Americans of all persuasions are clueless about the real power and agenda of the
Zionazis. if anyone says anything they are labled an ‘antisemite’. ADL is trying
to pass a law against anyone questioning Israel or criticizing a Jew/
AllroadsLeadtoTelAviv NewsMax reports that a 5 year old molested by Ron Paul./A
plea of ignorance from americans “I don’t know how to survive without our corrupt
government telling me what to do and how to think”. OWS collectively stand for
something pure and just. prepare for the worst and hope for the best/ Parvi s
Davlatbekov wore as Santa Claus to congratulate his friends for the New Year.
However, a group of fanatics attacked and stabbed him by crying ‘infidel’ in the
street/vegas books have not decided if this death counts in the under/over./
translate.googleusercontent.com/t FOUND SOME MISSING CHOOZE IN POLAND WHO COUNTED
CHOOZE ARE AMAZING/.King of Libtard Queers Colmes the queer was right on
cue...this group attacked Sarah Palins special needs child. Democrats love these
tactics...especially the queers/ he has this sleazy putrid hateful grin on his
liberal face. How he even gets ratings is beyond me. Pair him up with keith
blabermouth/GOP eager to scuttle defense cuts, plan could also include revenue
raisers identified by Republicans during the supercommittee negotiations, such as
spectrum auctions, land sales and fees for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae – which
total a little over $100 billion. can’t conceive a president of the United States,
the commander-in-chief, threatening to veto an effort to save the Defense
Department from ruin,” Graham said. “I would expect the commander-in-chief to come
to the aid of those who are going to get devastated
politico.com/news/stories/1211/70443.html /I will honor Al Mujahid President
Saddam Hussein orchestrated the resistance which has dealt the zionist NWO plan a
lethal blow which they don't admit but nevertheless wounded them fatallyand I will
NEVER tire of begging GOD that Bush, Bliar and their fellow zionist NWO nazi thugs
be brought to justice in this world and in eternity as well. There was NO reason
to murder Saddam other than zionist racist hatred and colonial ambition. Curses on
the warmongering criminals in DC, London, "israel" and their helpers! the true
history of Iraq will NOT be erased from memory. The TRUTH shall be a thorn in the
side of NWO zionists long past their defeat, turn those of you who are on board
with the NWO Zionist Imperialist Nazi plan away from it before it is too late.
Lucifer has NO power against GOD. Lucifer himself will have to account on the Day
of Judgment and then he shall be uncreated and all who followed him shall burn in
the lake of fire forever. The time to turn away is now. Shayhka Maulani Aeisha
Muhammad servant of ALLAH/the 1989 invasion of Panama, the U.S. allowed the press to enter Manuel Noriega’s office. He was portrayed as a sexual pervert. In the office were pictures of young boys, a picture of Hitler, red underpants and pornographic magazines. first Marine maintained that the contents of the office included only a desk, a telephone, a chair, and a typewriter. if he is killed, we would lose our leader. Saddam turned to us and said, 'Look, I am no better than any one of you and this is the high time to defend our great Iraq and it would be a great honor to be killed as a martyr for the sake of Iraq-LAGAUCHE IS RIGHT The KnuckleballOrder "The Mother of All Battles SADDAM HUSSEIN'S GREATEST LEGACY: DECEMBER 2003 TO DECEMBER 2006 /christianpost.com/news/ron-paul-u-s-aid-to-israel-must-stop-58661/
Muslim Countries More Aid than Israel: Top recipients of foreign aid in 2009 can
be described as Arab, Muslim or both: Afghanistan ($8.8 billion in aid), Iraq
($2.3 billion), Egypt ($1.8 billion), Pakistan ($1.8 billion), Sudan ($1.2
billion), the Palestinian territories ($1 billion), and Jordan ($816 million).
Together, those entities received $17.7 billion; Somalia ($281 million), Morocco
($244 million) and Indonesia ($226 million)./Bible-believers recognize those past
victories as evidence that with or without America's help, Israel would still
overcome any existential military threat. According to the Bible, the real loser
should America's support of Israel falter would be America itself. Ron Paul's
competitors for the Republican presidential nomination have all vowed to increase
American support for Israel if they are elected.israeltoday.co.il/ GOP
establishment fears the voice of the public. A caucus that could actually
influence or determine a nomination must be stopped. Party operated election
commissions are a central cause for illegitimate elections. If your anointed
candidate wins, the process reflects the will of the people, but if a true
reformer wins, like Ron Paul; the caucus does not really matter. Just how stupid
are these Republican stooges? batr.org/reactionary/010112.html /Obama said that he
would veto the bill. It offends the Hell out of me that he is so quick to send
them off to get killed. Then acts as if he has their welfare in mind/they don't
want the consequences that have arisen from the aforementioned disgraceful
behavior. Too bad! After their tantrums, I doubt that the Democrats and President
Obama are feeling particularly generous - nor should they be. Republicans deserve
what they get. They made their bed, now let them sleep in it/2002, the Office of
the Inspector General, U.S. Department of Defense has reported that DoD has not
and will not account for $1.1 trillion of "unsupported accounting entries."[23] In
addition, there have been several high-profile Government Accountability Office
(GAO) investigations of the Department of Defense/I'm offended that no one in
Congress can do their dam jobs/(offense really) cuts as they are the biggest war
mongers and war profiteers with 435-plus, GOP-approved war profiteers in Iraq and
Afghanistan who failed in their nation-building while posting $60 billion in
waste, fraud, and abuse plus another $6.6 billion in stolen Iraqi funds and
Bush-Cheney literally flew in plane loads of bundled cash that was poorly
supervised and accounted for, sent nearly 6,000 soldiers to their deaths based
upon lies; over 35,000 wounded; 400,000 PTSD cases expected to go to 700,000;
hundreds of amputees; thousands of traumatic brain injuries; 900 military
suicides; unprecedented multiple deployments; exploited our reserve forces;
1212/motherjones.com/mojo/2011/12/ron-pauls-covert-youth-ops-iowa? Ron Paul
***IS*** a Corporatist!!!! He supports repealing EVERY regulation that keeps
corporations from robbing us blind./35 years and his popularity grows as the
populace grows in its education and tires of the same old lies/conclusions like
the epitath on the gravestone of history/all rhetoric, no facts. That seems to be
the common threat with Paul's persecutor/unless... those youth are obama-mites are
doing obamama a HUGE favor by splitting the rebublicken vote/ever noticed
something contradictory about folks who are always prattling on about "Liberty/
interesting how fascists always steal the word freedom/reactionary, bigoted,
theocratic state assemblies who would love to make certain people's rights
disappear/democat's wet dream..like the sound of the Doc flushing the toilet on
his own party/Fox News Exclusive: Is_raeli 911 Spy Ring , Wow. Big news. French
President Sarkozy is right the J-e-w-s- are all liars/policy towards Israel? I'll
call up the Prime Minister and say, 'B.B. what would you like me to do?'"
Romney/Unless you have a level of academic curiosity and intellect (not apparent
thus far), you need not be any more concerned with understanding the exact
mechanism of evolution than you should be concerned about floating off into space
because the exact mechanism of gravity is not 100% understood. What difference
does it make to you about understanding exactly how evolution works What is
important is that it in fact occurs/google.com/hostednews/afp/art. Speaking of '
fear and anxiety, "Liberals have more gray matter in a part of the brain
associated with understanding complexity, while the conservative brain is bigger
in the section related to processing fear, said the study on Thursday in Current
Biology." Liberals have a bigger capacity for decision-making studies have shown
that they have less brain function except in the fear centers of the brain, while
cons operate more on an emotional level, particularly the emotion of fear, One
need only to look at the short bus morons on this board to know that. So not only
are cons dumber than Liberals but they're more cowardly, too./You need all the
"science" you can get, even though everyone knows you have to bastardize it to get
the results you want. You morons are the dregs of society and don't even know
it!/Stephen J Gould, evolution is a theory. It is also a fact. And facts and
theories are different things, not rungs in a hierarchy of increasing certainty.
Facts are the world's data. Theories are structures of ideas that explain and
interpret facts. Facts do not go away when scientists debate rival theories to
explain them. Einstein's theory of gravitation replaced Newton's, but apples did
not suspend themselves in mid-air, pending the outcome. And humans evolved from
apelike ancestors whether they did so by Darwin's proposed mechanism or by some
other, yet to be discovered."/they can't help being the way they are. It's a
physiological matter. Imagine how many more conservatives there would be had lead
based paint not been outlawed/they prove the assertion of how dumb they are
without even knowing it. amusing Cons can only deflect, nothing more/We all agree
that our government is the most corrupt in word history, so what would you suggest
to unite the teabaggers and WSO against our real enemy?/ Natzke’s boyfriend, Kevin
Duck, Duck's brother and sister-in-law are in hiding because they are afraid of
Duck, who allegedly told them, "If I go down for this you are too."/Dennis Henry,
51, of Wheatland, formerly the postmaster of Nevada, Mo., pleaded guilty to his
role in the conspiracy to commit sex trafficking by force, fraud or coercion.
Henry also pleaded guilty to transporting the victim across state lines for sexual
activity-Cook, Edward Bagley, Sr., 43, and Michael Stokes, 62, both of Lebanon,
Dennis Henry, 50, of Wheatland, and James Noel, 44, of SpringfielCook, also known
as “PutHer2GoodUse,” 33- crimesceneinvestigations.blogspot.com/ favorite memory of
the Kim Jong Il era... a college student I knew in 1990 went to North Korea for a
Young Socialist League conference. Curious, I asked how it was when he came back.
His first thought: there were no handicapped people anywhere. Seemed an odd thing
to say. He added: they're all either locked up or killed/ "While media may miss
this story now, if election-night exit polls show antiwar Democrats and
independents gave Paul the margin of victory, that story will appear in media
around the world."-Toward Freedom: "A controversial public relations program run
by former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's Pentagon was cleared of any
wrong-doing by the agency's inspector general in a report published last month.
The program used dozens of retired military officers working as analysts on
television and radio networks as 'surrogates' armed by the Pentagon with 'the
facts' in order to educate the public about the Department of Defense's operations
and agenda-a new frame to the news: the inequality of the distribution of wealth
in the United States, in which people who sat at desks and gambled with working
people's money made off like bandits while the mass of America struggled to pay
the bills-Truthout/You Still Have a Hangover: "Ted Haggard Talks Scandal,
'Celebrity Wife Swap'" CNN Entertainment/Ohio Prepares to Privatize Some State
Prisons Businessweek/
company, Petroleos de Venezuela, must pay ~$750M to Exxon Mobil (XOM) for assets
nationalized in 2007. The sum is just a tenth of what Exxon had been seeking/Iran
plans to launch missiles and torpedoes as part of its ongoing naval exercise in
the Persian Gulf, as the country's oil minister says crude prices will break $200
if sanctions are imposed on Iran's oil exports/December 21, 2011 California AG
Kamala Harris sues Fannie Mae (FNMA.OB) and Freddie Mac (FMCC.OB) to force them to
comply with a subpoena to hand over documents they refused to provide. Harris'
filing also alleges that the mortgage giants may have violated securities laws
over the housing-related debt they issue/Obama signed into law that imposes
sanctions on financial institutions dealing with Iran's central bank, though
exemptions will be made in the interest of U.S. national security and/or energy
market stability. Separately, Iran said today it has produced the nation's first
nuclear fuel rod, a feat many in the West had thought the country incapable
of/Don't forget to expect the unexpected. Iran can make one false step in their
war dance and actually start a war. Why wouldn't Saudi Arabia attack Iran if the
strait was closed? Ninety percent chance this all blows over but there's always
the ten percent. After all, who expected the assassination of a minor archduke to
trigger a world war/how about you volunteer to fight or else shut your mouth about
sending soldiers and marines to fight your wars /warmongers/Only volume trading
can "flash trash" the market so this could not possibly have been done by the
general individual investors all selling at once. The mathematics point clearly to
computerized trading actions by trading algorithms or enormous fraud on the part
of some major players. The sheer fact that no clarity has yet been shown on this
issue really implies the worst/the market is so corrupt it's funny/so rigged that
no one dares to touch the stocks. Ben is so desperate to get people into this
rigged market so his buddies can dump their holding/quintessential scare piece, or
what? the largest percentage drop in market history on an October day in 1987, and
nobody's "fixed" that, either. Might happen again Tuesday morning, Or a
yet-to-be-detected asteroid could be hurtling toward Earth/sent out, and the
target is followed around 24/7 by the various communities that they are in. A
covert investigation might be opened
/republicfortheunitedstates.org join uphold your oath as a free human being/ the
beginning of a mass democratic uprising.... They did it to reject debt. They did
it to fight foreclosures. They did it to topple a world where the 1 percent
determined life for the other 99. And they did all of it against incredible odds,
with a self-respect that stymied critics. The year? 1877. The people? Dirt-poor
farmers who would come to be known as Populists-Obama, after objecting to
provisions of a military spending bill that would have forced him to try terrorism
suspects in military courts and impose strict sanctions on Iran's oil exports,
signed the bill on Saturday, in part because of its authorization of military
detention camps overseas-MichaelMoore.com: "On December 30th, in 1936 - 75 years
ago - hundreds of workers at the General Motors factories in Flint, Michigan, took
over the facilities and occupied them for 44 days-caucus craziness reaches its
peak here in Iowa, the Occupy movement has not been left out.... One of the
interesting and impressive things about the local movement is how, even as its new
occupation continues to stand, it has moved beyond a sole focus on the encampment.
With the 'People's Caucus,' activists are taking advantage of the intense national
spotlight shined on the state once every four years-Scott Olsen, a 24-year-old
former U.S. Marine who served two tours in the Iraq War, was critically wounded
after being shot in the head by a police projectile at Occupy
Oakland-truthout.org /New Year Re-Occupation of Zuccotti Park Short-Lived After
Pepper Spray, Arrests Crooks and Liars/Montana Court Upholds Ban on Election
Spending by Corporations Great Falls Tribune/
123111/hackers at the Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin are dreaming of
creating their own network of communications satellites/Spice is made up of exotic
plants from Asia like Blue Lotus and Bay Bean. Their leaves are coated with
chemicals that mimic the effects of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, but
are five to 200 times more potent/Obama administration has turned to Sheikh Yusuf
al-Qaradawi, the Muslim Brotherhood, to mediate secret negotiations between the
United States and the Taliban/Democrats are making total economic warfare against
the American people, We did not cause these generated crisis our elected officials
did. We need to take away the keys to the store across the board and then we need
to pressure our newly elected to investigate and prosecute them all. communists
and their sympathizers morphed into the environmental movement decades ago for the
primary purpose of controlling land and subsequently raw materials & resources.
Texas isn't hooked up to the national grid/Dumborats-Practice the big lie – The
Nazis were infamous for their propaganda techniques – which were actually
pioneered by the Bolsheviks. Goebbels advised: “If you tell a lie big enough and
keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe/terms of the debate:
that it's the 99% who will define what change we want, what our world will look
like and how to get there-Crime victims in New York sometimes struggle to persuade
the police to write down what happened on an official report. The reasons are
varied. Police officers are often busy, and few relish paperwork. But in
interviews, more than half a dozen police officers, detectives and commanders also
cited departmental pressure to keep crime statistics low-Consortium News: "A
torrent of war propaganda against Iran is flooding the American political scene as
U.S. neocons and Israeli hardliners see an opening for another war in the Middle
East…. President Obama needs to put an abrupt halt to the game of Persian
Roulett-France banned fracking outright and South Africa enacted a temporary
moratorium-Ratio: 3.5 Million Homeless and 18.5 Million Vacant Homes truthout.org
/preventing them [Democratic volunteers] from entering or leaving,” a frustrated
Iowa Democratic Executive Director Norm Sterzenbach told the occupiers, who later
dubbed him Scrooge McDemocrat. “I see that as a violent action.” “We will defend
our right to do a nonviolent protest,” replied occupier Frank Cordaro, 60,
something of a local legend; he’s a Catholic anarchist who’s been arrested more
times than he can remember/No longer does it matter who gets elected,” yet
the corporations still run the system.” Iowan occupiers, which includes a
somewhat broader ideological array of members than the left’s usual suspects —
there are Occupy nuns! — are starting to act on it, and the upcoming caucuses
gives them the perfect opportunity/“I just don’t know what you want from us.”/
they'll get a clue during the coming year/Legislation has been passed that allows
the military -- and the president -- to pick up and lock up without judicial
procedure anybody in the world. Social Security is in greater peril than ever in
it's existance/
salon.com/2011/12/31/occupy_des_moines_is_the_democrats_problem/singleton/ online
site Occupy Arrests Project, the occupy movement has witnessed 5607 arrests to
date. Not since the Vietnam anti-war era have political protests yielded this
number of arrests/Write your elected officials, suggesting a New Year’s resolution
for you. For the New Year, why don’t you start turning down special interest
campaign contributions/
123011/socialist national security threats !!/Everyday you have some new whine
about Obama? Does Rupert Murdoch now own you too? George Bush and the Republicans
made the policies that led to the biggest depression since the 1920’s. The
Republicans left Obama to deal with that!!!! They caused it by starting two
worthless wars and cutting taxes that would pay for those wars. Nice job
Republicans. Don’t blame Obama for having to clean up after a Republican mess/
"The chickens have come home to roost." As true today - as when it was
written.Foghorn Leghorn/how easily conservative principles are carelessly
forgotten by politicians enamored with the power and allure of a government
they’re elected to hold in check. Troy D. Ard, chairman of College Republicans of
Colorado/Batcrap Bachman Sez Only SHE Can Prevent Iran from building nukes/She's
like 5 feet tall, but she has the Iranians shaking in their boots She has the Dems
on this board fearful. That is why Dems like you keep bashing her/ also says that
if we elect her president, gas will miraculously go down to $2 a gallon. Only the
stupid even bother with her any more/youtube.com/user/amandapalmer/"The World
Turned Upside Down" amandapalmer 14174 ... Amanda Palmer - "Ukulele Anthem" Live
at Occupy Wall Street/cop-ows defectors youtube.com/watch?v=JefR5O3_vx0 co
"Religion. It`s given people hope in a world torn apart by religion. "
-Charlie Chaplin /Sooner or later, those rocks will reach the reckoning that has
been so long in coming, and when that happens, nothing in this country will be the
same again-America's growing drone operations rely on hundreds of civilian
contractors, including some, such as the SAIC employee, who work in the so-called
kill chain before Hellfire missiles are launched-arrest warrant for Vice-President
Tariq al-Hashimi on terrorism charges. Maliki, a Shia, leveled the charges against
the highest ranking Sunni in the government-If an agreement is not reached with
EGT and angry longshore workers view this dispute as a threat to all their jobs,
then it's possible for the first time that ports on the West, East and Gulf coasts
may be shut down-Ten Ultra-Rich Congresspeople Who "Represent" Some of the Most
Financially Troubled Districts-truthout.org/President Obama should refuse to
debate the eventual GOP Clown College Nominee. Beneath the dignity of his office/
Americans of all persuasions are clueless about the real power and agenda of the
Zionazis. if anyone says anything they are labled an ‘antisemite’. ADL is trying
to pass a law against anyone questioning Israel or criticizing a Jew/
AllroadsLeadtoTelAviv NewsMax reports that a 5 year old molested by Ron Paul./A
plea of ignorance from americans “I don’t know how to survive without our corrupt
government telling me what to do and how to think”. OWS collectively stand for
something pure and just. prepare for the worst and hope for the best/ Parvi s
Davlatbekov wore as Santa Claus to congratulate his friends for the New Year.
However, a group of fanatics attacked and stabbed him by crying ‘infidel’ in the
street/vegas books have not decided if this death counts in the under/over./
translate.googleusercontent.com/t FOUND SOME MISSING CHOOZE IN POLAND WHO COUNTED
CHOOZE ARE AMAZING/.King of Libtard Queers Colmes the queer was right on
cue...this group attacked Sarah Palins special needs child. Democrats love these
tactics...especially the queers/ he has this sleazy putrid hateful grin on his
liberal face. How he even gets ratings is beyond me. Pair him up with keith
blabermouth/GOP eager to scuttle defense cuts, plan could also include revenue
raisers identified by Republicans during the supercommittee negotiations, such as
spectrum auctions, land sales and fees for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae – which
total a little over $100 billion. can’t conceive a president of the United States,
the commander-in-chief, threatening to veto an effort to save the Defense
Department from ruin,” Graham said. “I would expect the commander-in-chief to come
to the aid of those who are going to get devastated
politico.com/news/stories/1211/70443.html /I will honor Al Mujahid President
Saddam Hussein orchestrated the resistance which has dealt the zionist NWO plan a
lethal blow which they don't admit but nevertheless wounded them fatallyand I will
NEVER tire of begging GOD that Bush, Bliar and their fellow zionist NWO nazi thugs
be brought to justice in this world and in eternity as well. There was NO reason
to murder Saddam other than zionist racist hatred and colonial ambition. Curses on
the warmongering criminals in DC, London, "israel" and their helpers! the true
history of Iraq will NOT be erased from memory. The TRUTH shall be a thorn in the
side of NWO zionists long past their defeat, turn those of you who are on board
with the NWO Zionist Imperialist Nazi plan away from it before it is too late.
Lucifer has NO power against GOD. Lucifer himself will have to account on the Day
of Judgment and then he shall be uncreated and all who followed him shall burn in
the lake of fire forever. The time to turn away is now. Shayhka Maulani Aeisha
Muhammad servant of ALLAH/the 1989 invasion of Panama, the U.S. allowed the press to enter Manuel Noriega’s office. He was portrayed as a sexual pervert. In the office were pictures of young boys, a picture of Hitler, red underpants and pornographic magazines. first Marine maintained that the contents of the office included only a desk, a telephone, a chair, and a typewriter. if he is killed, we would lose our leader. Saddam turned to us and said, 'Look, I am no better than any one of you and this is the high time to defend our great Iraq and it would be a great honor to be killed as a martyr for the sake of Iraq-LAGAUCHE IS RIGHT The KnuckleballOrder "The Mother of All Battles SADDAM HUSSEIN'S GREATEST LEGACY: DECEMBER 2003 TO DECEMBER 2006 /christianpost.com/news/ron-paul-u-s-aid-to-israel-must-stop-58661/
Muslim Countries More Aid than Israel: Top recipients of foreign aid in 2009 can
be described as Arab, Muslim or both: Afghanistan ($8.8 billion in aid), Iraq
($2.3 billion), Egypt ($1.8 billion), Pakistan ($1.8 billion), Sudan ($1.2
billion), the Palestinian territories ($1 billion), and Jordan ($816 million).
Together, those entities received $17.7 billion; Somalia ($281 million), Morocco
($244 million) and Indonesia ($226 million)./Bible-believers recognize those past
victories as evidence that with or without America's help, Israel would still
overcome any existential military threat. According to the Bible, the real loser
should America's support of Israel falter would be America itself. Ron Paul's
competitors for the Republican presidential nomination have all vowed to increase
American support for Israel if they are elected.israeltoday.co.il/ GOP
establishment fears the voice of the public. A caucus that could actually
influence or determine a nomination must be stopped. Party operated election
commissions are a central cause for illegitimate elections. If your anointed
candidate wins, the process reflects the will of the people, but if a true
reformer wins, like Ron Paul; the caucus does not really matter. Just how stupid
are these Republican stooges? batr.org/reactionary/010112.html /Obama said that he
would veto the bill. It offends the Hell out of me that he is so quick to send
them off to get killed. Then acts as if he has their welfare in mind/they don't
want the consequences that have arisen from the aforementioned disgraceful
behavior. Too bad! After their tantrums, I doubt that the Democrats and President
Obama are feeling particularly generous - nor should they be. Republicans deserve
what they get. They made their bed, now let them sleep in it/2002, the Office of
the Inspector General, U.S. Department of Defense has reported that DoD has not
and will not account for $1.1 trillion of "unsupported accounting entries."[23] In
addition, there have been several high-profile Government Accountability Office
(GAO) investigations of the Department of Defense/I'm offended that no one in
Congress can do their dam jobs/(offense really) cuts as they are the biggest war
mongers and war profiteers with 435-plus, GOP-approved war profiteers in Iraq and
Afghanistan who failed in their nation-building while posting $60 billion in
waste, fraud, and abuse plus another $6.6 billion in stolen Iraqi funds and
Bush-Cheney literally flew in plane loads of bundled cash that was poorly
supervised and accounted for, sent nearly 6,000 soldiers to their deaths based
upon lies; over 35,000 wounded; 400,000 PTSD cases expected to go to 700,000;
hundreds of amputees; thousands of traumatic brain injuries; 900 military
suicides; unprecedented multiple deployments; exploited our reserve forces;
1212/motherjones.com/mojo/2011/12/ron-pauls-covert-youth-ops-iowa? Ron Paul
***IS*** a Corporatist!!!! He supports repealing EVERY regulation that keeps
corporations from robbing us blind./35 years and his popularity grows as the
populace grows in its education and tires of the same old lies/conclusions like
the epitath on the gravestone of history/all rhetoric, no facts. That seems to be
the common threat with Paul's persecutor/unless... those youth are obama-mites are
doing obamama a HUGE favor by splitting the rebublicken vote/ever noticed
something contradictory about folks who are always prattling on about "Liberty/
interesting how fascists always steal the word freedom/reactionary, bigoted,
theocratic state assemblies who would love to make certain people's rights
disappear/democat's wet dream..like the sound of the Doc flushing the toilet on
his own party/Fox News Exclusive: Is_raeli 911 Spy Ring , Wow. Big news. French
President Sarkozy is right the J-e-w-s- are all liars/policy towards Israel? I'll
call up the Prime Minister and say, 'B.B. what would you like me to do?'"
Romney/Unless you have a level of academic curiosity and intellect (not apparent
thus far), you need not be any more concerned with understanding the exact
mechanism of evolution than you should be concerned about floating off into space
because the exact mechanism of gravity is not 100% understood. What difference
does it make to you about understanding exactly how evolution works What is
important is that it in fact occurs/google.com/hostednews/afp/art. Speaking of '
fear and anxiety, "Liberals have more gray matter in a part of the brain
associated with understanding complexity, while the conservative brain is bigger
in the section related to processing fear, said the study on Thursday in Current
Biology." Liberals have a bigger capacity for decision-making studies have shown
that they have less brain function except in the fear centers of the brain, while
cons operate more on an emotional level, particularly the emotion of fear, One
need only to look at the short bus morons on this board to know that. So not only
are cons dumber than Liberals but they're more cowardly, too./You need all the
"science" you can get, even though everyone knows you have to bastardize it to get
the results you want. You morons are the dregs of society and don't even know
it!/Stephen J Gould, evolution is a theory. It is also a fact. And facts and
theories are different things, not rungs in a hierarchy of increasing certainty.
Facts are the world's data. Theories are structures of ideas that explain and
interpret facts. Facts do not go away when scientists debate rival theories to
explain them. Einstein's theory of gravitation replaced Newton's, but apples did
not suspend themselves in mid-air, pending the outcome. And humans evolved from
apelike ancestors whether they did so by Darwin's proposed mechanism or by some
other, yet to be discovered."/they can't help being the way they are. It's a
physiological matter. Imagine how many more conservatives there would be had lead
based paint not been outlawed/they prove the assertion of how dumb they are
without even knowing it. amusing Cons can only deflect, nothing more/We all agree
that our government is the most corrupt in word history, so what would you suggest
to unite the teabaggers and WSO against our real enemy?/ Natzke’s boyfriend, Kevin
Duck, Duck's brother and sister-in-law are in hiding because they are afraid of
Duck, who allegedly told them, "If I go down for this you are too."/Dennis Henry,
51, of Wheatland, formerly the postmaster of Nevada, Mo., pleaded guilty to his
role in the conspiracy to commit sex trafficking by force, fraud or coercion.
Henry also pleaded guilty to transporting the victim across state lines for sexual
activity-Cook, Edward Bagley, Sr., 43, and Michael Stokes, 62, both of Lebanon,
Dennis Henry, 50, of Wheatland, and James Noel, 44, of SpringfielCook, also known
as “PutHer2GoodUse,” 33- crimesceneinvestigations.blogspot.com/ favorite memory of
the Kim Jong Il era... a college student I knew in 1990 went to North Korea for a
Young Socialist League conference. Curious, I asked how it was when he came back.
His first thought: there were no handicapped people anywhere. Seemed an odd thing
to say. He added: they're all either locked up or killed/ "While media may miss
this story now, if election-night exit polls show antiwar Democrats and
independents gave Paul the margin of victory, that story will appear in media
around the world."-Toward Freedom: "A controversial public relations program run
by former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's Pentagon was cleared of any
wrong-doing by the agency's inspector general in a report published last month.
The program used dozens of retired military officers working as analysts on
television and radio networks as 'surrogates' armed by the Pentagon with 'the
facts' in order to educate the public about the Department of Defense's operations
and agenda-a new frame to the news: the inequality of the distribution of wealth
in the United States, in which people who sat at desks and gambled with working
people's money made off like bandits while the mass of America struggled to pay
the bills-Truthout/You Still Have a Hangover: "Ted Haggard Talks Scandal,
'Celebrity Wife Swap'" CNN Entertainment/Ohio Prepares to Privatize Some State
Prisons Businessweek/
company, Petroleos de Venezuela, must pay ~$750M to Exxon Mobil (XOM) for assets
nationalized in 2007. The sum is just a tenth of what Exxon had been seeking/Iran
plans to launch missiles and torpedoes as part of its ongoing naval exercise in
the Persian Gulf, as the country's oil minister says crude prices will break $200
if sanctions are imposed on Iran's oil exports/December 21, 2011 California AG
Kamala Harris sues Fannie Mae (FNMA.OB) and Freddie Mac (FMCC.OB) to force them to
comply with a subpoena to hand over documents they refused to provide. Harris'
filing also alleges that the mortgage giants may have violated securities laws
over the housing-related debt they issue/Obama signed into law that imposes
sanctions on financial institutions dealing with Iran's central bank, though
exemptions will be made in the interest of U.S. national security and/or energy
market stability. Separately, Iran said today it has produced the nation's first
nuclear fuel rod, a feat many in the West had thought the country incapable
of/Don't forget to expect the unexpected. Iran can make one false step in their
war dance and actually start a war. Why wouldn't Saudi Arabia attack Iran if the
strait was closed? Ninety percent chance this all blows over but there's always
the ten percent. After all, who expected the assassination of a minor archduke to
trigger a world war/how about you volunteer to fight or else shut your mouth about
sending soldiers and marines to fight your wars /warmongers/Only volume trading
can "flash trash" the market so this could not possibly have been done by the
general individual investors all selling at once. The mathematics point clearly to
computerized trading actions by trading algorithms or enormous fraud on the part
of some major players. The sheer fact that no clarity has yet been shown on this
issue really implies the worst/the market is so corrupt it's funny/so rigged that
no one dares to touch the stocks. Ben is so desperate to get people into this
rigged market so his buddies can dump their holding/quintessential scare piece, or
what? the largest percentage drop in market history on an October day in 1987, and
nobody's "fixed" that, either. Might happen again Tuesday morning, Or a
yet-to-be-detected asteroid could be hurtling toward Earth/sent out, and the
target is followed around 24/7 by the various communities that they are in. A
covert investigation might be opened
/republicfortheunitedstates.org join uphold your oath as a free human being/ the
beginning of a mass democratic uprising.... They did it to reject debt. They did
it to fight foreclosures. They did it to topple a world where the 1 percent
determined life for the other 99. And they did all of it against incredible odds,
with a self-respect that stymied critics. The year? 1877. The people? Dirt-poor
farmers who would come to be known as Populists-Obama, after objecting to
provisions of a military spending bill that would have forced him to try terrorism
suspects in military courts and impose strict sanctions on Iran's oil exports,
signed the bill on Saturday, in part because of its authorization of military
detention camps overseas-MichaelMoore.com: "On December 30th, in 1936 - 75 years
ago - hundreds of workers at the General Motors factories in Flint, Michigan, took
over the facilities and occupied them for 44 days-caucus craziness reaches its
peak here in Iowa, the Occupy movement has not been left out.... One of the
interesting and impressive things about the local movement is how, even as its new
occupation continues to stand, it has moved beyond a sole focus on the encampment.
With the 'People's Caucus,' activists are taking advantage of the intense national
spotlight shined on the state once every four years-Scott Olsen, a 24-year-old
former U.S. Marine who served two tours in the Iraq War, was critically wounded
after being shot in the head by a police projectile at Occupy
Oakland-truthout.org /New Year Re-Occupation of Zuccotti Park Short-Lived After
Pepper Spray, Arrests Crooks and Liars/Montana Court Upholds Ban on Election
Spending by Corporations Great Falls Tribune/
123111/hackers at the Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin are dreaming of
creating their own network of communications satellites/Spice is made up of exotic
plants from Asia like Blue Lotus and Bay Bean. Their leaves are coated with
chemicals that mimic the effects of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, but
are five to 200 times more potent/Obama administration has turned to Sheikh Yusuf
al-Qaradawi, the Muslim Brotherhood, to mediate secret negotiations between the
United States and the Taliban/Democrats are making total economic warfare against
the American people, We did not cause these generated crisis our elected officials
did. We need to take away the keys to the store across the board and then we need
to pressure our newly elected to investigate and prosecute them all. communists
and their sympathizers morphed into the environmental movement decades ago for the
primary purpose of controlling land and subsequently raw materials & resources.
Texas isn't hooked up to the national grid/Dumborats-Practice the big lie – The
Nazis were infamous for their propaganda techniques – which were actually
pioneered by the Bolsheviks. Goebbels advised: “If you tell a lie big enough and
keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe/terms of the debate:
that it's the 99% who will define what change we want, what our world will look
like and how to get there-Crime victims in New York sometimes struggle to persuade
the police to write down what happened on an official report. The reasons are
varied. Police officers are often busy, and few relish paperwork. But in
interviews, more than half a dozen police officers, detectives and commanders also
cited departmental pressure to keep crime statistics low-Consortium News: "A
torrent of war propaganda against Iran is flooding the American political scene as
U.S. neocons and Israeli hardliners see an opening for another war in the Middle
East…. President Obama needs to put an abrupt halt to the game of Persian
Roulett-France banned fracking outright and South Africa enacted a temporary
moratorium-Ratio: 3.5 Million Homeless and 18.5 Million Vacant Homes truthout.org
/preventing them [Democratic volunteers] from entering or leaving,” a frustrated
Iowa Democratic Executive Director Norm Sterzenbach told the occupiers, who later
dubbed him Scrooge McDemocrat. “I see that as a violent action.” “We will defend
our right to do a nonviolent protest,” replied occupier Frank Cordaro, 60,
something of a local legend; he’s a Catholic anarchist who’s been arrested more
times than he can remember/No longer does it matter who gets elected,” yet
the corporations still run the system.” Iowan occupiers, which includes a
somewhat broader ideological array of members than the left’s usual suspects —
there are Occupy nuns! — are starting to act on it, and the upcoming caucuses
gives them the perfect opportunity/“I just don’t know what you want from us.”/
they'll get a clue during the coming year/Legislation has been passed that allows
the military -- and the president -- to pick up and lock up without judicial
procedure anybody in the world. Social Security is in greater peril than ever in
it's existance/
salon.com/2011/12/31/occupy_des_moines_is_the_democrats_problem/singleton/ online
site Occupy Arrests Project, the occupy movement has witnessed 5607 arrests to
date. Not since the Vietnam anti-war era have political protests yielded this
number of arrests/Write your elected officials, suggesting a New Year’s resolution
for you. For the New Year, why don’t you start turning down special interest
campaign contributions/
123011/socialist national security threats !!/Everyday you have some new whine
about Obama? Does Rupert Murdoch now own you too? George Bush and the Republicans
made the policies that led to the biggest depression since the 1920’s. The
Republicans left Obama to deal with that!!!! They caused it by starting two
worthless wars and cutting taxes that would pay for those wars. Nice job
Republicans. Don’t blame Obama for having to clean up after a Republican mess/
"The chickens have come home to roost." As true today - as when it was
written.Foghorn Leghorn/how easily conservative principles are carelessly
forgotten by politicians enamored with the power and allure of a government
they’re elected to hold in check. Troy D. Ard, chairman of College Republicans of
Colorado/Batcrap Bachman Sez Only SHE Can Prevent Iran from building nukes/She's
like 5 feet tall, but she has the Iranians shaking in their boots She has the Dems
on this board fearful. That is why Dems like you keep bashing her/ also says that
if we elect her president, gas will miraculously go down to $2 a gallon. Only the
stupid even bother with her any more/youtube.com/user/amandapalmer/"The World
Turned Upside Down" amandapalmer 14174 ... Amanda Palmer - "Ukulele Anthem" Live
at Occupy Wall Street/cop-ows defectors youtube.com/watch?v=JefR5O3_vx0 co
"Religion. It`s given people hope in a world torn apart by religion. "
-Charlie Chaplin /Sooner or later, those rocks will reach the reckoning that has
been so long in coming, and when that happens, nothing in this country will be the
same again-America's growing drone operations rely on hundreds of civilian
contractors, including some, such as the SAIC employee, who work in the so-called
kill chain before Hellfire missiles are launched-arrest warrant for Vice-President
Tariq al-Hashimi on terrorism charges. Maliki, a Shia, leveled the charges against
the highest ranking Sunni in the government-If an agreement is not reached with
EGT and angry longshore workers view this dispute as a threat to all their jobs,
then it's possible for the first time that ports on the West, East and Gulf coasts
may be shut down-Ten Ultra-Rich Congresspeople Who "Represent" Some of the Most
Financially Troubled Districts-truthout.org/President Obama should refuse to
debate the eventual GOP Clown College Nominee. Beneath the dignity of his office/
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