Consider this: Swift Boat Veterans for Truth spent about $23 million on smear ads against me in 2004. this year, the Romney campaign and super PACs have promised to spend more than $1 billion. j kerry/records Rolling Stone has obtained under the Freedom of Information Act reveal that Mitt Romney's mythology is just that: His much-ballyhooed transformation of Bain & Company actually included a bailout that screwed taxpayers out of at least $10 million/Sean Lennon has fond memories of the rural New York farm his parents bought in the Seventies. The property sits within potential "fracking" territory - drilling for natural gas. On Wednesday Lennon and Yoko Ono hosted an event for Artists Against Fracking in New York-rs/
Consider this: Swift Boat Veterans for Truth spent about $23 million on smear ads against me in 2004. this year, the Romney campaign and super PACs have promised to spend more than $1 billion. j kerry/records Rolling Stone has obtained under the Freedom of Information Act reveal that Mitt Romney's mythology is just that: His much-ballyhooed transformation of Bain & Company actually included a bailout that screwed taxpayers out of at least $10 million/Sean Lennon has fond memories of the rural New York farm his parents bought in the Seventies. The property sits within potential "fracking" territory - drilling for natural gas. On Wednesday Lennon and Yoko Ono hosted an event for Artists Against Fracking in New York-rs/
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