5712/bama has a pride and dignity,he would never do what Bush did,were
you having a brain surgery while bush was lying and acting like a mad cow
?-The TRUTH Shall be avoided, FACTs ignored!-same people who didn't bat
an eyelash at the Bush family's ties to the Nazi Party (Google "Prescott
Bush" and "coup"), the Bin Ladens, and the Saudi royal families/Faux
People do not understand facts/Vermont first state in nation to ban
fracking for oil and gas vtdigger.org/Police have been trying to stop
citizen journalists from videotaping Occupy protests and arrests.You have
the right under the First Amendment to take video images of police
activity in public places.This article from ACLU explains it.Citizen
Journalism is a powerful tool for getting the message out to the public
and for documenting police brutality and abuse of power/ A Virginia man
was arrested and charged this weekend from planning to assassinate
President rawstory.com/A new sinister group of right-wing vulgarians
called Veterans For A Strong America, swift boating of the president,"
says the founder of a dark-money group claiming to speak for ticked-off
Navy SEALs, (apparently Chicken-sh*t Hawks for a Bloated Defense budget
was already taken) was created with the nefarious aim of distorting (or
'Swiftboating') the president's monumental achievement of killing Bin
Laden. addictinginfo.org/Law enforcement officers have been documented
distributing illegal drugs to individuals and then dropping them off at
the Occupy encampment in Minneapolis. At the same time an effort is being
waged to remove Occupy from the park claiming it is in the interest of
public safety/Israeli Court Rules Against The Two Palestinian Hunger
Strikers- Israeli soldiers escalated their illegal measures against the
Palestinian people on military roadblocks all over the West Bank and on
border terminals leading to Gaza and kidnapped 29 Palestinians on these
roadblock-Barakeh's Trial Sheds Light On Israeli Military Undercover
Methods Of Disrupting Peaceful Protests imemc.org/“The people of Europe
can no longer be reconciled with the bailouts of barbarism,” Tsipras, 37,
said on state-run NET TV late yesterday after his Syriza party
unexpectedly came second in the country’s election bloomberg.com/George
Lindsey, 'Goober'rip at 83/Women of Kashmir, phillosphy is self-serving,
for me it’s not about the unilateral but proletarian as it has always
been. It’s not ignorance to reject simple notions that only assume the
personal. It juz means I have no time to entertain simpletons. Most
especially, when they know as I do that our mothers, sisters & daughters
are forced to give birth at checkpoints in Israel/Protecting the Right to
Record, nine leading free speech and digital rights groups called on
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to focus attention on the alarming
number of arrests of people documenting Occupy protests occupy.com/ T.
Boone Pickens has a bone to pick with the country’s leading pollutocrats.
Pickens said in an interview Wednesday with Yahoo’s Daily Ticker that
Koch Industries, the company owned by Charles and David Koch, is the
major stumbling block to a coherent U.S. energy policy/In California, the
Police are in the Business of Kidnapping Children copblock.org/chief of
staff helped steer a no-bid consulting contract worth $360,000 to a
friend. [TCL: It's become quite obvious in the last two decades that
Florida State politics is dirty to the core
orlandosentinel.com/Get-Rich-Quick Profiteers Love Mitt Romney, and He
Loves Them Back Mother Jones/The Fastest Broadband in the Country Is
Being Built by Local Communities Crooks and Liars/Bachmann Rewrites
History, Claims Women "Overwhelmingly" Voted GOP in 2010 ThinkProgress
5612/Obama Rejoins ICC, US No Longer Rogue State International
Criminal Court? - Council on Foreign ... Welcome to CFR. ... Speech Two:
Reject and Oppose the International Criminal Court - John Bolton statute and thus ensure that U.S. involvement in the selection of judges
and prosecutors will render this scenario almost impossible. ...
last-minute provision related to Israel's policy toward settlements in
occupied territories.
cfr.org/palestinian-authority/stakes-palestinians-statehood-bi d/p25930
amicc.org/docs/Toward%20an%20International%20Criminal% 20Court.pdf /
catid=58:the-911-event&Itemid=115 Wartime Contracting Commission
Classifies Findings for Next 20 ... Oct 25, 2011 ... Evidence of
government theft, profligacy, criminality, and waste is indeed
sensitive information. .... as part of a group led by Condoleezza Rice
that called itself The Vulcans /Latest On Rabbi Zakheim And The Missing
$2.3 Trillion Following Zakheim And The Pentagon Trillions To Israel And
911 ... 2001 that an audit discovered $2.3 trillion was also
missing,reported missing by Donald Rumsfeld (September 10, from the
Pentagon books rense.com
informamerica.net/isrl_amr_enmy.html/general75/latest.htm /Alan Sabrosky,
a US Marine Corps veteran and author, asserts that Israel masterminded
the 9/11 attacks, says that the military brass now know that Israel and
those traitors within our nation committed the 9/11 attack.
cans-knew-theyd-grind-israel-to-dust-vid/ evidence for this theft of 2.2
trillion dollars was in the offices of Cantor ..... Israel Wants To Kick
Off Cast Lead II Against Gaza
nd-9-11-part.html / into full "spin" mode, the signal that a real panic
is going on behind the scenes antiwar.com/justin/j030802.html /THANK YOU
Dr. Sabrosky!-It takes a lot of courage to speak the truth-I surmised
that Israel did it when I watched on TV almost 9 years ago. My thoughts
were at the time, that I bet Israel did this to the US into a war in the
Middle East. I had spoken to officials who also confirmed some strange
coincides, including several thousand Jews that did not go to work at the
WTC on that day. This has been a long time coming, I hope the officials
take note. An outrage of the 9/11 false flag event must now become
focused.-Now, if we can civilian arrest Rudy Jiulani . Marvin Bush, Larry
Silverstein and lock them,surrounded by alligators until they talk.
Biggest scum in all of this is the Union Fire fighters Boss–who
railroaded any investigation and court action after 340 fighters died.
Most American are stupid.Sad :^-wideeyecinema.com/?p=8185
facebook.com/pages/Wide-Eye-Cinema/243764002330468 /government leaders
have dual citizenship to Israel and now their part in 9/11 has been
exposed, with Mossad youtube.com/watch?v=gXCa6S09Ycs /I would say the
MOSSAD agents on top of their van filming the 9/11 attacks
laughing, smiling, and taking photos of themselves with the wTc
survivalistboards.com/showthread.php?p=4076795 how the FBI's NS-2C Unit
of its "National Security Division" based at FBI Headquarters,
Washington, D.C., ordered FBI Newark to stop their investigation of the
Israelis, documents were partly declassified in 2005. However, there are
many parts that are still blanked out and classified until 2030 or 2035.
Apart from names of individuals, the unreleased material includes longer
passages such as the section following the question: "1. Did the Israeli
nationals have foreknowledge of the events at WTC and were they filming
the events prior to and in anticipation of the explosion?" The fact that
it's blanked out indicates that the answer is clearly not an emphatic
"no". consistent with Israel's capability and history of staging
false-flag terror, the two hours' advance warning of the WTC attack
transmitted via the Herzliya / New York-based Israeli instant messaging
service Odigo, the failure of Benjamin Netanyahu's friend Larry
Silverstein and his children to turn up for work that day at the World
Trade Center, Netanyahu's advance warning of, and Efraim Halevy's
intimate knowledge of, the London 7/7 attacks, the $250,000 "loan"
received by Bernard Kerik from Israeli billionaire Eitan Wertheimer
together with $236,000 in rent paid by Steven C. Witkoff after Kerik
visited Israel from August 26-29, 2001 to meet with Wertheimer and then
claimed on September 16, 2001 that a "hijacker's passport" had been
"discovered", along with multiple corroborating evidence much too
numerous to mention in an introduction. Not surprisingly, experts from
such professions as structural engineers, architects, physicists,
mechanical engineers, metallurgical engineering graduates, PhD
scientists, fire protection engineers, fire-fighters, electrical design
engineers, explosives technicians, etc, may be seen speaking out on the
ae911truth channel on YouTube, explaining why they know the government's
half-baked conspiracy theory about suicidal Arabs with box cutters
crashing two planes and managing to bring down three high-rises is
believable only by the uneducated and the uninformed.
rban-moving.html /9/11/2001 Time: 8:27 PM
Event Narrative: Spotted a white cube van driving along Rt. 3 South near
exit 3 Plymouth Massachuesetts [sic]. The van had double doors in the
back and the company name "Urban Moving Systems" in gold lettering. Page
28: Synopsis: Establish basis linking five (5) Israeli Nationals
(detained) [38 characters wiped here before the period. The blanked
characters would have to be something like "to the terrorist attacks of
09/11/2001"; if they were discussing links between the Israelis and
Mickey Mouse, there would have been no need to classify it].
Details: On instant date, Newark initiated an investigation predicated
upon the detention of five (5) Israeli Nationals who may have possessed
information about the terrorist incident targeting the twin towers of New
York City's World Trade Center on 09/11/2001. The following sets forth
the basis for linking these five (5) Israeli Nationals (detained)
[followed by section blanked out for political reasons; the wiped area
continues for the rest of the page and for almost all of page 29; in
handwriting, (4) employees of Classic International Movers, a New Jersey
based moving company which was believed by Miami to have been used by one
of the nineteen (19) alleged hijackers involved in the terrorist attacks.
All four employees, Israeli nationals, had served in the Israeli
military, and entered the U.S. from various locations in South America.
[Note: It's quite bizarre that an "Arab terrorist" would use an Israeli
moving company. However, if Israelis were posing as "Arab terrorists", it
would be remarkable if they didn't use an Israeli moving company.
Israelis' version of events physically and scientifically impossible
without a suspension of the laws of causality and General Relativity. And
this is corroborated by the fact that the eyewitness' friend was prompted
to telephone her "immediately" after hearing the first plane crash,
looking out and seeing the smoke; by another eyewitness who saw the
Israelis "less than 5 minutes" after the first plane impact; by a third
eyewitness who saw a white van with no side windows arrive and park in
the same apartment block rear parking lot at 8:15 and found it was gone
by 9:20; by a fourth eyewitness who saw a white van parked in the same
parking lot and estimated the time to be as early as 8:00am; and by a
fifth eyewitness who spotted Sivan Kurzberg at the Doric Towers apartment
complex the day before 9/11. Using her binoculars [blank] looked through
her rear window. Then she opened the balcony door and walked onto the
balcony. As she looked in the direction of the WTC, she observed three
(3) males kneeling on the roof of a white van in the rear parking lot of
her apartment complex. She noticed them and it appears as though they
noticed her. the false-flag operation's been completed, the Mossad's
"moving company" front has become redundant for another few years, the
"movers" have just been fired, but they still get perks such as use of
company computers and use of the company van for commuting home from
work?!] [Blank=Marmari] stated he jumped into the back of the white van
where he fell asleep on top of blankets. Marmari] was later awoken, time
unknown, when the van made a stop and someone placed skis and a red bag
in the back of the van. He then went back to sleep as the van began to
move again. The next time he awoke he heard a police officer ask [blank]
for his driver's license and within a minute they were arrested at
gunpoint and were taken to jail./9/11 suspects ignore, disrupt Guantanamo
arraignment in protest Silence and occasional outbursts from accused 9/11
mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four others during their
arraignment cnn/Is France's Sarkozy One and Done? Gitmo Lawyer Defends
Call For Courtroom Dress Code, defense attorney who wore a traditional
Islamic outfit during the rowdy arraignment of the accused Sept. 11
terrorists is defending her courtroom appeal that other women in the room
wear more "appropriate" clothing to the proceedings, out of respect,
outraged 9/11 family members watching on closed-circuit video feeds
around the United States at East Coast military bases. shouted, "C'mon,
are you kidding me?", engaging in jihad in a courtroom," said Debra
Burlingame, whose brother, Charles, was the pilot of the plane that flew
into the Pentagon, "They're doing their job," said Eddie Bracken, whose
sister Lucy Fishman died wtc, Ramzi Binalshibh, in the middle of the
hearing; Binalshibh then launched into a tirade in which he compared a
prison official to the late Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi and declared
that he was in danger. "Maybe they will kill me and say I committed
suicide," he said in a mix of Arabic and broken English- Death at the
Derby: Cops Probe Homicide fn/ Metal Rockers Shine Light on Autism,
Michael Moore Covers Bob Dylan for 'Occupy' Album rs/VIVE LA FRANCE!!!
The French people dump Sarkozy for a socialist president named Hollande!
Hollande defeats Sarkozy in French election news.yahoo.com/ACCORDING TO
Is In Turkey, ( Rev 2:12-13 ) "Israel / Bible Prophecy."/shut the fuck up
with your fearmongering Christian bullshit. Your God is dead. His son is
dead. And they were nothing more than the constructs of batshit crazy
people who wanted to control the population. Christians are
singlehandedly the most damaging force to the "sanctity" of marriage,
more so than anyone else/A conservative is a man with two perfectly good
legs who, however, has never learned to walk forward.”~Franklin D.
Roosevelt/Georgia opens first jail devoted to U.S. veterans, The problem
of US military veterans falling into a life of crime after returning from
Iraq and Afghanistan has reached such levels that a law enforcer in
Georgia has opened what is believed to be America’s first county jail
devoted to veteran inmates. rawstory.com/ZIONISM IS THE SOCIAL FORM OF A
MALIGNANT CANCER/Iran has criticized Google for leaving the body of water
separating it from the Arabian Peninsula nameless on its online map
service rt/ Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) likes to reject most things that
come from the federal government. In the latest rejection of federal
funds, his administration has rejected almost $200 million in bonuses
that would have gone to health care for children politicalcorrection.org/
like calling North Carolina home. (I know, it sounds like I stole a line
from James Taylor or the Allman Brothers, but I actually think it's from
a old PSA for traveling to N.C. ... sung by none other than North
Carolina's own: Andy Griffith). But seriously, I like calling North
Carolina home, what's not to like? We have majestic mountains for snow
skiing. Beautiful, uncrowded beaches that are perfect for sunbathing or
bodysurfing. Over 120 colleges and universities. We are “first in flight”
with the Wright Brothers and we are the site of the Woolworth Sit-in
(which is now the home of the International Civil Rights Museum). We also
have the preacher who told his congregation to knock the gay out of their
“limp-wristed sons” and the guy who became a YouTube sensation by blowing
holes in his teenaged daughter's laptop for complaining, we are voting
in just a few days to make same-sex marriage, which is already not
legally recognized in the state, a constitutionally prohibited thing. Ah,
soak in the goodness and machismo of the Tarheel State. Come in and stay
awhile. Ya'll come back now, ya' hear?
Terrorism and the Illuminati | A Three Thousand Year History Zionism and
Wahhabism is different sides on the same jewish coin, 2002 Iraqi Intel
Reported Wahhabis Are of Jewish Origin The U.S. Department of Defense has
released translations of a number of Iraqi intelligence documents dating
from Saddam’s rule. One, a General Military Intelligence Directorate
report from September 2002, entitled “The Emergence of Wahhabism and its
Historical Roots” Exposing the relationship between Islamic
fundamentalism, occult secret societies and intelligence organizations,
to perform false flag terror operations in order to foment a clash of
civilizations and bring about a New World Order.
illuminati.com / Sgt. Bowe R. Bergdahl who is a P.O.W in Afganistan!
Please help bring this Soldier home to his family! supportbowe.org /2006
graffic abugraib torture photos antiwar.com/news/?articleid=8560 /
5512/ALEC is a strong force working behind the scenes to stop any
meaningful action on climate and clean energy. This is just a small
snapshot of the pro-polluter bills the organization has crafted over the
years. With the largest, dirtiest energy companies funding ALEC, it's
clear who these 'model' laws are designed to help, "The American
Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has been under fire lately after the
15 major corporations and organizations pulled their support for the
conservative organization, which helps quietly implement corporate-backed
legislation in statehouses across the country. Now, the watchdog advocacy
group Common Cause has released a complete list of corporations on ALEC's
task forces." ThinkProgress:/US-Afghan Pact Won't End War – Or Special
Operations Forces Night Raids/Japan Shuts Off Nuclear Power as Thousands
Celebrate ABC/Google to Be Fined by FTC for Safari Browser Privacy
Evasion tpm/Arizona Cuts Planned Parenthood Funds USA Today/Insider
Trading Probe at University of Phoenix: Washington Post Company Stock
Sales Also Seen as Suspect Daily Censored/The 99 Percent Wakes Up Daily
Beast/Romney Gets Big-Time "Dissed Daily Kos
you having a brain surgery while bush was lying and acting like a mad cow
?-The TRUTH Shall be avoided, FACTs ignored!-same people who didn't bat
an eyelash at the Bush family's ties to the Nazi Party (Google "Prescott
Bush" and "coup"), the Bin Ladens, and the Saudi royal families/Faux
People do not understand facts/Vermont first state in nation to ban
fracking for oil and gas vtdigger.org/Police have been trying to stop
citizen journalists from videotaping Occupy protests and arrests.You have
the right under the First Amendment to take video images of police
activity in public places.This article from ACLU explains it.Citizen
Journalism is a powerful tool for getting the message out to the public
and for documenting police brutality and abuse of power/ A Virginia man
was arrested and charged this weekend from planning to assassinate
President rawstory.com/A new sinister group of right-wing vulgarians
called Veterans For A Strong America, swift boating of the president,"
says the founder of a dark-money group claiming to speak for ticked-off
Navy SEALs, (apparently Chicken-sh*t Hawks for a Bloated Defense budget
was already taken) was created with the nefarious aim of distorting (or
'Swiftboating') the president's monumental achievement of killing Bin
Laden. addictinginfo.org/Law enforcement officers have been documented
distributing illegal drugs to individuals and then dropping them off at
the Occupy encampment in Minneapolis. At the same time an effort is being
waged to remove Occupy from the park claiming it is in the interest of
public safety/Israeli Court Rules Against The Two Palestinian Hunger
Strikers- Israeli soldiers escalated their illegal measures against the
Palestinian people on military roadblocks all over the West Bank and on
border terminals leading to Gaza and kidnapped 29 Palestinians on these
roadblock-Barakeh's Trial Sheds Light On Israeli Military Undercover
Methods Of Disrupting Peaceful Protests imemc.org/“The people of Europe
can no longer be reconciled with the bailouts of barbarism,” Tsipras, 37,
said on state-run NET TV late yesterday after his Syriza party
unexpectedly came second in the country’s election bloomberg.com/George
Lindsey, 'Goober'rip at 83/Women of Kashmir, phillosphy is self-serving,
for me it’s not about the unilateral but proletarian as it has always
been. It’s not ignorance to reject simple notions that only assume the
personal. It juz means I have no time to entertain simpletons. Most
especially, when they know as I do that our mothers, sisters & daughters
are forced to give birth at checkpoints in Israel/Protecting the Right to
Record, nine leading free speech and digital rights groups called on
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to focus attention on the alarming
number of arrests of people documenting Occupy protests occupy.com/ T.
Boone Pickens has a bone to pick with the country’s leading pollutocrats.
Pickens said in an interview Wednesday with Yahoo’s Daily Ticker that
Koch Industries, the company owned by Charles and David Koch, is the
major stumbling block to a coherent U.S. energy policy/In California, the
Police are in the Business of Kidnapping Children copblock.org/chief of
staff helped steer a no-bid consulting contract worth $360,000 to a
friend. [TCL: It's become quite obvious in the last two decades that
Florida State politics is dirty to the core
orlandosentinel.com/Get-Rich-Quick Profiteers Love Mitt Romney, and He
Loves Them Back Mother Jones/The Fastest Broadband in the Country Is
Being Built by Local Communities Crooks and Liars/Bachmann Rewrites
History, Claims Women "Overwhelmingly" Voted GOP in 2010 ThinkProgress
5612/Obama Rejoins ICC, US No Longer Rogue State International
Criminal Court? - Council on Foreign ... Welcome to CFR. ... Speech Two:
Reject and Oppose the International Criminal Court - John Bolton statute and thus ensure that U.S. involvement in the selection of judges
and prosecutors will render this scenario almost impossible. ...
last-minute provision related to Israel's policy toward settlements in
occupied territories.
cfr.org/palestinian-authority/stakes-palestinians-statehood-bi d/p25930
amicc.org/docs/Toward%20an%20International%20Criminal% 20Court.pdf /
catid=58:the-911-event&Itemid=115 Wartime Contracting Commission
Classifies Findings for Next 20 ... Oct 25, 2011 ... Evidence of
government theft, profligacy, criminality, and waste is indeed
sensitive information. .... as part of a group led by Condoleezza Rice
that called itself The Vulcans /Latest On Rabbi Zakheim And The Missing
$2.3 Trillion Following Zakheim And The Pentagon Trillions To Israel And
911 ... 2001 that an audit discovered $2.3 trillion was also
missing,reported missing by Donald Rumsfeld (September 10, from the
Pentagon books rense.com
informamerica.net/isrl_amr_enmy.html/general75/latest.htm /Alan Sabrosky,
a US Marine Corps veteran and author, asserts that Israel masterminded
the 9/11 attacks, says that the military brass now know that Israel and
those traitors within our nation committed the 9/11 attack.
cans-knew-theyd-grind-israel-to-dust-vid/ evidence for this theft of 2.2
trillion dollars was in the offices of Cantor ..... Israel Wants To Kick
Off Cast Lead II Against Gaza
nd-9-11-part.html / into full "spin" mode, the signal that a real panic
is going on behind the scenes antiwar.com/justin/j030802.html /THANK YOU
Dr. Sabrosky!-It takes a lot of courage to speak the truth-I surmised
that Israel did it when I watched on TV almost 9 years ago. My thoughts
were at the time, that I bet Israel did this to the US into a war in the
Middle East. I had spoken to officials who also confirmed some strange
coincides, including several thousand Jews that did not go to work at the
WTC on that day. This has been a long time coming, I hope the officials
take note. An outrage of the 9/11 false flag event must now become
focused.-Now, if we can civilian arrest Rudy Jiulani . Marvin Bush, Larry
Silverstein and lock them,surrounded by alligators until they talk.
Biggest scum in all of this is the Union Fire fighters Boss–who
railroaded any investigation and court action after 340 fighters died.
Most American are stupid.Sad :^-wideeyecinema.com/?p=8185
facebook.com/pages/Wide-Eye-Cinema/243764002330468 /government leaders
have dual citizenship to Israel and now their part in 9/11 has been
exposed, with Mossad youtube.com/watch?v=gXCa6S09Ycs /I would say the
MOSSAD agents on top of their van filming the 9/11 attacks
laughing, smiling, and taking photos of themselves with the wTc
survivalistboards.com/showthread.php?p=4076795 how the FBI's NS-2C Unit
of its "National Security Division" based at FBI Headquarters,
Washington, D.C., ordered FBI Newark to stop their investigation of the
Israelis, documents were partly declassified in 2005. However, there are
many parts that are still blanked out and classified until 2030 or 2035.
Apart from names of individuals, the unreleased material includes longer
passages such as the section following the question: "1. Did the Israeli
nationals have foreknowledge of the events at WTC and were they filming
the events prior to and in anticipation of the explosion?" The fact that
it's blanked out indicates that the answer is clearly not an emphatic
"no". consistent with Israel's capability and history of staging
false-flag terror, the two hours' advance warning of the WTC attack
transmitted via the Herzliya / New York-based Israeli instant messaging
service Odigo, the failure of Benjamin Netanyahu's friend Larry
Silverstein and his children to turn up for work that day at the World
Trade Center, Netanyahu's advance warning of, and Efraim Halevy's
intimate knowledge of, the London 7/7 attacks, the $250,000 "loan"
received by Bernard Kerik from Israeli billionaire Eitan Wertheimer
together with $236,000 in rent paid by Steven C. Witkoff after Kerik
visited Israel from August 26-29, 2001 to meet with Wertheimer and then
claimed on September 16, 2001 that a "hijacker's passport" had been
"discovered", along with multiple corroborating evidence much too
numerous to mention in an introduction. Not surprisingly, experts from
such professions as structural engineers, architects, physicists,
mechanical engineers, metallurgical engineering graduates, PhD
scientists, fire protection engineers, fire-fighters, electrical design
engineers, explosives technicians, etc, may be seen speaking out on the
ae911truth channel on YouTube, explaining why they know the government's
half-baked conspiracy theory about suicidal Arabs with box cutters
crashing two planes and managing to bring down three high-rises is
believable only by the uneducated and the uninformed.
rban-moving.html /9/11/2001 Time: 8:27 PM
Event Narrative: Spotted a white cube van driving along Rt. 3 South near
exit 3 Plymouth Massachuesetts [sic]. The van had double doors in the
back and the company name "Urban Moving Systems" in gold lettering. Page
28: Synopsis: Establish basis linking five (5) Israeli Nationals
(detained) [38 characters wiped here before the period. The blanked
characters would have to be something like "to the terrorist attacks of
09/11/2001"; if they were discussing links between the Israelis and
Mickey Mouse, there would have been no need to classify it].
Details: On instant date, Newark initiated an investigation predicated
upon the detention of five (5) Israeli Nationals who may have possessed
information about the terrorist incident targeting the twin towers of New
York City's World Trade Center on 09/11/2001. The following sets forth
the basis for linking these five (5) Israeli Nationals (detained)
[followed by section blanked out for political reasons; the wiped area
continues for the rest of the page and for almost all of page 29; in
handwriting, (4) employees of Classic International Movers, a New Jersey
based moving company which was believed by Miami to have been used by one
of the nineteen (19) alleged hijackers involved in the terrorist attacks.
All four employees, Israeli nationals, had served in the Israeli
military, and entered the U.S. from various locations in South America.
[Note: It's quite bizarre that an "Arab terrorist" would use an Israeli
moving company. However, if Israelis were posing as "Arab terrorists", it
would be remarkable if they didn't use an Israeli moving company.
Israelis' version of events physically and scientifically impossible
without a suspension of the laws of causality and General Relativity. And
this is corroborated by the fact that the eyewitness' friend was prompted
to telephone her "immediately" after hearing the first plane crash,
looking out and seeing the smoke; by another eyewitness who saw the
Israelis "less than 5 minutes" after the first plane impact; by a third
eyewitness who saw a white van with no side windows arrive and park in
the same apartment block rear parking lot at 8:15 and found it was gone
by 9:20; by a fourth eyewitness who saw a white van parked in the same
parking lot and estimated the time to be as early as 8:00am; and by a
fifth eyewitness who spotted Sivan Kurzberg at the Doric Towers apartment
complex the day before 9/11. Using her binoculars [blank] looked through
her rear window. Then she opened the balcony door and walked onto the
balcony. As she looked in the direction of the WTC, she observed three
(3) males kneeling on the roof of a white van in the rear parking lot of
her apartment complex. She noticed them and it appears as though they
noticed her. the false-flag operation's been completed, the Mossad's
"moving company" front has become redundant for another few years, the
"movers" have just been fired, but they still get perks such as use of
company computers and use of the company van for commuting home from
work?!] [Blank=Marmari] stated he jumped into the back of the white van
where he fell asleep on top of blankets. Marmari] was later awoken, time
unknown, when the van made a stop and someone placed skis and a red bag
in the back of the van. He then went back to sleep as the van began to
move again. The next time he awoke he heard a police officer ask [blank]
for his driver's license and within a minute they were arrested at
gunpoint and were taken to jail./9/11 suspects ignore, disrupt Guantanamo
arraignment in protest Silence and occasional outbursts from accused 9/11
mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four others during their
arraignment cnn/Is France's Sarkozy One and Done? Gitmo Lawyer Defends
Call For Courtroom Dress Code, defense attorney who wore a traditional
Islamic outfit during the rowdy arraignment of the accused Sept. 11
terrorists is defending her courtroom appeal that other women in the room
wear more "appropriate" clothing to the proceedings, out of respect,
outraged 9/11 family members watching on closed-circuit video feeds
around the United States at East Coast military bases. shouted, "C'mon,
are you kidding me?", engaging in jihad in a courtroom," said Debra
Burlingame, whose brother, Charles, was the pilot of the plane that flew
into the Pentagon, "They're doing their job," said Eddie Bracken, whose
sister Lucy Fishman died wtc, Ramzi Binalshibh, in the middle of the
hearing; Binalshibh then launched into a tirade in which he compared a
prison official to the late Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi and declared
that he was in danger. "Maybe they will kill me and say I committed
suicide," he said in a mix of Arabic and broken English- Death at the
Derby: Cops Probe Homicide fn/ Metal Rockers Shine Light on Autism,
Michael Moore Covers Bob Dylan for 'Occupy' Album rs/VIVE LA FRANCE!!!
The French people dump Sarkozy for a socialist president named Hollande!
Hollande defeats Sarkozy in French election news.yahoo.com/ACCORDING TO
Is In Turkey, ( Rev 2:12-13 ) "Israel / Bible Prophecy."/shut the fuck up
with your fearmongering Christian bullshit. Your God is dead. His son is
dead. And they were nothing more than the constructs of batshit crazy
people who wanted to control the population. Christians are
singlehandedly the most damaging force to the "sanctity" of marriage,
more so than anyone else/A conservative is a man with two perfectly good
legs who, however, has never learned to walk forward.”~Franklin D.
Roosevelt/Georgia opens first jail devoted to U.S. veterans, The problem
of US military veterans falling into a life of crime after returning from
Iraq and Afghanistan has reached such levels that a law enforcer in
Georgia has opened what is believed to be America’s first county jail
devoted to veteran inmates. rawstory.com/ZIONISM IS THE SOCIAL FORM OF A
MALIGNANT CANCER/Iran has criticized Google for leaving the body of water
separating it from the Arabian Peninsula nameless on its online map
service rt/ Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) likes to reject most things that
come from the federal government. In the latest rejection of federal
funds, his administration has rejected almost $200 million in bonuses
that would have gone to health care for children politicalcorrection.org/
like calling North Carolina home. (I know, it sounds like I stole a line
from James Taylor or the Allman Brothers, but I actually think it's from
a old PSA for traveling to N.C. ... sung by none other than North
Carolina's own: Andy Griffith). But seriously, I like calling North
Carolina home, what's not to like? We have majestic mountains for snow
skiing. Beautiful, uncrowded beaches that are perfect for sunbathing or
bodysurfing. Over 120 colleges and universities. We are “first in flight”
with the Wright Brothers and we are the site of the Woolworth Sit-in
(which is now the home of the International Civil Rights Museum). We also
have the preacher who told his congregation to knock the gay out of their
“limp-wristed sons” and the guy who became a YouTube sensation by blowing
holes in his teenaged daughter's laptop for complaining, we are voting
in just a few days to make same-sex marriage, which is already not
legally recognized in the state, a constitutionally prohibited thing. Ah,
soak in the goodness and machismo of the Tarheel State. Come in and stay
awhile. Ya'll come back now, ya' hear?
Terrorism and the Illuminati | A Three Thousand Year History Zionism and
Wahhabism is different sides on the same jewish coin, 2002 Iraqi Intel
Reported Wahhabis Are of Jewish Origin The U.S. Department of Defense has
released translations of a number of Iraqi intelligence documents dating
from Saddam’s rule. One, a General Military Intelligence Directorate
report from September 2002, entitled “The Emergence of Wahhabism and its
Historical Roots” Exposing the relationship between Islamic
fundamentalism, occult secret societies and intelligence organizations,
to perform false flag terror operations in order to foment a clash of
civilizations and bring about a New World Order.
illuminati.com / Sgt. Bowe R. Bergdahl who is a P.O.W in Afganistan!
Please help bring this Soldier home to his family! supportbowe.org /2006
graffic abugraib torture photos antiwar.com/news/?articleid=8560 /
5512/ALEC is a strong force working behind the scenes to stop any
meaningful action on climate and clean energy. This is just a small
snapshot of the pro-polluter bills the organization has crafted over the
years. With the largest, dirtiest energy companies funding ALEC, it's
clear who these 'model' laws are designed to help, "The American
Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has been under fire lately after the
15 major corporations and organizations pulled their support for the
conservative organization, which helps quietly implement corporate-backed
legislation in statehouses across the country. Now, the watchdog advocacy
group Common Cause has released a complete list of corporations on ALEC's
task forces." ThinkProgress:/US-Afghan Pact Won't End War – Or Special
Operations Forces Night Raids/Japan Shuts Off Nuclear Power as Thousands
Celebrate ABC/Google to Be Fined by FTC for Safari Browser Privacy
Evasion tpm/Arizona Cuts Planned Parenthood Funds USA Today/Insider
Trading Probe at University of Phoenix: Washington Post Company Stock
Sales Also Seen as Suspect Daily Censored/The 99 Percent Wakes Up Daily
Beast/Romney Gets Big-Time "Dissed Daily Kos
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