REVOLUTION OF TRUTH AND JUSTICE KnowTheTruthTV Freedoms been overthrown by
DIABOLIC Skull and Bones Gavin Rider Corruption
youtube.com/watch?v=2oHbwdNcHbc& feature=player_embedded /Ron Paul
supporters swept all the Delegate and Alternate seats at the Oklahoma 5th
District Republican Convention/Employees of the US military contracting
group Academi (formerly Xe, Blackwater USA and Blackwater Worldwide) are
seen in new leaked videoLeaked Video Shows US Contractors Randomly Killing
Civilians youtube.com/watch?v=e1trSD3Auyo&feature=player_embedded /
Consciousness TV | USDA Admits Exterminating Birds, Crops, and Bees, The
USDA has been under fire recently for its admitted assault against nature,
after multiple investigations have uncovered its deliberate tampering with
both plants and animals alike. One such investigation has put an end to the
mystery surrounding the death of millions of bird worldtruth.tv /$3million
in undeclared, untaxed cash stash in his wife's name in Switzerland. HIGHLY
unlawful...Another thief? Is this who we want for a President? $3 trillion
disappeared under Bush's watch, we cannot continue to be robbed by these
assholes./ike turkeys for Thanksgiving.-don't think Marco Rubio or many of
my Latino friends are like cockroaches. Why the hate? Its just a different
view, many people of all ethnicity are turning to conservatism, and you'll
find that represented more in the Republican party.-latinos for
republicans is like roaches for raid jleguizamo-Roseanne Barr said
"Working people voting for Republicans is lke chickens voting for Colonel
Sanders"/Liz its wasn't wall st it was you wonderful Biil Clinton and your
left wing buddys that forced the sale of bad loans. Then said you have to
give everyone a loan. You learn what your talking about. Can anyone say
Freddy Mac and Fanny May.... HELLO that's what's with you fucking people
you have no fucking clue what you mad about. You say its wall st but its
really the Feds forcing shit like that/Another "win" for Britain's Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, who operates the ODA CONTAMINATED FUKUSHIMA FISH
RECYCLED AS FOOD AID: Canned Fish from Tohoku sent to Developing Countries
globalresearch.ca /when a real or contrived
constitutional crisis develops, the screams and indignation arise and point
to a convenient culprit. The current Obamacare case before this court has
all the trappings of a full-blown confrontation. The reason is simple. The
underlying question before the Supremes is not purely a legal matter. At
stake is whether this country is actually a government under laws.
Alternatively, is it an authoritarian dictatorship nuisance by irritating
lawful restraints?/sextortion' of minors; hundreds of victims might have
been targeted charged with blackmailing children into performing sexually
explicit acts over webcams, Richard Leon Finkbiner, age 39, of Brazil,
Ind., about 50 miles southwest of Indianapolis, was charged in a federal
complaint last week with sexual exploitation of children. The allegations
involve two 14-year-old boys, the FBI said in court documents that it found
thousands of sexually explicit images and videos on Finkbiner's computer
that suggest "several hundred" other victims. "sextortion" scheme worked
this way: Using the pseudonym "Josh Swaim," Finkbiner would befriend young
boys on social media and capture sexually explicit video of them they had
uploaded on what they thought was an anonymous video chat site, He would
then tell them that if they didn't record more sexually explicit videos, he
would release the clips online or send them to their friendsBy M. Alex
Johnson, msnbc.com 4/9/12-it detected the previous month a highly
sophisticated cyber attack originating from China that resulted in the
theft of its intellectual property . . . Google said a wide range of
companies were also targeted, including those in the finance, technology,
media, and chemical industries. "This is a big espionage program aimed at
getting high-tech information and politically sensitive information."
batr.org/ wishing you and yours a very happy and blessed holiday and hoping
that the good guys will win, and soon!/Bernanke gave a whole speech last
night titled "Fostering Financial Stability" at the Federal Reserve's Stone
Mountain, Georgia, conference and didn't say one thing about more
quantitative easing - not even a hint. Without an endless supply of MORE
FREE MONEY from the Fed - what is going to hold our markets up at these
inflated levels?/at this point, it seems the only logical thing to do is,
erase all outstanding loans, paying off the banks, if this system ever
worked, it should after the payoff, the lions will take their share
anyway....then let the chips fall where they may, though i h8 the term rule
of law (the affluent buy justice) or real rules, real justice..cutting out
corporate welfare, special interest lobby groups and the insurance maggots
would be a step in the right direction..imho of course- "a big gamble, it's
a shame the Republicrats don't have a real candidate (or plan other than
war) but our nation lacks ethical gutsy leadership at all levels so I
shouldn't be surprised-look for at least a 5T quiet bailout....just enough
to make things look rosie for financials.. until next month
the People, Are WINNING -WHAT NOT TO DO 1. You are going to find out that
the cabal have done terrible things to you, your family, and humanity.
Don't believe that every one of them is as guilty as the leaders. Some were
forced to act and were threatened with torture. 2. Don't panic. 3. Don't
turn on each other. 4. Don't riot. 5. Don't run into a bank and start
shooting people. 6. Please just try to be calm and work together to meet
the needs of your community. Everything will be ok. The world is about to
go into a Golden Age. First we must Cleanse./"I've never seen a President —
I don't care who he is — stand up to them. It just boggles the mind. They
always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the time.
I got to the point where I wasn't writing anything down. If the American
people understood what a grip these people have got on our government, they
would RISE UP IN ARMS. Our citizens certainly don't have any idea what goes
on."~ Thomas H. Moore (1912 - 2004)Admiral, US Navy & Chairman, Joint
Chiefs of Staff during interview on 24 August 1983/Mahmoud Abugamia as
usual , that is the most important character of Zionism-Jeff Webb Jr.
anybodty take note most americans that are christian don't wacth religious
TV everyone knows is a huuuge scam since the 70"s FYI/leveraging started by
banks, bank holding companies, hedge funds, etc., is now being pushed down
to the level of the average household. If you were responsible and saved
and paid down your mortgage, those assets will quickly be eaten up by
losses in the markets, higher taxes, less coverage with higher premiums,
and higher fees and costs for everything. Your options are few; once
savings are depleted, the reverse mortgage becomes the only option for
some. These reverse mortgages are being sold hard - not only Henry Winkler
but Robert Wagner and other actors appealing to the Baby Boomers sense of
nostalgia and trust. Instead of Mom and Dad having a house that they worked
to pay off and savings and retirement, after one year of battling cancer or
another disease they will be broke; Medicare covering less and less, and
the reverse mortgage of the old home the only way to get cash for
treatments./Boycott Israel, Part 2, L'OREAL, Maybelline, because their
support of Zionism...BDS - Boycott, Divestment And Sanctions/Wikileaks
exposes some interesting stuff going on CIA controlling Al-Jazeera News-
Al-Jazeera, Al-Qaeeda , Al-Cia... Sisters in Fraud owned and orchestrated
by Zionists of USA ! Wolves in Sheeps clothings!-Israeli War Crimes against
humanity, not being investigated-WOW... What a concept-ICC believes israel
never committed 'war crimes & crimes against humanity" and maybe the ICC
thinks the Palestinians People are NOT human beings.-US protects Israeli
War Crimes as well as WarCriminals.-ZIONISTS admit distorting internet
information to promote Zionism. Zionists Manipulating Internet And
Wikipedia facebook.com/JohnA.Rand /zion destroying world peace
youtube.com/user/KitKirja/videos /Gaza Massacre ? Palestinian victims,
according to Gaza medics: -- 1,205 killed, including: -- 410 children
(under 16)-- 108 women -- 113 elderly men -- 14 medics -- 4 journalists
-- 5,300 wounded Israeli victims, according to medics:-- 13 killed in
combat and rocket attacks, including:-- 10 soldiers (nine in combat, one in
rocket attack)-- three civilians in rocket attacks -- dozens wounded --
2,500 targets hit by Israeli air force and navy inside Gaza, including:
-- four UN-run schools -- a compound of the UN agency for Palestinian
refugees -- two media buildings -- 16 medical centres -- 16 ambulances
-- 778 rockets and mortars fired by Gaza militants into Israel, with most
of the projectiles that landed inside the Jewish state hitting houses, but
also hitting several schools and a kindergarten Damage in Gaza: (figures
from Palestinian statistics bureau)-- 475.9 million dollars of damage to
infrastructure-- 500 million dollars in estimated clean-up costs-- 4,000
residential buildings destroyed-- 16,000 residential buildings damaged
-- 1,500 commercial facilities damaged, including factories, shops, metal
workshops-- 51 government buildings destroyed, including ministries and
police-- 18 schools and other education buildings-- 20 mosques destroyed
-- 50 kilometres of roads destroyed/It's not about Palestine people with
mostly muslims . It's humanity tragedy, Zionist is the biggest EVIL in the
THE MID EAST WILL END.PEACE/wonder why these GI's aren't coming home and do
the same with the bansters and other loothers of American and World
people...? Would they be afraid of doing so with someone who can throw
rocks at them...? It must have been a very difficult mission here facing
all the ugly well armed terrorists... The taxi driver, well why not
becoming another terrorist... because you are call like this when your only
mean of defense are rocks and plastic knives-look, democracy in action!-
wake up people...This is happening in our name!-The main problem here is
that probably the only people reading and seeing these videos are already
well aware of what is going on... We must find ways to let the ones who
don't know or refuse to know, to see what is going on in their names.
People from everywhere in the world, in every countries. A lot of people
just don't want to know and refuse to believe what is really going on...!
How many ordinary swear only by the mass media-What makes me sick is that
most people from my own family don'y give a damn about that. They frefer
not looking at, saying that they want more positive images... but not
realizing that in the mean time the government takes their taxes money or
the one from their children when borrowing money to makes these atrocities.
I mean those like in this video and how many others like this and a lot
worst as what is going on elsewhere like Palestine-How disrespectful to the
Iraqis. Wonder why U.S. Troops are getting blown up everywhere. SMH/Since
9/11 there have been 33 major office complexes built in/and around
Washington DC by companies like Blackwater. American exeptionalism:
exceptionally arrogant, exceptionally bancrupt, exceptionally deluded.
41012/"Suicidal State" and the War on Youth, one of the few countries in
the world that puts children in supermax prisons, tries them as adults,
incarcerates them for exceptionally long periods of time, defines them as
super predators, pepper sprays them for engaging in peaceful protests and
in an echo of the discourse of the war on terror describes them as 'teenage
time bombs-bowing to the inevitability of Mitt Romney's nomination and
ending his improbable, come-from-behind quest to become the party's
conservative standard-bearer in the fall. 'We made a decision over the
weekend, that while this presidential race for us is over, for me, and we
will suspend our campaign today, we are not done fighting Santorum-Though
it's been a temperate winter, things are heating up in Chicago. With only
weeks to go until May Day and fewer than two months until the NATO summits,
Occupy Chicago has come back out into the streets-Twenty-Six Major
Corporations Paid No Corporate Income Tax for the Last Four Years, Despite
Making Billions in Profits Last year.Today, CTJ updated that report to
reflect the 2011 tax bill of those 30 companies, and 26 of them have still
managed to pay absolutely nothing over that four year period-White House
Report Backs Obama Push for Tax on Millionaires Going on the offensive as
the presidential campaign heats up, the White House released a report late
Monday that champions legislation to force the wealthiest Americans to pay
a greater percentage of their income in taxes-UN Calls for Immediate Halt
of Phulbari Coal Project in Bangladesh Despite glossy PR materials touting
its ability to deliver on sustainable development and energy access goals,
the coal industry routinely threatens human rights around the world,
particularly in South Asia. Land grabs, forced evictions, violence, and
environmental destruction are all disturbingly prevalent in coal industry
projects-A Comic About Women in the Labor Force,The last installment
of Ladydrawers looked at gendered discrepancies in media hiring practices
... and how the gender of the labor pool might affect media content-How
Occupy Wall Street Plans to Take Down Bank of America, and How You Can Help
Unless we do something soon, we might be heading for yet another people's
bailout of America's bank. Occupy Wall Street has decided to fight back.
'This bank is not working AlterNet-Afghan Syndrome Still, credit must be
given. Increasingly poorly remembered, Vietnam is now one for the ages.
After so many years, Afghanistan has finally emerged as a quagmire beholden
to no other war. What an achievement! Our moment, Afghanistan included, has
proven so extreme, so disastrous, that it's finally put the unquiet ghost
of Vietnam in its grave. And here's the miracle: it has all happened
without anyone in Washington grasping the essence of that now-ancient
defeat, or understanding a thing-Republicans are lying to keep more
Americans out of a job, Americans want to know if Mitt Romney is stashing
money in offshore bank accounts to avoid paying taxes, Bill Gates is the
latest donor to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to jump
ship, kelp off the coast of California was found to contain levels of
radioactive iodine-Self-Reporting Creates $385 Billion "Tax Gap" between
those whose income is reported by their employers to the Internal Revenue
Service, and those who self-report. The divide is costing the Treasury
about $200 billion a year-Training Terrorists in Nevada, US Aid to Iranian
Group Tied to Scientist Killings, Bush administration secretly trained an
Iranian opposition group on the State Department's list of foreign
terrorists-Truthout/bipartisan political posturing by the US government in
declaring a military assault on illegal drugs, when our leaders know that
thousands and thousands of people are dying for a war with no exit and no
end in sight to the supply or demand side, is a violation of human rights
and a murder warrant on civilian collateral damage among our southern
neighbors-The Free-Market Sainthood of the Koch Brothers BuzzFlash/Health
Freedom Alliance » Dead, Missing, Jailed – BP Whistle Blowers, strange
stories regarding the tragic fates of those connected with the BP oil
disaster. When compiled, the stories are all together shocking and
disturbing. Is it possible that the nine deaths and others affected who
were involved healthfreedoms.org /UNTIL IT BECAME CLEAR BY REFERRING TO THE
HISTORY. A coin with two sides. The "Nazi-Zionist" medallion
perledediamant.blog4ever.com/Ohio Republican Gov. John Kasich’s Speaking
to a group of Republican political donors last week,‘I Believe There Is A
Problem’ With Our Climate, called for action thinkprogress.org/Adding to a
growing basket of "presidential dialogues" that were sealed during Obama's
visit to Brazil March 2011, the two leaders announced the creation of a
"Defense Co-operation Dialogue Brazil, U.S. Deepen Ties Ahead of Obama’s
Latin America Week nationofchange.org
REVOLUTION OF TRUTH AND JUSTICE KnowTheTruthTV Freedoms been overthrown by
DIABOLIC Skull and Bones Gavin Rider Corruption
youtube.com/watch?v=2oHbwdNcHbc& feature=player_embedded /Ron Paul
supporters swept all the Delegate and Alternate seats at the Oklahoma 5th
District Republican Convention/Employees of the US military contracting
group Academi (formerly Xe, Blackwater USA and Blackwater Worldwide) are
seen in new leaked videoLeaked Video Shows US Contractors Randomly Killing
Civilians youtube.com/watch?v=e1trSD3Auyo&feature=player_embedded /
Consciousness TV | USDA Admits Exterminating Birds, Crops, and Bees, The
USDA has been under fire recently for its admitted assault against nature,
after multiple investigations have uncovered its deliberate tampering with
both plants and animals alike. One such investigation has put an end to the
mystery surrounding the death of millions of bird worldtruth.tv /$3million
in undeclared, untaxed cash stash in his wife's name in Switzerland. HIGHLY
unlawful...Another thief? Is this who we want for a President? $3 trillion
disappeared under Bush's watch, we cannot continue to be robbed by these
assholes./ike turkeys for Thanksgiving.-don't think Marco Rubio or many of
my Latino friends are like cockroaches. Why the hate? Its just a different
view, many people of all ethnicity are turning to conservatism, and you'll
find that represented more in the Republican party.-latinos for
republicans is like roaches for raid jleguizamo-Roseanne Barr said
"Working people voting for Republicans is lke chickens voting for Colonel
Sanders"/Liz its wasn't wall st it was you wonderful Biil Clinton and your
left wing buddys that forced the sale of bad loans. Then said you have to
give everyone a loan. You learn what your talking about. Can anyone say
Freddy Mac and Fanny May.... HELLO that's what's with you fucking people
you have no fucking clue what you mad about. You say its wall st but its
really the Feds forcing shit like that/Another "win" for Britain's Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, who operates the ODA CONTAMINATED FUKUSHIMA FISH
RECYCLED AS FOOD AID: Canned Fish from Tohoku sent to Developing Countries
globalresearch.ca /when a real or contrived
constitutional crisis develops, the screams and indignation arise and point
to a convenient culprit. The current Obamacare case before this court has
all the trappings of a full-blown confrontation. The reason is simple. The
underlying question before the Supremes is not purely a legal matter. At
stake is whether this country is actually a government under laws.
Alternatively, is it an authoritarian dictatorship nuisance by irritating
lawful restraints?/sextortion' of minors; hundreds of victims might have
been targeted charged with blackmailing children into performing sexually
explicit acts over webcams, Richard Leon Finkbiner, age 39, of Brazil,
Ind., about 50 miles southwest of Indianapolis, was charged in a federal
complaint last week with sexual exploitation of children. The allegations
involve two 14-year-old boys, the FBI said in court documents that it found
thousands of sexually explicit images and videos on Finkbiner's computer
that suggest "several hundred" other victims. "sextortion" scheme worked
this way: Using the pseudonym "Josh Swaim," Finkbiner would befriend young
boys on social media and capture sexually explicit video of them they had
uploaded on what they thought was an anonymous video chat site, He would
then tell them that if they didn't record more sexually explicit videos, he
would release the clips online or send them to their friendsBy M. Alex
Johnson, msnbc.com 4/9/12-it detected the previous month a highly
sophisticated cyber attack originating from China that resulted in the
theft of its intellectual property . . . Google said a wide range of
companies were also targeted, including those in the finance, technology,
media, and chemical industries. "This is a big espionage program aimed at
getting high-tech information and politically sensitive information."
batr.org/ wishing you and yours a very happy and blessed holiday and hoping
that the good guys will win, and soon!/Bernanke gave a whole speech last
night titled "Fostering Financial Stability" at the Federal Reserve's Stone
Mountain, Georgia, conference and didn't say one thing about more
quantitative easing - not even a hint. Without an endless supply of MORE
FREE MONEY from the Fed - what is going to hold our markets up at these
inflated levels?/at this point, it seems the only logical thing to do is,
erase all outstanding loans, paying off the banks, if this system ever
worked, it should after the payoff, the lions will take their share
anyway....then let the chips fall where they may, though i h8 the term rule
of law (the affluent buy justice) or real rules, real justice..cutting out
corporate welfare, special interest lobby groups and the insurance maggots
would be a step in the right direction..imho of course- "a big gamble, it's
a shame the Republicrats don't have a real candidate (or plan other than
war) but our nation lacks ethical gutsy leadership at all levels so I
shouldn't be surprised-look for at least a 5T quiet bailout....just enough
to make things look rosie for financials.. until next month
the People, Are WINNING -WHAT NOT TO DO 1. You are going to find out that
the cabal have done terrible things to you, your family, and humanity.
Don't believe that every one of them is as guilty as the leaders. Some were
forced to act and were threatened with torture. 2. Don't panic. 3. Don't
turn on each other. 4. Don't riot. 5. Don't run into a bank and start
shooting people. 6. Please just try to be calm and work together to meet
the needs of your community. Everything will be ok. The world is about to
go into a Golden Age. First we must Cleanse./"I've never seen a President —
I don't care who he is — stand up to them. It just boggles the mind. They
always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the time.
I got to the point where I wasn't writing anything down. If the American
people understood what a grip these people have got on our government, they
would RISE UP IN ARMS. Our citizens certainly don't have any idea what goes
on."~ Thomas H. Moore (1912 - 2004)Admiral, US Navy & Chairman, Joint
Chiefs of Staff during interview on 24 August 1983/Mahmoud Abugamia as
usual , that is the most important character of Zionism-Jeff Webb Jr.
anybodty take note most americans that are christian don't wacth religious
TV everyone knows is a huuuge scam since the 70"s FYI/leveraging started by
banks, bank holding companies, hedge funds, etc., is now being pushed down
to the level of the average household. If you were responsible and saved
and paid down your mortgage, those assets will quickly be eaten up by
losses in the markets, higher taxes, less coverage with higher premiums,
and higher fees and costs for everything. Your options are few; once
savings are depleted, the reverse mortgage becomes the only option for
some. These reverse mortgages are being sold hard - not only Henry Winkler
but Robert Wagner and other actors appealing to the Baby Boomers sense of
nostalgia and trust. Instead of Mom and Dad having a house that they worked
to pay off and savings and retirement, after one year of battling cancer or
another disease they will be broke; Medicare covering less and less, and
the reverse mortgage of the old home the only way to get cash for
treatments./Boycott Israel, Part 2, L'OREAL, Maybelline, because their
support of Zionism...BDS - Boycott, Divestment And Sanctions/Wikileaks
exposes some interesting stuff going on CIA controlling Al-Jazeera News-
Al-Jazeera, Al-Qaeeda , Al-Cia... Sisters in Fraud owned and orchestrated
by Zionists of USA ! Wolves in Sheeps clothings!-Israeli War Crimes against
humanity, not being investigated-WOW... What a concept-ICC believes israel
never committed 'war crimes & crimes against humanity" and maybe the ICC
thinks the Palestinians People are NOT human beings.-US protects Israeli
War Crimes as well as WarCriminals.-ZIONISTS admit distorting internet
information to promote Zionism. Zionists Manipulating Internet And
Wikipedia facebook.com/JohnA.Rand /zion destroying world peace
youtube.com/user/KitKirja/videos /Gaza Massacre ? Palestinian victims,
according to Gaza medics: -- 1,205 killed, including: -- 410 children
(under 16)-- 108 women -- 113 elderly men -- 14 medics -- 4 journalists
-- 5,300 wounded Israeli victims, according to medics:-- 13 killed in
combat and rocket attacks, including:-- 10 soldiers (nine in combat, one in
rocket attack)-- three civilians in rocket attacks -- dozens wounded --
2,500 targets hit by Israeli air force and navy inside Gaza, including:
-- four UN-run schools -- a compound of the UN agency for Palestinian
refugees -- two media buildings -- 16 medical centres -- 16 ambulances
-- 778 rockets and mortars fired by Gaza militants into Israel, with most
of the projectiles that landed inside the Jewish state hitting houses, but
also hitting several schools and a kindergarten Damage in Gaza: (figures
from Palestinian statistics bureau)-- 475.9 million dollars of damage to
infrastructure-- 500 million dollars in estimated clean-up costs-- 4,000
residential buildings destroyed-- 16,000 residential buildings damaged
-- 1,500 commercial facilities damaged, including factories, shops, metal
workshops-- 51 government buildings destroyed, including ministries and
police-- 18 schools and other education buildings-- 20 mosques destroyed
-- 50 kilometres of roads destroyed/It's not about Palestine people with
mostly muslims . It's humanity tragedy, Zionist is the biggest EVIL in the
THE MID EAST WILL END.PEACE/wonder why these GI's aren't coming home and do
the same with the bansters and other loothers of American and World
people...? Would they be afraid of doing so with someone who can throw
rocks at them...? It must have been a very difficult mission here facing
all the ugly well armed terrorists... The taxi driver, well why not
becoming another terrorist... because you are call like this when your only
mean of defense are rocks and plastic knives-look, democracy in action!-
wake up people...This is happening in our name!-The main problem here is
that probably the only people reading and seeing these videos are already
well aware of what is going on... We must find ways to let the ones who
don't know or refuse to know, to see what is going on in their names.
People from everywhere in the world, in every countries. A lot of people
just don't want to know and refuse to believe what is really going on...!
How many ordinary swear only by the mass media-What makes me sick is that
most people from my own family don'y give a damn about that. They frefer
not looking at, saying that they want more positive images... but not
realizing that in the mean time the government takes their taxes money or
the one from their children when borrowing money to makes these atrocities.
I mean those like in this video and how many others like this and a lot
worst as what is going on elsewhere like Palestine-How disrespectful to the
Iraqis. Wonder why U.S. Troops are getting blown up everywhere. SMH/Since
9/11 there have been 33 major office complexes built in/and around
Washington DC by companies like Blackwater. American exeptionalism:
exceptionally arrogant, exceptionally bancrupt, exceptionally deluded.
41012/"Suicidal State" and the War on Youth, one of the few countries in
the world that puts children in supermax prisons, tries them as adults,
incarcerates them for exceptionally long periods of time, defines them as
super predators, pepper sprays them for engaging in peaceful protests and
in an echo of the discourse of the war on terror describes them as 'teenage
time bombs-bowing to the inevitability of Mitt Romney's nomination and
ending his improbable, come-from-behind quest to become the party's
conservative standard-bearer in the fall. 'We made a decision over the
weekend, that while this presidential race for us is over, for me, and we
will suspend our campaign today, we are not done fighting Santorum-Though
it's been a temperate winter, things are heating up in Chicago. With only
weeks to go until May Day and fewer than two months until the NATO summits,
Occupy Chicago has come back out into the streets-Twenty-Six Major
Corporations Paid No Corporate Income Tax for the Last Four Years, Despite
Making Billions in Profits Last year.Today, CTJ updated that report to
reflect the 2011 tax bill of those 30 companies, and 26 of them have still
managed to pay absolutely nothing over that four year period-White House
Report Backs Obama Push for Tax on Millionaires Going on the offensive as
the presidential campaign heats up, the White House released a report late
Monday that champions legislation to force the wealthiest Americans to pay
a greater percentage of their income in taxes-UN Calls for Immediate Halt
of Phulbari Coal Project in Bangladesh Despite glossy PR materials touting
its ability to deliver on sustainable development and energy access goals,
the coal industry routinely threatens human rights around the world,
particularly in South Asia. Land grabs, forced evictions, violence, and
environmental destruction are all disturbingly prevalent in coal industry
projects-A Comic About Women in the Labor Force,The last installment
of Ladydrawers looked at gendered discrepancies in media hiring practices
... and how the gender of the labor pool might affect media content-How
Occupy Wall Street Plans to Take Down Bank of America, and How You Can Help
Unless we do something soon, we might be heading for yet another people's
bailout of America's bank. Occupy Wall Street has decided to fight back.
'This bank is not working AlterNet-Afghan Syndrome Still, credit must be
given. Increasingly poorly remembered, Vietnam is now one for the ages.
After so many years, Afghanistan has finally emerged as a quagmire beholden
to no other war. What an achievement! Our moment, Afghanistan included, has
proven so extreme, so disastrous, that it's finally put the unquiet ghost
of Vietnam in its grave. And here's the miracle: it has all happened
without anyone in Washington grasping the essence of that now-ancient
defeat, or understanding a thing-Republicans are lying to keep more
Americans out of a job, Americans want to know if Mitt Romney is stashing
money in offshore bank accounts to avoid paying taxes, Bill Gates is the
latest donor to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to jump
ship, kelp off the coast of California was found to contain levels of
radioactive iodine-Self-Reporting Creates $385 Billion "Tax Gap" between
those whose income is reported by their employers to the Internal Revenue
Service, and those who self-report. The divide is costing the Treasury
about $200 billion a year-Training Terrorists in Nevada, US Aid to Iranian
Group Tied to Scientist Killings, Bush administration secretly trained an
Iranian opposition group on the State Department's list of foreign
terrorists-Truthout/bipartisan political posturing by the US government in
declaring a military assault on illegal drugs, when our leaders know that
thousands and thousands of people are dying for a war with no exit and no
end in sight to the supply or demand side, is a violation of human rights
and a murder warrant on civilian collateral damage among our southern
neighbors-The Free-Market Sainthood of the Koch Brothers BuzzFlash/Health
Freedom Alliance » Dead, Missing, Jailed – BP Whistle Blowers, strange
stories regarding the tragic fates of those connected with the BP oil
disaster. When compiled, the stories are all together shocking and
disturbing. Is it possible that the nine deaths and others affected who
were involved healthfreedoms.org /UNTIL IT BECAME CLEAR BY REFERRING TO THE
HISTORY. A coin with two sides. The "Nazi-Zionist" medallion
perledediamant.blog4ever.com/Ohio Republican Gov. John Kasich’s Speaking
to a group of Republican political donors last week,‘I Believe There Is A
Problem’ With Our Climate, called for action thinkprogress.org/Adding to a
growing basket of "presidential dialogues" that were sealed during Obama's
visit to Brazil March 2011, the two leaders announced the creation of a
"Defense Co-operation Dialogue Brazil, U.S. Deepen Ties Ahead of Obama’s
Latin America Week nationofchange.org
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