Sunday, July 3, 2011

just for you bennet: 7311 yer one of the good ones
bad luck and trouble, are my only friends, i been down, since i was ten, born under a bad sign, i been down since i began to crawl....if i wasn't for bad luck, i wouldn't have no luck at all (clapton)
and other web gems....
Harry Browne wrote, HOW I FOUND FREEDOM
IN AN UNFREE WORLD, the prospects for a global monetary dictatorship was an
imminent nightmare. Since his passing in 2006, that dreadful prospect has
accelerated from a creeping likelihood into a horrific reality. The
counterweight to the banksters suppression of individual liberty and
economic independence may best be characterized as how to provide an
alternative money system to the enslavement of debt created monetary,
fractional reserve banking. Is it possible to develop a counter currency in
the Global Gulag that now subjugates billions of serfs, under the financial
tyranny of the international community?
mother who exposed her 7-year-old daughter to bloody religious
initiation rituals in Paterson that included making her watch a chicken being
sacrificed and feeding the girl its heart pleaded guilty in state court Monday
cruelty and neglect of a child. A Paterson couple who were practitioners of
the Palo Mayombe religion and who the mother asked to perform the ritual
also were accepted into pre-trial intervention Monday for one year.

....Dolls, a shrine, religious statues, bones, machetes and bundles of
sticks bearing numbers and names were among artifacts found at the home. The
items, some of which had blood and animal hair on them, matched a
description the girl gave about what she saw at the home.

....In addition to being fed the chicken�s heart, the rituals included
making the girl witness the decapitation of a goat, and the scratching of a
religious symbol into her skin.
if a woman neglects to feed her child because she is
strung out on drugs, she will likely be prosecuted. But if that denial happens
as part of a religious fast, the law usually has no problem with it
Oregon Senate voted Monday to drop faith healing as
a legal defense to murder after repeated deaths of children in a local
church community.
The Senate voted 25-5 to approve the measure. It was drafted largely in
response to the 2008 deaths of children among members of the Followers of
Christ Church in Oregon City,

Massey is quilty of 1nd degree murder, criminal negligence with wanton disregard for Human Safety-almost like those miners were Muslems-over 10 yrs n $4 trln spent mudering over 1.5 mln Muslem Ppl n all by Herr ResiDunces 935 Words of Mass Deception-see the report by the Center for Public accountability, FTG-says a Department of Housing and Urban Development official. For people who have lost their jobs, the $1 billion program offers loans of up to $50,000 that don't actually need to be repaid, if applicants meet certain requirements.

Take a look at the videos and news footage of Joplin, MO and Alabama and
know that a 200 mph wind strips the bark off the trees and flattens
everything in sight. 300 mph, all that is left is toothpicks and things
that have been stored or hid out deep underground. Nostradamus has an
image in his Hidden texts of wealthy appearing men gathering the bark
from trees to eat as a sign of how these times will soon be.
Most of us are even too dumb to learn from such childish fairy tales and
will soon pay the price for our adult overthinking. Most of us don't
even pay attention to the Native American stories about surviving the
shifts between worlds by being underground and 'emerging' into the new
4th world. It's good that so many people will be leaving soon, people
who don't understand the meaning of the word 'village' nor the concept
of 'greater good'. As one older man said to me the other day in an
e-mail, he's ready to leave. He knows these aren't his people down here
and he's ready to go home.
For me home is here for the work is not yet done. Decide where your home
is or better still ask your Higher Guidance where you home is in these
coming days and prepare accordingly.
in service,

This Is The Beginning of The Turnaround
~ By Sitting Bull

There will come a flow on Earth
which will burst the dark energies
surrounding you and your planet.

It is time to light a beacon to show the way for all humanity.
The young of all nations are looking for a new direction.

It is very important that as many people as possible, in
different places, should take part in The Gathering. Decide
where and when and how to gather, your participation is

This is the beginning of the break we are all waiting for...
you all on Earth and ourselves out here (the Craft making
amazing appearances all over the Earth). This is the beginning
of the turnaround. We have waited so long for the change.
It is time.

This is the beginning of the end of the old ways:
the turning of the tide.

State what you believe is true.

Exchange the information and hopes you have.

Always in the world, a change starts with a few people.
These few speak the feelings and thoughts of a multitude.
They speak the heart of humanity's soul.

The people who are coming together will ring in a return,
a turnaround. There will come a flow on Earth which will
burst the dark energies surrounding you and your planet.

Let your inner light be your guide. Follow your hearts.
Realise the greatness you have within yourself, and step
ahead. This is the time so many have waited for.

That which you believe is true must be stated.

The 'poor' Knights templar -

Within a decade of their return from the Crusades the Templars
(forerunners of the Freemasons and the core of the New World Order) were
probably the most influential body the world has ever known. Being so
well funded, the Templars established the first international banking
network, becoming financiers for the Levant and for practically every
throne in Europe. Perhaps their most famous financial service was the
issuance of paper for money. The documents were honored at any Templar
commandery and as such might be considered the forerunner of today's
checks or sight drafts. Their aims were both political and religious, an
idea we have heard before of getting to people from both sides, the
everyday control wielded by politics, and the moral control wielded by
the church or religion. Two arms of control were needed, and each needed
to have multiple heads so that if one were `cut-off' another one
or two would grow in its pace. The 'poor' Knights templar -

Within a decade of their return from the Crusades the Templars
(forerunners of the Freemasons and the core of the New World Order) were
probably the most influential body the world has ever known. Being so
well funded, the Templars established the first international banking
network, becoming financiers for the Levant and for practically every
throne in Europe. Perhaps their most famous financial service was the
issuance of paper for money. The documents were honored at any Templar
commandery and as such might be considered the forerunner of today's
checks or sight drafts. Their aims were both political and religious, an
idea we have heard before of getting to people from both sides, the
everyday control wielded by politics, and the moral control wielded by
the church or religion. Two arms of control were needed, and each needed
to have multiple heads so that if one were `cut-off' another one
or two would grow in its pace.
right wing rethuglicans that have conveniently forgotten that lil georgie w. bushwa is the one responsible for the current debt and financial crisis that this country faces and caused this crisis by keeping these debts off the books (also known as cooking the books). bushwa and his minions ran up the war debt and the financial debts by starting an unnecessary war on a country (IRAQ) that DID NOT ATTACK the United States so the rethuglicans could line their pockets at the expense of the middle class, working people. And they got away with it and are still trying to continue to pull off the same highway robbery. President Obama (fantastic) took that hidden debt and put it on the books (GAP or General Accounting Practice) which is taught in Accounting 101. It is the honest way to run a financial process. Financial accountabilty is something bushwa failed at miserably but all his daddy's wealthy friends just loved it big time.

How many of you rethuglicans, teabaggers thought that bushwa gave a rat's patoot about you? All he wanted was to sell you a bunch of worthless houses with phoney, too good to be true mortages and you jumped on it like stink on crap. Now your moaning and whining that its all President Obama's fault that you screwed up by not checking into what was really going on under bushwa. Go look in the mirror if you want to blame someone.

Know the truth and it will set you free.
"'It's a little like the Middle Ages,' says the economist, 'When
the patient died they would say well, we stopped the bloodletting too
soon, he still had a little blood in him.' Maybe it's time to remove
the bloodsuckers."

"The refusal of King George to allow the colonies to operate an honest
money system, which freed the ordinary man from clutches of the money
manipulators was probably the prime cause of the revolution"
-Benjamin Franklin
banking institution are more dangerous than standing
armies� If the American people ever allow private banks to control
the issue of currency� the banks and corporations that will grow up
around them will deprive the people of their property until their
children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered"
-Thomas Jefferson
two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the
sword. The other is by debt" � John Adams,
Qadaffi stays and Obama leaves? ; by Franklin Lamb
History of the Zionist Plan for the Middle East by Israel
Healthcare legislation & Obama's Private Army
"The difference between 'involvement' and 'commitment' is like an eggs-and-ham breakfast: the chicken was 'involved' - the pig was 'committed'." -- unknown
Who do you serve when you go to war
Patriotism Hijacked
Howard Zinn (1922-2010) Most normal people want to contribute and give back. Some people take it to an extreme and are willing to risk their lives. These are noble impulses. The problem is not thinking the whole proposition through. Are you really �serving your country� by going where the devils
Citibank office in a smart downtown neighborhood known as the Golden Triangle, where he was to discuss a 48 million rupiah ($5500) principal debt on his Citibank platinum just after 10 a.m. Four hours later, he left the 25-story building slumped motionless in a wheelchair -- a victim of what police allege was a violent assault by debt collectors/it may get you killed. Jakarta resident Irzen Octa had, according to Bloomberg Markets magazine, racked up a $12000. suing Citigroup for $348 million, claiming her husband died inside Citibank’s offices after being beaten by debt collectors trying to extract the equivalent of $12,000 from him, including accrued interest.
What a sham this article is. In a reverse mortgage, the borrower cannot owe more than the home is worth at termination time. That is the rule. This allows the homeowner and heirs to plan accordingly - they will not owe money at the time of transfer. The banks obviously know this; why didn't they just say so. With declining home values past and present, they feel the future will not bring value back above the reverse mortgage payout. It's just amazing how they react: heads I win, and tails you lose.
So much rage for small-time criminals when billions were looted from treasury coffers during the financial crisis and nary a single scoundrel has had to pay the price for it. Where is the outrage?
the white men as you so proudly refer to, are not native of the USA. Obviously, anything America tampers with, the white race included, goes wrong. Should you want to find out what your so called white man is really made of, go to a civilized nation offshore, and that is where they have remained true to their essence. I am getting disgusted with the vitriol emanating from the all goes wrong USA experiment. Indeed one could say that I am becoming racist as most people in the world outside of America. You are growing to become the nation to dislike for rational reasons, though hatred is very emotional in nature, we have to stand up against evil which you so proudly represent.
technical director of Panda Labs, whose company is assisting in the analysis of the new botnet. "These licenses are in the form of bot master nicknames, which are ... tied to the sales made to all bot masters who purchased a Butterfly botnet."The Metulji botnet was created with a more advanced version of the Butterfly Bot Kit – but it, too, keeps purchase records. Since the Butterfly framework creator was arrested and his computers confiscated, it is "safe to assume" that law enforcement has "very good insight into who is running ANY Butterfly-based botnet out there," Mr. Corrons writes
churning for's completely illegal but regulators look the other way, especially since C did it's RS the hft rebate traders are desperate for revenue..churn churn churn
AIRLINE BANS JEWS,, TAKES BIBLES FROM CHRISTANS..>Delta adopts Saudi 'no- Jew' fly policy Challenge to discrimination building as Congress/HOOK LINE AND SINKER. A LOT LIKE SAYING THE JEWS WERE THE FAULT OF THE GERMAN ECONOMY. IT JUST AINT AND WASN'T SO/irsaęl a Thęocräcy? fired by a conviction of its moral rightness which accorded Jęws a special place over others/What Was Mein Fuhrer To Do ...development, von Mildenstein wrote, had produced a new kind of Jew. He praised Zionism as a great benefit for both the Jewish people and the entire world/Racism is the 21 century witchcraft or communist charge, I fear. When facts are stated and a person doesn't like it a members of some group scream "Racist!" and the conversation changes. In the 1950's, all a person had to do was scream "Communist!" and in the 1600's all someone had to do was scream, "Witch!" The words have changed, but the mentality stays the same./We work for the Pope, we murder people.
We're Vatican assassins. How complicated can it be? What they're not ready for is guys like you and I and Nails and all the other gnarly gnarlingtons in my life, that we are high priests, Vatican assassin warlocks/ Will the banking and military industrial complexes allow it's citizens to hang on to any gains they may make in gold and silver, especially since these two entities have been instrumental in stealing from them in the first place?/Now you are starting to ask the right questions. An epic battle between good and evil? /Mecklenborg was arrested for driving around drunk on an Indiana state highway, which is sort of an “anti-life” thing to do, you might say. But just a few days ago, he also voted for the Fetal Heartbeat Bill, one of those fake “pro-life” thingies that Republicans love. Do they cancel each other out? Mecklenborg thought so, as he failed to tell anyone at the Ohio Statehouse about his arrest. Mecklenborg was also – hey
hey! – full of Viagra and accompanied by a lady, presumably on a little super-sanctified sexytime trip to make their own angry fetus. That’s worth a few very literal “pro-life” points! So whatever, Mecklenborg is still against death on balance, driving with a female passenger on U.S. route 50 in Dearborn County, Ind., at 2:47 a.m. April 23 when he was pulled over by an Indiana state trooper for a burned-out headlight. driving a 2004 Lexus with temporary Kentucky plates, failed several sobriety tests and his blood alcohol content was registered at 0.097 percent, according to the documents. A toxicology screening also picked up Viagra and another pharmaceutical drug in his system.. No Internet was used in the committing of any of these stupid crimes, so all is forgiven'/ Busy Writing Obama's Ohio Stump Speech Gotta love that 'small gov't'.Firing police officers instead of administrating revenue. Cutting education & health.Infringing on women's
rights with an illegal measure. real tea-silliness, digging their own graves. backward and dumb measures.
That's all the GOP knows/>>The debt ceiling debate is about screwing babies for the sake of billionaires.<>And if the libs have their way, the 2012 election will be about whatever 'Pub' gets the nomination.<< total whack-job territory. Of course everyone's interested and curious, as this is genuinely important. But if "libs" - and, IMO, most people in general - have their way, the 2012 elections will be about jobs, national infrastructure, jobs, national security, jobs, Medicare/SS, jobs, and of course, jobs./FMR. GOP SEN. ALAN SIMPSON CALLS REPUBLICAN REFUSAL TO RAISE REVENUE ‘ABSOLUTE BULLSH T’/are Republicans slowing down the recovery on purpose for political gain in 2012? Senator [Mitch] McConnell made it clear last October that his number one priority, above everything else, is to defeat
President Obama/Frank pronounces the modern version of the one key concept which the Democratic Party, under slavery, segregation, and civil rights, has sought to ingrain in the mind of every black person: "You may be a well-trained, well-paid nigger, but you're a nigger just the same."/people of America are just not nice to RepubliCONs anymore. They want their glory days back where going to Church made you better than everybody else and all one had to do was wave the American flag to be a patriot. NO MORE EXTORTION ! Krugman/
7311/Chanos – cracks are spreading through the façade. Seeing slowdown in residential sales. Seeing real estate firms shuttered. Some of the engine behind boom is at least beginning to sputtercnbc/Yes we have. China markets have underperformed for last 18 months. [If Leisman did his homework, he would have already known this. Chanos has been vocal (and correct) for some time on this trade. Note the Shanghai index making a long series of lower highs (since August 2009 /
7211 Don't F With Israel Or Else..Three Russian designers of Iran's nuclear plant die in plane crash/Assad continues to slaughter 24 massacrerd yesterday in SYRIA/Arabs, a race that is violent by nature, tragically blinded by pride and false bravado, and genetically damaged by centuries of breeding with first cousins. Oh yeah, and they will never advance because they actually? believe that all of the answers to life on this earth can be found in the Qur'an./ If You Wouldn't Attack J*ews ChimpSHYT we wouldn't have to kill you/Israel scored a major coup Friday when the Greek government barred the departure of vessels trying to hook up with a pro-Ha[m]as flotilla seeking to breach Israel's naval blockade of Ga[z]a. a U.S. vessel with 50 pro-Ha[m]as provocateurs, with the Obama moniker of The Audacity of Hope, and a Canadian ship./the men were "prepared to do real violence" -- albeit as "thugs for hire." And two months ago, she declared that Cromitie had become "an enthusiastic jihadist" who "showed no compunction" about placing bombs at a house of worship in an attempt to commit mass murder.All of which was worth at least 25 years behind bars. The judge ripped into the government's handling of the case, claiming that "only the government could have made a 'terrorist' out of [defendant James] Cromitie, whose buffoonery is positively Shakespearean in scope."Clearly, Cromitie and the others are morons. But they were determined to obtain the tools needed to destroy the synagogues -- so as a matter both of law and common sense, they were a damned sight more dangerous than the average trouble-seeking imbecile/California man,Byron Williams of Groveland, was allegedly pulled over for driving erratically whose mother said he was upset about Congress' "left-wing agenda," allegedly opened fire on police officers The shootout -- which according to CHP involved 10 police officers and lasted about eight minutes left the suspect, who was wearing body armor, seriously wounded. He was taken to the hospital and is listed in stable condition/

sorry but since my o/s took a shit, not that i put that much thought in it, and until i get it straightened out, i'm flying (no vision).....js

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