Jobs Bills, 400 + Filibusters, 37 Votes To Repeal ObamaCare, That
Would Make You USELESS, #SCUM, You Claim You're Conservative,
Patriot, Christian But Your Actions Say Ignorant, Selfish, Haters,
Boehner Was Allowed To Remain House Speaker Because God Spoke To CULT
Republicans, Medicaid Expansion Denial Will Cost States Billions They
Claim What Researchers Learned About Gun Violence Before Congress
Killed Funding- include deaths incurred by both sides involved in the
Afghani war. Had you, your example would have been more like 200,000
dead, including 2,200 military and conservatively 198,000 civilian
deaths, compared to Chicago’s 5,000, Look to remedying the vast
disparities present in our society between our rich and our poor and
closing loopholes in our laws that allow a man like this to easily
obtain weaponry of his choosing-IRS Hearing Scorecard: Targeting 7th
Graders, Denying the Right to Peaceable Assembly, Giving Donor Names
to Opponent, Dems Call No Liberal Groups as Witnesses-Shep Should the
U.S. Government release documents found in Usama Bin Laden’s
compound?- While You Talk A Great Game About Boot-Straps, Both
EVER PRODUCED-If Dubya & Mittens weren't silver spooners, they'd
be collecting cans& sleeping on park benches.No offense to the
homeless-EXACTLY ... None Of Those Two Knows What An Honest Days Work
Is. Let Alone Sweating a Mortgage, Healthcare, Food, Etc-Top Obama
appointees using secret email accounts-The FACT that Racists refuse
to accept that HOPE & Affordable HC has reduced Abortions 80%
doesn't change the FACT-No Matter How Many Glory Holes Come Up Dry,
You Still Line Up To Suck Some More-and take your vile, disgusting,
narrow minded, bigoted, science-denying, mental-disorder of an
ideology with you.and take your vile, disgusting, narrow minded,
bigoted, science denying, mental disorder of an ideology with you-No
GOP, you will not starve the elderly and children to pay for
"Dubya's" Screw-Ups!-The Government Is Coming for Your
Health Insurance Records-tw/problem is the same people supporting gun
bans also are glorified cheerleaders for Obama’s assaults on basic
civil liberties with the NDAA, assassinating US citizens or detaining
them without charge or trial, patriot act, drug war, prosecuting
whistleblowers at record levels, prosecuting reporters with a WWI era
law at levels higher than all other admins combined, etc. There is a
term for that, fascism propublica/
You Can Feel the Fear of the Old
White Crackers Here, All IMPOTENT DUMB WHITE HICKS who are no longer
relevant-Feeling a lot racist today I'd say that your hatred for
whites is no different than the racism of every other variety. Too
bad it rules your life-Incorrect Skippy....Hatred of RACIST WHITE
CRACKERS, Like yourself-How many times do climate scientists have to
be wrong before people stop believing them?-“Scientist ponder why
World’s Climate is changing; a major cooling is considered-bama was
skeptical about the degree to which China felt bound by the
rules-GREAT NEWS: Putin backs BANNING Adoption of same sex
couples-USA hussein letting his comrade Maj. Nidal Hasan charged with
workplace violence-Science and Global Warming-Climate changes. Get
over it-Democrats have no values. That's why they immediately defend
Obama no matter what and un American actions, we see have come out of
the IRS these past couple of years-Libs are mouth breathing peasants
that can't think for themselves. They are idiots and must have a
totalitarian dictator to tell them when to pee-They are the current
version of German #$%$ in 1930's and Russin Bolsheviks in
1917-nfortunately, most Democrats have the values of your average
criminal. It's that bad in this country. It breaks my grandparents'
and parents' hearts because the escaped from Cuba. And, look what has
happened here these last couple decades. We have a very large and
ugly population of people-pukesrpowerless pukesrpowerless Assboil
tells you what to think. You must have to stay in bed all weekend.
yhal/Black Folk must be demandings reparcations now just like them
Isreals peoples done
with Switzeland, volfwagongs compony,
DimmerBenz Co, BMW and seeamns, itily, Britan, Denmarc, and Norway.
It be time for all African Americans to be warded leastest one
million dollars each. No moneys no peace as the most reran al
sharptoon jr the 3rd say-Maybe black folk should move to Israel and
become gews-Sharptoon was misquoted.. he was talking about what some
#$%$ in the hood told him.."No moneys, no piece." It was
unclear whether "piece" meant one kind of crack or
another-People all over the World, have to be questioning if new
generation Americans are Mentally challenged. One look at what we
have in the White House, it becomes plain to see how badly America
has fallen.yc/education minister gets the giggles in parliament A
reference to "penetration" in a speech to parliament caused
Israel's education minister to burst into a laughing fit that went
viral on Tuesday on Israeli websites. Shai Piron, who is also a
rabbi, could not get past the first sentence of his address R/Jasper,
Texas, police headquarters. Keyarika "Shea" Diggles, 25,
was brought to the jail, and Grissom were apparently arguing when
Officer Ryan Cunningham comes in behind Diggles and attempts to
handcuff her. When she appears to raise her hand, Cunningham grabs
Diggles by the hair and slams her head into a countertop. The
officers wrestle Diggles to the ground before dragging her by her
ankles into a jail cell, resisting arrest for arguing with the
officers, a charge dropped-a load of liberal crap, a felonious ex
con, made out to be a near angel by the liberal media, accepted a
ride from another group of ex cons, who proceeded to kill him.
Suddenly it was an instant liberal crusade. same time period, a white
woman who was car jacked by a black mutant thug in Illinois was
dragged from her own car for nearly two miles to her death nothing
from the media about a "hate crime" there, oh no! I bet no
one on this board ever even heard the story in the mainstream
press-Two pot bellied pigs couldn't put handcuffs on one woman
without injuring her? They should remain 'fired', NO cop should be so
fat and inept as they appeared to be-Carjacking is a crime of
opportunity. Even cops get carjacked-This fat simian mutant obviously
had retard strength and had to be restrained as such. These cops
deserve a bonus-POLICE STATE enablers are out in full force today. It
just so happens they're the same ones who support endless war,
genocide, torture and other war crimes. What a coincidence-I will not
sit idly by while you refer to peace officers as "pot bellied
pigs" or "pigs" is THAT CLEAR?-such hatred... why are
you so angered by someone quoting from US Army Field Manual. Why are
you angered that someone is pointing out that Manning did exactly
what he was supposed to do. And then you shoot the messenger, as if
pointing to a liberal college professor changes what's written in the
field manual. So here's the question. Did Manning follow the US Army
Field manual or not?-
informational v information, on
stephanie comic standin/@ringoffire mayflower arkansas oil spill,
Obama Great Rhetoric, Low Substance-Obama Foreign Policy Echoes
Bush-Jefferson Was Right Fear The Bankers
Papantonio: Barriers Must
Be Lifted For American Voters-Barriers Must Be Lifted For American
Voters-Wall Street Insiders Desperate To Destroy Financial Reform
-Corporate America’s Go-To President-Reid, Obama Compromisers
Killing Democracy -The six Espionage Act indictments during the Obama
Administration are a testimony of such controversy. Free speech is
tremendously gracious right and a beautiful cornerstone of America
and it is being exploited by corporations. The New Republic published
a piece called “The Right to Evade/
measure success by the numbers of individuals to whom they support
through promoting and providing easy access to forms of social
welfare whereas conservatives measure success by the numbers of
individuals to whom opportunity is made available so that those same
individuals can provide for themselves and their
families-Conservatives measure success by how much of the taxpayers
money they can funnel to their buddies. Remember all those massive
no-bid contracts during the Iraq war? And then the pukes wonder why
we have a deficit problem. Oklahoma is another good example. They say
they have no money to spend to put tornado shelters in the schools to
protect the children but just hand the big oil companies 200 million
is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.
Frederick Douglass part of a wave of education "reforms"
across America that have little to do with educational quality.
horrendous problems of American prisons, where prisoners are tossed
away while being branded as almost non-human-War theory and the Obama
administration's new rules on drone strikes-to/One Walmart's Low
Wages Could Cost Taxpayers $900,000 Per Year hp/EPA Dramatically
Weakens Radiation Protection-Taibbi Why Didn't the SEC Catch Madoff?
It Might Have Been Policy Not to rs/Bankers tell Fed they support
reduced government role in housing, The guarantor role would put the
government in a fourth loss position. in the case of loans gone bad,
the government would be on the hook only after borrowers, private
insurance, and issuers and servicers, eventually- that so called
bipartisan report and I thought that I was reading a document that
was written by the same private Wall Street banks that wants to get
their grimy hands on the business and profits generated by Fannie,
and Freddie-mw/Lautenberg, D N.J., who cast more votes than any other
U.S. senator from New Jersey, died viral pneumonia fn/ in search of
dangerous storms like the one in Oklahoma Tim Samaras, 'Storm
Chasers' reality show star and 2 others, killed in Oklahoma tornado
Newsday/ HealthDay the number of adults taking prescription drugs,as
the number of children being accidentally poisoned by them has
grown/neocon sacrifice?-Netanyahu describes Israel as "the most
threatened state in the world." The Israeli Defense
establishment recently reported that there are 200,000 missiles and
rockets in the collective hands of Hezbollah, Iran, Syria and Hamas
that are aimed at every Israeli city. kissed my daughter goodbye,
leaving her in Israel. This has always been one of the most difficult
things I have ever had to do, as a mother. I know that living in
Israel is an independent choice that she has made as an intelligent,
thinking adult, as I was leaving, there were two national air raid
drills, hopes that they would be wise enough to avoid giving Bashar
Assad the highly sophisticated, long range S-300 surface-to-air
missiles, totally tipping the balance of power in the region and
eradicating Israel's qualitative military edge, vis-à-vis Bashir
Assad's Syria. Giving the Iranian puppet, Bashir Assad, and its
Hezb'allah fighters which it has been long allied with, such a highly
sophisticated, long-range missile system would be the ultimate game
changer, Which brings us to the most menacing danger to the stability
of the region, if not the world: the Iranian nuclear bomb
americanthinker/Vinegar cancer test saves lives, India study finds
Associated Press via Yahoo! News-Simple vinegar cancer test could
save lives First Coast News- cervical cancer Vinegar has proved to be
useful as a cheap and effective screening test for cervical cancer
bbc/Natural Cancer Treatment - E A R T H . C L I N I C - Holistic
Natural home remedies to cure cancer can support and even must do
more tests "I LOVE APPLE CIDER VINEGAR! It helped cure my
husband's cancer! earthclinic/iRS Scandal widens: ** Nearly 500
conservative groups targeted ** At least 5 pro-Israel groups targeted
** Constitutional groups targeted ** Groups that criticized Obama
administration were targeted ** At least two pro-life groups targeted
** GatewayPundit/Republicans say they hate waste fraud and abuse, But
when Obama tackles white house tours and tax abuse, republicans go
ballistic yhal/ Without Republicans the Dems would starve. Without
the Rs then who would do teh work to pay for the Dems welfare? If
dems were willing to work they would not need welfare. Ever notice
that Dems solutions are always for someone else to do more work and
provide more for the Dems who are too lazy to work? When Rs move out
of a city or neighborhood the neighborhood turns into a ghetto. It is
called Republican flight.-SAY the word “welfare” and immediately
the image of the lazy Black welfare queen who breeds for profit
surfaces in the minds of those who have come to believe the hideous
stereotype. It is a myth that persists despite government figures and
authoritative studies showing that Whites overwhelmingly reap the
lion’s share of the dole. The image of the Black “welfare cheat,”
public aid advocates say, is based on misconceptions about poor
minorities. The notion, they say, comes from society’s resentment
of seemingly able-bodied people getting paid for doing nothing-And
f@&#^* Spiderman can beat up Superman.-let us review the true
facts. gwb's 2nd term was a disaster and obama's 2nd term will be no
better. if not worse. it all starts with a balanced budget and 1 term
senators, reps, and presidency. 6yrs. and they are out. no re
election campaigns nor fat retirement pensions. jmho bucko-GOP, has
sunk to the level of its' worst constituents. Lincoln and Eisenhower
would be switching parties as Dole has pointed out-There are blues in
Red states you dummy. Blacks receive the money-Incorrect. The bulk of
public assistance goes to RED states...not blue states. Without
Repubs, the world would continue on without even blinking an eye.
Though the elimination of that many hypocrites would be quite
nice.-How about we eliminate all welfare? THis is where the blues
flop on the issue becuae they all have a half brother on welfare-You
illiterate dumbazz-Were you playing a banjo when you wrote that? Sure
sounded like it. LOL-Were you rapping and shooting hoops when you
wrote that? Do your kids go to school hungry while you spend money on
tattoos and limited edition kicks? ybac/The Scalar Wave cannot be
explained by the conventional physics. But it does not mean that it
cannot exist. Maybe the science of mankind is still like the vision
of the "frog in the well"-superduperrichsob my wife will be
37 in few weeks Not only is isshe freakin hot she still has the body
of like a 25 yr old. Perky tatas too. I often wonder how she stays so
sexy. It comes down to a few keys life ingredients...loves her
family, eats healthy, exercises and live a very conservative
lifestyle. Ever notice lib chicks? They are fat, abort babies like
its fun to do, and they eat the worst #$%$ possible-I love your
wife's tatas .. I sucked on them last night while I buried my Johnson
in her stink star. She came like a wet teenager. When I was done with
her, the whole house stunk like an overflowing toilet on a tuna
troller. She said she hated her uptight husband's little GOP pud. She
said having sex with a conservative was like being dry humped by a
eunuch dwarf. I bet you are a short, fat, balding loser-According to
our records It looks like you vote Republican The medical procedure
you need will be denied at this time.-morphed into pre WW2 Germany
Bankers controlling the government, squeezing the middle-class at
every chance. We know how it ends. It is hard to believe Americans
have allowed this to happen. We need politicians that will end the
"Fed", dissolve the IRS, IMMEDIATELY disband and unarm the
brown shirts, er meant the DHS and refuse to pay back the debt to the
ultra rich-I worked for the Federal governments once. It was that,
jail, I was a soldier and did what I was asked to do. They used us
and threw us away when they were through. Home of the Brave and the
Red White and Blue is a load of #$%$.yc/Jews trying to justify their
actions can't win, Germany laughs at them. Hypocrites. Took them 10
years after the holocaust to copy the third reich. Only they are not
as good-ussr Body Count 58,627,000 1922-1991 (69 years)The body count
only covers the years 1923-1987 (Rummel 1996)-Guess what group was in
charge of these murders Sue tribe-An unidentified country has agreed
to take in 35,000 Eritreans are currently in Israel. Returning them
to their homeland, a reclusive state accused Eritrean illegal
immigrants living in Israel, many of the 60,000 African migrants who
have walked into Israel from Egypt should be considered for asylum.
Israel regards most of them as illegal job seekers, and a national
debate on deporting them has stirred strong emotions in a Jewish
state founded by war refugees and immigrants, local media speculated
that the statement was a tactic to forestall any court moves to
release migrants detained for long periods. spins to survive? Jeffrey
Heller r ygs/Kristinâ story of boy to woman explores the tangled
emotions of the transgender experience and opens up a new dialogue
about being male or female: Is gender merely between your legs or is
it something much bigger? I wonder if the Pentagon got a look at
this, Chris Beck played high school football. He bought a motorcycle,
much to his mother's dismay, at age 17. He grew up to become a U.S.
Navy SEAL, serving our country for twenty years on thirteen
deployments, including seven combat deployments, and ultimately
earned a Purple Heart and the Bronze Star. To everyone who saw him,
he was a hero. a girl in a man'z body, A warrior. A a secret, one
that had been buried deep inside his heart since he was a little boy
one as hidden as the panty hose in the back of his drawer. He was
transgender, and the woman inside needed to get out, a fight that
requires the strength of a Warrior Princess-Issa Demands Hearings
Into Why No One Listens to Him-a TRUE American hero acting on GOOD
morals and conscience to expose war crimes, human rights abuses. He
is a modern American hero who acted morally so that the American
people could SEE what their government was doing ILLEGALLY ... acting
in good moral conscience as you would expect ANY American hero to
operate to expose American government crimes/wrongdoing that the
government was trying to keep secret from the American people. He has
already admitted guilt in a plea bargain for numerous offenses and
that has landed him 17 years in prison, trial for Bradly Manning
starts today. May he have a good defense, the grounds for this
aiding the enemy are so flimsy and had to be built painstakingly, he
embarrassed the US, exposed war crimes and human rights abuses, THAT
is more accurate, aiding the enemy is a blatant lie -rbn/in greece,
clitoris means divine and goddess like fb/ rogues are leading the
witch hunts against President Obama instead of legislating for jobs,
the economy, or anything of any value — though they are wasting
your money putting on play votes to repeal Obamacare, while only
working 126 days this session, culture of corruption” Vern Buchanan
(R FL), under investigation by the IRS for financial improprieties.
Michael Grimm (R NY), under investigation by the FBI for campaign
fundraising improprieties, after members of Rabbi Yoshiyahu Yosef
Pinto’s New York congregation complained he was strong arming them
for donations. Aaron Schock (R IL), under investigation by the Office
of Congressional Ethics, G improperly solicited super PAC
contributions from other Republican lawmakers, even after the Office
of Congressional Ethics called for a full-scale investigation. Rodney
Davis (R IL), refused to comply with Office of Congressional Ethics
investigation. Scott DesJarlais (R TN), fined after investigation by
Tennessee top medical disciplinary panel fined licensed physician and
U.S. Rep. Scott DesJarlais $500 for sexual relationships he had with
two female patients. Jim Renacci (R OH), after refusing to pay his
taxes had to pay $1.4 million in back taxes in 2008, after he tried
to shelter income. Before conservatives get their paranoia in full
gear, this dispute dated back to the year 2000 and took off in
2006-2007, is still refusing to pay the fine. Congressman Mark
Sanford (R SC), paid fee after admitting to trespassing at his ex
wife’s home and Now that Bachmann continues to call for President
Obama to be impeached, is Washed Up, The GOP Throws Her to the Wolves
while her Scandal Could Be Turning Criminal As The FBI Is Now
Investigating politicususa/nyTimes article : “Why Rational People
Buy Into Conspiracy Theories, implicitly suggests the public should
immediately halt speculation once law enforcement officials “leak”
information intended to shape our perceptions. No matter that these
leaks are not the same thing as evidence presented at trial, that the
leaks themselves serve an agenda, and that law enforcement has a long
history of attempting to persuade the public of false narratives. No
matter that the latter is a practice repeatedly, if often belatedly,
chronicled by the Times itself. Orders You: Stop Thinking Rationally,
It is illustrated with a Victorian diagram of the brain, updated to
show the conspiracy theorist’s brain, reinforces this implication.
days following the bombings at the Boston Marathon, speculation
online regarding the identity and motive of the unknown perpetrator
or perpetrators was rampant. And once the Tsarnaev brothers were
identified and the manhunt came to a close, the speculation didn’t
cease. It took a new form. A sampling: Maybe the brothers Tsarnaev
were just patsies, fall guys set up to take the heat for a mysterious
Saudi with high-level connections; or maybe they were innocent, but
instead of the Saudis, the actual bomber had acted on behalf of a
rogue branch of our own government; or what if the Tsarnaevs were
behind the attacks, but were secretly working for a larger
organization? He didn't aid "our" enemies, in fact he
EXPOSED them. He also did his duty as required by his Oath, exposing
war crimes is NOT a crime, it was his obligation as a public servant.
He has also been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. If he gets 20
years and wins the Nobel Peace Prize, that should be a major slap in
the face for this criminal administration and the SECRET kangaroo
court he's facing Marianne Hoynes?-coming to the "America is
Becoming a Fascist State" message board as a proud republican,
and defending war crimes, torture, indefinite detention, secret
tribunals, the loss of constitutional rights, and crapping on the
government and the military while also supporting them at the same
time you are bat shit crazy and must realize that necon republicanism
is a mental illness-easy for these chickenhawks, war is just a video
game as long as they don't actually have to participate and war
crimes are ok as long they're committed by what they believe is
"good" vs "evil". Massacring innocent men, women
and children is just "collateral damage" for a "just
cause". It doesn't matter that in all wars, over 90% of the
victims are innocent men, women and children, it's always for
"humanitarian" reasons and "democracy" that the
bloodbath must take place-to crucify the whistle blower of senseless
murders, charging him with aiding the enemy. Well no sh1t. The enemy,
and most of the civilized world, was shocked at the scenes of
senseless carnage. The truth of the Black Water massacre will remain
classified to protect the friends of Bush and Cheney, GOP wants to
pick the truth that the public hears. Manning was man enough to take
some action and he might pay severely for his actions while the
trigger happy gunmen will go home proud heroes aibafs/steph want to
gaymarry maygen calls out and insults fellow male faux snoozers,
mtpwomen don't want equal pay as 40% are major bread winners, caller
points out heath insurance providers cutting cost, by basing pay on
consumer feedback on actual care givers, ussc warrentless dna rule 5
to 4, on stephanie/uk lord taking lobby money, finishing nails in
holders coffin, on geraldo/collective insanity increases, ale mouth
piece bildoe aggreeing with fb to limit free speech attacks, maddow
sez, alex sez, jama made the tornado/ obomination healthcare, alex
calls out coward bildoe and
Radio Project: What’s the connection between the increase in
chronic diseases, mental illness and drug addiction in our society
today? Dr. Gabor Maté talks about the relationship between mind and
body health, and what the rise of capitalism has done to destroy
both/Occupy, Organized labor has much more to gain by joining the
coalition to defeat the Keystone XL - a coalition that is comprised
of environmentalists, indigenous groups, students, unions, landowners
and many others/71 Senators Reject States’ Rights to Label GMOs
OrganicConsumers/American Muslim Tortured Abroad Sues
FBImj/Rumsfeld's Rules: Don't confuse those with the words that have
come out of his mouth; "I stand by what I meant-oSlams G.O.P
Student Loan Proposal as "Not Smart-His Work Here is Done,
Bachmann Opponent Jim Graves Drops Out abc/All xtian repubs have left
is hate, false flags, war, endtimes and JC hitler out of remade
israel. Just like their evil god and pied piper spell and lure, side
kick JC, wants. Then xtian jihad the europe and the world, after pied
piper spell takes effect rbg/premiums are going up because you have a
greedy private insurance company. They told you they were going to
raise them before Obamacare even passed and they have kept their
word. If the Public option had passed soon you would be able to tell
them to get fucked but thanks to the republicans and a handful of
dirty dems you won't be able to do that. The exchange and the fact
that the insurance companies will have to spend 80 cents per dollar
they take in on actual health care instead of lining their pockets
will ensure your premiums will be lowered when Obamacare in in full
effect. In CA the exchanges are already functioning and the plans are
very unexpensive in comparison to what folks are currently paying
fb/they raise prices to cover expenses-why do you think they keep
throwing money at the republicans and begging them to repeal
Obamacare? it is not the big bad wolf the republicans have led you
to believe it is. In the very near future there will no longer be an
excuse for anyone to be misinformed. I do hope that when it is all
said and done that all of you will remember this battle and remember
which politicians lied to you and vote accordingly, insurance
companies know their days are numbered and they are bending their
clients over and taking as much as they can in one last grab fb/The
Right jumped the Nixon shark with this one. In Nixon's case,
there was an actual smoking gun in the form of tapes proving that he
targeted his enemies out of revenge. On these tapes, Nixon directed
aides to use the IRS to go after his enemies The real IRS scandal is
that nonprofits have been allowed to function as PACs, polluting our
political system with dark money. The remedy, zero tolerance rule for
all nonprofits. But of course, Republicans don't want that to happen,
because they outspend liberals 34-1
rbg/ cons reveal their naivety -
they really expected they could play games forever with the debt
limit, the deficit, the sequester, the offsetting-cuts nonsense, and
it would never, ever, have any real-world effects. As is typical,
they mistook the numbers on the document for reality, amazed when
reality comes crashing into their little Washington-based bubble of
wishful thinking and grandstanding aibafs/conservative women attack,
on mtp/57rdingleisms, on abcsm
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