we see ethnic slurs by the chosen, Yahoo is doing its
job-Specializing in fraud and thievery, your enemy must pay more than
$2.5 million to an investor who alleged the firm recommended an
unsuitable investment in a private equity fund, a securities
arbitration panel has ruled, the firm made unauthorized trades in her
account, among other things. Goldman, but not the broker, liable and
ordered the firm to pay Landow $1.6 million and roughly $1 million in
interest, and other fees-countless cases without any justice, could
this just be for show?-As the tank ran over Rachel corrie In Israel
the GS tank plans to run all over you-chosen holding all the cards
right now-You do mean the money used to buy the free pass from the
consequences of poor choices-chosen must improve on
accountability-Notice Goy talk remains on board, why? You would have
been cenosred but for a free pass-OECD report; 1 in 5 Israelis and 1
in 3 Israeli children live in poverty-Many pray that their prayers
are unananswered-JEB BUSH IN 2016? That's what this country needs is
another secret #$%$ in the White House-Skull and bones forever
ygs/Texas has never had a tornado before God calls home at least 6
global warming deniers from Texas yhal/I have no problem with a
nativity set in public property, complaining about it is just
intolerant. And I see where they're coming from, they see believing
in god a stubborn, wrong and even childish thing. It's easy to paint
someone who bitches about a nativity set as a hate-monger. Education
is key to cleaning the world of gods, not force yt/Forbes:Fannie
Fraud sarc on Screw the taxpayer, great! Taxpayers Could Foot Bill
For Fannie Mae Fraud Settlement/abc played wingnutz? GOP BS Fail:
Benghazi White House Emails were Doctored, they had to try to
implicate the State Department, designed to hurt Hillary, Cheney,
coincidentally said Benghazi was the "worst disaster in his
lifetime", maybe has some 'splainin' to do- lawyers for the IRS
say that since these groups identified themselves with a party, the
IRS assumed that their reason for being would be primarily political,
and so not tax exempt. Also since that party, Taxed Enough Already,
was fundamentally anti tax, the IRS felt there was an elevated
likelihood that such groups would interpret tax exempt criteria in an
excessively broad manner, because avoiding tax is one of their main
preoccupations, if the Democrats handled this properly, the coming
inquests could be converted into an exposure of corporate shilling
and political money laundering, important context is emerging, like
the fact that liberal groups were targeted as well, and in fact the
only group to have its application denied was a liberal group, Emerge
America, saw its tax exempt status denied, forcing it to disclose its
donors and pay some taxes. None of the Republican groups have said
their applications were rejected. Missing from much coverage is the
relevant recent history ussc 2010 prompted a deluge of requests from
new organizations seeking tax exempt status under tax code Section
501(c)(4) as social welfare organizations despite the fact that
many of these are blatantly political operations, Republicans could
be biting off more than they can chew if it causes a bright light to
be shone on how politically partisan organizations, like Rove's, are
exploiting the law. Deficit Reduction, Just Code for Social Security
& Medicare Cuts, do these old idiots who vote republican realize
who they vote for want to slash their earned benefits??? Are they
really that stupid to vote against their own self interest?? Wake the
frig up, old republicans-Republican party is an alliance between the
plutocrats and the preachers, plus some opportunists along for the
ride, about low taxes at the top (and low benefits for the rest),
plus conservative social values and putting religion in the schools;
it has no other reason for being, should we make of Republicans who
appear to be on a self-examination path? Not much, true that there
are some Republican intellectuals and pundits who seem to be truly
open-minded about both economic and social issues. open-minded,
professional seemers. Yes, folks: meet the new party, same as the old
party. Just more defeated Krugman's having none of it-Republicans are
simply batsheet crazy self righteous FREAKS Arizona out crazies other
contraception bills, education was cut a half-billion dollars last
year, and 100,000 people were just kicked off the state's Medicaid
program, Use birth control, get fired-Rush's plummeting advertising
power, thanks in large part to the efforts of the Flush Rush Facebook
community. Clear Channel, saying We've had concerned advertisers, and
some have requested they not be placed in the Limbaugh show, pretty
obvious as a listener. You hear the same national ads over and over,
like LifeLock and Dick Morris ObamaCare Survival Guide. Just a few
emails, tweets, or Facebook messages a week to Limbaugh's advertisers
can go a long way toward making hatred less profitable. It is our
collective voice that makes us strong-rbg/keep your feet on the
ground, reach for the stars, deepokhomebase video game, emanuscript
100word synaposis info@hayhouseau.com nacson
of Benghazi is that more people are dying in the USA daily, Congress
had an opportunity to initiate laws that would have helped and did
nothing about it. Now for the second time they are up in arms about
Benghazi where only 4 peopled died ybac/this old game "not
getting along" going, that's how they will get the Stupid US
Gov. Money Israel is our greatest supporters and cheerleaders finding
a new war for USA, Syria next, Only American lives are lost-da*mn
Bloodsuckers, every last one of them-It's all about the "Free
Money" everyone is looking for without having to work for it,
Hard Working Class Citizens" are the ones are getting the shaft
yc/Christians Gone Wild! SC sued for removing male genitals of
'hermaphrodite' toddler when he was 16-months-old rbg/ It seems Bush
is smarter than Cheney, both of them are stupid, but at least Bush
know's when to shut up, unlike Palin and other's. Cheney should be
great full that he wasn't pressed criminal charges when he was in
office-Dubya's been painting horsies and puppies and stuff to amuse
himself now. All that lying, stealing, cheating, and killing is
probably eating at his mental state- fb/Our financial system is kind
of rigged, They made a lot of money, but Americans lost trillions of
dollars, they lost their homes, lost their businesses, they lost
their pension savings, they lost their jobs,” Franken said of the
failure of the ratings process that contributed to the financial
collapse of 2008-Cry me a river. And GROW UP. nobody is responsible
for their own problems, their own failures, their own financial
mismanagement. It's always someone else's fault. "Wall
Street". Or "banks". Or "fat cats". No,
it's never YOUR fault. Always someone else. Your entire pathetic
reply epitomizes the pussy politics blamegame of the left-Bachmann:
9/11, Benghazi are a ‘judgment’ from God-Fox News host confronted
over ‘slanderous’ remarks linking Obama daughters to
Benghazi-Please ‘like’ me McConnell (R-KY) An over-sized Mitch
McConnell dances alone outside the Kentucky Derby racetrack. The beat
drops and suddenly he is surrounded by Uncle Sam, campaign staffers
with American flags, Rosie the Riveter, and Abraham Lincoln, just
used the Harlem Shake in his campaign, heads into a 2014 reelection
race in Kentucky with no challenger yet except for his own extremely
low approval ratings. just 36% of voters in his state approve of the
job he’s doing. And so he’s kicking off his campaign as
aggressively as he’s working to thwart anything that hints at gun
control, sent out an inflammatory email declaring that Democrats were
“coming for your guns.”-When MSNBC and other leftist propaganda
sites like Media Matters, Moveon.org and the like engage in political
criticism, they employ mock-superiority, condescension, character
assassination, distrotions, half-truths, distraction, blame-shifting,
petty schoolyard bullying tactics and just plain juvenile
belligerence. They offer only those facts that support their
prejudice, avoid stories or perspectives that invalidate their
ideological myopia (that would be reality, the Constitution, the laws
of economics, the laws of nature and nature's God) msnbc/William
Rivers Pitt, Truthout: Perhaps the AP's sudden inclusion in the ranks
of spied-upon journalists will inspire it to more truthfully and
factually inform the American people about what has been happening to
our country right under its nose/Andrew Cuomo has a rare opportunity
to push common sense reforms to get money out of our politics. But,
instead, he's seized the moment to push a “reform” that would
leave our state’s politics even more dominated by the wealthy and
well connected kvn/Israel has a population of approximately 7.7
million, Yet, Israel receives more of America’s foreign aid budget
than any other nation. The US has, in fact, given more aid to Israel
than it has to all the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, Latin
America, and the Caribbean combined—which have a total population
of over a billion people ygs/South Carolina to criminalize
implementation of Obamacare; showdown with feds inevitable
wordpress/military judge found Army Sgt. John Russell guilty of
premeditated murder Monday in the 2009 killings of five fellow
service members at a combat stress clinic in Iraq-Hunger-strikers
being force fed at Guantánamo Bay are shackled to a chair, fitted
with a mask and have tubes inserted through their nose and into their
stomachs for up to two hours at a time, according to revised
guidelines in use at the camp. The guidelines, which were updated
after the latest protest by inmates began in February, detail the
process of involuntary feeding and how after the sessions, detainees
are kept in a "dry cell" to prevent them vomiting clg/Happy
Now You Ignorant White Trash Baby Robbing Filth?28 Years Of
Reaganomics Racist Filth Finally Noticed The National Debt! yhal/
Israel was established as a destination country for trafficking, and
international sex trafficking victims had replaced the local market.
Israel’s flesh trade was booming and making between half a billion
to three quarters of a billion dollars a year. It was a particularly
desirable market for traffickers because the purchase of sexual
services was, and still is, legal in Israel. This protects
traffickers because it makes it difficult to prosecute them and to
identify their victims. Throughout the 1990’s traffickers acted
with impunity and, according to the Hotline for Migrant Workers,
smuggled 3,000 women annually into Israel, Traffickers promised women
work as au pairs, waitresses, or medical masseuses. A few were told
that they would work as exotic dancers and fewer were told that they
would be prostituted. No one was told that upon arriving in Israel
their documents would be confiscated and they would be bought, raped,
and transported to brothels where they would service between 15 to 20
men a day, Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act, Tier 3
nations would be subjected to strict economic sanctions. As Israel
receives $3.1 billion in annual assistance from the U.S., the fallout
would have been explosive, sources agree that sex trafficking in
Israel has been reduced. Yet, though Israel was recently awarded Tier
1 status, many would argue that it has not gone far enough in its
efforts to reduce sex trafficking and prostitution. In 2011, SAAR was
disbanded, and many victims of trafficking find themselves in prison
instead shelters because the two state-funded shelters are
overflowing, legislation had the potential to drastically reduce
demand and assist the 15,000-prostituted persons, a third of whom are
children, trapped in Israel’s sex trade. However, it was ultimately
not passed into law. Israel must recognize prostitution, as well as
sex trafficking, as the form of modern slavery that it is-What else
is new in the pitiful, illegal Zionist, hateful State of ISRA-HELL?
LOOOL I am NOT AT ALL surprised-the war should really be against this
trafficking of poor souls so that they can experience a taste of
equality-will not stop unless the organisers and customers are seen
as the criminals and the women are treated as the victims-- Russian
President Vladimir Putin, In talks with Netanyahu, Putin urges
restraint on Syria AP/Egypt’s parliament follows Jordan’s in call
to expel Israeli envoy/‘Manipulated’ prize-winning Gaza photo
being investigated Paul Hansen snapped a powerful image depicting the
funeral of two Palestinian children. “The strength of the picture
of the year, contrasts the anger and sorrow of the adults with the
innocence of the children. It’s a picture I will not forget/Coptic
priest Father Arsanios interacts with several Israeli policemen in
Jerusalem's Old City, shows police choking Coptic leader, 85, in Old
City/five female Mossad agents, who all hold ranks of commander or
higher (the equivalent of brigadier generals or colonels in the IDF),
have been involved in some of the agency’s most daring and
important operations went public this week, in interviews with the
Hebrew-language Lady Globes newspaper, giving readers a tiny glimpse,
from the female perspective, of the clandestine activities of
Israel’s secret service. No matter how vital the mission, there
are some lengths, they made clear, to which they will not go, and
will not be asked to go, Flirting is fair game when it comes to
national security. ‘A man who wants to gain access to a forbidden
area has less chance of being allowed in… A smiling woman has a
bigger chance of success. Women agents are not used for sexual
purposes. We flirt, but the line is drawn at sex. she knows her “life
is over” if she is caught-Is Paula Broadwell a jewish spy? We know
that under Lyndon Johnson his mistress was a jewish spy, which is why
the USS Liberty bombing by Israel was not
reported-timesofisrael/barak the "superstar" is just
another filthy politician, hurts when the truth comes crashing home.
this is the dirtiest bunch of amateurs to ever reside in the white
house-The worst and the most STUPID THUGS-fascism (fash'iz em) n. Any
authoritarian system characterized by state economic control,
militaristic nationalism, propaganda, and the crushing of opposition
yc/disgrace and a low class,journalism pandering, narcissistic,
incompetent and dishonesty by the media Republican jews ygs/Based on
net worth of $62.4 billion Senior preferred stock outstanding and
held by Treasury remained $117.1 billion ywfc/nothing conservative
about Republicans. They are simply ideologically warped and twisted
fascist goons-They let the Tea Baggers infect them with fascist
stupidity, and it has proved to be their undoing. No great loss. Name
one Republican with ANY character excepting Colin Powell-cannot wait
to see you leftards deep throat a 12 gauge after the GOP takes the
House and Senate. At some point in time, probably by 2016, we will be
in a position to assist the Lumpen and the crazy delusional, like
yourself, who cannot quite summon the courage to do the honourable
thing-Look kids...THAT is the Psycho Right-Winger. Always a zoo
favorite...just stay back, they tend to throw their feces-You are one
angry chicken hawk and what does the GOP know about honor ybac/ I
would not say that the future is necessarily less predictable than
the past. I think the past was not predictable when it started.
Rumsfeld/"She wears little eye-patch underwear. So, the other
day she came here with her underwear, we had made love a lot! And so
she'll, she's all, 'I am going up and down the stairs, and you're
dripping out of me!' So messy! Duvall (R-Calif.) on a live mic with a
lobbyist/Benghazi Bombshell: Turns out the press got played again by
Republicans. Jake Tapper has the smoking gun of the original email
from the Obama administration which differs significantly from the
emails ABC ran with, Leaked Emails Were Edited to Make Obama Look
Bad, whomever (sic) leaked it did so in a way that made it appear
that the White House primarily concerned with the State Department’s
desire to remove references and warnings about specific terrorist
groups so as to not bring criticism to the department,” Tapper
concludes, obtained by CNN from a U.S. government source. Ironically,
the email, which were “paraphrased” “inaccurately” and
“inventing the notion”, points out that there is a “ton of
wrong information” coming from Congress and people who are not
particularly informed (waving hello to Congressional Republicans and
Mitt Romney) the new shiny ball IRS scandal story), it has turned
out that the stories were being planted in the press-jake, please
accept my apology thinking you were just another rightwingnut
hack.....on faux snooze imus politicususa/There are more krooks in WS
per square inch than in Vegas, most of them are jews you guys know
them-true and accurate from A to Z they are j^ws The board schnorrer
will not be pleased and will have more j^wish whine-ygs/Netanyahu's
expenses have soared nearly 80 percent since he took office in 2009,
totaling about $905,000 last year, according to a civil liberties
group that obtained government figures after filing a freedom of
information request, catering, housekeeping, cleaning, furniture,
clothing and makeup all doubled during the four-year period,
according to the group, called the Movement for Freedom of
Information The uproar, which began with a TV station's report that
Netanyahu spent $127,000 in public funds for a special sleeping cabin
on a recent five-hour flight to London, fuels criticism that he is
out of touch with average Israelis who are struggling with tax
increases amid a huge budget deficit. Netanyahu and his family split
their time among three homes, including an official Jerusalem
residence, a private apartment in Jerusalem and a villa in the
upscale coastal town of Caesarea. a protest movement against Israel's
high cost of living and widening gaps between rich and poor, and the
campaign focused largely on domestic economic issues, increases
income, sales and real estate taxes while cutting family subsidies
and medical benefits. Additional taxes were also slapped on
cigarettes, alcohol and luxury goods, veteran Israeli political
reporter Shimon Shiffer recounted in the Yediot Ahronot daily that
Netanyahu and his wife Sara are always accompanied abroad by
hairdressers and makeup artists. On a recent flight with Netanyahu,
he said he saw two young men holding large bags. "For a moment,
under the influence of movies I'd seen about things that can happen
in the American president's plane, I thought that it might be the
suitcase containing the codes to operate the nuclear weapons that
Israel allegedly possesses, A brief investigation turned up slightly
less heroic results: The two men were hairdressers who had been flown
... to make sure his hair was properly styled and brushed, Reflecting
the public mood, famed Israeli photographer David Rubinger published
a photo he took in the early 1980s of then-Prime Minister Menachem
Begin slouched across two seats in a plane, sound asleep, his legs
covered by a simple red blanket. In an accompanying essay, he said
the image highlighted how leaders have since abandoned their role of
setting personal examples-American taxpayers provide for their
Israeli friends-JewHater, please elaborate-people need to understand
most politicians regardless of nationality, party, ideology or
whatever are all a bunch of self serving elitist punks all while the
middle class and the poor take most of the hit during the recession-I
find it unacceptable that yahoo ignores the chief spendocrat and his
first Wookie taking vacation after vacation, while the average
American struggles with putting food on the table. How much was his
last golf fun in the sun tour? 19 vacations and counting, yet they
are micro scoping the leader of another country and his spending
habits. Who cares-Netanyahu has always been a peckerhead. No country
has a monopoly on corrupt politicians- educated at the same time and
in the same place as our own neo-cons, went back to Israel and did
the same things-Truly our greatest allies lol-it's all US taxpayer
money anyway. They now have a higher standard of living than the US
but they continue to leach off of us-With friends like that, who
needs enemies?--Russia says CIA agent caught trying to recruit
spy-Gunmen attack Baghdad liquor store 12 killed-Italy's Berlusconi
questioned in prostitution probe yn/FBI to Investigate IRS Targeting
of Tea Party Groups, All officials stated that the criteria were not
influenced by any individual or organization outside the IRS.
Instead, the Determinations Unit developed and implemented
inappropriate criteria in part due to insufficient oversight provided
by management, only first line management approved references to the
Tea Party in the BOLO listing criteria before it was implemented. As
a result, inappropriate criteria remained in place for more than 18
months abc/
jamafix (irsgate) wkok/jenny, considering suing the govt,
martin, constitution bill of teabagpatriot never endorsed mitt,
seeking tax exempt status, could take years rsenwilf chasing all
leads, ellsburg office breakin bengazi butthurt, gen boinkin gosnell
triple abortion conviction, tyt leftwing radio personality: obama
establishment loving elitist ruling the masses, walsh irs nazi
tactics learned from bush, on geraldo humping jolie disease/irs
target halfass attack kosinich pariee metaphores irs and jama tie
patriot conspiracy etc, crystal america has awaken from the 70's with
a public hearing national security (libitarian chicken) hawk, moving
goal posts, backing out of the source of rices orginal statement
coverup pikering, tom jones sings out barbra, on the view/dhs
correspondent ineptitude herridge admitting petreus baggage will not
help blowing in the phone blames hillary, on dennis/at 6 after big
lead in elaine stritch, here's to looking up your address, thought
niagra falls was a woman having a baby, first tv gig acted with
mathow, first play with curt douglas, first orgasm on stage, on
talent is the greatest aphodesac baldwin's tal here's the thing/
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