests
suggest heroin found on Greenpeace's Arctic Sunrise, seized during
oil rig protest, claiming activists had put the lives of Russian
coastguards at risk, and announced that new charges are in
preparation against some of the 30 people currently in
detention/Lewis d rep has now been arrested five times as a member of
Congress, twice at the South African embassy protesting apartheid and
twice at the Sudanese embassy protesting genocide in Darfur, also
arrested more than 40 times during the civil rights movement-Kabul
(AFP)Taliban militants fighting US troops in Afghanistan taunted
Washington over the government shutdown, accusing US politicians of
"sucking the blood of their own people, insurgents accused
"selfish and empty minded American leaders" of taking US
citizens' money "earned with great difficulty" and then
"lavishly spending the same money in shedding the blood of the
innocent and oppressed people, Instead of sucking the blood of their
own people, this money should be utilised for the sake of peace- it's
ironic that even the Taliban state the OBVIOUS that many Americans
can't see-irrelevant-even an alleged backward uncivilized people can
see. And if it's so irrelevant to you, why did you bother to post,
given the margin of error, makes it possible that their actual
approval rating is zero-
aibafs/ Give them free healthcare. Retard
Elitist carter dares will continue to fill the 47% "Human
Parasites" head with any lie possible to deceive them into
believing they are the victims of something, anything and everything.
All they need to do is vote Democrat for life, So in addition to his
complete Greed & Selfishness, jimmy proves once again that he
isn't very smart either. Thank you don once again for taking the bait
and opening your yap, I own you-Long Island Daddys Boy can't handle
the truth. Mommy and Daddy still give you an allowance?
incorrect gop spin. First of all, no President has ever had a gun put
to his head like this time. Secondly, the tea party lunatics have
made it clear they don't want a real negotiation, they want to be
able to claim a victory against the evil Obama.. That is why the
majority of Americans have put the blame right where it belongs. The
numbers say it all, Or just wait for the gop to self destruct because
the vast majority of Americans correctly blame THEM for shutting down
the gov't- no one wanted the pain of critical thought and now the ego
bubble collapses on the weight of great boasts. The stable solution
required acknowledging reality, not trying to manipulate to suit your
desires. A coward is still a coward and courage is still courage
regardless. People will not chuze reality, eventually Darwin needs to
come bring religion back to the people, Even their racist hero Darwin
needs to be sanitized, Luckily the sociophiles value spite. I guess
letting people live their own lives is now unamerucan?-Moron Bush And
His GOP, Killed 10,000 And Wounded 28,000 Americans For A LIE, sent
them into battle with a pep talk and Lie. No wonder Mrs. Bush is a
drunk, they live in a dream world far away from the American blood
being spilt to support their Lie. 220,000 in Iraq were also killed
from Bush wanting Shock and Drunken Awe, made friends (only his
family) with Moammar Kadafi and Libya so BP could get big drilling
contract in Libya. Bush made friends after Americans knew Moammar
Kadafi Killed over 200 young Americans in the downing of flight 103.
Libya was taken off Bush's Axis of Evil, How much did those
terrorists pay Bush? Moron Bush then made another friend, removing
North Korea from Bush's Axis of Evil-right-wingers arent very good at
history. Or math for that matter. Hence, they choose to ignore both.
Frequently-Don't forget science and economics. They seem to suffer
some deficits in those areas too. They do well in mysticism,
conspiracy theory and group psychology though. They can get lots of
people to believe that there is a reward just around the corner if
they just go along with them-GOP infested with toxic menace tea
bagger plague of hideous hate mongering traitors-Do you know what the
penalty is for treason?-rampant right-wing stupidity. The lying fools
stampede over each other in a moron's race to see which one can show
off the most stupidity and ignorance. Strange how EVERYTHING they
post all smacks of the exact same wording that Fox News spews
ybac/your ilk have proven to be LIARS and what is actually happening
is that you FEAR ObomneyCares popularity over time as people learn
the TRUTH about ObomneyCares benefits instead of the pathetic lies,
and the addressing of needed reform in the system over time-STUPIDITY
ON PARADE, something politicians nowadays specialize in-RePOS are so
out of touch with THE AMERICAN PEOPLE that they have to resort to
trying to cheat and steal elections now with onerous voter
disenfranchisement and gerrymandering because their ideology and
policies are FAILING the vast majority of THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. They
cant' even win the popular vote anymore.-Ryan (R-Wis.), the GOP's top
budget guy, also took a moderate stance: to deal with the fact that
President Obama has a second term…A second term will present new
challenges to our side, new opportunities. To take advantage of them,
we will need something we occasionally overlook. We will need
prudence…We have to make decisions anchored in reality, take
responsibility for the consequences. The prudent man is like a
captain at sea. He doesn't curse the wind. He uses it, to reach his
destination. Boehner has chosen to lead by being led. He may have
been carjacked by a well organized gang that stuck to a well designed
and well financed plan, but he is not blameless. After all, he gave
up the keys to this car without much of a fight Kamikaze Club
Hijacked Boehner corn-insurance system improvements and bringing
affordable insurance as a goal to millions in this country has been
100% ignored by the Republican cheap self centered wankers. When
someone finally does something about the shameful state of affairs
for the wealthiest nation on earth all they can do is try to BLOW THE
entire country with their behavior rbg/End Times' Are Coming Because
Obama Is Supporting Al Qaeda, Bachmann (R-IA) claims the end of days
is near, and as proof bo's decision last month to support Syrian
rebels, which she calls al-Qaeda terrorists, with anti-chemical
weapons gear and limited arms tpm/with house prices falling and
mortgage delinquencies rising further, causes me appreciable angst,”
Yellen said. “Rising defaults in subprime could spread to other
sectors of the mortgage market and could trigger a vicious cycle.”
member of the Fed’s Board and chairman of the White House Council
appointed by Clinton, Yellen supported the Fed’s unprecedented bond
buying programs and was a driving force behind a strategy adopted in
2012 to commit the central bank to goals on inflation and
unemployment as chairman of the Federal Reserve, which would put the
world’s most powerful central bank in the hands of a key architect
of its unprecedented stimulus program and the first female leader in
its 100-year history, on the banking committee, said Yellen’s
record will come under scrutiny. “I voted against Vice Chairman
Yellen’s original nomination to the Fed in 2010 because of her
dovish views on monetary policy,” Corker, of Tennessee, a series
of 2012 speeches, she outlined why interest rates could remain near
zero into late 2015- bb/Police Barge Into Kindergarten Classroom And
Taser Multiple Children “For The Heck Of It”Hundreds of horrified
and enraged parents stormed Calcutta elementary school in Sherwood
North Dakota justicewestcoastnativenews-fb/cantor twisting bohners
arm, not one defender of truck protest, congress approval now 5%, on
ed/lennon 73hb three wks l8r asassination-juan tries to set faux
snooze nutz straight, to no avail, nutbag caller clams wingnutz are
moderates, scaring people is not fun anymore, bo is lazy avoiding
race, memorial lockdown belly aches, on geraldo outraged about
default/maloy gives his greatest kinison impression, on pv/
refused to consider a landmark appeal by Argentina of a lower court's
order to pay around $1.5 billion to two hedge funds-
US military
holding and secretly interrogating, wanted Al Qaeda suspect Nazih al
Ragye, better known by the cover name Abu Anas al Liby wanted by the
FBI, which gives his age as 49 and had offered a $5 million reward
for help in capturing him. He was indicted in 2000, after weekend
raids on Libya and Somalia which also targeted an elusive Islamist
Shebab commander-r elite American interrogation team is questioning
the senior al Qaeda figure who was seized by special operations
forces in Libya and then whisked onto a Navy ship in the
Mediterranean AFP-Pakistan bomb blast: why health workers keep
getting attacked, killing two people in an attack that appeared to be
the latest to target anti polio vaccination efforts, Problems with
the main Obamacare website, have dominated headlines since the site
opened csm yn
/wingnutz insisting the buck stop at bo, at the end of
the day,
on geraldo, celebrates 1969 arrest in dc office with
rumsfeild serving as secretar
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