Thursday, March 14, 2013

31413/kills me not to be in the Whitehouse

/31413/It kills me not to be in the Whitehouse~Mitt/Clinical Dilemma: Recommending Pot To Patients : NPR
TALK OF THE NATION. I'm Neal Conan, in Washington. In 18 states and
the District of Columbia, marijuana is medicine by popular vote. A lot of
doctors don't see it that way. They say pot presents problems that
include potency, efficacy, corruption, and of course it's still illegal
under federal law. imho, doctors are human like anyone else, and if they
are hardwired to feel marijuana is illegal or not " good", they will be
reluctant to order it-You can't prescribe marijuana anywhere. Doctors
recommend it. It's not a medicine that you can prescribe anywhere. So the
issue is recommendation. And what we're talking about with Dr. Bostwick
is a thoughtful consideration of a physician who's got an ongoing
relationship with a patient when the patient's got a lot of problems
after having tried a lot of other medications. That's not what medical
marijuana is about in this country. Ninety percent-plus of the marijuana
recommendations are sold by doctors who virtually the only thing they're
doing is putting out those recommendations. CONAN: And is too fine a
point to call that corruption? DUPONT: It's a kind of de facto
legalization-when you get the certificate, you go to a dispensary, and
you pick out how much you want, of which thing, and it's a discussion
that bears no relationship to medicine anywhere in the country. That's
what medical marijuana is as it's going on in the country today. CONAN:
But Dr. Bostwick, yes, there is that, and that's hard to deny, and when
you see signs, neon signs, it's a little difficult to equate that with
medicine, yet there are oncology patients and others who benefit from
marijuana. BOSTWICK: Well, one of the challenges here is that marijuana
has been used medicinally for 5,000 years, and including in the U.S. for
100 years legally. And the illegal, the Schedule One designation of
marijuana, which made it illegal, was actually a political decision as
well, not supported by science, because the science hadn't yet been done.
CONAN: Schedule One, of course, is federal law, but go ahead. BOSTWICK:
Right, federal law, but the effect of being a Schedule One drug is that
it's very difficult to do research on that drug, there's enough
literature, much of it anecdotal, to support that marijuana is not
completely without any kind of benefit. That being said, Dr. DuPont's
description of particularly the situation in Colorado is very accurate
and quite crazy. (LAUGHTER) DUPONT: You were talking about the history
about this, and let me just add to that, marijuana was used historically,
but by the 1930s it was virtually abandoned. It was still legally
prescribable, but nobody prescribed it. It had vanished from any kind of
use at all. So by the time the Controlled Substances Act came in 1970,
this medical use was ancient history, I think the point is that look at
what's happened to morphine. Morphine came from opium when it was
purified. And it wasn't only that morphine became used as a purified
chemical, but the synthetic analogs were developed. That is exactly the
future of cannabis. And the reason it's so interesting is I'm in favor of
that, and the people who are supporting medical marijuana are against it
because all they want is smoke dope, Marijuana has been researched by the
National Institute of Drug Abuse for nearly 40 years. And there's plenty
of research going on about that. The issue really has to do with how do
you - when you're doing the research, how do you justify studying a plant
as opposed to studying the specific chemicals. I think that's a very
difficult problem. But it is possible to do it, and the National
Institute of Drug Abuse, in that 40 years, has produced marijuana to give
to researchers so they can do studies of marijuana, this is an end-run
around that that is very dangerous, not just for the marijuana, but for
the precedent it sets for other drugs. CONAN: So given that, would you
say a recommendation of marijuana in any circumstance is malpractice?
DUPONT: No. I think the physician is dealing with - and Dr. Bostwick
presents it in a very good way. There's a different issue about what
happens with a physician talking to a patient when he's got a
relationship and is doing everything possible he or she can do to help
that patient, What happens between a doctor and the patient, that's an
entirely separate thing and a sacred thing, as far as I'm concerned,
around the issue of working with that patient-.have to wait till the next
generation of doctors- BOSTWICK: The Sativex that's currently in phase
three trials actually contains ratio of TCH to CBD, and there are
variable ratios with several different preparations of it. So yes, that
makes total sense. And certainly we know that drug dealers going only for
a high will try to get rid of the CBD. So I'm not disagreeing with that
at all. But I am saying that in the absence of these compounds that we're
talking about, theoretically, patients do titrate the medication to
effect.-PAUL: Yes. I'm a cannabis expert and a physician here in Denver,
and I take issue with the gentleman who talks about pot pushers and
things like that, because I have evaluated patients in the past,
thousands, and they are basically desperate. Eighty to 90 percent of
these people have been in pain and have been given multiple pain
medicines, and 25 percent were addicted. And you have to look at the
patient, as a whole, who's coming in and saying, OK. I don't have the
psychological problems, but I'm trying to deal with my pain, and I'm
trying to deal with sleep, et cetera, et cetera. And this works for me,
and they're grateful to be able to get the recommendation. Now, do all
the people - are some of the people using it for recreation? Of course
they are. But in the big scheme of things, there's never been a reported
death from cannabis use, as opposed to, what, 200,000 deaths from
prescription medicine and 20,000 deaths from opiates? frankly, if they
order dilaudid and oxycontin, grass should be mousenuts to them- it
should be governed by the same laws as alcohol, and for side
effects... name one med that does not have any.-duh, pot-Related NPR
Stories, With Pot Legalized, States Enter Uncharted Waters Feb. 7, 2013
Colo. Task Force Navigates New Pot Rules Jan. 7, 2013 It's Legal To Sell
Marijuana In Washington. But Try Telling That To A Bank. Nov. 16, 2012 /
31313/5 Most Dangerous Places To Be When An EMP Strikes, in an instant
the nation's power grid will fail as anything with circuits (including
most automobiles beforeitsnews-DHS Purchased Enough Ammo to Sustain a Hot
War in America For Years US Air Force Stops Reporting Data on Afghanistan
Drone Strikes-Gun Debates Come Down to Matter of Trust Where Are All of
the Principled Liberals?-California or Texas Liberty and Self-Government?
-Stunts, Scare Tactics Designed to Make You Give Up Guns-Singing Alto in
the Republican Choir- Barack Obama is no Abraham Lincoln- Divorcing
Marriage and the Government-PatriotUpdate dedicated to the ideals of a
free press/Speaking in her distinctive, no-nonsense style, "Autism is a
very big spectrum, ranging from people with severe handicaps to high
functioning people like Einstein, Steve Jobs and Mozart. Half the geeks
in the Silicon Valley are on the spectrum. PhD), Temple Grandin ftg/
The Shame of Israel Apartheid Week The blood libel seems to have gained
respectability in the halls of academia now that Israel Apartheid Week
has become an annual rite on college campuses across North America.
Characterized by hate-speech promoted as political discourse, Israel
Apartheid Week proclaims its goal is to educate people about the nature
of Israel as an apartheid system and to build Boycott, Divestment and
Sanctions (BDS) campaigns as part of a growing global BDS movement, Its
architects contend they are not antisemitic.  However, Israel is not an
apartheid state under any definition of the term, and to argue otherwise
requires the repetition of odious lies and the denial of historical
facts. Because the claim of Israeli apartheid is a malicious fiction, the
antisemitic motivations underlying Israel Apartheid Week cannot be
minimized or ignored  By Matthew M. Hausman- On questioning the Jewish
state  What does the right of self determination mean if not the right to
be what you want to be. One peoples right to self determination negates
the right of others in the same space. The right of self determination is
not predicated on whether you will be democratic. The right of self
determination on one level is the right to discriminate. If Israel is
denied the right to favour Jews in immigration or to refuse political
rights to others in its midst, it is denied the right of self
determination. See also this rebuttal by Fresno Zionism titled A Jewish
State Can be Democratic and Moral. But I would like to make the point
that it can be undemocratic and (im)moral. Ted Belman-Defenders of
Israeli policies routinely accuse Israel’s critics of denying her right
to exist, while the critics (outside of a small group on the left, where
I now find myself) bend over backward to insist that, despite their
criticisms, of course they affirm it. The general mainstream consensus
seems to be that to deny Israels right to exist is a clear indication
of anti-Semitism (a charge Jews like myself are not immune to), and
therefore not an option for people of conscience joelavene, IsraPundit/
new gang leader has been elected-He was ordained 13 December (1:13 pm)
elect pope 13 March..whats it with the 13's ?-If you add today's date up
13/03/2013 it equals 13-/useless republicans-A great time for a suicide
bomber to do his job-Maybe they should put in a Smoke Stack, more
efficient than what these Bozos are doing-They don't tie their shoes...
they use Velcro and slip ons-same could be said about Democrats-How about
CANCER- that needs to be cut out of this body!-What do you call the most
Powerful Influential lobby in DC? AIPAC. Are they more Loyal to the USA
or Israel? It seems the Partisans on both sides of the Aisle are
completely Owned. Ignorant sheep deserve to be lead to the Slaughter?-
The stare down.who will flinch?-criminal conference or organisation-
Unfortunately the Democrats are no better-Correction, destructive-Ditto
for dems in the senate!-makes a conservative feel better to make a
libertarian statement-Most of the time, they're wrecking stuff-Overpaid-
Treasonous-Obstruction!-Not doing their gig-Liberalism (from the Latin
liberalis) is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of
liberty and equality. Liberals espouse a wide array of views, generally
they support ideas such as free and fair elections, civil rights, freedom
of the press, freedom of religion, free trade, and private property.
Liberalism first became a distinct political movement during the Age of
Enlightenment, Liberalism rejected the notions, common at the
time, of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, and the
Divine Right of Kings-a cabal of anarchists-96 billion in corp welfare?-
Prole Augury The Republican party are the lackeys for the plutocracy and
you are a rube who gets his vote fleeced by the to indulge propensity to
hate others-it takes a long time to recover from 8 years of republican
stupidity-AINT THAT THE TRUTH, Sad Part is, People like "Trailer Park
Trash * vote these "CLOWNS" in, They (Republicans) haven't learned a DAMN
thing from them 4 turds, (Mc-Cain/Palin, Romney/Ryan), They STILL want
the "Circus Act" of Reagan and the 2 Bushes, (DUMB AND DUMBER),
Hence forth, That's why they watch "Fixed-Noise" (Fox News), You feed
Maggots (Shit), They turn into flies and want more (Shit)-The Republicans
have done nothing but obstruct and introduce fanciful proposals that
could never get passed no matter who controlled the senate. This is a
lesson in failure all right, Republican failure FB/sisteen seagull sez
mario bergogilo from buenos aires pope francisI? 50:1 longshot/no rules,
like italian luggage checkin, like at an italian sex party jenna, what
have the children done for us, well they make our shoes and wallets
31213/What actions would you take if you were President of US?-Get the
country out of the United Nations, and get them off our land. Use my
secret hit list to put down the Rothschilds, Rockefellers....elitist
assholes really-i keep coming up with more stuff, I'd definitely waste
no time instituting federal voter ID requirements-You want smaller gov't,
but you want to make more gov't by forcing yet another piece of I.D. for
voting-Clearly * is a conservative-means an end to subsidizing solar and
other alternative energies that simply cannot be productive on a mass
scale the way traditional fiuels are?-Those aren't loopholes, those are
credits. I'm talking cheats. offshore stuff, putting money over in
another company to hide it, moving money to a different account or a
different person's name to hide it, subsidizing OIL companies and
HEALTHCARE companies which are making money hand over fist and aren't
benefitting the environment, R&D is good or nothing would ever get
discovered-take all money out of lobbies and allow no donations of more
the 5oo$ from private citizens only in elections, and new policies for
the 21st century. leaving 1950s' behind-Bleed the Senate would be the
first-End the Fed-Repeal Obamacare! the most efficient and most
bipartisan way to fix the problem! .this is a case of people in a better
situation getting money from the federal government and poorer people
being denied it. This is targets the working poor and
penalizes them. Absurdly stupid-people with jobs get a tax break, the
people without jobs get free healthcare. Would you prefer they trade?-
Legalize marajuana and sell pre-rolled joints in cigarette/cigar type
packages and tax the hell out of them to help with the national debt. Cut
military spending by about 2/3d's for a few years and reduce government
employees by at least 1/3rd. Seriously make lobbying congress close to
impossilbe (with stiff, draconian fines involved and possible dismissals-
Push for consumption tax. Eliminate income tax- I'd hang most of
Congress.- I would recommend an Amendment to the Constitution
establishing a separation of industry and state; the amendment would make
taking bribes from lobbyists and financial support from PACs
unconstitutional. It would also render any law requiring American
citizens to do business with private industries unconstitutional. I would
propose the Truth in Legislation Act that would make the oath of office
taken by the President, Senators, and Congressman as binding as the oath
taken in Federal court; this would make lying in an official capacity
perjury and a Federal crime. I would propose legislation restricting how,
when, and by whom consumer credit reports can be accessed and sweeping
changes to how credit scores are used against consumers-I'd decrease the
number of politicians and cut out all their crazy spending on lavish
trips and jets and hotels. And I'd cut their pay-Reading the responses on
this thread, I am struck by the same thought over and over. Many of the
responses are just facetious and stupid (the ones talking about shooting
people or some crap). A few are valid. An overwhelming majority though
just shows how stupid people are about the power of the presidency.
Apparently even the "smart, informed" ones. It is sad-don't be too hard
on them *, many good ideas, sum not so much--someone that says smoking
pot is part of their religion things are done to let them do so BUT when
it is the best way to relieve pain/depression/stress for a patient they
are just about shit out of luck? In most parts of the country at least-I
think the debaters question is referring to why atheists seem threatened
by religion. Can't they just not believe? Why do they need company?-can't
speak for all atheists, but I don't hate religion. I just choose to not
take part in it. Does that mean I'm some heathen who eats baby hearts in
my cheerios every morning? Or that I'm hateful towards religious folk?
No. It just means that I try to be a good person without labeling myself
under some religious doctrine and that my beliefs are different. I don't
agree with hateful or mean atheists because they basically turn into the
hateful and mean religious fanatics that do everything their religion
tells them not to-elaborate on whyyou beleve hate is a natural part of he
humanmakeup?- Hate is much easier for humans than love. Have you had your
eyes closed for the last 200,000 years? The wars, oppression, genocide,
abuse rape torture and general assholiness of most people in everyday
life?-terribly venal with reports all over of corrupt behavior and MOSTLY
the personal damage it causes by not allowing a person to have a TRUE
perspective of how the world operates-education coddling abuse poor
parenting ect. Is no excuse! They make a choice! I grew up in a very
secure home! I went to all the parties were there was drugs and alcohol!
Guess what I chose not to do it and to make sure my friends got home
safe! I was always there safe ride home! My choice and there's as friends
we took care of each other. I was not taught the streets like you say
parents should. But between my parents and church I new no matter what I
do I have to answer for it one day!-Wal-Mart & ALEC Scandal: Company
Subjects Female Prison Laborers to 'Slave-Like' Conditions company is
using sub-contractors to evade labor laws and hire prisoners for cheap.
policymic-Another reason to hate Walmart. This is an outrage and
something needs to be done. Thus is modern day slavery. I have no problem
with putting prisoners to work, but it should be for the state not a
corporation whose purpose is to make a profit-Making people atheist, it
has become a hobby of mine after moving to Mississippi. It is amazing how
many closet atheists live here. In the land that time forgot admitting to
being one can mean trouble in some parts-CHRIST W@RRI0R would LEAD THE
RePUBLICAN'S throughout Anglo TWISTED HIST0RY from the T0P down and
BACKWARDS-wabc Cannibal city cop Gilberto Valle found guilty on all
counts for planning to kill & eat women- most states have sold their
prisons to private companies that benefit from imprisoning as many people
as they can-PRISONS are FOR-PROFIT BUSINESSES with fat gov contracts,
often unnecessarily incarcerate, for private profit-Wahhabi Invasion: How
Saudi Uses Money To Radicalize Kashmir- If they were doing anything bad
they would tell us so. Pew: Only 3 For Every 10 Americans,Trust The
Government cbslocal-Stewart Rhodes founder of "Oath Keepers", Sheriff
Richard Mack and the County Sheriff Project, Judge Andrew P. Napolitano.
All these men are different. However, what they all do have in common is
a love and passion for FREEDOM, LIBERTY, NATURAL RIGHTS,
Constitutional form of Freedom-TIME to WAKE UP,
Take responsibility for the world you live in and what will be left for
our future... Our CHILDREN!-wiki 1893, New Zealand, became the first
country in the world to grant women the right to vote, followed soon
after by the self-governing British colony of South Australia in 1895, in
the United States were granted the right to vote from 1920, in the United
Kingdom were granted partial voting rights in 1918 and full rights in
1928-fb/abc The World According to Dick Cheney: The former vice president
gets personalThe World According to Dick Cheney: The former vice
president gets personal-pulling the strings of the W puppet.-man is
liar,a thief and yes a murdering thug-Down with the t-bagger GOP
obstructionists, for war crimes profiteering waterboard and imprison
Cheney - LACK of integrity within the GOP was well EXPOSED during and
after the Bush Cheney years. It sure didn't just start then. "Broken
Government" John W. Dean-So much hatred from so many people who are so
pathetically stupid. You loser Liberals are a joke, you really are a sad
collection of some of the most easily led, stupidest people imaginable.
So ignorant of the things you scream the loudest about. And for you
pathetic little #$%$ sticks comparing Cheney to Hitler, you truly are the
#$%$ of the earth-yet you think liberals are the haters. You didn't offer
up any defense of Cheney, you just insulted everyone else to satisfy your
desire to be right despite all the evidence to the contrary-Cheney is, at
least, a habitual liar. That is evident by his recent public statement
that, if put in the same situation, he would do it again. "Hubris: The
Inside Story of Spin, Scandal, and the Selling of the Iraq War-he is the
only one with answers & making money for dead bodies, hitler had more
principles than cheney-FOX FAUX NEWS talking points, Right Wing Cunts are
the #$%$ of the world! Cheney is a vile evil doer. His comes during the
Iraq war where so vile and arrogant ems to forget he was the VP! making
Bushwacked act like a puppet of #$%$!-you must be the only person in the
USA that doesn't know of Cheney's profits, through no-bid contracts,
pertaining to the wars-Character assassination and rumors may be great
for the hate-filled Left, but not for me y/al-CIAduh') from the get-go:
Taliban, US colluding on bombings to create 'need' for foreign troops to
stay beyond 2014 - Karzai 10 Mar 2013 Afghan President Hamid Karzai on
Sunday accused the Taliban and the U.S. of working in concert to convince
Afghans that violence will worsen if most foreign troops leave, an
allegation the top American commander in Afghanistan rejected as
"categorically false." [LOL!] show the insurgent group is conducting
attacks to demonstrate that international forces will still be needed to
keep the peace after their current combat mission ends in 2014. "The
explosions in Kabul and Khost yesterday showed that they are at the
service of America and at the service of this phrase: 2014. They are
trying to frighten us into thinking that if the foreigners are not in
Afghanistan-Two years after the nuclear disaster ravaged Japan's
northeastern Pacific coast, forests that cover 70 percent of the
Fukushima Prefecture have been found to contain high concentrations of
radioactive cesium-Hundreds of Millions on Secret Israeli Bunkers The
Washington Post fleshed out the original Construction Project in Israel,
called 'Site 911,' in November-After swarms of grasshoppers swooped en
masse Locusts arrive in Tel Aviv, northern Israel-81 public entities to
fly UAVs in U.S. airspace 08 Mar 2013 Florida lawmakers are hoping to
restrict the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as
drones, in Sunshine State skies. Thursday a House committee unanimously
passed the Freedom from Unwarranted Surveillance Act, which limits police
to use camera drones only if they have a search warrant or can prove
"imminent danger." In 2011 Miami-Dade Police were the first in the
country to have a Federal Aviation Administration permit to use drones
similar to those used in Afghanistan. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Rand Paul
(R-Ky.) plan to try to attach a prohibition on drone strikes against
American citizens on U.S. soil to the government-wide spending bill due
up on the Senate floor-sickened 14 people and killed 8. Most of the
infections have occurred in the Middle East, but a new analysis of three
confirmed infections in Britain suggests the virus can pass from person
to person rather than from animal to humans,  The virus is a coronavirus,
part of the same family of viruses as the common cold and the deadly
outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) that first emerged
in Asia in 2003.the CDC Morbidity and Mortality Reportby 2018, all
products in U.S. and Canada stores must be labeled if they contain
genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This is the first national grocery
store to set a deadline from GMO labeling. "We are putting a stake in the
ground on GMO labeling to support the consumer's right to know," said
Walter Robb, co-CEO of Whole Foods Market, in a press release. During the
November election, a mandatory GMO labeling initiative, Prop 37, was
introduced in California. Millions of d*llars poured in from various
corporations such as [terrorists] Monsanto and PepsiCo against the ballot
measure, which was ultimately defeated.-legitgov/passes taste test, Would
you eat a steak made from human sewage? Believe it or not, this concept
has already been approved. mnn-fb/CIA Director John Brennan took the oath
of office—behind closed doors, far away from the press, perhaps befitting
his status as America's top spy—the White House took pains to emphasize
the symbolism of the ceremony-Tea Party is a front for the John Birch
Society which is a subversive organization. The Tea Party is funded by
Americans for Prosperity which is a Pac of the Koch Brothers whose father
was a co-founder of the John Birch Society. The John Birch Society is an
ultra-conservative right wing organization that was declared a subversive
organization 50 years ago. Its Agenda is to destroy America-Doesn't it
sometime seem that they are doing and reporting this stuff to see if they
can get someone to snap?-Can you imagine what outcry there would have
been if the LA cop killer was a tea party person? Instead he was a gun
grabbing Obama supporter, so he was just killed in silence-the media is
obviously on board. Maybe they're thinking of the endless stream of
headline material-Brennan defends drone strikes, even on Americans. Isn't
that all you really need to know?-every option he can get and use- The
CIA does not, and can not operate inside the borders of the U.S. So, his
stance of drone use, is mute when it comes to drones in the U.S.-
Progressive liberals were at least consistent: oppose drone strikes and
all the bee ess that Cheney/Bush pulled. TeaPublicans? Not so much -
defended everything in previous administration (wiretapping, rendition,
etc) to the teeth, but the nanosecond Obama goes down that path, they are
shocked, just shocked. Gotta go mop up all the crocodile tears flooding
these boards-America elected the enemy,  declared his run for his senate
seat in the house of a known terrorist who wanted to destroy America, by
spurring a communist revolution. America knew it, and voted for Obama
anyway. Sit back, and watch the show. America will not wake up, and
figure it out. she is drunk on her pro sports, her MTV, and her sexual
deviance. She is drunk, stoned, and wanting more destruction. It will not
be long now. y/
31113/Will the next pope embrace liberation theology? The conventional
answer would be: fat chance. The chances that a true radical will be
selected as Pope are next to nil. That’s because none are in the running.
all the eligible cardinals were appointed to their positions either by
Pope Benedict XVI or by Pope John Paul II. Both men vigilantly stacked
the deck with cardinals whose views range, in the words of one religion
professor, from conservative to ultraconservative. Liberal theologian
Hans Küng gives a harsh assessment  “They are partly responsible for the
stagnation that stifles every attempt at modernization of the church
system/John Paul II condemned “the resurgence of a certain capitalist
neoliberalism which subordinates the human person to blind market
forces-God’s Rottweiler,” leading the effort to silence creative and
non-conformist voices within Catholicism. During Ratzinger’s tenure as
doctrinal enforcer, the church is said to have officially rejected
liberation theology-Dionne argued that “An all-male hierarchy adopted
policies to cover up the [sex abuse scandal plaguing the church] and
seemed far too inclined to put protecting the church’s image ahead of
protecting children, we can at least hope for a church leader who
recognizes and validates the critical social justice work carried out
largely by nuns, rather than spending his time reprimanding women
religious. Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana. Not only would Turkson, as an
African, blasted speculative trading, reiterated previous church warnings
against “idolatry of the market,” and argued, “No one can in conscience
accept the development of some countries to the detriment of others.”
This is what has led some commentators to suggest that liberation
theology may make a comeback if Turkson becomes pope. Naunihal Singh New
Yorker, Turkson has a strong conservative side. He is notably homophobic,
even by church standards, having defended anti gay legislation in Africa
and having linked the Catholic Church’s pedophilia scandals to cultures
that are permissive of homosexuality (rather than to an internal
institutional culture that prizes secrecy, hierarchy, and obedience).
Turkson also caused a scandal last year by showing a fear-mongering and
discredited anti Muslim video to a meeting of church officials. The
British Independent has dubbed the cardinal “Conservatism’s Cape
crusader.-Hummes opposing the use of condoms to prevent the spread of
HIV/AIDS in Brazil) would open the door for the revival of social justice
ministry in the Catholic Church. Unfortunately, you should only put your
money on the Brazilian to become the next pope if you like betting on
long shots. As of this writing, the odd-makers have him at 50:1--
It is entirely possible as a pretext that the Justice Department is
using to justify its failure to prosecute powerful friends on Wall
Street. In Washington, this possibility can never be ruled out., there is
the possibility that the Justice Department really believes that
prosecuting the criminal activities of Bank of America or JP Morgan could
sink the economy. If this is true, then it makes the case for breaking up
the big banks even more of a slam dunk, since it takes the logic of too
big to fail one step further, the simple argument against too big to fail
is that it subsidizes risk-taking by large banks. In principle, when a
bank or other company is engaged in a risky line of business, those who
are investing in the company or lending it money demand a higher rate of
return in recognition of the risk. However, if they know that government
will back up the bank if it gets into trouble, then investors have little
reason (facts) to properly evaluate the risk. it turns out that we also
give them a get out of jail free card when it comes to criminal activity,
then we are giving these banks an incentive to engage in criminal
activity. There is a lot of money to be gained by assisting drug dealers
and other nefarious types in laundering their money. In principle, the
laws are supposed to be structured to discourage banks from engaging in
such behavior. But when the attorney general tells us that the laws
cannot be fully enforced against the big banks, he is saying that we are
giving them incentive to break the law in the pursuit of profit. Our
anti trust laws are supposed to protect the country against companies
whose size allows them inordinate market power. In principle, we would
use anti trust law to break up a phone company because its market
dominance allowed it to charge us $10 a month too much on our cable. How
could we not use anti-trust policy to break up a bank whose size allows
it to profit from dealing with drug dealers and murderers with impunity?-
militarism is such an accepted fact of American life? Where there is so
little restraint placed upon the military, and so little concern for
civilian casualties?, Two books grapple with these important questions.
Nick Turse's "Kill Anything That Moves" looks at how the Vietnam War set
the precedent for the "collateral damage" of today, while "National
Insecurity" by former CIA analyst Melvin Goodman exposes the astronomical
costs of America’s "defense" protesters in pakistan
euronews/tunisia freedom of press under fire f24/juggling chainsaw
filibuster sez coulter, ronpaul proud of filibuster son, on geraldo

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