in DC will bring up "flag-burning" or "prayer in the
schools" or "family values-If al Qaeda wants to kill the
embassy personnel, they can kill them at home or on the way to work
or later in the embassies when the alert passes, the presstitute
media in order to ascertain whether my current estimate of their
prostitution for Washington is accurate. Possibly I missed some
expression of skepticism about the latest terrorist threat. But I did
hear NPR's account. Back in the Reagan years, NPR was an independent
voice. Today it is part of the presstitute media. NPR lies for
Washington with the best of them
aibafs/target of 288 monologue
jokes, according to an analysis Center for Media and Public Affairs
at George Mason University, Anthony Weiner, at 120. 2012, Mitt was
the butt of more than twice as many jokes as Obama, and Republicans
were similarly the target of more than double the jokes that were
made on Democrats-So you and they have the right to identify people
by calling them a cesspool and part of your fantasy "The
Territory" and you are on an inside track with those on the
board that banned * and have been told why. Do you then carry
information from this board to them?-They are a Nazi branded,
communist driven board over there. And yes, they have their 3-4 ID's
here that run back to their 8 person board to talk amongst themselves
about what's happening over here. They claimed to not to want to have
anything to do with this board, yet create other ID's to hang out
here and spew their Nazi propaganda-aibafs/Assad
is laying out the welcome mat to the jihadi with free hashish and
porn-“It is long overdue for the US government to relocate our
embassy to Israel’s capital, Jerusalem,” said Congressman Brad
Sherman. “Congress overwhelmingly passed legislation to move the US
embassy to Jerusalem in 1995. It is time to follow through on our
commitment.” “For historical, biblical and moral reasons, we are
committed to the unity of Jerusalem as Israel's undivided capital
with no waivers and no caveats," said Congressman Doug Lamborn.
"Our unflinching support is especially crucial at this critical
hour" “I am proud to be an original co-sponsor of the
Recognition of Jerusalem as the Capital of the State of Israel Act. I
voted for the Jerusalem Embassy Act in 1995, which called for the
American Embassy to be moved to Jerusalem, and this new legislation
will assure that the intent of the 1995 law is finally fulfilled,"
Congressman Gene Green." transferring our embassy from Tel Aviv
to Jerusalem will reaffirm our commitment to the state of Israel,”
said Congressman Juan Vargas. “As a continuation of over 3,000
years of Jewish history, Jerusalem must remain the undivided and
eternal capital of Israel." Clinton,Bush and Obama have
repeatedly used the presidential waiver to delay moving the US
Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, in accordance with a 1995 law
which authorized the embassy's relocation but which gave the
president the power to postpone its implementation every six months.
ynet-f President Obama can admit that he might have misjudged the
terror situation, this episode might lead to some constructive
rethinking of his policies on terror-Constitutional Insurgent sez bo
is weak and a coward. He lacks any leadership ability or even a
direction for his people. Never, in American history, has a president
led from behind like this chickenshit-O will veto that faster than
you can say 'peace in our time-You got that RIGHT-Yet, Hispanic
Americans are not just supportive of Israel. They also have a
positive perception of the Jewish people in general. For example, 78
percent of Hispanic Americans believe that Jews have a strong
commitment to family life, a trait which is very important in
familial societies. Two thirds of Hispanic Americans think that Jews
have a strong religious faith; 61 percent believe that American Jews
make a strong contribution to American society; and 53 percent
proclaim that they think that Jews support civil rights-
To Smell Fishy In Washington ie; Who Did We Sell The Cruise Missles
Too Again?. Obama Called It Liars Loans. Too bad Obama Is Trying To
Convince The U.S. Taxpayers That Current Illegal's Are Going To Be
The Answer & Save Our Country By Buying Homes That Will Cost More
Under Private Backing. How Can a New American Establish Credit For
Home Purchase and Most US Born Are Still Trying. What Is Obama Not
Telling Us. Every Other American That Has Already Lost There Job &
House and Cannot Payback There Debt Is NOW Out of The New Obama
Housing Reform Program He Announced, There Not Responsible People
Anymore, I Though We Had a President With Some Brains &
Balls-It's starting, Seeking Alpha ("Playing with fire") is
already changing their tune about the "reform" of the
mortgage industry. I keep saying that anything Obama is for, everyone
else is going to be against it and that's a good thing for this
company-a dividend of $59.4 billion to the Treasury. Fannie has paid
back roughly $95 billion of the $116 billion it received
yfmn/republican males - entitled, lazy, spoiled momma's boys by punch
a hillbilly for jesus ygs-expect Brotha Barack to be a lowlife. The
lowlifes elected him. The country is in decline. When a nation's
culture is garbage, it's leaders will be garbage-Great Example of
repubtardism-13% w bush Proved to America that business experience,
political experience and generations of family political insider
experience were helpless in preventing george "the Loser"
bush from Creating the Largest Economic Downturn since The Great
Depression POS-barry penuswhipped the gop, if you don't like America,
get the f'k out-bigumsmoochie gone to the freeloaders and Socialists
who want to bring down our nation. We have become a o-BANA third
world nation-Facts are facts. We have a lowlife President because the
culture is regressing and we have a lot of trash in this country,
now-the fact that you were visited by secret service for threats
pretty much suggests you need to get the f'k out of America and stay
out- yhal/pjmedia, Rachel Maddow Calls Obama a Liar, Congress Gets
Its Own Obamacare Waiver, Let’s Put These Two NSA Surveillance
Stories Together, If McDonald’s Strikers Don’t Get What They
Want, They May Contaminate the Food, Obama Admits that He’s Just
Not Up to the Job/Talent is God-given. Be humble. Fame is man-given.
Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful, John Wooden-bo
cancels Putin meeting amid Snowden tensions-Macon County Jail in
Tennessee To Sell Inmates E-Cigarettes tw/mccstain sez, alciada are
smart people, gmo frankenfoods, snooze resident terror(ist), on
imus/king of trolls, monica lewinsky lead, cap lock stuck, on
stephanie/ national defence and usa cares run mc run in detroit, on
conducted by the Israel Project (UnitedwithIsrael, 48 percent of
Hispanic Americans support the State of Israel, while only 9 percent
support the Palestinians. Similarly, 44 percent of Hispanic Americans
believe that the US should support Israel, while only 6 percent say
that the US should support the Palestinians, not just supportive of
Israel. 78 percent of Hispanic Americans believe that Jews have a
strong commitment to family life, a trait which is very important in
familial societies. Two thirds of Hispanic Americans think that Jews
have a strong religious faith; 61 percent believe that American Jews
make a strong contribution to American society; and 53 percent
proclaim that they think that Jews support civil rights. some
Hispanic Americans carry Jewish DNA. A 2003 genetic test of men
living in New Mexico, Southern Texas and Northern Mexico claims that
about 10 to 15 percent of Hispanics living there might have had
Sephardic Jewish ancestors. Attesting to this claim, a friend of this
author that grew up in Texas who is of Hispanic origin claimed that
her grandmother’s church in Mexico had Jewish symbols hidden
inside. Indeed, people with Hispanic family names such as Alvarez,
Lopez, and Mendez have found that they have Sephardic Jewish
ancestors that were forcefully converted to Catholicism during the
times of the Spanish Inquisition. All of this shared history serves
as the basis for the Hispanic-Jewish friendship-Stupid fat bitch, the
faux Mexican ain't gonna like that!-Like I said, I have Jewish
friends. That article sounds "nice," and it certainly does
not seem to reflect the views of the Jews on this MB-Jew friends I
have are Americans FIRST, Jews second, mildly Zionist at most, even
less Israeli, and even much less Haredi. They are happy to be
Americans and to be accepted as fellow Americans; not agents for an
evil foreign entity-Greek Sephardim. Those Jews' ancestors came from
Spain, Sefarad-Repugnant Ideology in action: BBC Claims Tamerlan
Tsarnaev Just A “Muslim Of Convenience”, Real Problem Was He Was
Right Wing-iapb/ rightwingersarevictims Hoping to get Sally Struthers
as spokesperson for the Foundation for Right wing Victims
yc/deafening... the "shock and surprise" from certain
members of Congress and all the. civil liberties groups is duly
noted. Libertarians are supposed to be the protectors of Liberty and
Freedom... of the Constitution... but all the hand wringing is poorly
staged Kabuki, now you see it, now you don't; now we want our
Freedoms, now we'll give some up. Exactly WHAT do you think the Feds,
the NSA in particular, have been doing since 1952 (and military Intel
before that)? Basket weaving? Even funnier... do you think that this
revelation begins and ends with Verizon? Hint: no, it's all carriers,
easy to feign outrage... but it isn't really something new-Lindsey
Graham says if you are not a terrorist you have nothing to worry
about, whose definition of a terrorist is he talking about fb/Since
January 2009 the country has added a net total of 270,000 full-time
jobs, but it has added 1.9 million part-time jobs, according to the
House Ways and Means Committee nanosecondinv/ The bottom line is we’re
not broke, there’s plenty of money, it’s just the government
doesn’t have it,” said Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), “The
government has a right, the government and the people of the United
States have a right to run the programs of the United States. Health,
welfare, housing, all these things swyw/bo will for the first time
insist that any future housing system in the United States makes
30-year mortgages widely available to borrowers, senior
administration officials said, preserving a linchpin of the American
economy wp/Despite booming sales of new vehicles in the past year,
the average age of America's auto fleet new oldest on record has hit
another record USAT/Dubai: Emirates, Etihad Airways and Gulf Air
experienced delays after their passenger check in and reservation
system crashed gulfnews/Headache for airlines as booking system
crashes CNBC/Several airlines experience delays from computer outage
fn/ politicians who have benefited the most from Cohen's...
generosity, were Eric Cantor (R-VA), Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Dave Camp
(R-MI) and Pat Toomey (R-PA), three sleazy characters with
reputations for taking bribes from Wall Street crooks in return for
furthering narrow special interests and personal agendas. He has also
been a major financier to Eric Cantor's own PAC, Every Republican Is
Crucial (EricPAC). Ironically, Cohen, on the board of the Robin Hood
Foundation, lives in a 35,000 square on 14 acres in Greenwich,
Connecticut, draws a billion dollars a year from his company as a
personal salary, one of America's biggest private spenders on art and
fake art (with his own personal art museum)-They steal to their
heart's content, and always ready to incur anti-semitism when called
to account-Cohen's mother wanted him to be a respectable doctor,
instead he becomes a sleazy thief operating in the darkness ygs The
Concise dictionary has "only" 240,000 entries and tries to
eliminate words no longer in current usage. In this edition, words
that were shown the linguistic door included S-VHS, script kiddie,
and brabble (a noisy quarrel). Words that were welcomed include the
following: Retweeting: resending somebody's tweet using Twitter
Mankini: a one- piece bathing suit for men, with a T-back (think
Borat) Jeggings: tight trousers for women that look like denim jeans.
Woot: (typically spelled "w00t") an on-line way to say
"hooray," typically in a celebratory manner ("w00t! I
fragged your n00b butt!") Upcycle: to recycle into something
worth more that the original. Masonberry - More common vernacular
currently in use - previously "Dingleberry". din·gle·ber·ry
(dnggl-br)n. Vulgar Slang 1. A piece of dried feces caught in the
hair around the #$%$. 2. An incompetent, foolish, or stupid
person-Vick spent 548 days in prison for fighting dogs. Zimmerman is
aquitted for shooting an unarmed man like a dog-yahoo finance dow
will base in the 9000 to 10000 once the dust settles-Teabaggers =
Dixiecrat without the hoods-Where were the fiscally conservative
Teabaggers when G W Bush doubled national debt from 5 to 10 trillion
dollars? they come out of the woodwork as soon as the black man got
elected-Conservatives have excellent credentials to speak about human
rights. By our efforts, and with precious little help from
self-styled liberals, we were largely responsible for securing
liberty for a substantial share of the world's population and
defending it for most of the rest." Margaret Thatcher-
ybac/twitter Regarded by a number of individuals on Twitter as a
troll, *only does seem to employ a classic troll tactic, of throwing
back claims of harassment by claiming that he is the one being
harassed, even by the IRA, apparently. While he may or may not have
mental issues himself,*_only follows, and is followed by many people
who suffer from depression, and his behaviour, whether he realises
this or not, may have dangerously negative effects on some of those
people. *_only blocks tweeters who try to engage him in rational
discussion, but seems happy to leave the people he claims are
harassing him unblocked, as he apparently believes they are still
reading his tweets. Generally, someone to ignore/block when he
becomes too abusive, which doesn't take long trollhunterx/w
Hospitalized After Heart Procedure-Is This the Best Way to Spend
Time?' Chris Wallace Presses Cantor on GOP Agenda fns/Two young
children in Pennsylvania were banned from talking about fracking for
the rest of their lives under a gag order imposed under a settlement
reached by their parents with a leading oil and gas company sweeping
gag order was imposed under a $750,000 settlement between the
Hallowich family and Range Resources Corp, a leading oil and gas
driller. reached in 2011 but unsealed only last week, barred the
Hallowichs' son and daughter, who were then aged 10 and seven, from
ever discussing fracking or the Marcellus Shale gardian/101b=700m
bostonglobe, gold wheelbarrow full of gold 3m$, reverse morgage
ripoffs, occupy python, sammy davis jr eye 4 eye, zelot ashton?
reserection inverseration inuendo historical accuracy, on imus/gay
nyc bars boycotting russian vodka, raven comes out, bo faces az gov
goldfinger, nsa assists dea war on americans, santorum surge, charlie
brewer sock face ottis wine drinker on stephie/barnabe shocking
laptops jack turns up dead, cracker teabaggers ancestory traced to
jim crow law backers and civil right fighters including fred charlie
koch, House Republicans plan to seek a $40 billion cut in food stamps
for the poor, Virginia residents say that they are purchasing a plot
of land and intend to use it to fly a 15-foot Confederate battle flag
in the view of motorists driving on Interstate 95 near Richmond, on
progressive radio/chris attempts to question cantor's lies, on faux
snooze sunday/trying to debunk contrails while pumping iron, on joe
is not a recession it's a robbery with Max Keiser
criticalbelievers/ in a position to speak authoritatively on Bush’s
strengths, weaknesses and character. I have no doubt that Bush is
smarter than he let on, but I have to wonder why he didn’t let on.
It is one thing to cause your opponents to underestimate or
misunderestimate you (I guess making the joke here is obligatory, or
something. the glaring contradiction between (a) the assertion that
Bush was a terrible president and Barack Obama is a vast improvement;
and (b) the incontrovertible fact that on a host of very important
issues, Barack Obama is serving out George W. Bush’s third and
fourth terms.43s intellectual abilities-Dubya just wanted to appear
stupid to fool his opponents into thinking he was a moron. He did a
great job-W. ap Easy to underestimate-
aibafs/Vegas has long been
associated with the sex industry, but today's street trade has a much
darker underbelly, as a recent shooting on the Strip reveals-A
WASHINGTON RIDDLE What Is 'Top Secret'? still not heeded two decades
of warnings that the best way to protect America’s biggest secrets
is to have far fewer of them and to recognize that much of what is
stamped “secret” today is widely available on the Internet-THE
NEW TIME LORD The New Dr. Who Revealed the new Dr. Who-Limbaugh
Reveals Vast 'Tech Blogger' Conspiracy Against Apple, Republicans
CHAMPIONED BY STEVIE Cohen-I will not go to prison the flag of Israel
will fly over the USA before I go to prison-white-degenerates like
you continue to be desperate!-ISRAEL IS OUR FRONT LINE PROTECTOR
family is Zionist. Israel is an amazing country that is sure to
flourish and beat back all challengers in the coming decades. All
Americans can identify with Israel and I urge solidarity with the
founders of our very civilization. jfk 1961-that worked well
jesu.s which hand he uses-schmegegge what are you doing in Naples
Fla. Don't you feel out mannered and out classed and out of place
among decent folks. Join your lying, mooching, sniffling bumbling
tribe in Boca where you will feel at home, look for something to base
your own opinion about the j??s upon, then you really have to study
j??s for yourself as gingerly as you would study rats or vampire
bats. This is because the quality test of any religion is not how
true it is but what kinds of people it produces. And once you study
the kinds of people that are produced by dajudaism, then you will
know that you should have spent your time studying something more
wholesome and pleasant such as rats and vampire bats instead of
studying j??ss. Oy Gevalt! How does this relate to the "holy and
pious" j??s who so loudly proclaim themselves to be "holier
than the angels" and the "very apple of God's eye"?
Again, it doesn't matter what the j??s claim; all that's important is
what the j??s do. Whether dajudaism is true or false matters less
than what the effects of dajudaism have upon the j??s. Good fruit
grows on healthy trees. Rotten fruit grows on diseased trees, just as
rotten j??s grow out of a diseased religion-goys busy at work , i
know you low lifes work for yahoo and your welfare-goy hater-mirror,
mirror on the wall when will Israel finally fall- ygs/Wendy Davis
Hints At Gubernatorial Run-Washington Times Sent Public Notice About
Obama ID Fraud To Over Two Million Readers: CNN And Speaker John
Boehner Called Out On The Carpet-All men are created equal" has
been called an "immortal declaration", and "perhaps
[the] single phrase" and popularized as "theory of
prediction" of the United States Revolutionary period with the
greatest "continuing importance".[1][2] Thomas Jefferson
first used the phrase in the Declaration of Independence. It was
thereafter quoted or incorporated into speeches by a wide array of
substantial figures in American political and social life in the
United States. The final form of the phrase was stylized by Benjamin
Franklin.-unless one has a gun-don't blame Christians, blame Stupid.
Which sadly is a much more popular religion these days-AGAINST
raising the minimum wage and against living wage legislation as
well...if you think this is an issue that needs to be fixed stop
voting for Republican-governors' are worried but more pragmatic than
the tea party loons, just causes too much disruption, and people
don’t understand,” Gov. Terry E. Branstad of Iowa, a Republican
said about using the threat of a government shutdown as leverage.
“People want problems solved. They’re tired of the gridlock.
They’re tired of the fighting-Worried about the potential impact on
the fragile economies in their states, Republican governors this
weekend warned their counterparts in Congress not to shut down the
federal government as part of an effort to block financing for
President Obama’s health care law. Gov. Jack Dalrymple of North
Dakota said a government shutdown would invariably be blamed on the
legislative branch, I don’t see what it accomplishes. Asked if
Republicans would pay a political price for a shutdown, Mr. Dalrymple
said, “Yeah, well, you do,Many of the members of this party do not
want to fund Obamacare, but what we have to do as governors who work
with our legislators is realize the reality of being able to get
something passed, Gov. Phil Bryant of Mississippi said. How much
blood are we going to leave on the floor over this? Many Republicans,
including high-profile conservatives like Senator Tom Coburn of
Oklahoma, fear that Mr. Obama and the Democrats will only benefit in
the 2014 elections from a doomed effort to block spending on the new
law because Congressional Republicans would bear the blame for the
subsequent shutdown of the government-Boehner golfs 100 rounds a
years, every 3 days, he is friends with the golf legend Jack
Nicklaus. He has also played with Tiger Woods, bo's Martha’s
Vineyard Vacation Costs Less Than One Bush Flight To Crawford w spent
more taxpayer money on a single flight to Crawford ($805,000-hot, dry
weather in Alaska is wreaking havoc on fisheries, as thousands of
fish perish in overheated waters, 1,100 king salmon of the 1,800 died
on their way up to the Crystal Lake hatchery due to water
temperatures around 80º Fahrenheit and lack of oxygen. Wildfires
raged through subarctic forests, Thawing permafrost is also sinking
villages, threatening fish stocks and water supplies that the
communities rely on to survive. Alaska’s heat wave broke records
last week, with 14 days straight above 70º in Anchorage and 31 days
of 80º in Fairbanks-Tamerlan Tsarnaev, possessed material asserting
that 9/11 and the Oklahoma City were government conspiracies. One
article dealt in his possession dealt with the "rape of our gun
rights," while another suggested that "Hitler had a
point-Hillary Clinton has not even publicly addressed whether she
will run or not, but the idea of it apparently scares the #$%$ out of
the RNC-The idea of a government in chaos is the reason S&P gave
for downgrading the nation’s credit, and they laid the blame solely
at the feet of Republicans for obstructing governance. Let’s be
clear, Republicans know what it takes to govern, grow the economy,
and create jobs, but it means having the integrity to tell their
supporters that the Affordable Care Act is the law of the land, the
sequester is killing jobs, the bible is not the Constitution, and
that their entire economic policy is an utter failure. Instead they
will pursue their current course and create a nation that is, for all
intents and purposes, ungovernable and in chaos-RNC debate plan. Held
in hermetically sealed Fox studio. Avoid exposing swing voters to
Crazy S*#t My Nominee Says-Frankly with the last set of clown show
debates the Republicans would be better off just nominating someone
and skipping the debates yhal/Ethics & Religious Liberty
Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, ERLC told the Supreme
Court that prohibiting Christian pastors from delivering a prayer to
start official town meetings would effectively impose Unitarianism on
the nation-Officials with a Kentucky super PAC supporting Senate
Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) blame a computer error for a
$153,000 contribution that appeared more than a month after Dead man,
Raymond Groves Burrington, donates $100K. Meanwhile, the Libertarian
Party filed a federal lawsuit to lift limits on posthumous
donations-Republicans Against Reality, For a long time the Republican
establishment got its way by playing a con game with the base. Voters
would be mobilized as soldiers in an ideological crusade, fired up by
warnings that liberals were going to turn the country over to gay
married terrorists, not to mention taking your hard earned dollars
and giving them to Those People. Then, once the election was over,
the establishment would get on with its real priorities, deregulation
and lower taxes on the wealthy. KRUGMAN-secretive U.S. Drug
Enforcement Administration unit is funneling information from
intelligence intercepts, wiretaps, informants and a massive database
of telephone records to authorities across the nation to help them
launch criminal investigations of Americans, The special ops div, SOD
also recently coordinated Project Synergy, a crackdown against
manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers of synthetic designer drugs
that spanned 35 states and resulted in 227 arrests.r-WhiteTrash Miss
UT Kendra Gill contestant charged with making and throwing homemade
bombs, after admitting to helping make explosive devices and throwing
them at houses and residents of her Salt Lake City suburb KUTV
TV-Water privatization by the richest rich is happening now
("hydraulic empire") Citigroup are a large player in this;
including the Bush family have since the mid 2000s owned the world's
largest aquifer, Nestle are the 27th largest corporation in the world
and the largest "foodstuff,(2005) CEO clearly stating that water
is not a human right, that it should be owned and sold-Most of the
posters here have no fucrcking lives off/away from this board. The
only thing most of them care about is having enough moronic dialogue
here each day to keep them busy between diaper changes and drool cup
dumps-Wingers have poisoned the world-older of two brothers who
allegedly bombed the Boston Marathon had Some articles that were in
his possession asserted that the government was behind both the
terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and the Oklahoma City bombing
in 1995, and right wing extremist literature including information
about gun rights and white supremacy, also discovered articles about
the how U.S. drone attacks kill civilians and the suffering of
prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. But people who attended mosque with
Tamerlan in Cambridge said that he had only turned to Islam out of
frustration after his boxing career and attempts to becoming a U.S.
citizen failed bbc- "Contrary to news reports, lt col Gibson was
ordered to remain in Tripoli to defend Americans there in
anticipation of possible additional attacks, and to assist the
survivors as they returned from Benghazi. Gibson acknowledged that
had he deployed to Benghazi he would have left Americans in Tripoli
undefended. He also stated that in hindsight, he would not have been
able to get to Benghazi in time to make a difference, and as it
turned out his medic was needed to provide urgent assistance to
survivors once they arrived in Tripoli, Fox News was absolutely
relentless in hyping the story of how U.S. forces had been ordered to
"stand down" by a faithless, gutless administration,
allowing Ambassador Chris Stevens and others to die. Secret sources,
special reports, screaming headlines and screaming pundits got the
full Faux treatment. Gibson's clear statement to the contrary, Armed
Services Committee apparently accepts as truth, is contained in a
four paragraph version of an AP story buried deep in Fox's
website-rbg/BRAD BLOG: Attorney General Eric Holder and the
Department of Justice is working to "bail-in" the state of
Texas underneath preclearance legislation previously gutted by the
dismantling of the 1964 Voting Rights Act/One Prisoner Dead, Will
California Listen to the Hunger Strikers? The Nation/If knowledge
from books is power, then the predominantly white status quo doesn't
have to worry about young people in Ford Heights, Illinois,
empowering themselves at the library anytime soon BuzzFlash/Hartmann
Republicans pledged to shut down the government before it lets
Obamacare pass. This is just one of many offenses that only place
American lives in danger/
progressive voices, on tunein wabq
ktrc/hannity show coulter labels christy rand bitch fight, mitch and
linsey on teabagger hit list, on stephanie/cid joins defending arod,
biogenesis, on geraldo/realizing the poor need help and empathy, on
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