Sunday, February 26, 2012

22612/Satan has been waging a spiritual war against the United States

22612/burn the koran. booyah! put your own asses on the line or stfu!
armchair warriors who want to burn indignant afghani citizens seem to
forget why we're even there... to win their hearts and minds over by
destroying their most extreme elements, neglecting the fact that recent
u.s. deaths are directly attributable to an act of our own ignorance, these
armchair warriors castigate administration efforts to contain this
escalating conflict./neocons to dumb to realize that ahminadoody's rhetoric
is nothing more than bully posturing. he's nothing more than kahmeni's sock
puppet, think iran's gonna nuke the site of one of their most holy of
shrines - jerusalem's dome on the rock... aside from the fact the
atmosphere's blowback from nuclear fallout would cost the region dearly/
anyone think this thingy of 'nation rebuilding' is a new concept, we
did the very same in post ww2 europe. if our current deficit hawks had any
credibility, or restore the marginal tax rate to 90%. neocon wrecking crew
destabilized the mideast by upsettig the equillibrium between iraq and
iran, they're now beating the drums for a new war against iran, this time
israel wants to call the shots on our dime, celebrates the sacrifices made
by others during that war but couldn't be counted on to contribute a plug
nicklewhile allowing the inevitable task of nation rebuilding to us (on our
dime). lost in a nostalgic fog with romanticized notions of ww2./altho they
deny any formal policy of setting prices, you seem to forget how horrendous
the bp spill wasthey've been sued numerous times for colluding to fix
prices. they've publicly stated on many occasions what their bottom line
price is and act accordingly re 'gulf rigs'... they left when the
moratorium was enacted, not because they were losing money/Walker
overreached in his attempt to weaken organized labor/deported for
committing abuses under a 2004 law intended to bar human rights violators
from U.S. soil. It is also the first time General Vides has been held
responsible for the churchwomen’s deaths in a court of law. General Vides
was a close U.S. government ally during his stint as defense minister for
the Salvadoran junta between 1983 and 1989. and is well pleased that he may
no longer be able to live in this country to enjoy the fruits of his
brutality/" News reported last week that "the U.S. is the closest it has
been in almost 20 years to achieving energy self-sufficiency. ... Domestic
oil output is the highest in eight year Bloomberg/AP)Police seized the
exotic reptile venomous lizards and snakes collection worth $49,000 after
Kidd was bitten by an exotic venomous snake and rushed to a hospital.
Officers said his mobile home was packed with snakes in plastic containers.
Kidd's attorney says the reptiles were not a danger because they were
inside his home. The creatures were taken to the state natural sciences
museum in Raleigh - A North Carolina man is lost Fifty-one-year-old Walter
Kidd of Hendersonville pleaded guilty Friday to 30 misdemeanor charges of
possessing endangered animals and failing to properly label containers of
poisonous snakes/- Marine Cpl. Alexander Degenhardt is crediting karma for
landing a $2.9 million progressive slot jackpot in Las Vegas. Degenhardt
was accepted as a bone marrow donor to an anonymous patient only a couple
of days before hitting the jackpot Sunday at the Bellagio, the Las Vegas
Sun reported ().,"I figured I'd just go lose $100 real
quick," he said. "I was overwhelmed and in shock. It's something you always
want to happen, but when it does happen you don't believe it." Degenhardt,
who will receive about $100,000 a year over 20 years, said he plans to
first help his pregnant sister and his mother catch up on bills. 26, said
he plans to continue his career with the Marines and go through with the
bone marrow donation, playing the penny slot, which takes bets from 40
cents to $2, at the Bellagio. It was the second largest jackpot ever for
Bally, which makes the machines and pays out the jackpots. He landed the
jackpot about 10 minutes later/AP) - Rupert Murdoch's newest newspaper
launched Sunday with a familiar mix of celebrity news, scantily clad women
and defiant language. replaces The News of the World, which closed in July
after an advertising boycott led Murdoch to pull the 168-year-old paper.
Britons were disgusted by revelations that the paper had routinely hacked
into the phones of those in the public eye - including, most notoriously, a
missing schoolgirl, include two of Britain's top police officers, who were
accused of not doing enough to get to grips with the tabloid's wrongdoing.
the scandal had been "a sobering experience for our entire industry."/Texas
(AP) - A sting operation by a suburban Houston police department netted one
of their own when surveillance cameras caught an officer repeatedly
stealing colleagues' food and drinks from the refrigerator in the station's
break room Kevin Yang was charged with misdemeanor theft and suspended for
30 days without pay,though the items being stolen may be of trivial
value, Griggs says theft is theft. Yang tells KTRK that he was merely
taking it upon himself to keep the shared refrigerator clean/Deer Park
Police Chief Greg Griggs tells that a class C misdemeanor conviction would
not keep Yang from returning to duty /Mich. (AP) - Officials
are puzzled over a mysterious hot tub that was installed - and then removed
- from the roof of a building on the University of Michigan campus in Ann
Arbor. But a group of "creative" students are believed to be the culprits,
Computer Science and Engineering building /"Should the United
States join OPEC?"/Ky. (AP) - One area in Kentucky still won't be able to
buy alcohol - a decision made by the flip of a coin. 65 precincts where
alcohol sales are legal and 17 where they are not. A vote to allow alcohol
sales in the Graham Precinct in Daviess County ended with a 21-21 tie. So
officials flipped a half-dollar coin to decide the issue,
messenger-Inquirer newspaper reports () it came up /
Heads up: Drones are going mainstream. Civilian cousins of the unmanned
military aircraft that have tracked and killed terrorists in the Middle
East and Asia are in demand by police departments, border patrols, power
companies, news organizations and others wanting a bird's-eye view that's
too impractical or dangerous for conventional planes or helicopters
Drones overhead could invade people's privacy. The government worries they
could collide with passenger planes or come crashing down to the ground,
concerns that have slowed more widespread adoption of the technology,
pressure is building to give drones the same access as manned aircraft to
the sky at home.Along with the enthusiasm, there are qualms. "It's going to
be the next big revolution in aviation. It's coming," says Dan Elwell, the
Aerospace Industries Association The ShadowHawk can be equipped with a 40
mm grenade launcher and a 12-guage shotgun, according to its maker,
Vanguard Defense Industries of Conroe tx, doesn't sell the armed version in
the United States, interest from law-enforcement entities for deployment
of nonlethal munitions from the aircraft," in all sizes, from the
high-flying Global Hawk with its 116-foot wingspan to a hummingbird-like
drone that weighs less than an AA battery and can perch on a window ledge
to record sound and video. Lockheed Martin has developed a fake maple leaf
seed, or "whirly bird," equipped with imaging sensors, that weighs less
than an ounce. Potential civilian users are as varied as the drones
themselves. Power companies want them to monitor transmission lines.
Farmers want to fly them over fields to detect which crops need water.
Ranchers want them to count cows. Journalists are exploring drones'
newsgathering potential. The FAA is investigating whether The Daily, a
digital publication of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. (NWSA), The aerospace
industry forecasts a worldwide deployment of almost 30,000 drones by 2018,
The hungriest market is the nation's 19,000 law enforcement agencies.
Customs and Border Patrol has nine Predator drones mostly in use on the
U.S.-Mexico border, and plans to expand to 24 by 2016. Officials say the
unmanned aircraft have helped in the seizure of more than 20 tons of
illegal drugs and the arrest of 7,500 people since border patrols began six
years ago. a low-cost alternative to buying a helicopter or fixed-wing
plane," said Michael O'Shea, the department's aviation technology program
manager. A small drone can cost less than $50,000, about the price of a
patrol car with standard police gear, police departments must get FAA
waivers and follow much the same rules as model airplane hobbyists: Drones
must weigh less than 55 pounds, stay below an altitude of 400 feet, a small
drone can be "a huge threat" "We don't want the Microsoft pilot who has
never really flown an airplane and doesn't know the rules of how to fly,"
Military drones designed for battlefields haven't had to meet the kind of
rigorous safety standards required of commercial aircraft. Deputies with
the Mesa County Sheriff's Office in Colorado can launch a 2-pound
Draganflyer X6 helicopter from the back of a patrol car. The drone's
bird's-eye view cut the manpower needed for a search of a creek bed for a
missing person from 10 people to two, said Ben Miller, who runs the drone
program. The craft also enabled deputies to alert fire officials to a
potential roof collapse in time for the evacuation of firefighters from the
building.The Montgomery County Sheriff's Office, north of Houston, used a
Department of Homeland Security grant to buy a $300,000, 50-pound
ShadowHawk helicopter drone for its SWAT team. The drone has a high-powered
video camera and an infrared camera that can spot a person's thermal image
in the dark. "Public-safety agencies are beginning to see this as an
invaluable tool for them, just as the car was an improvement over the horse
and the single-shot pistol was improved upon by the six-shooter," said
Chief Deputy Randy McDaniel, who runs the Montgomery drone program. The
ShadowHawk can be equipped with a 40 mm grenade launcher and a 12-guage
shotgun, according to its maker, Vanguard Defense Industries of Conroe,
Texas. The company doesn't sell the armed version in the United States,
although "we have had interest from law-enforcement entities for deployment
of nonlethal munitions from the aircraft," The possibility of armed police
drones someday patrolling the sky disturbs Terri Burke, executive director
of the Texas chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union. "The
Constitution is taking a back seat so that boys can play with their toys,"
Burke said. "It's kind of scary that they can use a laptop computer to zap
people from the air." ACLU report said allowing drones greater access takes
the country "a large step closer to a surveillance society in which our
every move is monitored, tracked, recorded, and scrutinized by the
authorities."/Paducah Sun reports ( ) that Enix told the man - who did not
want to be identified - that he didn't owe anything. But the businessman
persisted. Enix agreed that the man could instead make  a charity donation
to the Murray-Calloway Endowment for Healthcare, which is working to build
a hospice. Travis says $1 million has been raised to a Kentucky hospital  /been said before and bears repeating...
22512/I am not going to be a serf any longer for a government that spends
too much, wastes too much, devalues our money too much, acts fraudulently
too much, regulates too much, mandates too much, sues us too much, fines
and jails us too much and strips us of our liberties and property rights/
US hold. The US hold 8000+ tons. China, less than 1500 tons of gold, $61
billion at today's price. This is small potatoes. China's foreign reserve
is $ 3.2 trillion/which goes to prove that the yellow stuff's value tends
to endure much longer than any currency. That's why Germany and Italy
refuse to give any of it up no matter what happens in Europe/bank failures
will continue on for years...just like foreclosures. The Feds are just
dragging the process out to give the illusion of a "recovery"/Nelson
Mandela was hospitalized Saturday for a test to determine what is behind an
undisclosed stomach ailment/Evangelist Franklin Graham questions
Christianity of Obama and Romney/Graham is a hypocritical fake Christian
just like most Christians in America. Those who are pro-life and pro-gun
and pro-war. The ones who are with Jesus but hate the poor. Who hate equal
rights for gays and women. And go to church to repent and keep the fake
Christian thing going/not saying politicians are dishonest, but they will
do anything to get elected. (Then they can put THEIR snout into the
Washingtom trough!!) THAT is how they live and believe. And we have already
SEEN what defines them...and it`s NOT Christianity-"War cannot be
understood, rationally or intellectually, by watching a film or by reading
a book. To ‘know’ war, you have to experience it, live it, feel it in your
gut - the anxiety, fear, frustration, boredom, hopelessness, despair,
anger, rage, etcetera-I always have thought my birth control was a
whole lot of nobody's business. However, Santorum and that all-male panel
of pontificates at the recent congressional hearing make clear that silence
is not an option-laying out the ‘facts’ would suffice to change politicized
minds, and especially Republican ones. It was a typically wonkish, liberal
revelation: One based on statistics and data. Only this time, the data were
showing, rather awkwardly, that people ignore data and evidence - and
often, knowledge and education only make the problem worse-In this great
meritocracy of ours, those of us who’ve made it through college are
encouraged to feel like we’re something special…. It sounds weird and
counterintuitive, but in my work with progressive organizations, I’ve
noticed some specific ways in which the kind of thinking we learned in our
classrooms actually makes us kinda dumb politically. Here are a few places
college grads often seem to get led astray by their own educations-Teachers
have long been prone to being the tool of other people’s actions … To
pretend to be objective, to wave off or deny the politics of teaching and
learning, to shrug off our voices because we must do as we are told are all
political concessions to those in power who are the ones using their
politics to beg for our silence and /Gay Judge
Refuses to Marry Straight People? Four Ways Sane Lawmakers Are Fighting
Back in the Culture Wars Alternet/Santorum: Obama "a Snob" for Wanting
Everyone to Go to College Talking Points Memo/Santorum warned that Satan
has been waging a spiritual war against the United States and has
infiltrated academia, liberal Protestant churches and politics. "Satan has
done so by attacking the great institutions of America, using those great
vices of pride, vanity and sensuality as the root to attack all /Thinking that the bible god is
real is a mental illness in this day and age with the science we know know>
religion should get a free pass? no proof, just delusions and fairy stories
and mythology. The republican base is very big on that low education high
superstition stuff like that. Just look at Sanrorum. It isn't enough that
they believe that stuff but they want to make policy based on that idiotic
nonsense. Bush tried that Low IQ Fundy stuff too by packing the justice
department with grads of that Rev Jerry fartwell's bible school of law.
"liberty University/Go sit in a Fundy church on a Sunday, these lunatics
are fed end of the world stories of Nuke wars and the end of the world non
sense/"when a nuclear bomb is detonated in a U.S. city, how are the drones
going to blame Republicans?"/these drones, making all these posts to this
thread, in which they blamed Republicans in general, individuals in
particular, "xtians"...but not one post shows a drone blaming the people
who would set the bomb/Cheney hire goes to jail in massive bribery
scandal. former top Halliburton executive will serve two-and-a-half years
in prison after pleading guilty in federal court to orchestrating a $180
million over massive Nigerian bribery/beloved vice prez isn't looking like
the board of health nowadays, but he isn't room temperature yet. Hopefully,
he'll be able to get a heart transplant soon and live for many more years.
Fortunately, as a government retiree, he'll have it completely paid for by
the Obama Regime/Leaky di|<'s membership in the human race was revoked a
long time ago, now he is just a parasitic fungus that won't go away/pubs
doing the old 180 spent 8 years telling us a president can't control gas
prices ....but lo and behold a black dem president is the root of 5 buck
prices/Obama has done little more than adopt Bush policies, corporate media
could even have a field day in Sept-Oct pointing this out, and the more
Obama runs on this record especially extolling any achievements the more he
invites Bush onto the ticket, even ObamaCare is adopting a republican
policy. Obama's one big "liberal" achievement the repealing of DADT doesn't
even stand up to scrutiny. Obama always conditioned repeal on the military
Obama would have had no problem keeping it. It was always up to the
military, it was never about Obama taking a stand/If Obama, Eric Holder,
and their Justice Department had a spine--and a conscience--Karl Rove would
be getting fitted for an orange jumpsuit right about now. Instead he's
plotting to follow up the "Dubya Disaster" with the "Jeb Jamboree." Jeb
Bush apparently has some personal baggage that, so far, has kept him from
running on the national stage. It involves a woman named Cynthia Henderson,
a former Playboy bunny who was a member of his cabinet when he was governor
of Florida/Between the moonbat, the conehead and the satan-monger the odds
of the dems winning back the house look better and better with each repube
debate/Dawkin says he's not an Atheist, he's agnostic/liberals/communists
hijacked the democrat party after Kennedy was shot and have been taking us
down the road to socialism/communism ever since. If the poorer democrats
would wake up to what they are planning, they would not be Democrats. JFK
would not be Democrat if he were still alive/reagan drove up the national
debt cuz of his STAR WARS PLAN that cost the country trillions of dollars
and it wasnt even used!!! gas under clinton was 1.20. if i remember
correctly gases went up under bush//

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