Thursday, March 8, 2012


2812/Paper Ballot Op-Scan Election Results in Utah Flipped After 'Recount' Finds
New Tally 'Extremely in Favor of Opposite Candidate' Paper Ballot Op-Scan
Election Results in Utah Flipped After 'Recount' Finds New Tally 'Extremely
in Favor of Opposite Candidate' 'We're doing recounts of recounts of
recounts,' says candidate announced as 'loser' on Election Night.voters
next year will be forced to vote on 100% unverifiable touch-screen voting
systems next year, the very same paper-ballot optical-scan machines that
failed in 2008 in the New Hampshire primary and in this month's Provo
Municipal Council race (and in dozens of other elections over the years)
are set to be used once again all across the country during the 2012
Presidential election cycle /September 11, 2001 is
well known as the day when the U.S. suffered its worst terrorist attack,
what is little known is that it was also a day when large sections of the
armed forces around the nation had been preparing to fight a simulated
nuclear war, as part of major training exercises being conducted at
the time. In their annual exercises "Vigilant Guardian" and "Global
Guardian," the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and the
United States Strategic Command (Stratcom) were scheduled to carry out what
has been described as a "simulated air war," a "full-blown nuclear war"
exercise, a "fictional nuclear war," and a "practice Armageddon/Illegal
immigrants suspected in 30 border fires in Arizona
border-fire\s-arizona.html /Truthout: "Despite a year of record
deportations and little movement on a progressive immigration policy,
undocumented people are coming out and publicly declaring their immigration
status for the third year in a row, telling American society that they are
'undocumented, unafraid and unapologetic-Romney appeared to pull off a
narrow victory in Ohio on Super Tuesday but lost several other states to
Rick Santorum, a split verdict that overshadowed Mr. Romney's claim of
collecting the most delegates and all but ensured another round of intense
infighting on the road to the Republican presidential nomination New Study
Shows That Extreme Poverty in America Has Doubled in the Last 15 Years, and
More In today's On the News segment: A new study shows that extreme poverty
in America has doubled in the last 15 years-"Founded by squatters more than
150 years ago, full of foreclosed buildings, and shrinking by thousands per
year, Oakland in many ways presents as a tremendously attractive target for
occupation. But it's been a bumpy road since the first camps were cleared
on October 26-he may establish residency in Washington state, where there
is a June filing deadline to run for a new congressional seat in the
Seattle area-Bipartisan Force Behind the For-Profit College Scam: Big
Money-Republican electorate understands public education not as a crucial
civic institution ... Instead, this coalition of religious conservatives
and extreme tax-cutters prefers to vilify public schools - and actually,
pretty much any traditional educational institution, including liberal arts
colleges - as potential corruptors of the nation's youth-Waging
Nonviolence: "'Victories' won through violence - whether literal or verbal
- are dubious at best, and disastrous at worst. This is because they do
nothing to eliminate the underlying cause of the grievance being addressed,
and only pile on new hatreds. They expand the divisions between people,
rather than close them-Ronald Reagan famously mangled at the Republican
National Convention in 1988, when he tried to quote Adams and declared,
'Facts are stupid things,' before correcting himself.... Witness the
resistance on the part of banking institutions and certain members of the
congressional leadership, despite regulations demanding that they allow
facts and figures to be reported, information that could keep us from the
edge of yet another economic meltdown-Krugman & Co.: "It's not too hard to
see what Europe as a whole should be doing: less in terms of demands for
austerity, much more general reflation ... And you can make the case that
austerity, at least at this level of harshness, is actually
counterproductive- While such discussions may have media and political
appeal, they are premature and miss the point entirely. They either take
for granted or completely ignore the more fundamental question of whether
continuing/escalating a war with Iran is the right thing to do, not
militarily or pragmatically, but legally and morally-Truthout/Eight Women
File Lawsuit, Accuse Military of Having "High Tolerance for Sexual
Predators in Their Ranks" Huffington Post/Holder's Troubling Death-by-Drone
Rules Los Angeles Times/Alabama Senator Backs Off Forced Trans-Vaginal
Ultrasound Bill, but Alabama Women Aren't Backing Down RH Reality Check/
Amid continued protests from Democrats, Republican Governor Bob McDonnell
on Wednesday signed into law a controversial bill requiring Virginia women
to undergo an ultrasound/Detroit-area woman who won a $1 million lottery
prize but continued to get food stamps has been removed from the food
assistance program/All known requests to stop the execution of an Arizona
death row inmate have been denied, so the plan to carry out a second death
sentence in eight days/Va. - More work needs to be done to keep young
Americans from using tobacco, including creating smoking bans and
increasing taxes on tobacco products/Either you are dumber than a sack of
hammers or you are one of them. We have been collecting evidence for
fifteen years. Now we have them by their short hairs. This thread will be
read out loud at the next board meeting and they will ask, "Who are these
people?" One guy? A small group? Or someone we really should worry about?
Are they serious? Do they have the money to sue us? And most critically,
What is the potential damage to our bottom line? You can bet some people
are busy right now deleting and changing ID's, thinking it will be harder,
or impossible, to discover who they are. They know it will take a subpoena
for Yahoo to cough up their true identities. Don't worry, we are after the
King Drug Pusher - Yahoo! Sooner or later they have to respond or change
the structure. They can't compete on search, Google owns it. Craigs List
and Ebay and Amazon and Zillow and AutoTrader owns everything else. Yahoo
owns the stinking rats nest that is financial message boards which provides
millions of hits and the core of their existence. Clean it up or go the way
of the dinosaurs, Yahoo. If not, we're coming to get you in the public
court system. Very public traders, and they see us as food, like lions
laying in wait in the long grass waiting for the deer to come down for a
drink from the river. They didn't make us come to drink, but they know we
have to. It's Yahoo's grass they prey from, anonymously/And the banks still
get gov favor Spencer Bachus: We are here to serve the banks!!!-Bank of
America NA prevented homeowners from receiving mortgage-loan modifications
under a federal program in order to avoid millions of dollars in losses
while benefitting from financial incentives for participating in the
program, according to a complaint unsealed in federal court Wednesday,
unsealed from Kyle Lagow, a former employee in a Countrywide appraisal unit
which detailed allegations of Countrywide's "corrupt underwriting and
appraisal process." Bank of America purchased Countywide in June 2008.
Under the False Claims Act, successful whistleblower complaints can earn
that whistleblower up to 25 percent of the settlement amount.
html /It was during that ceasefire that Daniels finally shot photos of Bab
Amr's devastation, and was taken to see Colvin and Ochlik's bodies in a
makeshift morgue which residents had set up in a nearby apartment. The
shrouds were marked in Arabic 'woman' and 'man.' So Daniels wrote their
names in block letters, fearing the bodies would be lost in the turmoil.
Three days later, hospital workers buried the corpses, having run out of
fuel to continue the refrigeration process, the tunnel, a water pipeline,
was only 5'4" feet high, so they had to crouch as they walked, dragging the
heavy load. They fell further and further behind Conroy and Espinosa, who
were ahead of them with several Syrian activists. Several people rode on
motorbikes, which the opposition used to transport supplies into the
besieged area and to take wounded people out. Suddenly there were
explosions: The Army had attacked the tunnel's far end. People fled,
screaming.-Back in their one-room hideout, the activists warned them that
the army would launch an offense at dawn. Worse, the conditon of Bouvier's
leg was deteriorating. This time the doctor said an operation was essential
to save her foot, which had been bound tightly for days by the jerry-rigged
traction. He inserted a metal pin through her knee. The two colleagues lay
fitfully through the night, listening to explosions close by, Daniels and
Espinosa had seen 150 locals huddling in a single basement, with minimal
food and water, struggling to survive the siege-U.S., U.K and France,
gleaned from the Stratfor WikiLeaks data release: viableopposition.blogspot
It is most interesting that the United States would rather fight a
guerilla-style war this time out- It is pretty fishy. You TIME officials
give a lot of importance to such report, but lets go over some facts: The
journalists sneak in Syria with the help of rebels that you call activists.
All reports from these journalists are biased The Syrian Government acts
like criminals ). If that goverment kills journalist like indeed happened
you support an outcry worldwide. These journalist did not enter Syria
legally so they were on their own and responsible for anything that could
happen to them-journalists 'snuck' into Syria because the Syrian government
of Bashar Assad has barred all foreign journalists from entering-To write
only about the so-called "victims" is not reporting, it is propaganda. Were
there to be such an" uprising" in the U.S. you can bet money that Pres
Obama would respond accordingly, put down any insurrection. These people do
not want democracy, they want granite countertops, iPads and cars which
they have seen online and believe they have a right to own-Syria's Carnage:
A Survivor's Testimony of Bab Amr's Last Stand,8599,2108508,00.html#ixzz1oY7SPnbH /"The
worst campaign I've ever seen in my life." BARBARA BUSH,8599,2108508,00.html#ixzz1oYBmRhtm /took some
of the credit, saying that the €1 trillion, or $1.3 trillion, in cheap
loans the E.C.B. provided to euro area banks in December and last week “are
an unquestionable success.” “The risk environment has improved enormously,”
it would be irresponsible for him to comment on the debt exchange while it
is underway Draghi said. on the same day as the deadline for Greece’s
creditors to say whether they will take part in an agreement designed to
lower the country’s overall debt seven hours of testing that
included an M.R.I. and a blood panel, the doctors told Miller what she
already knew: her daughter had tics, doctors told Thera’s mother, Melisa
Phillips, that her daughter’s tics were stress-related, she “went along
with it,” she told me. “I know she has a huge heart, and she’s wound
tight.” Thera also had an episode of tics three years ago. But when
Phillips learned that other girls were coming down with similar symptoms,
she began to wonder if there was more to this than stress, older residents
remember that they could always tell what flavor the Jell-O factory was
producing on a given day based on the color of the water in Oatka Creek.
What else, they wonder, got dumped on Le Roy? a WPIX reporter showed
footage of dozens of corroding barrels near the site of the train
derailment, some of them oozing a putty-colored material, in an area marked
“Hazardous Waste.” E.P.A. officials told the reporter that despite the
labels, they did not believe “for one second” that the barrels contained
hazardous materials — then sent men in hazmat suits to test and later
remove them. “With the government, our own health department, collaborating
with the school, with Dent, it’s almost just short of a conspiracy,” James
DuPont, one of the fathers, said. “People are getting that thing, like
they’re trying to hide something.” McVige checked their thyroid, their
hemoglobin, their drug levels and their strep exposure, as well as other
possibilities, and encouraged the girls’ families to seek out other
infectious-disease specialists for further confirmation, also found a way
to talk about conversion disorder that put it on a continuum with other,
less threatening forms of stress-induced illness. “I also work with
migraine patients, and I tell the girls, the first thing we talk to
migraine patients about is their level of stress,” McVige said. While the
girls waited for various test results, she asked them to keep a diary and
write down anything that was on their minds. “If there’s nothing there,
great, no harm done, but nobody ever got harmed by taking a good hard look
at your life,”-girls’ symptoms were broken down by status: there were the
kids who were really sick and then the kids whose illness was
“psychological” and then the kids who were faking it so they could get on
the news. No matter how many times the doctors explained that these
symptoms were real, something the girls could not control, the
finger-pointing persisted. One mother even went on Facebook to publicly
accuse her daughter’s best friend of faking, before apologizing the next
day. “If they were faking it, I’d like to know how they can cause it-Beth
Miller suspects that there was a cancer cluster on the street where she
once lived in Le Roy — she and several of her neighbors have been stricken
with tumors — and early on, she suspected that Katie’s symptoms might have
something to do with the environment as well. Not long after she started
pursuing these leads, someone placed under her doormat documentation about
a train accident near Le Roy in 1970, in which tens of thousands of gallons
of toxic chemicals were spilled into the soil, including trichloroethylene,
a solvent that has been linked, in high levels of exposure, to
nervous-system damage, among other things-Others remained with their
original neurologists, and were bullied on Facebook by those who were now
taking the antibiotics: if you got better without the pills, you had surely
been faking all along. The accusations invariably exacerbated the symptoms.
Wessely, the epidemiologist, cited a medical-journal paper whose title had
long resonated with him: “If You Have to Prove You Are Ill, You Can’t Get
Better.”/ /Iran
is not telling us everything. director general of the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), on the likelihood Iran is not
disclosing all of its nuclear facilities; the Iranian government has agreed
to allow U.N. inspectors visit one nuclear site YUKIYA AMANO,,26174,2108562,00.html /Kony2012″ seems to portray
still as a war-ravaged flashpoint — instead, its presence has been felt
mostly in disparate attacks in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a nation
with its own terrible history of rogue militias committing monstrous
atrocities. Moreover, analysts agree that after concerted campaigns against
the LRA, its numbers at this point have diminished, perhaps amounting to
250 to 300 fighters at most. Kony, shadowy and illusive, is a faded warlord
on the run, with no allies or foreign friends (save perhaps, in one
embarrassing moment of blustering sophistry, for American radio shock jock
Rush Limbaugh. At the height of the war between especially 1999 and 2004,
large hordes of children took refuge on the streets of Gulu town to escape
the horrors of abduction and brutal conscription to the ranks of the LRA.
Today most of these children are semi-adults. Many are still on the streets
unemployed. Gulu has the highest numbers of child prostitutes in Uganda. It
also has one of the highest rates of HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis. If six years
ago children in Uganda would have feared the hell of being part of the LRA,
a well documented reality already, today the real invisible children are
those suffering from “Nodding Disease”. Over 4000 children are victims of
this incurable debilitating condition. It’s a neurological disease that has
baffled world scientists and attacks mainly children from the most war
affected districts of Kitgum, Pader and Gulu.-just like we should have let
those poor jews solve their own holocaust!!!!! yeah screw those less
fortunate-the guy was "astonished" at the fact that the film makers were
taking home "over $200k" between the three or four of them. The director of
unicef went home with half a million dollars last year. We should separate
the two issues-according to their 2012 federal 990 tax form and Charity
Navigator  they spent over 70% of their income in the field
about-the-kony2012-video /“As long as our politicians dance to the tune of
their donors, the threat of nuclear disaster will never be far off.”
Amy Goodman | The Bipartisan Nuclear Bailout /China is
Pushing the U.S. Around “Like a tourist” Says Romney Adviser, Romney's
(hope is not a foreign policy) perspective the trillion dollar debt is a
handicap, but the U.S. isn't as powerless as it seems on the surface."Their
economy goes into a free fall if they don't sell into this market," says
O'Brien admitting, "We need them, but we need them as a partner that will
be fair."/A sugar daddy website wants to be Rush Limbaugh's new sugar
daddy. Boycott Rush Limbaugh's Sponsors
website/ Romney wins Ohio on Super Tuesday, CNN reveals holodeck
technology, the White House press corps tries to gin up a fight, and Cecile
Richards discusses Planned Parenthood.-middle east jokes. Satellites have
detected triggers for H-bombs in Iran. When Iran annihilates New York and
Israel, you can say (if your still around) Who knew? Does Obama know? Of
course and hes going to give the best available info to Israel (dont attack
Iran). Israel attack with conventional weapons and become extinct. Alas
poor Yisrael I knew you well. No president Obama, conventional weapons wont
do the trick. This is the plan. Using hydrogren bombs, make the demand that
Abiblowjob surrender. First tell him to surrender. He will say no. Use a
hydrogen bomb to blow up Tehran, and demand surrender. He will say no Use
another hydrogen bomb on another major city. You keep doing this until
somebody surrenders. If nobody is left, perfect-Cecile Richards is a liar! -Iranian people do not have any hatred
toward Jews and Israel. But the ruler of Iran does. Islamic Republic of
Iran (IRI) was founded by Sayyed Khomeini (Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ruhollah
Musavi Khomeini). Remember the word “Sayyed” Please read about my upcoming
book soon, which is called "An Atomic Iran" to understand the conflict
between Jews and Arabs or Jews and Iranian, the book will be published soon
in Amazon (in Hard copy and Kindle edition too). Hamma Mirwaisi Author of
the, “Return of the Medes” and "An Atomic Iran" books.
tony powell eviserates santorum, bernie's favorite vagina clip on imus/
2712/Armed illegals stalked Border Patrol MAKING OBAMA ACCESSORY TO MURDER
OF A FEDERAL AGENT "Evidently, voters really responded
to his campaign slogan: 'Putin 2012 -- Or He'll Shoot Your Family. Stephen
Colbert/Police Given Direct Line To Cell Phone Searches all the personal
information we keep in our cell phones. It's something to consider after an
appeals court gave police the go-ahead to search cell phones without a
warrant /"It's like the Super Bowl of politics, if the
Super Bowl was one team slowly destroying itself."-Stephen Colbert on Super
Tuesday/"Sears and Kmart did not intentionally advertise on the Rush
Limbaugh show. Sears Holdings has taken actions to ensure our ads do not
run on this show. We appreciate our customers/a delicate and charged topic
in Israel, and many felt Benjamin Netanyahu's repeated equating of the
Nazis with the possible modern-day threat of a nuclear-armed Iran went too
far/Actually, I'm the Slut: Rush Limbaugh Re-apologizes to Sandra Fluke,
and to Us All. Since castigating a graduate student as “a slut” for her
views on birth control, radio host Rush Limbaugh has apologized in a
statement on his Web site Vanity Fair/h8r tipton wow/UN Humanitarian Envoy
Enters Syrian District VOA News The International Committee of the Red
Cross (ICRC) former Syrian rebel stronghold of Baba Amr, a neighborhood in
Homs Voice of America/Obama slams rivals over 'phony' $2 gas plans rebuked
foes who promise "three-point plans for two dollar gas," aiming to deflect
election year attacks sparked by rising US petrol prices AFP/HR 347 & S
1794‘Trespass Bill’ of 2011 Criminalizes Protest potentially makes
peaceable protest anywhere in the U.S.--a federal felony punishable by up
to 10 years in prison—Chinese officials sought
Wednesday to discredit Tibetans who have set themselves on fire to protest
China's rule over their region, calling them outcasts, criminals and
mentally ill people manipulated by the exiled Dalai Lama-Anti-fracking
protest casts shadow over jobs promise in Commerce City- /poor darlings having such a terrible
050100338.html /800,000 veterans are jobless 1.4 million Veterans live
below the poverty line One in every three homeless adult men in America is
a veteran. Unemployment for Veterans between the ages of 18 and 24 was
37.9% /Israeli-made fighter jet crashes in US military base /CIRCULATING A PETITION TO HAVE THEIR elephant REMOVED FOREVER
MORE CARING THAN ALL OF THE GOPee-ers COMBINED/Bachmann argued last night
that the Obama Federal Government administration could institute a
one-child policy under the Affordable Care Act on Glenn Beck’s online
television show, lets use scare tactics on America /
"Officers were told to arrest people who were doing little more than
standing on the street, but they were also encouraged to disregard actual
victims of serious crimes who wanted to file reports."’s link to
Rush Limbaugh through Bain Capital’s acquisition of Clear Channel
Communications, the parent media company that syndicates Rush’s radio show.
“This is really his [Romney’s] network/a presidential speech in the midst
of an AIPAC spying trial, Obama made a plea for as much Jewish support,
votes and money as possible, promising everything everything Israel
demanded. Then, in the end, he took it all all away/
Michele Appearing

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