United States of Amnesia" says it all. A sad but outrageously
funny compilation of factsHypocrisy has poisoned Freedom's Land
beginning at her apex in 1953 going forward Gore Vidal observed.
yc/Nice *rebuttal*, which didn't even attempt to address the revealed
nature of your original bullshitmore intelligent than the spoon fed
drones like YOU!-Taken by surprise, Obama cried wolf, predicting the
end of everything we hold dear if the sequester was not stopped. It
wasn’t. Nothing happened-Cons and their bubble of delusion Is
shrinking- aibafs/High Frequency Trading is Basically Evil, Bankers
Are Like Heroin Addicts Munger cnbc/bama in Mexico: Little talk of
human rights-Solar plane takes off on historic coast to coast
flight-Rubio: Immigration now or never for GOP-A conspiracy to cover
up U.F.O.s?-U.S. military plane crashes in Kyrgyzstan-Miami cop just
loves his job. “I love serving the community. I love what I do for
a living, and I’m very proud,” fired 8 times could get fired
again has managed to return to his post despite his alleged vices.
The Miami Herald reports Bosque has beaten back a long list of
head-turning charges, including: busting the skull of a handcuffed
suspect, beating juveniles, having dope and booze in his squad car,
ripping off suspects, falsifying reports, participating in an
unauthorized chase where four people were killed, calling in sick,
from Cancun-monopolists like Warren Buffet are the ones that caused
this problem in the first place . Quit taking their thieving
advice-he's good at what he does, and that's what he sticks with.
Smart guy. You call him greedy, I call him successful. I saved up and
invested in his stock. Can't please everyone-I used to think he was
almost a god too, when it came to investing, until he turned uber
liberal with other people's money at the same time he is in US tax
court fighting to keep "his" tax money-He is gung ho for
estate taxes and then shelters his wealth from estate taxes with the
use of a private foundation-Indeed, he is very intelligent and made
his own money and way. However, he has become a fascist and his
company has profited handsomely form the bank bailouts of 2008. His
companies are "too big to fail" and will be propped up by
our government via wealth confiscation by inflation and out right
bailouts. How much did Wells Fargo gain from TARP? Billions! the same
guy who wants higher taxes and higher estate taxes because it isn't
fair to have these millionaires stockpile money. It sounds like he is
such a great guy, but many small businesses get chopped up upon the
owners death because their kids don't have the money to pay the
taxes. Then, large companies come in and snackem up for cheap leaving
behind poor people who can't make a good living anymore. Billionaires
like this wolf benefit greatly because it weeds out competition and
accumulates the leftovers in their coffers--The Pentagon Polishes Off
Bomb, has beefed up its "Bunker Buster" bomb, designed to
destroy Iran's Fordow nuclear facility WSJ Exclusive: U.S. to Hit
Iran--Assad committing a "large-scale massacre" The
killings in Bayda reflect the sectarian overtones of Syria's civil
war. primarily inhabited by Sunni Muslims, who dominate the country's
rebel movement. But located in the Alawite sect, an offshoot of
Shiite Islam, the backbone of the regime in a Sunni village near the
Mediterranean coast, in which activists say at least 50 were killed
with guns, knives and blunt objects-yn/The more you subsidize a
behavior, the more you GET of that behavior"-America Hating
OF SPIT TO ME!! HE WILL NEVER BE MY president-as despicable as his
supporters/Kris Kross Dead at 34 drug overdose-Slayer's Jeff Hanneman
Dead at 49, on hiatus from the band since 2011, when he contacted the
flesh-eating disease necrotizing fasciitis rs/Republicans want to
eliminate your overtime pay Bloomberg/Kimberly Rivera, conscientious
objector and pregnant mother of four, just been sentenced to military
prison for refusing to serve in the Iraq War/Code Pink: w's Legacy
Ought to Be on Trial; Instead, It's Put on Display "Kill a few,
they call you a murderer. Kill tens of thousands, they give you $500
million for a granite vanity project and a glossy 30-page supplement
in the dallas paper/Report: Toxic Chemicals Found in Thousands of
Children's Products Common Dreams/Revolution Against Government May
Be Necessary: Return of the KKK-Bangladesh Factory Collapse, Within
the Profit Margin, the Stench of Death- Bigger Danger to America is
Snorting Crack Koch- BuzzFlash/What BP Doesn't Want You to Know About
the 2010 Gulf Spill Newsweek/An attorney who represented prisoners
detained at Guantanamo Bay was found dead last week in what sources
said was a suicide, Truthout/Skull and Bones Members back to the
1800's which by the way was the symbol used by nazideath
campsygs/Right-wing media are falsely claiming that a State
Department Inspector General review is linked to dubious allegations
that State ignored "whistleblowers" during an independent
review of attacks on a diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. In
fact, the routine investigation was planned before the State
Department's Accountability Review Board released its findings, has
nothing to do with "whistleblower" allegations, and will
investigate decades of State actions-CIA base was "near"
there- Nixon Exported Jobs to China, similarities of the 1920s and
2000s that led to the two similar crashes of 1929 and 2008, and
similar depressions and world wars, 1999, which involved the shadow
bankster system getting around the discipline of gold, creating
credit bubbles, wall street out of control, and otc derivatives
becoming a casino to trap everyone in. Then after the crashes, trying
to eliminate gold as a yard stick to sane monetary and economic
policies, since without gold and controlling the bankster and
brokerage system (ie wall street) govt and the electorate are not in
control anymore but being controlled-(like a cat hides turds)
classified data showing Israel most likely conducted a strike, the
same time frame that the U.S. collected additional data showing
Israel was flying a high number of warplanes over Lebanon- a source
in the Israeli defense establishment told CNN's Sara Sidner, "We
will do whatever is necessary to stop the transfer of weapons from
Syria to terrorist organizations. We have done it in the past and we
will do it if necessary the future-rbg/varney asserts clapton best
guitar player, beckel worries about fatwa on fatman, mensa bernie sez
roundup all watchlist suspects, church upset about promoting gay
basketball, on imus podcast, haas with commercials/rabbit hole
politics via juan spoken over by wingnut, on geraldo/some peeps know
no other way to argue than childishly...this whole thread reminds me
how the usmj deals with it: a person can say anything to any superior
without attacking the person personally, ie: instead of you are
childish, one can say you act like a child, idiot, fukwad etc etc.
the reason personal attacks are frowned upon is that it often leads
to physical violence, by then. no matter who started it both are in
error. moreover, allowing some to tip their hand, as to what exactly
their agenda's intent, often gives clues how to deal with any
situation/it is entirely possible i might have attacked some vilefuk
spewing bigotry, and might have hurt their feelings, but someone
withing yahoo, was sending untracable uncopyable notes, more than
once, i was never banned, but much i posted saw the mb..belittle to
cussout produces painful feelings, like all disease are wot tells us
wotz wrong..rants make sense to themselves, sometimes others..choas
is reality, a tight group floating in the net, with family like
values and equal amouts to lose. just another facet of reality we
know we will soon or l8r have to confront. it's your job, should you
decide to accept this mission, as we fly through space together, to
solve every problem...i am anti data recoqonition software
epritnmseax bron conyasprcieunt suspect thermasol radiation
experiment poisoned person yalls biggest fan...maybe im just sick, or
maybe it's the legal pot aibafs
only has such tough requirements for just those few megabanks, which
sounds unfair, except that the aim of the bill, precisely, is to
level the playing field. Right now, the biggest U.S. banks enjoy a
massive inherent market advantage in that they're able to borrow
money far more cheaply than other banks, because everybody on earth
knows the government will never let them fail and will always bail
them out in a pinch, making their debt essentially U.S.-government
guaranteed. Studies have shown that these banks borrow money at about
0.8 percent more cheaply than other banks, and that this implicit
government subsidy is worth about $83 billion a year just to the top
10 banks in America. This bill would essentially wipe out that hidden
subsidy and make the banks bailout-proof rsmt/Peace with Arabs... But
how will the Heebs steal land? Peace talk is for the media... Zionism
land grab the real agenda ygs/Louie Gohmert also believes the
government has been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood.Congressman
Believes Attorney General Holder Is On The Side Of The Boston
Bombers-Why isn't this reported on by the Lamestream Media? Could it
be THEY are run by secret Muslims also too? There's a reason Alex
Jones isn't on ABC, CBS, or NBC. They are afeared of the trooth-some
LAZY staff member got a script of McCarthy's secret communist
infiltration accusation and put in Muslim Brotherhood. Would this
make the cartoon looking governor of Texas a secret Muslim too? (ref:
coverup of newspaper cartoons)-South Carolina Election Tainted By
Dirty Tricks Against Elizabeth Colbert Busch-What would you think of
Elizabeth Colbert Busch if I told you she had had an abortion?” And
then took the fetus home in a 3 hour car ride ac-past two Texas
repubs both cratered the fewest jobs in US History. 41 & 43 also
delivered US Record 10/1/08 FY09 forecast deficits of $1.84 T. Texas
Senator Ted Cruz Considering Presidential Run-We Don't Know How They
Were Used, When They Were Used'-GOP Rep: I ‘Absolutely’ Voted To
Cut (FY-13)Funding For Embassy Security 10/10/12 can't remember
Repubs cutting $315 mill 3 weeks after Benghazi Attack! "though
there was adequate security" ac/infuriated pot legalization
activists Friday. One bill would state how pot should be grown and
sold, and the other would tax recreational marijuana more than 30
percent. A draft bill floating around the Capitol late this week
suggests that a new ballot question on pot taxes should repeal
recreational pot in the state constitution if voters don’t approve
15 percent excise taxes on retail pot and a new 15 percent marijuana
sales tax. Those would be in addition to regular state and local
sales taxes. Lawmakers have only a few days left to finish work
deciding how to regulate the newly legal drug. Larry Crowder,
R-Alamosa, said the whole purpose of legalizing recreational
marijuana was to raise money for education and other programs. “So
if there’s no money, we shouldn’t have marijuana, Smart Colorado,
praised the effort to get rid of recreational pot without approval of
the taxes, Eric Anderson, said, but increasingly it’s looking like
it could be a net drain on the state budget. activists immediately
blasted the proposal as a backhanded effortcbsdenver/CT police
holding news conference at 9am ET on shooting rampage. fntw/Ron Paul:
The Manhunt For The Bombers Scarier Than The Attack-excellent
analogies prove that very few would refuse emergency service for
toxic Tar Sand invasions, poison gas-South Dakota Trying To Change
Names Of Places With Words Like 'Negro' And 'Squaw' actw/Jana Winter
still faces jail time simply for doing her job. In the words of Fox
News’ Judge Napolitano: “Putting reporters in jail for revealing
the truth while protecting their sources is highly offensive to the
values the First Amendment was written to protect-Hannity Imagine
Professor Tsarnaev in 22 Years!?-Sen. Graham: 'Bin Laden's Dead But
Radical Islam Is on the Rise-The search warrant system works. I
issued search warrants at 3 in the morning, Kilmeade pressed the
judge asking what would have happened had the Boston bombers escaped
Boston and FBI officials needed access to their calls to try to
figure out where they were going, The system works best when the
Constitution is followed fni/legal and philosophical issues involved
in giving robots lethal powers over humans, Killer robots that can
attack targets without any human input "should not have the
power of life and death over human beings," a new draft U.N.
report echoing countless science fiction novels and films Isaac
Asimov's first rule for robots in 1942 'A robot may not injure a
human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to
harmAPyn/Modern Day Lib-Retard seeks any and all forms of deviant and
irresponsible behavior. Weak minded, low information Retards
gleefully take the bait, believing that "Blessing," sold
under the lie of "Fairness, Equality of Result and Social
Justice" will allow them a life with no limits on behavior.
Abortion on Demand Policies. Their goal is the same. Far too many
human beings fail to resist the temptation of irresponsible and
immoral sexual activity. with their Abortion on Demand Policies. It
is s promoted as a "Woman's Healthcare Right" so that
anyone who dares to disagree, will be framed as being against
"Woman's Healthcare Rights." Such a sinister and deceitful
way to smear those who disagree. Killing babies for this reason
Devalues the Sanctity of Life expanding the Nanny Entitlement State
and the Religion of Government that empowers them aibafs- Gagliano
things … being done by this administration that [appear] to be
clearly illegal,” Mullins, the owner of Collector’s Corner, an
Auburn comic book store, then started espousing his own political
criticism, saying that he’s suffered a 20 percent decrease in
business following congressional sequestration, which entails
mandatory spending cuts in the federal budget, who sat nearby,
immediately reacted to the allegation, standing and facing Gagliano.
“You’re a crazy man. You are crazy,” snapped Mullins at
Gagliano. “The president is not some person trying to take your
rights away.”-nc senior accidentally leaves shotgun
That's total
BS & everyone knows it. It's set up that way so everyone can pass
the buck & cover their ass. In a zero tolerance society, there is
no longer a such thing as an honest mistake. Someone must be punished
no matter what...it's the only thing we're good at anymore. Nothing
"fair and just" about it. Life is a sharp object...run with
it-the police state that people fought for-250 years of incalculable
death & destruction & this it what it comes to. God bless
Amerika-the vice Principle at this same school that brought a LOADED
gun to school a couple years back. Its true. He got sent home for 3
days without pay. aibafs/
blood of the lamb 7 yr old trained for terroris duke raises student
fees to finance sex changes up to 50k$, berries gunnutz religious
muziphobe nutz between dennnis miller sez bengazi will never be
exposed unless w is involved, life is worth living. replays hangup bb
tamerlin was a good person 2 times/bristol at the correspondence
dinner with new face, cruz born in canada on stepmiller-how stupid do
you have to be to buy a weapon for your kid of that age. The final
resolution here should be that the parents are charged with
negligence if for nothing else to set an example for the next idiot
buying a "Barbie Rifle" for their 5 year old's birthday.
hope you never get shutdown and replaced by some crappy Fox News
Sports channel-We don't need terrorists to bring down our country,
the Republican party is doing it all by themselves-unbelievable
obstructionism" the word "constipated" came to
mind-Time to "Clean House" next voting rotation. Since they
refuse to pass anything President Obama wants to make our lives
better..we can get even..kick the SOB's OUT of Office. Turn about is
fair play..we can be as 'bitchy" as they're acting now. They
resent having to answer to a black president..refuse to do anything
to help him..well we can 'Help them out of office" in
2014-Desolationists are content to fight over God, guns and gays,
arenas where they can shoot right wing crazies in a barrel while
ignoring bi-partisan systemic evil. Desolationists have no class
consciousness and no international solidarity, especially with people
of color. In the end, they seldom get what they want-Low performing
school fires security guards, hires art teachers, and awesomely
thrives Principal fires security guards to hire art teachers, and
transforms elementary school-ROXBURY, Mass. newest public school back
in 2003. There were art studios, a dance room, even a theater
equipped with cushy seating. A pilot school for grades K-8-Wow...stop
turning schools into prisons and treating kids like criminals and
they stop acting like criminals. Who'd a thunk?fb-Karl Frisch of
Bullfight Strategies the debate over marriage equality and gun safety
legislation is on with us now, the unbelievable obstructionism the
GOP is undertaking, Meth Dealing, Porn Shop Owning Priest karlfrisch/
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