than let these questions linger or operate in a reactive manner, the
Obama administration should seize the initiative. While Presidents
are guarded of executive privilege and classified information, in
this case clarifying what is being done benefits the Administration
since where there is uncertainty his opponents will assume the worst
anyway. bgk/those terrorists nearly killed my best friends
uncle-Furthermore, that's just a discussion on WTC1 and WTC2, it does
nothing to explain the collapse of WTC7 where FREE FALL occurred for
2.25 seconds for the first 100 feet. That means there was NO
RESISTANCE at all for that to happen. In other words, all 98 columns
of the 47 story building would have had to be taken out at the exact
same time. Fires just can't do that, whether a plane hit it or
something else. All the videos have been confiscated by the FBI and
only about 4 frames from 1 video has been publicly released which
shows nothing other than an explosion. By failing to release all the
videos (for which there is NO excuse), the FBI or whoever is engaged
in a COVER-UP-because we've had nothing but WAR CRIMINALS in our
hijacked government for at least the last 3 administrations and
EVERYONE should be thoroughly EDUCATED as to the FACT that our
rightful government was HIJACKED by the most despicable murdering
criminals on the planet-Pro-choice protesters shouted, “Hail
Satan!” as an attempt to drown out pro-lifers’ rendition of
“Amazing Grace.” A Texas blogger, Adam Cahm, captured the scene
on video: “It’s been a very interesting day at the Texas State
Capitol. … LetTexasSpeak has been doing a live broadcast from the
rotunda where women have been sharing their abortion related
testimonies.’ It’s taken us all day to get a video
recording,” The Blaze-aibafs/For every self-defense w/gun in a
home, there are 7 assaults or murders, 11 suicide attempts, and 4
accidents involving guns tw/25,000 gallons of gasoline leaked from an
8-inch underground Phillips 66 pipeline on the Crow Reservation in
southeastern Montana. It occurred about 15 miles from the city of
Lodge Grass-Hundreds of students, staffers and alumni are protesting
the University of Denver's decision to honor former President
unelected sociopath George W. Bush with an award traditionally
recognizing recipients for their work on behalf of humanity-Internet
monitoring have been detected on government and commercial computer
networks in Iran and Sudan, in apparent violation of U.S. sanctions
that ban the sale of goods, services or technology to the
'autocratic' states, according to new research. Several of the
devices, manufactured by California-based Blue Coat Systems, were
also discovered in Syria. Although Blue Coat tools have been
identified in Syria in the past, the new research indicates that the
government of President Bashar al-Assad has more of the monitoring
devices than previously known-chemist Paul Connett called on state
lawmakers to abolish the state's flouridation law and forbid
communities from putting additives in water supplies to improve
destroy public health. "We should never use the public water
supply to deliver medicine," said Connett, a retired Dartmouth
professor and leading fluoridation critic. "No doctor could do
to us what the state of Connecticut is doing-texas Gov Perry said
Monday that he won't run for re-election next year for an
unprecedented fourth full term in office. "The time has come to
pass on the mantle of leadership, opens the door to speculation that
Perry will make another bid for the White House, in 2016. clg/How
many rooms full of "fancy suits and dresses" are in reality
crude and snot nosed low lifes stealing from good people, people with
no consciences, their veneers are so thin they crackle Like
Enron-It's the Enron et al "fancy suit and dress" charade
parade yabk/Shadow banking bolsters China Inc as Beijing tightens
credit-Wall Street rises as attention turns to earnings
season-Insurers caught between regulation and government policy-Euro
zone grants multi-billion euro lifeline for Greece Reuters/Secret
move keeps bin Laden records out of sight-Not a conspiracy theorist,
but I'm starting to think Congress and the President are all just a
distraction to keep us from seeing who's really running the show-I
did the research and was shocked that everything my govt told me was
a lie. Welcome to the light-3 years after 911, i believed the 911
hype and s*&^ and a friend sent me a video about the pentagon
strike and WOW i woke up quick! now i trust NOTHING that the NWO
commy government tells me!-any chance that religion did the same
thing?.....ya know, lied about an invisible man in the sky that
watches our every move and demands 10% of our income......any
chance?...or am I crazy?-That's not a 'theory' Andy, it's a fact. The
puppets on 'C(r)@pitol sHill and 0b0ng0 are mere lackeys for the
Globalist Elite-operation Northwoods (how to create false flag
attacks to get public into war, etc) and CIA Operation Mocking Bird
(how to manipulate media to get public on the side of the
government). Then watch world trade cent 7 fall as if it was
demolished. Then look up the many scientist, engineers, and
demolition experts who have proven the story of 9/11 false with
science, physics and evidence. Then look into how the Fed creates
money out of nothing. Boy, that is a can of worms-When you find the
truth where there appears to be none, your natural reaction will be
anger, rage, and hate. Don't let this cloud your judgement. They want
you to get mad so you do something that would give them the
opportunity to stamp the terrorist label on you. The general public
will be none the wiser - they are still asleep. Believe it or not,
they want a violent revolution so they can have their fascist
corporate dictatorship. Homeland security has already purchased
enormous amounts of ammunition in preparation, The only thing you can
do is educate the people. Information is power- Fox's position on
legalizing drugs has evolved over time since the days when he
cooperated with U.S. efforts to tamp down production in Mexico during
his 2000-2006 presidential term. He has been increasingly vocal in
his opposition to current policies, backing two prior efforts to
legalize marijuana in Mexico. Mexico's current president, Enrique
Peña Nieto, has opposed legalization. But he recently said that he
would consider world opinion on the matter, particularly in light of
recent voter-approved initiatives to legalize marijuana in Washington
state and Colorado for recreational use-$1 billion to be spent on
‘Obamacare’ TV ads; most are negative-Labor unions only represent
less than 12% of the work force. The Koch brothers alone spent more
than all the labor unions put together in 2008 and 2012. Citizens
United guaranteed, that the continued push of this country towards a
plutocracy is assured. Reading comments on Yahoo is like going back
in time to the 1920s, before unions, women had no legal rights other
than to vote, child labor, and all but slave labor in the mines, with
the bigotry and ignorance of the masses who believed the wealthy were
their "betters." The wealthy brought on the chaos of the
1929 crash, and the Great Depression, as did the bankers and
investment houses who brought on the Great Recession after the
Glass-Steagall Act was repealed. In both cases, it was the Democrats
who kept this country from collapse, and in both cases, we had
Republican Presidents. We didn't have a middle class until unions
became strong, and the Democrats passed the G.I. Bill after World War
II. Now, it's the same as before, as the Republicans play on the
racism of having a man of color President, and spend billions to
savage a national health plan, as it will give 40 million Americans
access to health care, which only the wealthy can afford-.
conners final remarks justifying zimmy, caller asks if travon
life is worth lynching, worried about madam vs john and weiner vs
lesbian races, on geraldo
to your chicken shit tactic of lying, deliberately misquoting your
betters-you are proclaiming that all serious practicing Roman
Catholics are bigots? All the Pope is doing is preaching and
practicing what the Roman Catholic Church professes as truth and it
is imperative that anyone else accept it. Why the big hoopla?- Why is
it imperative anyone else accept what the Pope professes as
truth?-Bigotry; Bigoted attitudes; intolerance toward those who hold
different opinions from oneself. not opposed to the Pope's opinion
because it's different from mine. I'm opposed to it because he is
utterly unqualified to have an opinion on the subject, contemptuous
of those who accept his unqualified opinion solely because he is 'in
authority'. Learn to think. Or, if that is beyond your capacity, at
least learn healthy skepticism, just makes the people who blindly
absorb his pronouncements by authority, 'suckers'-responding to the
people who were pretending America was founded on Christian
pronciples. That argument is silly, considering that the United
States itself, in 1797, said "the Government of the United
States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian
religion-Why do you fear Christianity so much?-tripe. I don't fear
it. I don't believe in mixing church and state. You claim to believe
the same thing, yet you have argued many times for intermingling the
two - prayer in schools, teaching creationism in schools, wanting
religious displays on public property, etc-aibafs/We’re going to
pass some restrictions on abortion, Texas is a place where we defend
life. never in the history of Texas [have] they seen that type of mob
rule come in and discombobulate a legislative session, not referring
to Ms. Davis‘ filibuster, described Ms. Davis as “a teenage
mother herself” who eventually graduated from Harvard Law School
and serves in the Texas Senate. just unfortunate that she hasn’t
learned from her own example-not an attempt to advance law. It is ALL
about Perry pandering to the Teabagger fringe-GOP's Endless War on
Obamacare Reich's Blog/UK Blocks Crucial Espionage Talks Between US
and Europe Guardian/Georgia Gives "Mentally Retarded"
Inmate July 15 Execution Date Salon/Secret, Court Vastly Broadens
Powers of NSA nyt/Five Die, 40 Missing After Canadian Freight Train
Disaster- Dozens Reported Missing as Runaway Canada Oil Train
Explosion Forces Town Evacuation r/Cheney and Trayvon Martin ...
Connect the Dots Truthdig/Miami Herald: The US military said no
Guantanamo captives had quit their months old hunger strike,
reporting that 106 prisoners were refusing meals, Navy medical forces
put 45 of them on a list for forced feedings/Sickened by Exxon Oil
Spill, Victims Face Confusion of Officials and Doctors
InsideClimate-the National Report does not appear to be true. the
only "Ramona Darlington" he could find on LinkedIn is a
research scientist. The Left loves it when gullible people on the
Right circulate stuff like this. Stick to just the facts, because
they are bad enough examiner/As we first thought. Even if you are not
happy with your govt. Spying on you do you go to china and russia as
if they are your friend to tell them about it? I think not. You can
tell what kind of tree you have by the fruit it bares-After the
curtain fell any maneuvering would look slow and contrite on our
part. The embarrassment would lead to a quick determination of a long
sentence. The bureaucracy would make sure of that. This is something
so new that the billions involved need really to be heard from. He
was denied allot of countries. He'll be a bargaining chip sooner or
later. See if they could do anything with results that keep the peace
they will. It's just the results aren't going to serve anybody. What
will happen is still going to happen-Agree or disagree with Mr.
Snowden the larger question becomes, Do we still have a free and
unbiased press left in Amerika? I think Mr. Snowden knew the answer.
Imagine, one has to flee to a communist country to seek asylum for
reporting something that most informed people already knew. What does
that tell you about the state of country? We are doomed-Thats a false
premise you bring forth there. Because everybody and their mother are
doing the same thing and hypocritically claiming that they are not it
serves very well to march to the greater circles to display they
hypocrisy for all the world to see. ygs/revisiting 911, (hb) w absurd
pycobable, bo visits goree island, on abc/
prices of homes for poison loans to steal them, falsify the price of
stocks to print money by falsifying the price and giving it to the
fed who will then print money for them and give it to them so they
can hand it to their certain special clients who then use the money
to buy up american cities and homes to deprive americans of their
land. sounds very familiar, perhaps if they would include in their
report just how many more homes they have falsified docs for to steal
them we could get a better idea how much more thieving profit these
pirates would, (not earn) STEAL. ybac/ Our post 9/11 fear of "the
other" has resulted in acceptance of preventive killings among
some in America: domestically and abroad. No longer is it just James
Bond who has a license to kill BuzzFlash/
Speaks Out After Being Told to Remove Cross Necklace-What Was This
Guy Doing With Guns, Bombs and Body Armor?-28 Injured in California
Fireworks Explosion-71-Year-Old's Hang Gliding Trip Goes Horribly
Wrong-Pope John Paul II Cleared for Sainthood fni/Alec Baldwin angles
I’m going to fly to Russia and try to interview Snowden. … I’m
going to try wt/yank berry, mike tyson, ali, tackle world hunger
kfnx/they learned many things from the Nazis, Interfaith marriages
illegal in Israel... Jews make Hitler proud!/fuck both dems and
repubs, party don't mean shit they are both treasonous fucks who
don't have a clue what freedom is honestly this country has turned
into a giant pile of shit and its both partys fault no matter how
much either side wants to blame the other they are both disgraceful
pieces of trash and the founding fathers are rollin in there graves
wishing that they had made shit a little more clear. fb/
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