of Palestine, how they celebrate their holidays. young Arab children
rejoice as each one clutches a gun, on Fatah's official Facebook
page, a masked youth holds up a rifle with chains of bullets wrapped
around his neck. Have you praised Saddam Hussein lately?” received
1,440 “likes”, and 111 comments, female suicide terrorists also
receive much admiration as four infamous female terrorists are said
to be “glittering stars in the sky.” It should be noted that
three of these women were female suicide bombers; the fourth led an
attack on a bus and is responsible for the deaths of 37 civilians,
homage to Leila Ghannam, governor of Ramallah, who was featured in a
picture honoring terrorists who killed eight civilians in an attack
at the Savoy Hotel in Tel Aviv in 1975. Ghannam was seen laying a
wreath of flowers on the monument of martyrs-How about you stick your
Jew settlements up your åss-How about the defeated nomads that you
refer to as "Palestinians" get the fuck out of Judea &
Samaria, move on with their miserable lives, and stop whining for six
decades like a bunch of sniveling infants. Jews don't get their way
just because they're Jews, contrary to what your Jew parents taught
you-Holy Rollers want you to load up West Bank with thieving Jews,
racking up Jew points for the next life-mullah gas sniffers like you
want to rid the Holy Land of Jews, you want to be one of haniyeh's 72
virgins-BBC team inside Syria filming for the Panorama program
witnessed the aftermath of a fresh horrific incident, an incendiary
bomb dropped onto a school playground, The attack left scores of
children with napalm like burns over their bodies, a fighter jet
dropping the device, a low explosion, followed by columns of fire and
smoke. The children victims were described as behaving “like the
walking dead-The incendiary bomb incident comes a week after a
chemical attack in the suburbs of Damascus, which rebels said had
killed more than 1,000 people.Video footage posted on the Internet
several months ago documented a rebel fighter eating the heart of a
government soldier. Rebels have also been documented torturing
“traitors, including publicly beheading a Catholic priest who was
accused of collaborating with Assad’s regime israelnationalnews- I
do not threaten anybody. Earth has a way of dealing with Jews-fair
warning. do not threaten jews on this board-if a stupid fat bitch
threatens in cyberspace and nobody is there, does it make a sound?
Let him pour his hate into a vacuum...deny him the attention he so
desperately craves-officials assert that the intelligence will show
that forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad carried out the
chemical weapons attack in the suburbs of Damascus-Syria was using
chemical weapons six months ago. Obama ignored it then. He badly
wants to ignore it now. Fine. But, it severely weakens the US on the
world stage. Putin and Assad are probably as giddy as teenage girls
at a One Direction concert, He wrote a check with his mouth that his
ass doesn't want to cash. It's that simple, righties didn't want him
to make a statement about Syria and red lines in the first place.
Like almost all Americans oppose intervening in another arab war
where both sides hate us, lefties who wanted to pillory Bush for Iraq
aren't screaming to the heavens about the potential for military
action in Syria are the true hypocrites. But we already know that
from the fact they said nothing when the US was bombing Libya and the
coalition it was part of was busy exceeding the mandate it had-they
sure as hell weren't on side with Bush, who no matter what else, rid
the world of a horrible dictator who gassed his own people...just
like Assad is doing-There wasn't any womd in iraq and saddam was
relegated to the mayor of baghdad so to call it hypocritical to have
resolve to rid the world of present danger over not supporting to
that dumbfuck conservative quagmire is a joke. Wanna complain about
saddams use in the decade's before the 2003 invasion? Blame the weak
and dumb reagan foreignpolicy cia helped saddam gas iran-Saddam
gassed 5,000 kurds while the UN funded his regime in violation of its
own sanctions. No hypocrites on the left, that's for sure-very much
unlike the consensus of the right wing about iraq. Your statement
makes no sense. & the ones that are for a strike, let me say it
again, more slowly if that helps. In iraq there were NO womd-analysts
are wondering if some of this came from Iraq in those mysterious
truck convoys just before the war-ispb/gop jackassslapper Hilarious
puke denial today as entire GOP party retreats further into mental
illness Only one president in the last 80 years took the American
economy to the brink of collapse while simultaneously setting new
records for vacationing-only a treasonous lib scum would say going
back to ones own home is a vacation-Well then why do Pukes complain
when Obama goes to Chicago or Hawaii? Neither Camp David nor "w"s
fake cowboy ranch were his "home- so what was his home you lying
fluck? yhal/NASTY PALESTINIANS, Occupied for over 40 years
Palestinians had homes demolished, were ,sent to camp and jails for
complaining, had children and women butchered, were ,dehumanized by
stopping education,water and sewage, wearing badges and showing
papers to israeli occupiers,just to go to work and Israelis have the
nerve to say the Palestinians have launched a rocket attack!, we
can't relax in a movie or on a bus or relax in a restaurant, THIS
ISRAELI CHUTZPAH or WHAT CAN YOU CALL IT, Are Palestinians supposed
to surrender meekly to the chosen or are they right to resist this
invasion of their land by any means possible. What the hell is wrong
with Israeli mentality-Anyone remember the Stern Gang and the King
David Hotel. PBS documentary 5 broken cameras if you get a chance, If
you thought the Germans and Russians were evil, well you will see who
takes first prize when it comes to evil-They photograph well. They
even make those weird noises when one of the animals dies. Pal. are
born actors-like watching pure evil at work, Shame on the USA for
even mentioning Israel as an Ally-people are getting to know yid
antics and tactics-Lehi Group, founded by Yair Stern, Colluded with
Mussolini and Nazis in WW II And later with the Bolsheviks in 1944,
Nothing has changed, ashkes remain the terrorists in Palestine. Under
the cloak of the ultra right Eurogeuws-Is what you call complaining,
Putting a bomb on a school bus, Shooting up a kindergarden, Poisoning
oranges for Euro. market, Pushing a handicapped old man in a
wheelchair off a ship (what courage!-WELL WRITTEN PROFOUND
POST-Ygs/What's the difference between diarrhea and a tea
bagger?-Diarrhea has more substance-diarrhea smells better-NO, your
prostitutes mothers blue waffle bbyotch-If you are going to make an
argument cant you show a little more class?-diarrhea is smarter-One
is tapeworm fare, the other is a tapeworm-diarrhea doesn't die its
hair orange and take AK15s to the movies-tea baggers cannot be cured
ybac/faux col lies about bo assuming only war can help, badmouthbolan
shows zionass, on imus tips hand on faux ads/putin in pink slip
painting conviscated, tony sez game over man! mandantory sodomy,
sexbox drivein, hayseed questions sequestration and congress pay,
cruz playing gop goons, mccstain quiet about reagen arab fetish,
kerry speaks, van dyke back on the road, on stephanie/ mike
maloy/bradcast/win occupy walmart steps it up/
Leader Of The Syrian Electronic Army? Syrian named Hatem Deeb 19,
SEA has said it is waging cyberwar to denounce media coverage of the
conflict in Syria they see as being overwhelmingly anti Assad. digg/a
child of enormous privilege, the son of a filthy rich war profiteer.
During the early part of his career, he helped ruin innocent people
while seated at the right hand of Joe McCarthy and played the game of
thrones next to his brother in the Oval Office with millions of
people's lives, then he suffered a great loss, and became a different
man, a better man, and wrapped his new perspective around his
enormous power and influence. He stared true poverty in the face,
realized how evil the war he helped to start was, and set out to make
change with the same hard nosed zeal for which he had become famous,
then someone shot him dead in a kitchen. dozens of moments in this
country's history when fate turned on its axis in a way that changed
everything. Where Robert Kennedy was inspired by Martin Luther King's
opposition to the Vietnam War to take the same stance, today our
leaders pay homage to Dr. King while planning air strikes against
Syria. We need heroes today more than ever, but in the absence of
Bobby and MLK, we must find those heroes within ourselves
truthout/Will NSA Metadata Be Used to Blackmail You?-Bilk US
homeowners of billions of dollars and you get to keep hundreds of
millions in profit and declare yourself innocent. However, if you
shoplift a toy in Michigan, you face jail time-Louisianans Who Blame
Obama for Hurricane Katrina Debacle Are Brain Dead- BuzzFlash/Too
Much: Back in Al Capone’s day, Prohibition helped give rise to a
rash of epic crime boss fortunes. In our day, deregulation has
spawned on Wall Street an entire new generation of fabulously rich
racketeers/Time for Civil Rights and Environmental Activists to Join
Hands Grist/if not for Emperor Dick "Darth Sidious" Cheney
and his daddy's cronies, George W. Bush seems like a good guy-he many
atrocities committed by the Assad regime since the start of the
Syrian revolution are absolutely unacceptable and the stories
emerging from the country are completely heartbreaking. And in
fairness, the war crimes committed by the many rebel militias
operating in Syria, though lesser in number and intensity, are
gruesome and also unacceptable. The recent chemical attacks are
undoubtedly a very disturbing development. The 100,000 lives lost
prior to these attacks were every bit as precious and the suffering
of their families is no easier due to the type of weapons which
killed their loved ones-Kim Jong-un’s ex-girlfriend, a singer, was
among a dozen well-known performers who were executed by firing squad
nine days ago, arrested on Aug. 17 with 11 others for violating laws
against pornography-aibafs/nyt opinion bomb syria even if illegal-no
wonder they got hacked by the SEA-Sarin. It was co-invented by a Nazi
war criminal who wound up working for the US abcnews-what is it about
Syrians that makes them so much more worthy than Iraqis?-There is no
truly compelling reason to act militarily in Syria except for the
fact the empty suit boxed himself into a corner with his "red
line". Now, every tinpot dictator with a stash of sarin gas is
watching to see whether they, too, will be free to use it on innocent
civilians without repercussions-evidence doesn't point to Assad using
sarin, just the opposite in fact, Oddly, Israel is backing the attack
on Syria. Can there be greater madness? There will be no happy
outcome for them. If Assad hangs on, a neighbour who largely left
Israel alone, will surely become much more assertive in the region.
MB will take power. I may be wrong, but I suspect they will not make
the best of neighbours. Even if the MB fighting Assad might have been
as democracy luvin' as those in Egypt, they have undoubtedly made
power sharing concessions to their al Qaeda friends. The dark clouds
that will descend over Israel will block out all sunshine for months,
assuming much of Israel survives its own short sightedness, which is
far from a given!-ridiculous predictions about Israel aside, as I
said earlier, there is no compelling reason for the west to act
militarily against Syria. If anything, let al-Qaida and hezbollah rip
each other apart there. I'm all for it- radical elements throughout
jihadland are destroying each other and Israel has yet to lose a
single citizen in all of this. hamas is marginalized and the
Egyptians are furthering that marginalization. hezbollah is slowly
going broke thanks to Iran's cutbacks in funding. The Saudis and
others are more on Israel's side than against it these day because
the Saud Royal Family is more worried about jihadists than Jews.
Ditto Jordan and Lebanon- Death to sinners. That is the religious
message brought to you by YouTube. Homosexuals and adulterers, you’d
better start running, plenty of people watched Wednesday as Sheikh
Faisal Hamid Abdur-Razak put his death by stoning show on the digital
high road courtesy of the Internet, as defined by his own
interpretation of Islamic law, can benefit from a jolly good stoning
was running all day until it was belatedly taken down-not gay but
believe that the only way to peace is to live and let live. This
religion or at least these leaders are clearly a threat to our way of
life. I also support religious freedom but not when it preaches this.
sunnews-the present process of rampant Sunni-Shia civil sectarian war
in rump Iraq, and the totally degraded civil security situation in
all urban centers, where citizens are exposed to everything from
hostage taking for ransom, to the slaughter of Christians and
protection rackets operated by so-called “Islamic defence” gangs
on all potential cash-grubbing activities, including electricity and
water supply. Attacks against oil pipelines, terminals and production
facilities may be attributed by Western observers to an attempt at
“hurting the West”, but in many cases the real reason is turf war
conflict between militias for protection racket payment by oil
producers and exporters. Since early 2013, Iraq's civil war claims
about 750 to 1000 lives per month. The rush to war with not a thought
of “what comes next” has no excuse. Leaders like Obama have done
the impossible by making Russia and China look like “the good guys”
and the AK47-toting militia rabbles in Iraq, Yemen, Libya and Syria
seem like “our local allies”. These armed rabbles, calling
themselves Islamic are rabidly anti-Christian, rabidly anti Israel,
rabidly anti Western, rabidly anti democratic and engage in criminal
pillage against local populations-iapb/Veterans Today showing Syrian
rebel jihadists loading chem weapons US Contractors Cited for Syrian
Chem Attacks, relying on cell phone conversation "intercepted"
by Israelis....not that Israel has any ulterior motives in Syria
mind, the occasional bombing of Damascus is just their way of saying
hi every morning, Syria is winning the ground war with conventional
weapons, so it takes a very naïve administration to think they'd
bother with cw when they have mig 29 fighter bombers...the timing of
the cw attack is very problematic as well...I mean seriously, do it
when the chem weap inspectors are landing at the airport? ynok/Dumbo,
don't declare any more "red lines, nobody in the world believes
that you intend to enforce your threats. They don't fear or respect
you, Then you will either have to do something or look like a fool
wif yo pants onna ground. But "doing something" just to
save face can bumble us all into war. So if you don't mind, just shut
up. Thanks, constantly talking about "taxing the rich" and
"sharing the wealth", they're usually a Marxist. "From
each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs"
That's from a letter written by Marx-You wouldn't know a Marxist if
he hung you with the rope you sold him, tell me what the House of
Representatives has done in 4 years? no immigration reform; no
budget; no debt limit agreement; no tax reform; and no Obama
appointments. There's been a HELL of a lot of activity to accomplish
all that hasn't there been?-congress has been spending our money and
figuring out how to legal or in the gray area to take all of our
money and pocket it or put it in there off shore accounts. You can
guarantee that they have their hands in the insurance scam-They have
stopped a lot of left wing legislation. Unfortunately, not enough
within, convert them to soylent green. pigs need to be fed with
diplomats while you settle in the free state of somalia! your cohorts
will clean it up. You can bring Republicant Family Values. Bring
along Bristol and Sarah Palin and all will be conquered. pukes in
Somalia would be like a Zimmerman Army-except for all the black
people. They sure don't seem to like black people very much-Banks
marked another record profit period in the second quarter, clearing
$42.2 billion after expenses, Workers Have Seen a Lost Decade
earnings-How do you educate someone who is that ignorant and
unwilling to see reality?-You either ignore them, marginalize them or
make fun of them, they are either too ignorant to bother with, too
crazy to bother with or they are simply trying to troll for
replies-are the republicans so stupid?-To be fair they were probably
stupid long before they were Republican. The better question is why
do Republicans attract so many ignorant, stupid and racist people?-if
all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. There are
OTHER tools at our disposal-yhal/gop attacking the dream bob at
dailybeast, gaga helps tsa, stern #3, booker teaches bigots on the
twitter being gay didn't matter when it happens, big dog bill sez
it's time to push back, a big tahank you for trolls, on bubblegum rap
stephanie/wotz the rush? war tv for memorialday, un syrian inspectors
finish by weekend, on ed/
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