41412/James Murdoch insisted Tuesday that he knew little about the scale of
phone hacking by people working for the News of the Worldon inquiry hot
seat cnn/South Sudan's leader says Sudan has declared war ap/
42312/imus white interview scotch preference, world peace
basketballssination, 32yr missing child, zims head wound deidl,
attempt/“Remembrance without resolve is a hollow gesture. Awareness without
action changes nothing. In this sense, 'never again' is a challenge to us
all—to pause and to look within.”—President Obama today at the United
States Holocaust Memorial Museum/examination of the Koch nonprofit
organizations records show they have given at least $85.9 million to more
than 85 different right-wing organizations over the past decade and a
half.1 These donations are a conservative estimate and just the tip of the
iceberg, but the number of groups reflect the vast reach of the Koch money.
Not only do the Koch brothers fund the right-wing intellectual movement but
they also help organize fellow deep-pocket donors at conferences “to review
strategies for combating the multitude of public policies that threaten to
destroy America as we know it,” as Charles Koch wrote in a letter. The
conferences are intended to organize the right wing, coordinate message,
attract more donors, and mobilize voters to pursue their ideological
agenda americanprogressaction.org/issues/2011/04/pdf/koch_brothers.pdf/
people have been brought up to associate Abuse with Love,, it's No wonder
the world is the way it is, people have been treated like Shit all their
lives, is it any surprise?,, Lift people up,, Calling them stupid just
perpetuates the ignorance/Bush and the GOP inherited a surplus and quickly
turned it into a huge deficit. Obama? Not so much-It's OK if you want to
fool other people with your nonsense but please - try not to fool
yourselves or, as Bush himself said - you can't get fooled again
bit.ly/I5aacK -we DO need fleets all over the world to protect vital
shipping lanes, shipping lanes filled with OIL. Oil tankers are pretty damn
vulnerable, chugging along at slow speeds, thinly hulled, and filled with
flammable petroleum./Zimmerman released on bond with GPS tracker Baltimore
Sun/ two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we
pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to
offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance/Shareholders Raising Ruckus
About CEO Pay Some investors are now beginning to question how those
companies make the billions of dollars in profits they report every year,
especially with the ranks of the uninsured continuing to swell, how they
spend policyholders’ money to influence public policy and whether their
CEOs are truly worth all they are being paid nationofchange.org/ Kassala is
one of the states in Sudan most contaminated by landmines and unexploded
ordnance, with 214 new "dangerous areas", dangerous areas are discovered
each week - most are being found in communities targeted by humanitarian
organisations as having the most pressing needs.(Mines Advisory Group)
Republicans created indefinite detention under Bush and drafted the NDA.-
Obama aint any good for going along with it, but he ain the only to blame-
hoping it's remaining open to house dick cheney-.Using Politics to show the
obscenity of the republican bill stating Life begins at the moment of
conception, where republicans are using the government to control
individual women's bodies... Like I said... show me the Video where Obama
says in his own words "lets detain American Citizens" Just like McCain did-
Instead of tapping into limitation, tap into the infinite fountain of
universal possibility. Ask, “if there was no limitation, what would I do…?
If I could do anything, what would it be…? If I could be anyone, who would
I be…?” Open your mind to inspiration, and it will flow as naturally as a
stream down a mountain pass. Relax and feel the elegance of your wisdom.
You are not an accident of fate – you are a powerful co-creator of reality.
Deep down you know who you are. Perhaps you just forgot.
care2.com/greenliving/remembering-who-you-are.html /Pentagon is beefing up
its spy service to send several hundred undercover intelligence officers to
overseas hot spots to steal secrets on national security threats after a
decade of focusing chiefly on the war lat/Sudan bombs 3 areas in South
Sudan, Sudanese warplanes bombed a market and an oil field in South Sudan,
killing at least two people after Sudanese ground forces had reportedly
crossed into South Sudan with tanks/Sanford police chief criticized for his
department's handling of the Trayvon Martin shooting investigation will
permanently resign/jon huntsman sounds like he's fed up with the republican
party . and after he compared leaders to chinese communists , the feeling
is probably mutual msnbcon China-GOP comparison: I was "waxing
philosophical"CBS News/Democrats to target Mitt Romney's conservative
ties Guardian/psychiatric evaluation that deemed a Norwegian right-wing
extremist killer sane has flaws and needs to be complemented, a forensic
commission said-Mad or bad? Breivik's mental state puzzles experts Reuters
Anders Behring Breivik says questions over sanity part of plot to discredit
himThe Guardian/Six US Senate races where the tea party counts. After
playing kingmaker in the 2010 election cycle, the tea party movement is
having a less prominent role in 2012. But its support or opposition could
swing some key races and even determine whether Republicans win control of
the Senate-Exorcising Orrin HatchThe Jewish Journal of Greater L.A-Hatch
Survives GOP Convention NPR-Six US races where the tea party counts csm/
loud explosion heard across much of Nevada and California on Sunday morning
rattled homes and prompted a flood of calls to law enforcement/While it may
come as a shock to your sensitive system, I couldn't care less what your
opinion of my work is. apparently suggesting that the Fire Chief's report
to the mayor was unreliable. The variety of quotes on the subject suggest
that several speakers reported the same facts. None of the press reports
have focused on the ugly reality that the explosive gas was deadly
poisonous at 2% of the concentration needed for an explosion. A total of
4,211 SA users have read this article-lithium hexafluorophosphate
hexafluoride? lithium is normally monovalent. sulfur hexafluoride on the
other hand is widely used as an electrical insulating gas with high
dielectric strength-article was written with an obvious salivation on the
part of the author to smear an entire sector of Lithium-ion with fear
mongering phrases like "Borgia Battery" and "WMD" when there was no need to
take this b.s. approach in the first place. Other than the obvious bias the
author has I agree wholeheartedly this incident needs to be fully examined
and published in the main stream press! bit.ly/IgEtuW -nothing to do with
writing to piss on an entire sector of safe batteries by using phrases like
"A Borgia Battery" referring to the infamous Borgia clan remembered for
their corrupt rule during the reign of Alexander VI. They have been accused
of many different crimes, including adultery, simony, theft, rape, bribery,
incest, and murder (especially murder by arsenic poisoning[1]). and the
phrase "Is it a battery or a WMD?" Shameless and simple blasphemy which is
way below your previous reputation IMO! I will try and forgive you but hope
you won't continue to resort to this kind of nonsense in the future?- Until
AONE comes clean about the suspect battery pack as far as its actual
Chemistry, further speculation on the entire sector is just an example of
fear mongering and rumor masked by false concern on the part of people with
an agenda period./The only thing that got me through Katrina was the grace
of God and the overwhelming empathy of the American people. Bush didn't
want to respond to fellow Americans on their knees? Fine. I didn't expect
anything less than having to take care of my own. That's the way I was
raised. But his administration didn't just fail to respond, they got in the
way at every turn. Sending our ice to Idaho? Ordering our boats to stand
down? Diverting our boats so that the refineries could be staffed while
people literally steamed to death in their attics, waiting, praying? It was
really simple, Mr. Bush: you just had to let us bring ice and water
in/people out/ice and water in/people out... all day long. How hard is
that? And the only time I ever saw FEMA was when they were sneering down at
a dying woman, telling me that we were in the way of their operations. WHAT
OPERATIONS? Your let-these-people-die operations? Every time I see the
chemical burns scars on my feet, I seethe with hate for you, and they're
never going away, Mr. Bush. Never. That water receded, but we're all
damaged in some way from it. You gave all your Iraq War buddies fat no bid
contracts in the early days of our recovery, and then we got blamed for
wasting money. 175 bucks a square to tarp a roof? What is that? It's
disgusting. You let contractors stuff our flood walls full of newspaper and
called it fixed. I still can't believe it. But it's true. There's your
money, America... the federal contractors stuffed our storm defenses full
of newspaper. Look it up. It's true. You stood in the way every chance you
got, Mr. Bush. And I can never forgive you for that. Here in New Orleans,
we will dance the day your sorry ass dies." wapo.st/Jr6suk /Pa.—A county
detective says a man serving six months in a southwestern Pennsylvania
county jail illegally hid a cellphone and charger in his prosthetic leg
denverpost.com/breakingnews /it's an all volunteer force," Obama
complained. "Nobody made these guys go to war. They had to have known and
accepted the risks. Now they whine about bearing the costs of their choice?
It doesn't compute.." "I thought these were people who were proud to
sacrifice for their country, "Obama continued "I wasn't asking for blood,
just money. With the country facing the worst financial crisis in its
history, I'd have thought that the patriotic thing to do would be to try to
help reduce the nation's deficit.. I guess I underestimated the selfishness
of some of my fellow Americans, perfectly happy providing insurance to
illegal aliens teapartynation.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network/ Israeli
military is ready for action in Iran if need be, In principal, we are ready
for action," The state of Israel believes that a nuclear Iran is very bad,
that the world must stop it and that Israel must stop it and we are
preparing our plan accordingly, [Actually, 'the world' believes 'the
opposite.'- Data on downed US drone decrypted, successfully decoded all
the records on the downed US RQ-170 Sentinel reconnaissance drone. Iran has
easily cracked the codes on the data of the drone's operations and tasks
recorded on the aircraft's memory, for instance, the data of a flight after
repairs in 2010 or the [drone's] deployment in the operation against
[Osama] bin Laden in Pakistan-Deputy PM admits Ahmadinejad was misquoted,
never said Israel must be wiped off the map 17 Apr 2012 Minister of
Intelligence and Atomic Energy Dan Meridor told Al Jazeera that Iran never
vowed to "wipe Israel off the map," as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
has repeatedly claimed. Speaking to the Arab network, Meridor, who also
serves as deputy PM, said Iran's leaders "all come basically ideologically,
religiously with the statement that Israel is an unnatural creature, it
will not survive." In 2005 Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was quoted
as saying that Israel should be "wiped off the map," but it was later
revealed was actually quoting the leader of the 1979 Islamic revolution:
"The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of
time-Egypt terminates 2005 gas deal with Israel 22 Apr 2012 Egypt has
repealed a 2005 gas export accord with Israel, which relied heavily on
Egyptian natural gas to generate electricity. The deal was "annulled on
Thursday with the East Mediterranean Gas Co (EMG), which exports gas to
Israel, because the company failed to respect conditions stipulated in the
contract," one of the main economic conditions of a US-sponsored 1979
peace treaty between the two sides. Afghan military recruits found dealing
drugs to US soldiers, the Army investigated 56 soldiers in Afghanistan for
the possession, use or distribution of opiates. Heroin was cited 26 times.
the drugs hash, pot and heroin were purchased "from various Afghan National
Army and Afghan National Police personnel- Taliban trophy photographs
'disgusting' photographs of American paratroopers posing with the body
parts of insurgent suicide bombers were condemned as "disgusting" by Hamid
Karzai. The incident is the latest in a string of embarrassments [war
crimes] to befall American forces in the country-Taliban claim
responsibility for SW Afghanistan copter crash 21 Apr 2012 The Taliban have
claimed responsibility for downing a Black Hawk helicopter in southwestern
Afghanistan on Thursday. A Taliban spokesman announced on Thursday evening
that "Taliban fighters shot down a helicopter and killed all its passengers
in Khanashen Dewalak area near Garmsir in the southern Helmand province,"
CNN reported on Friday. The US-led International Security Assistance Force
(ISAF) and Afghan officials confirmed on Friday that the helicopter's four
crew members, all of them American, are dead. Officials suggested that
unspecified weather difficulties [!?!] were the cause of the accident. US
Muslim: I Was Tortured at FBI's Behest in UAE 18 Apr 2012 A Muslim American
seeking asylum in Sweden claimed Wednesday he was detained at the U.S.
government's request while in the United Arab Emirates last summer,
tortured in custody, and interrogated about the activities of a Portland,
Oregon, mosque, he had attended the same mosque in Portland as a man who
has been charged in a plot to detonate a bomb in the northwestern U.S.
city. Judge rules against CIA whistle-blower, will have to forfeit any
future money he earns from a scathing book he wrote about the spy agency
after he failed to get approval, using the pseudonym "Ishmael Jones." The
CIA says his book, "The Human Factor: Inside the CIA's Dysfunctional
Intelligence Culture," was submitted to the agency's publications review
board under a secrecy agreement that covers books written by former
employees-Misinformation campaign targets USA TODAY reporter, editor 19 Apr
2012 A USA TODAY reporter and editor investigating Pentagon propaganda
contractors have themselves been subjected to a propaganda campaign of
sorts, waged on the Internet through a series of bogus websites. Fake
Twitter and Facebook accounts have been created in their names, along with
a Wikipedia entry and dozens of message board postings and blog comments.
Websites were registered in their names. The timeline of the activity
tracks USA TODAY's reporting on the military's "information operations"
program, which spent hundreds of millions of dollars on marketing campaigns
in Iraq and Afghanistan — campaigns that have been criticized even within
the Pentagon as ineffective and poorly monitored.
3 Arrested at Heathrow on Suspicions of Terrorism --Police: The three were
detained by officers from West Midlands Counter Terrorism Unit as part of
'preplanned and intelligence-led' operation. [i.e., entrapment for future
false flag] 21 Apr 2012 Three men have been arrested at Heathrow Airport
and held on suspicion of "possessing articles and documents with intent to
use them for terrorist purposes overseas," the police said on Friday. The
suspects, residents of Britain's second-largest city, Birmingham, were
arrested Thursday night as they arrived from Oman. They were held under
Section 57 of the British Terrorism Act. That law makes it a criminal
offense to possess materials that create a "reasonable suspicion" that they
are "for a purpose connected with the commission, preparation or
instigation of an act of terrorism." Hackers Launch DDoS Attack on D.C.
Government Websites 22 Apr 2012 Hackers launched a DoS denial of service
attack on D.C. government websites today, clogging the system with a flurry
of requests so that it operates extremely slow or is impossible to load.
"The District government has detected an attempted intrusion into it's
[sic] technology infrastructure system-U.S. government recommends
publication of bird flu papers 20 Apr 2012 The U.S. government will support
publication of two controversial research papers, officials said Thursday.
The studies report details of experiments in which the deadly H5N1
influenza virus was engineered to pass between mammals- Chemical complex
had second explosion, radiation measurement is nearly impossible 22 Apr
2012 At 8:00 AM 4/22/2012, the chemical complex [Iwakuni Otake
Petrochemical Complex of Mitsui] had second explosion with black smoke.
They managed to extinguish fire at 17:15 of 4/22/2012, when already 15
hours had passed. 11 factory workers got injured except for the dead
worker, and 11 citizens got injured by broken glass as well- Chemical
Complex is on fire with nuclear fuel in Yamaguchi 21 Apr 2012 At 2:20 of
4/22/2012, Iwakuni Otake Petrochemical Complex of Mitsui chemicals got
lightning strike to explode. The complex is still on fire, and 3379 units
of radioactive waste (200L in each unit) and Uranium for nuclear fuel are
preserved in the site. The state of the uranium and radioactive waste is
not reported yet. Windows were broken and several people got
injured.-asking the Secret Service whether members of the White House
advance team are connected to the Colombian prostitution scandal,
considering their "close working relationship" with federal agents.
Grassley, R-Nutjob-Iowa, sent the letter Friday to agency Director Mark
Sullivan and acting Inspector General Charles Edwards. He also asked in the
letter if the Secret Service is looking at whether the White House
communications office also could be involved. Grassley is concerned about
whether White House officials were in the same hotel and if the prostitutes
could have had access to their rooms. [Right, he's annoyed that actual
prostitutes may have impinged upon the blocks of time typically reserved
for the wh*res from Monsanto, Exxon Mobil and Goldman Sachs instead of
those from Cartagena- Three to Quit Secret Service as Inquiries Widen Scope
-"At this point, five employees continue to be on administrative leave, and
their security clearances remain suspended pending the outcome of this
investigation- Ted Nugent says Secret Service to quiz him about Obama
remarks asked if he had heard from the Secret Service. "We actually have
heard from the Secret Service, and they have a duty, and I salute them. I
support them and I'm looking forward to our meeting tomorrow," Nugent said
on Beck's show.- Holy police state, Batman! Two Men Die In Separate
Incidents After Being Fired On By Meriden Police 22 Apr 2012 (CT) Two men
died early Saturday after police officers fired weapons in two separate
incidents involving drugs, according to the state police and the mayor. One
man was killed by a bullet, and the other died after being hit by a stun
gun. Since 2005, more than a dozen men in Connecticut have died after being
shocked by Tasers.- Gov. Perdue's plane makes emergency landing when the
plane experienced unusual vibrations after takeoff. According to radio
traffic to the control tower, there was a problem with the aircraft's
landing gear. A warning light also came on.- Florida didn't save money by
drug testing welfare recipients, data show Required drug tests for people
seeking welfare benefits ended up costing taxpayers more than it saved and
failed to curb the number of prospective applicants, data used against the
state in an ongoing legal battle show. The findings - that only 108 of the
4,086 people who took a drug test failed- USAID training foreign workers
for English-speaking jobs While the president has been urging "insourcing,"
the government has been sending money to the Philippines to train foreign
workers for jobs in English-speaking call centers-Retail giant Wal-Mart
Stores Inc squelched its own internal investigation of allegations made by
a former executive of its subsidiary in Mexico that the Mexican division
had orchestrated a campaign of bribery to grab market dominance, Wal-Mart
sent investigators to Mexico City and found evidence of widespread bribery,
but Wal-Mart's leaders then shut down the investigation and notified
neither American nor Mexican law enforcement officials-Animal rights
activists have sued the federal government because of the living conditions
for a bear at a Cumberland County roadside zoo. The Fayetteville Observer
reported two local residents, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
and the Animal Legal Defense Fund, are suing the U.S. Agriculture
Department. The lawsuit challenges the renewal an animal welfare act
license for Jambbas Ranch Tours in Cedar Creek. Jambbas houses dozens of
animals, including Ben the bear, who lives in a 12-by-22-foot cage with a
concrete floor.-Speaking publicly for the first time, George Zimmerman, the
man accused of second-degree murder in the shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon
Martin, briefly took the witness stand at his bail hearing Friday and
apologized to Martin's parents. "I wanted to say I am sorry for the loss of
your son," to allow Zimmerman to be released from jail on $150,000 bail,
which was considerably lower than the $1 million requested by
prosecutors-legitgov.org/donate.html /Don't Let Business Lobbyists Kill the
Post Office, not just email that's killing the postal service. The
government wants to close 3700 post offices, lobbyists are partly to blame.
A 2006 law requires the USPS to pre-fund 100 percent of its future
obligations for 75 years of health benefits. Matt Taibbi/Nurses may finally
be coming around and grasping the gravity of how vaccines are damaging our
bodies. A study in Vaccine shows that nurses trust in health authorities
and vaccination is at an all time low following the H1N1 flu pandemic that
was ultimately proven to be a hoax. Becoming Distrustful of Health
Authorities preventdisease.com/4500 nurses in the San Francisco Bay Area
will walk out of work on May 1st to protest hundreds of cuts to health care
services occupywallst.org /Proctor & Gamble Becomes 13th Company To Drop
ALEC thinkprogress.org/Picture thousands of people streaming across the
Brooklyn Bridge, with UAW, 1199 SEIU, and Teamsters' “Stop the War on
Workers” signs held aloft, as projections on the side of the Verizon
building declared, “We Are the 99%!”, thousands more thronging into the
Wisconsin Capitol, singing “Which Side are You On?” as teachers and
students held hands and firefighters marched in with bagpipes, all to fight
Governor Scott Walker's attack on public workers' Labor Unions' Fight for
the 99% Goes Way Beyond Raising Campaign Dollars alternet.org-Congress
passed 4 bills in the House: The Sportsmen Heritage Act, The Raoul
Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Act, The Mark Twain Commemorative Coin
Act and a bill honoring Jack Nicklaus for his service to the nation. And,
it only cost taxpayers $100 million dollars to do it. Did you get your
Money's Worth? bankruptingamerica.org/Oklahoma Tea Party Supporting Oath
Keeper Convicted Of Raping Daughter addictinginfo.org/Russia’s “Pussy Riot”
remain in jail, February, five members of “Pussy Riot,” Russia’s radical,
feminist, punk band, entered Moscow’s Christ the Saviour Cathedral stood at
the altar and sang “Mother of God, Blessed Virgin, drive out Putin!” For
their protest art feministing.com/Two Years After the BP Spill, A new study
finds that oysters in the Gulf of Mexico display higher concentrations of
heavy metals found in crude oil motherjones.com/More Than One-Third Of All
U.S. Executions Took Place In Texas nationofchange.org/founder of
Change.org. Ben Rattray thedailyshow.com/You will not be punished for your
anger; you will be punished by your anger. Buddha-military spending
reached a record $1,738 billion in 2011 -- an increase of $138 billion over
the previous year. The United States accounted for 41 percent of that, or
$711 billion/Jon Stewart, appears to be this week's recipient of the
Catholic League's never-ending assembly line of feigned outrage and hateful
ignorance/Fox Hosts Act Horrified at Proposal to “Amend The Constitution”
to Get Rid of Special Interest Money, The Five acted horrified at House
Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's statement that she wants to "amend the
Constitution" to reverse the Supreme Court's decision nationofchange.org-
Obama introduced a new round of measures that he said would make it easier
for the administration to crack down on oil market manipulation amid
persistently high gas prices/CIA plane crash lands with four tons of coke
“We’ve all heard the rumors that the CIA are the reason that the United
States and Canada is awash with cocaine…. is it time to connect the dots
now that one of their planes has crash arnpriornews.wordpress.com/
shareholders of Citigroup voted down the $14.9 million pay package for CEO
Vikram Pandit by a margin of 55-45 percent. The vote was nonbinding (a very
serious problem), but it was nonetheless a huge slap in the face for Pandit
and Citigroup's top management and directors-Immigration politics will hit
the Supreme Court this week as justices weigh how much border-control clout
the states can deploy. In their latest highly charged faceoff, the justices
must decide whether Arizona went too far with a crackdown that includes
ordering police to routinely check the legal residency status of people
they stop-BP Covered Up Blowout Two Years Prior to Deadly Deepwater Horizon
Spill, an eyewitness with devastating new information about the Caspian Sea
oil-rig blow-out which BP had concealed from government and the industry.
the full story as required by industry practice, the eleven Gulf of Mexico
workers 'could have had a chance' of survival. But BP's insistence on using
methods proven faulty sealed their fate-Labor Unions' Fight for the 99
Percent Goes Beyond Raising Campaign Dollars. They've forgotten that unions
represent millions of working Americans, struggling under the weight of
austerity policies and a stagnant economy, who are getting increasingly fed
up with their treatment by politicians-Paul Ryan's Religion of Convenience,
disagrees with is the Bishops' stance that it's not very Jesus-like to let
poor people starve. Food stamps were one of the many safety-net programs
that got the axe in the Ryan budget, in favor of tax breaks for large
corporations-truthout.org/Afghanistan War Is Turning GIs Into Junkies as
Afghan Opium Production Soars Under US Occupation, Opium cultivation in
Afghanistan basically has risen from 70 percent of the world's supply in
2000 to 92 percent now - and it is continuing to rise Meanwhile, we send
soldiers to Afghanistan and some of them come home junkies." BuzzFlash-
phone hacking by people working for the News of the Worldon inquiry hot
seat cnn/South Sudan's leader says Sudan has declared war ap/
42312/imus white interview scotch preference, world peace
basketballssination, 32yr missing child, zims head wound deidl,
attempt/“Remembrance without resolve is a hollow gesture. Awareness without
action changes nothing. In this sense, 'never again' is a challenge to us
all—to pause and to look within.”—President Obama today at the United
States Holocaust Memorial Museum/examination of the Koch nonprofit
organizations records show they have given at least $85.9 million to more
than 85 different right-wing organizations over the past decade and a
half.1 These donations are a conservative estimate and just the tip of the
iceberg, but the number of groups reflect the vast reach of the Koch money.
Not only do the Koch brothers fund the right-wing intellectual movement but
they also help organize fellow deep-pocket donors at conferences “to review
strategies for combating the multitude of public policies that threaten to
destroy America as we know it,” as Charles Koch wrote in a letter. The
conferences are intended to organize the right wing, coordinate message,
attract more donors, and mobilize voters to pursue their ideological
agenda americanprogressaction.org/issues/2011/04/pdf/koch_brothers.pdf/
people have been brought up to associate Abuse with Love,, it's No wonder
the world is the way it is, people have been treated like Shit all their
lives, is it any surprise?,, Lift people up,, Calling them stupid just
perpetuates the ignorance/Bush and the GOP inherited a surplus and quickly
turned it into a huge deficit. Obama? Not so much-It's OK if you want to
fool other people with your nonsense but please - try not to fool
yourselves or, as Bush himself said - you can't get fooled again
bit.ly/I5aacK -we DO need fleets all over the world to protect vital
shipping lanes, shipping lanes filled with OIL. Oil tankers are pretty damn
vulnerable, chugging along at slow speeds, thinly hulled, and filled with
flammable petroleum./Zimmerman released on bond with GPS tracker Baltimore
Sun/ two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we
pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to
offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance/Shareholders Raising Ruckus
About CEO Pay Some investors are now beginning to question how those
companies make the billions of dollars in profits they report every year,
especially with the ranks of the uninsured continuing to swell, how they
spend policyholders’ money to influence public policy and whether their
CEOs are truly worth all they are being paid nationofchange.org/ Kassala is
one of the states in Sudan most contaminated by landmines and unexploded
ordnance, with 214 new "dangerous areas", dangerous areas are discovered
each week - most are being found in communities targeted by humanitarian
organisations as having the most pressing needs.(Mines Advisory Group)
Republicans created indefinite detention under Bush and drafted the NDA.-
Obama aint any good for going along with it, but he ain the only to blame-
hoping it's remaining open to house dick cheney-.Using Politics to show the
obscenity of the republican bill stating Life begins at the moment of
conception, where republicans are using the government to control
individual women's bodies... Like I said... show me the Video where Obama
says in his own words "lets detain American Citizens" Just like McCain did-
Instead of tapping into limitation, tap into the infinite fountain of
universal possibility. Ask, “if there was no limitation, what would I do…?
If I could do anything, what would it be…? If I could be anyone, who would
I be…?” Open your mind to inspiration, and it will flow as naturally as a
stream down a mountain pass. Relax and feel the elegance of your wisdom.
You are not an accident of fate – you are a powerful co-creator of reality.
Deep down you know who you are. Perhaps you just forgot.
care2.com/greenliving/remembering-who-you-are.html /Pentagon is beefing up
its spy service to send several hundred undercover intelligence officers to
overseas hot spots to steal secrets on national security threats after a
decade of focusing chiefly on the war lat/Sudan bombs 3 areas in South
Sudan, Sudanese warplanes bombed a market and an oil field in South Sudan,
killing at least two people after Sudanese ground forces had reportedly
crossed into South Sudan with tanks/Sanford police chief criticized for his
department's handling of the Trayvon Martin shooting investigation will
permanently resign/jon huntsman sounds like he's fed up with the republican
party . and after he compared leaders to chinese communists , the feeling
is probably mutual msnbcon China-GOP comparison: I was "waxing
philosophical"CBS News/Democrats to target Mitt Romney's conservative
ties Guardian/psychiatric evaluation that deemed a Norwegian right-wing
extremist killer sane has flaws and needs to be complemented, a forensic
commission said-Mad or bad? Breivik's mental state puzzles experts Reuters
Anders Behring Breivik says questions over sanity part of plot to discredit
himThe Guardian/Six US Senate races where the tea party counts. After
playing kingmaker in the 2010 election cycle, the tea party movement is
having a less prominent role in 2012. But its support or opposition could
swing some key races and even determine whether Republicans win control of
the Senate-Exorcising Orrin HatchThe Jewish Journal of Greater L.A-Hatch
Survives GOP Convention NPR-Six US races where the tea party counts csm/
loud explosion heard across much of Nevada and California on Sunday morning
rattled homes and prompted a flood of calls to law enforcement/While it may
come as a shock to your sensitive system, I couldn't care less what your
opinion of my work is. apparently suggesting that the Fire Chief's report
to the mayor was unreliable. The variety of quotes on the subject suggest
that several speakers reported the same facts. None of the press reports
have focused on the ugly reality that the explosive gas was deadly
poisonous at 2% of the concentration needed for an explosion. A total of
4,211 SA users have read this article-lithium hexafluorophosphate
hexafluoride? lithium is normally monovalent. sulfur hexafluoride on the
other hand is widely used as an electrical insulating gas with high
dielectric strength-article was written with an obvious salivation on the
part of the author to smear an entire sector of Lithium-ion with fear
mongering phrases like "Borgia Battery" and "WMD" when there was no need to
take this b.s. approach in the first place. Other than the obvious bias the
author has I agree wholeheartedly this incident needs to be fully examined
and published in the main stream press! bit.ly/IgEtuW -nothing to do with
writing to piss on an entire sector of safe batteries by using phrases like
"A Borgia Battery" referring to the infamous Borgia clan remembered for
their corrupt rule during the reign of Alexander VI. They have been accused
of many different crimes, including adultery, simony, theft, rape, bribery,
incest, and murder (especially murder by arsenic poisoning[1]). and the
phrase "Is it a battery or a WMD?" Shameless and simple blasphemy which is
way below your previous reputation IMO! I will try and forgive you but hope
you won't continue to resort to this kind of nonsense in the future?- Until
AONE comes clean about the suspect battery pack as far as its actual
Chemistry, further speculation on the entire sector is just an example of
fear mongering and rumor masked by false concern on the part of people with
an agenda period./The only thing that got me through Katrina was the grace
of God and the overwhelming empathy of the American people. Bush didn't
want to respond to fellow Americans on their knees? Fine. I didn't expect
anything less than having to take care of my own. That's the way I was
raised. But his administration didn't just fail to respond, they got in the
way at every turn. Sending our ice to Idaho? Ordering our boats to stand
down? Diverting our boats so that the refineries could be staffed while
people literally steamed to death in their attics, waiting, praying? It was
really simple, Mr. Bush: you just had to let us bring ice and water
in/people out/ice and water in/people out... all day long. How hard is
that? And the only time I ever saw FEMA was when they were sneering down at
a dying woman, telling me that we were in the way of their operations. WHAT
OPERATIONS? Your let-these-people-die operations? Every time I see the
chemical burns scars on my feet, I seethe with hate for you, and they're
never going away, Mr. Bush. Never. That water receded, but we're all
damaged in some way from it. You gave all your Iraq War buddies fat no bid
contracts in the early days of our recovery, and then we got blamed for
wasting money. 175 bucks a square to tarp a roof? What is that? It's
disgusting. You let contractors stuff our flood walls full of newspaper and
called it fixed. I still can't believe it. But it's true. There's your
money, America... the federal contractors stuffed our storm defenses full
of newspaper. Look it up. It's true. You stood in the way every chance you
got, Mr. Bush. And I can never forgive you for that. Here in New Orleans,
we will dance the day your sorry ass dies." wapo.st/Jr6suk /Pa.—A county
detective says a man serving six months in a southwestern Pennsylvania
county jail illegally hid a cellphone and charger in his prosthetic leg
denverpost.com/breakingnews /it's an all volunteer force," Obama
complained. "Nobody made these guys go to war. They had to have known and
accepted the risks. Now they whine about bearing the costs of their choice?
It doesn't compute.." "I thought these were people who were proud to
sacrifice for their country, "Obama continued "I wasn't asking for blood,
just money. With the country facing the worst financial crisis in its
history, I'd have thought that the patriotic thing to do would be to try to
help reduce the nation's deficit.. I guess I underestimated the selfishness
of some of my fellow Americans, perfectly happy providing insurance to
illegal aliens teapartynation.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network/ Israeli
military is ready for action in Iran if need be, In principal, we are ready
for action," The state of Israel believes that a nuclear Iran is very bad,
that the world must stop it and that Israel must stop it and we are
preparing our plan accordingly, [Actually, 'the world' believes 'the
opposite.'- Data on downed US drone decrypted, successfully decoded all
the records on the downed US RQ-170 Sentinel reconnaissance drone. Iran has
easily cracked the codes on the data of the drone's operations and tasks
recorded on the aircraft's memory, for instance, the data of a flight after
repairs in 2010 or the [drone's] deployment in the operation against
[Osama] bin Laden in Pakistan-Deputy PM admits Ahmadinejad was misquoted,
never said Israel must be wiped off the map 17 Apr 2012 Minister of
Intelligence and Atomic Energy Dan Meridor told Al Jazeera that Iran never
vowed to "wipe Israel off the map," as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
has repeatedly claimed. Speaking to the Arab network, Meridor, who also
serves as deputy PM, said Iran's leaders "all come basically ideologically,
religiously with the statement that Israel is an unnatural creature, it
will not survive." In 2005 Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was quoted
as saying that Israel should be "wiped off the map," but it was later
revealed was actually quoting the leader of the 1979 Islamic revolution:
"The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of
time-Egypt terminates 2005 gas deal with Israel 22 Apr 2012 Egypt has
repealed a 2005 gas export accord with Israel, which relied heavily on
Egyptian natural gas to generate electricity. The deal was "annulled on
Thursday with the East Mediterranean Gas Co (EMG), which exports gas to
Israel, because the company failed to respect conditions stipulated in the
contract," one of the main economic conditions of a US-sponsored 1979
peace treaty between the two sides. Afghan military recruits found dealing
drugs to US soldiers, the Army investigated 56 soldiers in Afghanistan for
the possession, use or distribution of opiates. Heroin was cited 26 times.
the drugs hash, pot and heroin were purchased "from various Afghan National
Army and Afghan National Police personnel- Taliban trophy photographs
'disgusting' photographs of American paratroopers posing with the body
parts of insurgent suicide bombers were condemned as "disgusting" by Hamid
Karzai. The incident is the latest in a string of embarrassments [war
crimes] to befall American forces in the country-Taliban claim
responsibility for SW Afghanistan copter crash 21 Apr 2012 The Taliban have
claimed responsibility for downing a Black Hawk helicopter in southwestern
Afghanistan on Thursday. A Taliban spokesman announced on Thursday evening
that "Taliban fighters shot down a helicopter and killed all its passengers
in Khanashen Dewalak area near Garmsir in the southern Helmand province,"
CNN reported on Friday. The US-led International Security Assistance Force
(ISAF) and Afghan officials confirmed on Friday that the helicopter's four
crew members, all of them American, are dead. Officials suggested that
unspecified weather difficulties [!?!] were the cause of the accident. US
Muslim: I Was Tortured at FBI's Behest in UAE 18 Apr 2012 A Muslim American
seeking asylum in Sweden claimed Wednesday he was detained at the U.S.
government's request while in the United Arab Emirates last summer,
tortured in custody, and interrogated about the activities of a Portland,
Oregon, mosque, he had attended the same mosque in Portland as a man who
has been charged in a plot to detonate a bomb in the northwestern U.S.
city. Judge rules against CIA whistle-blower, will have to forfeit any
future money he earns from a scathing book he wrote about the spy agency
after he failed to get approval, using the pseudonym "Ishmael Jones." The
CIA says his book, "The Human Factor: Inside the CIA's Dysfunctional
Intelligence Culture," was submitted to the agency's publications review
board under a secrecy agreement that covers books written by former
employees-Misinformation campaign targets USA TODAY reporter, editor 19 Apr
2012 A USA TODAY reporter and editor investigating Pentagon propaganda
contractors have themselves been subjected to a propaganda campaign of
sorts, waged on the Internet through a series of bogus websites. Fake
Twitter and Facebook accounts have been created in their names, along with
a Wikipedia entry and dozens of message board postings and blog comments.
Websites were registered in their names. The timeline of the activity
tracks USA TODAY's reporting on the military's "information operations"
program, which spent hundreds of millions of dollars on marketing campaigns
in Iraq and Afghanistan — campaigns that have been criticized even within
the Pentagon as ineffective and poorly monitored.
3 Arrested at Heathrow on Suspicions of Terrorism --Police: The three were
detained by officers from West Midlands Counter Terrorism Unit as part of
'preplanned and intelligence-led' operation. [i.e., entrapment for future
false flag] 21 Apr 2012 Three men have been arrested at Heathrow Airport
and held on suspicion of "possessing articles and documents with intent to
use them for terrorist purposes overseas," the police said on Friday. The
suspects, residents of Britain's second-largest city, Birmingham, were
arrested Thursday night as they arrived from Oman. They were held under
Section 57 of the British Terrorism Act. That law makes it a criminal
offense to possess materials that create a "reasonable suspicion" that they
are "for a purpose connected with the commission, preparation or
instigation of an act of terrorism." Hackers Launch DDoS Attack on D.C.
Government Websites 22 Apr 2012 Hackers launched a DoS denial of service
attack on D.C. government websites today, clogging the system with a flurry
of requests so that it operates extremely slow or is impossible to load.
"The District government has detected an attempted intrusion into it's
[sic] technology infrastructure system-U.S. government recommends
publication of bird flu papers 20 Apr 2012 The U.S. government will support
publication of two controversial research papers, officials said Thursday.
The studies report details of experiments in which the deadly H5N1
influenza virus was engineered to pass between mammals- Chemical complex
had second explosion, radiation measurement is nearly impossible 22 Apr
2012 At 8:00 AM 4/22/2012, the chemical complex [Iwakuni Otake
Petrochemical Complex of Mitsui] had second explosion with black smoke.
They managed to extinguish fire at 17:15 of 4/22/2012, when already 15
hours had passed. 11 factory workers got injured except for the dead
worker, and 11 citizens got injured by broken glass as well- Chemical
Complex is on fire with nuclear fuel in Yamaguchi 21 Apr 2012 At 2:20 of
4/22/2012, Iwakuni Otake Petrochemical Complex of Mitsui chemicals got
lightning strike to explode. The complex is still on fire, and 3379 units
of radioactive waste (200L in each unit) and Uranium for nuclear fuel are
preserved in the site. The state of the uranium and radioactive waste is
not reported yet. Windows were broken and several people got
injured.-asking the Secret Service whether members of the White House
advance team are connected to the Colombian prostitution scandal,
considering their "close working relationship" with federal agents.
Grassley, R-Nutjob-Iowa, sent the letter Friday to agency Director Mark
Sullivan and acting Inspector General Charles Edwards. He also asked in the
letter if the Secret Service is looking at whether the White House
communications office also could be involved. Grassley is concerned about
whether White House officials were in the same hotel and if the prostitutes
could have had access to their rooms. [Right, he's annoyed that actual
prostitutes may have impinged upon the blocks of time typically reserved
for the wh*res from Monsanto, Exxon Mobil and Goldman Sachs instead of
those from Cartagena- Three to Quit Secret Service as Inquiries Widen Scope
-"At this point, five employees continue to be on administrative leave, and
their security clearances remain suspended pending the outcome of this
investigation- Ted Nugent says Secret Service to quiz him about Obama
remarks asked if he had heard from the Secret Service. "We actually have
heard from the Secret Service, and they have a duty, and I salute them. I
support them and I'm looking forward to our meeting tomorrow," Nugent said
on Beck's show.- Holy police state, Batman! Two Men Die In Separate
Incidents After Being Fired On By Meriden Police 22 Apr 2012 (CT) Two men
died early Saturday after police officers fired weapons in two separate
incidents involving drugs, according to the state police and the mayor. One
man was killed by a bullet, and the other died after being hit by a stun
gun. Since 2005, more than a dozen men in Connecticut have died after being
shocked by Tasers.- Gov. Perdue's plane makes emergency landing when the
plane experienced unusual vibrations after takeoff. According to radio
traffic to the control tower, there was a problem with the aircraft's
landing gear. A warning light also came on.- Florida didn't save money by
drug testing welfare recipients, data show Required drug tests for people
seeking welfare benefits ended up costing taxpayers more than it saved and
failed to curb the number of prospective applicants, data used against the
state in an ongoing legal battle show. The findings - that only 108 of the
4,086 people who took a drug test failed- USAID training foreign workers
for English-speaking jobs While the president has been urging "insourcing,"
the government has been sending money to the Philippines to train foreign
workers for jobs in English-speaking call centers-Retail giant Wal-Mart
Stores Inc squelched its own internal investigation of allegations made by
a former executive of its subsidiary in Mexico that the Mexican division
had orchestrated a campaign of bribery to grab market dominance, Wal-Mart
sent investigators to Mexico City and found evidence of widespread bribery,
but Wal-Mart's leaders then shut down the investigation and notified
neither American nor Mexican law enforcement officials-Animal rights
activists have sued the federal government because of the living conditions
for a bear at a Cumberland County roadside zoo. The Fayetteville Observer
reported two local residents, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
and the Animal Legal Defense Fund, are suing the U.S. Agriculture
Department. The lawsuit challenges the renewal an animal welfare act
license for Jambbas Ranch Tours in Cedar Creek. Jambbas houses dozens of
animals, including Ben the bear, who lives in a 12-by-22-foot cage with a
concrete floor.-Speaking publicly for the first time, George Zimmerman, the
man accused of second-degree murder in the shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon
Martin, briefly took the witness stand at his bail hearing Friday and
apologized to Martin's parents. "I wanted to say I am sorry for the loss of
your son," to allow Zimmerman to be released from jail on $150,000 bail,
which was considerably lower than the $1 million requested by
prosecutors-legitgov.org/donate.html /Don't Let Business Lobbyists Kill the
Post Office, not just email that's killing the postal service. The
government wants to close 3700 post offices, lobbyists are partly to blame.
A 2006 law requires the USPS to pre-fund 100 percent of its future
obligations for 75 years of health benefits. Matt Taibbi/Nurses may finally
be coming around and grasping the gravity of how vaccines are damaging our
bodies. A study in Vaccine shows that nurses trust in health authorities
and vaccination is at an all time low following the H1N1 flu pandemic that
was ultimately proven to be a hoax. Becoming Distrustful of Health
Authorities preventdisease.com/4500 nurses in the San Francisco Bay Area
will walk out of work on May 1st to protest hundreds of cuts to health care
services occupywallst.org /Proctor & Gamble Becomes 13th Company To Drop
ALEC thinkprogress.org/Picture thousands of people streaming across the
Brooklyn Bridge, with UAW, 1199 SEIU, and Teamsters' “Stop the War on
Workers” signs held aloft, as projections on the side of the Verizon
building declared, “We Are the 99%!”, thousands more thronging into the
Wisconsin Capitol, singing “Which Side are You On?” as teachers and
students held hands and firefighters marched in with bagpipes, all to fight
Governor Scott Walker's attack on public workers' Labor Unions' Fight for
the 99% Goes Way Beyond Raising Campaign Dollars alternet.org-Congress
passed 4 bills in the House: The Sportsmen Heritage Act, The Raoul
Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Act, The Mark Twain Commemorative Coin
Act and a bill honoring Jack Nicklaus for his service to the nation. And,
it only cost taxpayers $100 million dollars to do it. Did you get your
Money's Worth? bankruptingamerica.org/Oklahoma Tea Party Supporting Oath
Keeper Convicted Of Raping Daughter addictinginfo.org/Russia’s “Pussy Riot”
remain in jail, February, five members of “Pussy Riot,” Russia’s radical,
feminist, punk band, entered Moscow’s Christ the Saviour Cathedral stood at
the altar and sang “Mother of God, Blessed Virgin, drive out Putin!” For
their protest art feministing.com/Two Years After the BP Spill, A new study
finds that oysters in the Gulf of Mexico display higher concentrations of
heavy metals found in crude oil motherjones.com/More Than One-Third Of All
U.S. Executions Took Place In Texas nationofchange.org/founder of
Change.org. Ben Rattray thedailyshow.com/You will not be punished for your
anger; you will be punished by your anger. Buddha-military spending
reached a record $1,738 billion in 2011 -- an increase of $138 billion over
the previous year. The United States accounted for 41 percent of that, or
$711 billion/Jon Stewart, appears to be this week's recipient of the
Catholic League's never-ending assembly line of feigned outrage and hateful
ignorance/Fox Hosts Act Horrified at Proposal to “Amend The Constitution”
to Get Rid of Special Interest Money, The Five acted horrified at House
Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's statement that she wants to "amend the
Constitution" to reverse the Supreme Court's decision nationofchange.org-
Obama introduced a new round of measures that he said would make it easier
for the administration to crack down on oil market manipulation amid
persistently high gas prices/CIA plane crash lands with four tons of coke
“We’ve all heard the rumors that the CIA are the reason that the United
States and Canada is awash with cocaine…. is it time to connect the dots
now that one of their planes has crash arnpriornews.wordpress.com/
shareholders of Citigroup voted down the $14.9 million pay package for CEO
Vikram Pandit by a margin of 55-45 percent. The vote was nonbinding (a very
serious problem), but it was nonetheless a huge slap in the face for Pandit
and Citigroup's top management and directors-Immigration politics will hit
the Supreme Court this week as justices weigh how much border-control clout
the states can deploy. In their latest highly charged faceoff, the justices
must decide whether Arizona went too far with a crackdown that includes
ordering police to routinely check the legal residency status of people
they stop-BP Covered Up Blowout Two Years Prior to Deadly Deepwater Horizon
Spill, an eyewitness with devastating new information about the Caspian Sea
oil-rig blow-out which BP had concealed from government and the industry.
the full story as required by industry practice, the eleven Gulf of Mexico
workers 'could have had a chance' of survival. But BP's insistence on using
methods proven faulty sealed their fate-Labor Unions' Fight for the 99
Percent Goes Beyond Raising Campaign Dollars. They've forgotten that unions
represent millions of working Americans, struggling under the weight of
austerity policies and a stagnant economy, who are getting increasingly fed
up with their treatment by politicians-Paul Ryan's Religion of Convenience,
disagrees with is the Bishops' stance that it's not very Jesus-like to let
poor people starve. Food stamps were one of the many safety-net programs
that got the axe in the Ryan budget, in favor of tax breaks for large
corporations-truthout.org/Afghanistan War Is Turning GIs Into Junkies as
Afghan Opium Production Soars Under US Occupation, Opium cultivation in
Afghanistan basically has risen from 70 percent of the world's supply in
2000 to 92 percent now - and it is continuing to rise Meanwhile, we send
soldiers to Afghanistan and some of them come home junkies." BuzzFlash-
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