61611/an interesting discussion since just a few years ago we were being told by Republicans why the President NEEDS these powers to keep us all safe. Now I am hearing complaints from those same people. It seems their only real problem isn't the power, but which party wields it/fire in Nebraska's Fort Calhoun nuclear power plant briefly knocked out the cooling process for spent nuclear fuel rods, ProPublica reports.The fire occurred on June 7th, and knocked out cooling for approximately 90 minutes. After 88 hours, the cooling pool would boil dry and highly radioactive materials would be exposed.On June 6th, the Federal Administration Aviation (FAA) issued a directive banning aircraft from entering the airspace within a two-mile radius of the plant./State-owned Chinese energy giant CNOOC is buying a multibillion-dollar stake in 600,000 acres of South Texas oil and gas field/
61511/an army major was detained who copied license plates of cars visiting the al-Qaida chief's compound in Pakistan that five Pakistanis who fed information to the CIA before the May 2 operation were arrested by Pakistan's top intelligence service. Neither the army nor Pakistan's spy agency would confirm or deny the overall report about the detentions/apparent gap in the release last week of more than 24,199 pages of emails released covered Dec. 4, 2006, when Palin took office, until September 2008, or a few weeks after Republican presidential candidate John McCain tapped her to be his running mate. The state has yet to begin reviewing emails from that point until she quit as governor 10 months later/http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2011/06/14/camera-house/ /An Israeli has been arrested in Egypt The suspect was trying to recruit the young people to commit treason against Cairo during the popular protests in the Egyptian capital's Liberation Square, Reuters- Radioactive strontium up to 240 times the legal concentration limit has been detected in seawater samples collected near an intake at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Sunday. The utility said the substance was also found in groundwater near the plant's Nos. 1 and 2 reactors. The government's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said it is the first time that the substance has been found in groundwater.-ethics committee begins inquiry on Rep. Weiner 13 Jun 2011 The House ethics committee reportedly has begun a preliminary inquiry into the actions of Rep. Anthony Weiner,[hypocritical sociopath] Eric Cantor said today that Democrats should strip Weiner of his committee assignments if the congressman doesn't leave. [Three words: Senator David Vitter.-clg/Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said Sunday that it's time to consider international intervention in Syria to avoid the further "slaughter" of people there by President Bashar al-Assad's forces. "If it made sense to protect the Libyan people against Gadhafi, and it did because they were going to get slaughtered if we hadn't sent NATO in when he was on the outskirts of Benghazi, the question for the world [is], have we gotten to that point in Syria,"/TEXAS ONLY: SOS: Save our Streets your presence needed LIBS WANT TO TRANSFORM CAR LANES INTO BIKE LANES/Rainy Day Republican Raiders/Banker's riot pay caps, no bonuses. That Strauss guy, IMF, top banker of the world. Maybe you are right. They are all psychopaths../Pakistan's intelligence agency has arrested a person who rented a safe house to the CIA before American special forces killed Osama/ Backdoor IPOs and Reverse Mergers: A Chinese Recipe for Scandal/
61411/science czar John P. Holdren, who infamously co-wrote a 1977 textbook in which he advocated the formation of a “planetary regime” that would use a “global police force” to enforce totalitarian measures of population control, including forced abortions, mass sterilization programs conducted via the food and water supply, as well as mandatory bodily implants that would prevent couples from having children, is a Malthusian fanatic in the tradition of the arcane anti-human ideology that originated amongst British aristocracy in the 19th century-globalists are panic-stricken about a potential eurozone crisis caused by a Greek debt default that could precipitate the collapse of the Euro and also derail the wider agenda for multi-regional currency unions and eventually a global currency system pp/Pakistani political party is calling on the nation’s Supreme Court to ban the Bible because it blasphemes Islam./Media Protecting 'Food Stamp President' Obama By Ignoring Growing Food Stamp Crisis/Alberta fire has been burning for three weeks and has consumed a staggering 416,000 hectares (1,028,000 acres or 1,600 square miles), making it the largest fire to start in Alberta since 1919/Central Arkansas Coalition of Reason alleged in a lawsuit that the Central Arkansas Transit Authority and its advertising agency are discriminating against the group because they're being required to pay tens of thousands of dollars to put $5,000 worth of ads on 18 buses. ads would read: "Are you good without God? Millions are." Other groups, including churches, have not been required to pay the fee, which amounts to $36,000 in insurance in case of an attack on the buses by angry Christians/Atheists have better sex than their religious counterparts/
61311/Obama’s Rage Over Netanyahu Meeting: "What the F**k Was That?"whoda guessed our incompetent commie brat would throw a tantrum...he wants to be king/imus/kingism like watching your motherinlaw go over a cliff, in your new car.../hypocritical infatuation with Anthonys Wiener/1969, confidential memorandum introducing the report to the defense chief, the chairman of the task force that produced the study hinted at the explosive nature of the contents. "Writing history, especially where it blends into current events, especially where that current event is Vietnam, is a treacherous exercise," Leslie H. Gelb-work revealed a pattern of deception by the Lyndon Johnson, John Kennedy and prior administrations as they secretly escalated the conflict while assuring the public that, in Johnson's words, the U.S. did not seek a wider war/LBJ portrayed himself as the peacemaker against the hawkish Republican Barry Goldwater. Meantime, his administration manipulated South Vietnam into asking for U.S. combat troops and responded to phantom provocations from North Vietnam with stepped-up force. "It couldn't have been a more dramatic fraud," Ellsberg-archives.gov/research/pentagon-papers/ Carlson Falsely Claims 35% Of CA Students Paying In-State Tuition "Were Illegals"/Dow Chemical PR firm asked "green" author Anna Lappé to contribute a video about the future of water for Dow's flashy new greenwashing effort called "The Future We Create," she was delighted to provide them with exactly what they had asked for. In her 60-second submission, Lappé stressed that toxic chemicals are one of the biggest global threats to water and people, and that Dow itself is one of the biggest sources of such threats./
61011/SEALs who are 5 feet 4 and SEALs who are 6 feet 5, Greitens says. In his training group, he adds, there were college football studs who couldn’t hack it; those who survived were most often men in good shape, but they also had a willingness to subsume their concerns in favor of the mission./Rep. Weiner and 'Fiduciary Duty' to the Staff/Except that when Bush and Cheney did the exact same thing with the exact same Navy Seal units, they were referred to as "assassins who should be indicted by the UN for War Crimes./Criminals should be bought to justice with the full weight of the law. Simply murdering criminals through state sponsored assassination denies society the right to that justice./believes that Democrats condemned Seals for killing terrorists and want to "shut down the internet". No point in stating facts to this delusional gentleman/America has the largest hacker community in the world and lots of white-collar criminals. They are not sitting around doing nothing. It is easy to point fingers to a wrong direction based on political reasons and personal dislikes. Yes, some people hate some country, and mislead the public from time to time. This actually has provided a protection for real hackers who are enjoying this protection and continuing their work/
6911/Hitler was imprisoned in Landsberg after the Nazi's abortive bid to seize power in 1923 in the notorious "beer hall putsch" coup attempt in Munich. It wasn't until a decade later, in 1933, that the Nazis would eventually come to power through parliamentary elections.Despite being sentenced to five years in prison, Hitler was granted early release and ended up only serving about nine months of his sentence.His right-wing politics and German nationalism won him some high-placed friends among the German establishment, including World War I hero Gen. Erich Ludendorff. Ludendorff came to visit Hitler several times.20 Yrs before Holocaust, Hiler, just like Ahmed-iz-a-nut today,2/Early Hitler letter on [J]ews unveiled in NYCVerena Dobnik, June 8, 2011The signature under the typewritten words on yellowing sheets of nearly century-old paper is unmistakable: Adolf Hitler, with the last few scribbled letters drooping downward.The date is 1919 and, decades before the Holocaust, the 30-year-old German soldier — born in Austria — penned what are believed to be Hitler's first written comments calling for the annihilation of [J]ews.Written on a German army typewriter, Hitler's letter has long been known to scholars. It is considered significant because it demonstrates how early he was forming his anti-[S]emitic views.The document was displayed Tuesday by the founder of a [J]ewish human rights organization that purchased what he says is the original letter last month.Hitler "set the gold standard about man's inhumanity to man," said Rabbi Marvin Hier of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, named after the late Nazi hunter.Three weeks ago, the Los Angeles-based organization purchased the original for $150,000 from Profiles in History, a dealer in Calabasas Hills, California, which acquired the document from a dealer in Kansas, who in turn purchased it from a U.S. Army soldier named William F. Ziegler, according to the rabbi.Ziegler is said to have found the four typed pages in a Nazi archive near Nuremberg, Germany, in the final months of World War II."The danger posed by [J]ewry for our people today finds expression in the undeniable aversion of wide sections of our people," Hitler wrote in German. "The cause of this aversion ... arises mostly from personal contact and from the personal impression that the individual [J]ew leaves — almost always an unfavorable one."In one section, Hitler said that a powerful government could curtail the so-called "[J]ewish threat" by denying their rights. But "its final aim, however, must be the uncompromising removal of the [J]ews altogether."At the time, Hitler was serving in the German army, and had taken to riling up the troops with his anti-[S]emitic rants. A superior officer urged Hitler to put his ideas on paper.Known as the Gemlich letter, the document was certified as authentic in 1988 by handwriting expert Charles Hamilton, who had revealed the infamous "Hitler Diaries" to be forgeries.Adolf Gemlich created propaganda for the German army. Hitler wrote the letter to him at the suggestion of Captain Ulrich Mayr, to help popularize the notion that someone was responsible for Germany's defeat in World War I.Hitler signed his letter, "Mit vorzueglicher Hochachtung," meaning with deepest esteem.The center plans to put Hitler's letter on view at its Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles sometime in July."This is a seminal document that belongs to future generations," said the rabbi. Though it is insured for an undisclosed amount, "it's priceless," he added./begging the question: how do j00z and irbs have such deep hate only 50 yrs old?/Anthony Weiner does a smackdown on republican Peter King a nice smackdown but what Colbert did RIGHT IN FRONT OF BUSH was epic/Obama’s proposal places Israel at a marked disadvantage to begin any negotiations in resolving their ongoing political and military challenges. Former “land for peace” agreements such as the Gaza withdrawal only served to displace thousands of Israeli families from their homes and actually increased terrorist attacks on Israel from even closer range. The cost of that strategic policy blunder was the lives of many innocent men, women, and children.We the undersigned people of the United States of America support Israel’s right to exist, to secure their borders, and to defend Jerusalem, their God-ordained national capital!Simply add your name to the letter below which I will hand deliver next week to key Israeli leaders; while President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, Speaker of the House John Boehner, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid receive their letters, We recognize that the United Nations’ “Peace Plan” for the region is NOT a plan for peace at all, but would ethnically cleanse 400,000 Jews from their homes and lands. No foreign country or UN resolution has the right to decide a nation’s borders libertyaction.org/Citi has more than 21 million credit card customers in North America, according to its 2010 annual report. The New York-based bank didn't say exactly how many accounts were breached hackers were able to gain access to Citi's Account Online service to view customer names, their account numbers and contact information including email addresses./Facts, truth, Sarah PalinWhile stupidity has stayed steady, the New Ignorance is a fairly recent phenomenon./powerful British media group murdock is fighting new accusations that it illegally got information on members of the royal family and top politicians, after a lawmaker accused it of hacking./http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_localsfo/20110608/ts_yblog_localsfo/valedictorian-chooses-faith-over-speech?bouchon=807,ca /proud of Carolyn for being valedictorian and standing up for what she believes despite it flying in the face of societal norms. That takes great courage and strength for which she should be commended. On the other hand, to hold illogical beliefs like this is delusional and delusion is actually a mental illness as defined by the DSM IV. Thus, this is simply not healthy/If all of the world's nuclear powers took one nuke each and dropped it on Jerusalem to literally wipe it off the face of the Earth, do you know what would happen? The Jews, Muslims and Christians would don hazmat suits and start fighting over the completely worthless toxic rubble. Why? Because they are fanatic and delusional./Faith is belief in the Absence of Fact/
6811/Cynthia Doucet said she was driving on Tuesday and looked down a side street and saw Jeansonne lying outside the insurance office. Later she saw the blood on the side of his shirt. "The man said he couldn't breathe and he was hollering for help," she said. "I went closer to the man and I see this lady lying inside the door and she was looking like she was dead."Shattered glass littered the sidewalk in front of the office and blood smears were on the metal door jam and on the dingy linoleum just inside door.More than 100 officers, including a SWAT team and negotiators, surrounded the office for hours before sending a robot into the two-story brick building. found a Louisiana insurance agent dead in his business. Two state fraud investigators were shot and killed there earlier. State Police say the man's body was found after a robot was sent in to take pictures-14 hours ago(AP) — SWAT team finds La insurance agent dead inside agency where 2 fraud investigators, at about 1 p.m killed Rhett Jeansonne and Kim Sledge-Forbes-5pcstAP , 06.07.11, 07:34-19 hours agoVille Platte residents are reporting to KATC that an armed man is inside of Lavergne's Insurance in Ville Platte/ Man barricaded after 2 people shotDaily Comet -3pest 16 hours ago-Department of Insurance in 2009 had suspended Lavergne's insurance license and fined him $16,500, provided fraudulent proofs of vehicle insurance several times. He was 64 at the time. in a 2009 news release that Lavergne had been in business for almost 40 years and held casualty, property and vehicle physical damage licenses and a life, accident and health license.In January, state police arrested Lavergne, who was charged with unfair trade practices. In October 2010, police received complaints that Lavergne was not sending payments from his customers to their insurance companies, according to a news release. As a result, at least four customers had seven of their policies cancelled/the term santorum is defined as "the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex."/
6711/“Demonic,” Coulter traces the words and movements of groups from the Ku Klux Klan and the SDS to anti-war protesters and Democrats today to argue her point that liberals have “consistently used mob tactics to implement their idea of the ‘general will. Just as fire seeks oxygen, Democrats seek power, which is why they will always be found championing the mob whether the mob consists of Democrats lynching blacks or Democrats slandering the critics of Obama Care as racists,”/
6611/Israel accused Syria on Monday of orchestrating lethal confrontations on the once-quiet ceasefire line between the two countries/Political Toadies and a Broken Down System batr.org/gulag/060511.html The worst of society rise to the top of the food chain. Habitual liars run for civic office and the most skilled prevaricator gain seniority. The shyster class runs roughshod over the jurisprudences for the benefit of the enablers of the corrupt criminal syndicate/Clow says in Eye of the Centaur, you only experience the passage of it. But you do experience cause and effect even though you create great religions and theologies in order to avoid that truth. Christianity is designed to ignore cause and effect: the Law of Karma/Each offering a specific "tone"directed to those "tuned" to its vibration. The rapture(s), thoughdesigned to retrieve those seeds who have completed their tasks withinthis great cycle of experience, are available to all who may come to"know" the tone—consciously responding to the familiar vibrationthat brought them into this experience long ago. The feeling of thetones will evoke great emotions of love and will be focused upon theseat of the Time/Space/ Light Vehicle known as Mer-Ka-Ba anchored withinthe heart. The Biblical texts refer to multipleresurrections—implied through the reference to a first—over aperiod of time as earth progresses up to and through the shift." (GreggBraden)4truthseekers.org/Nostradamus, The Grand Pulse and What's About to Hit the FanPart 1 By Peter Farley, with input from Helen Parkes, 1-11-11 is the beginning of the fall of all false prophets. All falsegovernments will slowly decline and will no longer be in service untothemselves. Structures that do not serve the light will implode and thegovernment of Light will slowly emerge when the Fire of Truth isrevealed. This is the cycle that humanity has created for themselves.It is the rhythm of life. Chaos is indeed the word for what is going on in the world right now. In a world of climate change, freak storms are the new normal. Why we're unprepared for the harrowing future."/Is it not from your passions that make war within your members?You covet but do not possess.You kill and envy but you cannot obtain; you fight and wage war.You do not possess because you do not ask.You ask but do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on yourpassions."James 4: 1-3 "Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the lifeof the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by beingshared." --Buddha/federal taxpayer(90% conservative) will demand reparations.For over 50 years we have given our money to "even the playing field...give all an opportunity (or some other worn libtard phrase)...what have these lazy directionless unmotivated fools done with this money?....the operatives in the Democratic Party(union officials ...race hustlers..etc.)have stolen it all. The Democratic base now has FREE EVERYTHING while the taxpayer pays for this sloth. The Democratic Base is the laziest ..most unproductive....group of assorted scum.WE DEMAND REPARATIONS!/
6511/Jews, you worship the Sun, you have nothing to do with Abraham, you know Avrohom or Avraham & worship the sungod, if you are in occupied territories of Palestine go & see synagogue BEIT ALPHA to know that you worship a SUN of GOD & before it was the OX/No “Conspiracy Theory”: Wikileaks Cable Confirms North American Union Agenda Mission to merge United States, Canada and Mexico into monetary and political union pp/Tennessee House Resolution that was passed 98-0 this week, the Ten Commandments, its profound influence on the formation of American legal thought and its fundamental place in the history of law and government.” Therefore, H.R. 107 declares, H.R. 107 marks a bold fusillade in the ongoing battle over America’s Christian heritage, particularly in the arena of constitutional law.conservativebyte.com/2011/06/gues... “This body hereby urges all Tennessee counties to allow the Ten Commandments to be posted in their respective courthouses.”/xtian taliban hard at work indoctrinating./"did they really print that?"/ The Mutually-Beneficial Bottom-Up US-Israel Relations israpundit.com/archives/36567#more-36567 enthusiastic legislators of 2011 adhere to the legacy of the authors of the 1787 US Constitution. The latter were inspired by the Jewish Bible, by the Exodus from Egypt and by the political structure of the 12 Jewish tribes /completely 'unexpected' White House Expects Deficit to Spike to $1.65 Trillion/cops are changing up the game soon, they won't have stoners to abuse....big pharma will step up meth and opiates/whyprohibition.ca/blogs/jesse-wentzloff/police-strip-search-and-cavity-search-birdwatcher-because-they-cant-tell-diffe /University Of Toronto Study Shows Marijuana Not A Factor In Driving Accidents/ first outside California, where medical weed has long been legalized. None of the chain's three stores sell the drug. ...10 Connects - 71 related articles »Walmart of weed opens in Phoenix - Times of India -/Tea party backfired brainchild of Fox network/International Monetary Fund has tentatively agreed to lend $3 billion to Egypt to support the country's economy for the next year/his last visit to Afghanistan as defense secretary, an emotional Robert Gates assured U.S. forces there he would never forget them or his role in deploying them/DAMASCUS: Israeli army gunfire killed three people and wounded nine others as youths tried to climb a barbed wire fence on the annexed Golan Heights/Syria says 20 killed, 325 wounded in border clashes. Golan Heights residents join 'Naksa Day' protests, hurl concrete blocks at security forces in response to firing of gas grenades at protestors/Israeli gunfire killed 14 people and wounded 225 others on Sunday as demonstrators on the Syrian side tried to cross the ceasefire line on the annexed Golan Heights, Syrian state television reported. ``Fourteen people were killed, including a woman/5000 people marched through central Tel Aviv in support of a Palestinian state based on 1967 borders. The march Saturday night was sponsored by several left-wing political parties and organizations, including Peace Now, Meretz,/Syrian-Israeli border fence near the Druze village of Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights June 5, 2011. Israeli troops opened fire on Sunday at Palestinian protesters in Syria who rushed towards a border fence/ McDonalds added 27,000 of 54,000 jobs last month/Pastor Theo Leobald’s First Congregational Church of Holy Christ cancellation? Simply the fact that, according to Leobald, God does not now, has never, and will never exist. will soon change its name to the Church of Imaginary Make-Believe Land. read a book, or maybe just think about the idea for a minute. Pretty ridiculous, huh?” “They made it all up, and they were ignorant, unwashed, half-naked pre-historic barbarians,” Leobald said. “So who are you gonna believe: Carl Sagan, and the pantheon of the world’s greatest scientific and intellectual minds, or some guy who measured wealth by how many goats he had?”/Pope Vows To Crack Down On Crime In Vatican City Slum/Vesak One of the most holy days in the Buddhist calendaris the anniversary of the Buddha's birth, enlightenment and parinirvana/
6411/rollingstone.com/politics/photos/the-kill-team-photos-20110327/0226697 /wouldn't surprise me if half the Palestinians in the world said, "Kill all those motherfuçkers," but you don't know that, and further you never object when your soulmates here call for anihilation. you don't know what every Palestinian wants. You're setting up straw men and knocking them down to justify your designs on the region/"palestine" is a rogue society of terrorists, thieves, retards, @#$%es, liars, murderers, and mu[s]lims/GOP Can’t Handle The Truth: Taxes Are Lower Under Obama Than Reagan-Garofalo/SENIOR member of the Church of Scientology has been charged for intimidating a young girl who wanted to report sexual abuse allegations within the church. ABC TV's Lateline, police have alleged Eastgate intimidated a then 11-year-old Carmen Rainer to provide false statements about sexual abuse by her stepfather. Ms Eastgate, who was then head of the church's citizens' commission on human rights in Australia, told her she should deny any charges of the sexual abuse or she and her brother would be taken away by social services/might not occur to you is how young the woman is and how trapped into the trade. Some of those young women, right here, right now, have been bought and sold so that they can be forced to do a smaller, seamier version of the buying and selling of themselves/secretly recorded telephone conversation between two Wall Street traders Two days later, one of those traders, Ephraim G. Karpel, hanged himself in his Fifth Avenue office, according to a law enforcement official. never charged with any wrongdoing, and until last week his name had not emerged in connection with the government's vast investigation of insider trading. he had agreed in 2008 to cooperate with federal authorities, and for about a year he taped conversations with fellow traders, "The government's investigation changed his life forever and was his unraveling," Fran Karpel, his wife, said in a telephone interview from her home in Livingston, N.J. "He sank deeper and deeper into a hole and couldn't see a way out. finance.yahoo.com/news/A-Trader-an-FBI-Witness-and-nytimes-2806533637.html;_ylt=AieHlPuHj_GswzuXitLhgXZO7sMF;_ylu=X3oDMTFiNjNxdTdrBHBvcwMxMARzZWMDc3BlY2lhbEZlYXR1cmVzBHNsawNhdHJhZGVyYW5mYmk-?x=0#mwpphu-container/ /globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=25080Global Research, June 1, 2011The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Chevron Texaco); in tandem with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays and other European old money behemoths. But their monopoly over the global economy does not end at the edge of the oil patch.According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stock holders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation. who then are the stockholders in these money center banks? information is guarded much more closely. My queries to bank regulatory agencies regarding stock ownership in the top 25 US bank holding companies were given Freedom of Information Act status, before being denied on “national security†grounds. This is rather ironic, since many of the bank’s stockholders reside in Europe/danger of a terror attack against the Aon Center in Chicago is considerable from 6/3/11 through 6/9/11, according to intelligence sources in the Chicago area speaking with Veterans Today on condition of anonymity.They say that Aon Center has replaced Willis (Sears) Tower, as the primary Chicago target, as demonstrated by terror training conducted there May 17, according to Security Director News in its article, Third tallest building in Chicago enhances security, conducts fire evacuation drills.The Tuesday training took place the day after three important events on Monday, May 16, which sources say may have been connected with the emergency exercise: Rahm Emanuel became Chicago’s first Jewish mayor. ational Level Exercise 2011 began, scripting disasters and terror throughout the Mississippi Valley and Great Lakes, including Chicago. Space Shuttle Endeavour launched into its last mission. Aoh Center is 1136 feet tall, which is today’s date, 6/3/11 backwards. Terrorists have an obsession with such numbers, felling the Twin Towers exactly 33 years and 33 days after the 8/8/68 beginning of above-ground construction on WTC-1/CFR r the ones JFK warned & was murdered aboot. These r the money changers, MIC, CONtrolers of Wall St & those that start the oil wars-Iraq, Libya by Words of Mass Deception to the fraud of the income tax, TARP Act, US Aid for the isreali strawman CFR was in on the official 911 LIE & also placed put options on United & American Air be4 911-insider trading to murder & waging war against America These r the 1's We BOYCOTT-pls. PLEASE pass the word-there r the NWO that stand to take control of everything, those the impliment the police state, incarceration nation, patriot act, NSA, homelund security-We don't need em n we donut trust em/Morgan and Edward Harriman’s banker Kuhn Loeb held a monopoly over the railroads, while banking dynasties Lehman, Goldman Sachs and Lazard joined the Rockefellers in controlling the US industrial base. In 1903 Banker’s Trust was set up by the Eight Families. Benjamin Strong of Banker’s Trust was the first Governor of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. The 1913 creation of the Fed fused the power of the Eight Families to the military and diplomatic might of the US government. If their overseas loans went unpaid, the oligarchs could now deploy US Marines to collect the debts. Morgan, Chase and Citibank formed an international lending syndicate at www.deanhenderson.wordpress.com /Who kills our presidents? Or Why Only the Good Ones???/Not that Mongolia would get the entirety of the budget, since the nuclear cargo would have to transit through the Russian Far East. Unlike the health-conscious Chinese, the population of Nakhodka or Vladivostok are used to playing fast-and-loose with radioactive materials and vodka.Even if the mafia that runs the Russian transport industry were to demand a disproportionate cut, Mongolia's 3 million inhabitants would be overjoyed at gaining about $2,000 each, more than the average annual income, that is if the money is divided evenly after the costs of building the dump.Realistically, the Mongolian people are unlikely to receive a penny, since the money will go into a trust fund for maintenance costs. That's because $12 billion spread over the half-life of uranium - 700 million years - is equivalent to $17 in annual rent. That doesn't even cover kibble bits for the watchdog on duty, much less the cooling system/Goldman Sachs has received a subpoena from the office of the Manhattan district attorney, which is investigating Goldman’s role in the financial crisis, said one person familiar with the subpoena. It comes amid increased enforcement scrutiny of the company, which has faced blistering criticism that it shorted -- or bet against -- the mortgage market before it collapsed and that it knowingly sold bundles of bad mortgages/Orlando Food Not Bombs were arrested Wednesday when police said they violated a city ordinance by feeding the homeless in Lake Eola Park/super-toxic bug is causing the frightening food poisoning outbreak that has sickened at least 1,600 people and killed 18, researchers and global health officials/US government will expeditiously issue American passports to any and all Israeli Jews seeking them. Israeli Arabs need not apply./No faith in or respect for Israeli leaders, most of whom are considered corrupt.Feelings of anxiety and guilt that Zionism has hijacked Judaism and that traditional Jewish values are being corrupted/at ChristianMediaDaily.com LOST PYRAMIDS WILL LIKELY OPEN THE DOOR TO THE DEVILS/
6311/Pentagon to Consider Cyberattacks Acts of War/'suicide corps' --250-strong group has volunteered to work in contaminated Fukushima plant/Saggy pants mean no ride on one Texas bus system/HealthDay News)Obesity and insulin resistance constitute a greater risk for fatty liver disease than moderate alcohol consumption, according to a new study that found drinking modest amounts of red wine posed no greater risk for developing the condition/ Switzerland: New Laws Proposed for Legal Prostitution Time.com/primarily from the fructose component of both sucrose (50%) and high fructose corn syrup (65%)Glucose is metabolized in muscle, organs and both serves as energy and affects insulin, ghrelin, AgRP and leptin to control appetite. Fructose -if there is not glycogen depletion goes directly to palmitate shunt and makes free fatty acids as well as burning up ATP which drives purines to uric acid, interferes with JNK/serine kinase and therefore cancer and inhibits insulin/receptors/"Battle of the bulge. Weiner exposed," the New York Post Colbert deadpanned that the non-denial left "only two options here. Either Anthony Weiner has too many photos of his junk to keep track of, or 'certitude' is his nickname for his penis."/Franken-Weiner/probe into Wienergate ! FBI has anounced that evidence will not stand up in court./If you are running, wear a cup./defense is pretty flaccid, and he will end up a crotchety old man after it is all said &done/If Weiner can't get over this controversy, he will soon experience electile dysfunction/"Crotch photo puts US congressman in pickle" what he really meant "Crotch photo makes US congressman a real weiner"/300 million people to pick from, how come we end up with a Congress full of morons?/Hacked? Was it Lorena Bobbitt?/standing or walking in the middle of the street. "So far, it looks like the pedestrian was at fault. happened about 9 p.m. Witnesses told police that Orr was coming from a bar or liquor store on that block./How do expect any business person to hire anyone when we have an admin throwing new regulations at them like brickbats and a president who calls private industry "the enemy"?/ police shoot fake alligator KANSAS CITY, Mo (Reuters in a suburb in the state of Missouri/topix.com/forum/city/richardson-tx/T0RF1TV5OGD7VQ9QB- You are willing to spend your life looking for little loopholes in the scientifically established age of Earth (few billion years), but you find nothing wrong with believing dates recorded by Bronze Age tribesmen sitting in their tents and guessing that Earth is a few generations old.- You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours./tellmeaboutit.wordpress.com/2006/12/23/10-reasons-why-christians-are-insane-in-the-brain/ /god sticking his ass through space and time and shitting out the universe/MI6 British spies hacked into an al Qaeda website to replace instructions on how to build a bomb with recipes for making cupcakes, newspapers, hacks terrorists, replaces bombs with cupcakes - Technology & science - Security - msnbc.com/
6211/Romney is opening his first formal day as the one to heal the economy: "Barack Obama has failed America,"/war on drugs is now causing more harm than drug abuse itself,” the letter began. Trying to stop the harms done by drug consumption by banning drugs had only succeeded in producing a massive international black market. “This industry has empowered organized criminals, corrupted governments at all levels, eroded internal security, stimulated violence. A decade later, the world was not drug-free. In fact, the UN’s own estimates showed marijuana consumption had risen 8.5 per cent, cocaine consumption had increased 27 per cent, and opiate consumption had soared 34.5 per cent. ottawacitizen.com/news/drug+comes+full+circle/4883674/story.html Of 268 people tested, only 21 tested positive for drugs and all but three were for marijuana. Pee tests for Marijuana Methamphetamine Methadone Cocaine Ecstasy Oxycodone Opiates Benzodiazepines PCP Amphetamine Barbiturates payscale.com/research/US/State=Kentucky/Hourly_Rate $22.83+ 27.50 = 50.33 worth of extra cost to Kentucky’s welfare program for every person tested. Assuming potheads keep their benefits testing 268 people at $50.33 each costs the state $13,488.44 every 268 people just to get the 3 people using drugs assuming that Kentucky is as drug filled as Michigan./United States Department of Justice has estimated that between 14,500 and 17,500 foreign men, women, and children are trafficked into the United States each year. While estimates indicate that thousands of child trafficking victims exist in the United States, very few have been identified and recovered. Between 2001 and 2009, only 212 foreign minors were successfully recognized by U.S. authorities as victims of trafficking/
6111/central planning does not ever work! The "numbers" are made to please the central committee, corruption is rampant. Look for a collapse and political strife within a few years./Government wasted the money. High inflation, corruption, no morals, The country is dying/Their companies have 15 different ways of presenting a P&L and B/S. Their government allows their corporations to steal IP and invested moneys. Their government allows crimes against human rights. Their companies export low quality products made by the Chinese slavery system. Their statistics are massaged by the communist party to make their plans look good. Most people are working, because they are communists and have low paying jobs./Father Riccardo Seppia, a 51-year-old parish priest in the village of Sastri Ponente, near Genoa, was arrested May 13, on pedophilia and drug charges. Investigators say that in tapped mobile-phone conversations, Seppia asked a Moroccan drug dealer to arrange sexual encounters with young and vulnerable boys. "I do not want 16-year-old boys but younger. Fourteen-year-olds are O.K. Look for needy boys who have family issues," Seppia told a friend — a former seminarian and barman who is currently under investigation — that the town's malls were the best places to entice minors. In tapped phone conversations the two cursed and swore against God. The priest is charged with having attempted to kiss and touch an underage altar boy and of having exchanged cocaine for sexual intercourse with boys over 18/Globalization is the catchword of the ruling class. Sovereign nations are obsolete to the corporatists. Militarization for suppressing conflicts is the mission, since warfare among nations are passé. The old alliances based upon ethnic composition or ideology has vanished. Only dissenters against the New World Order pose a threat wiki/
53111/“I’m very not appreciative of the way she came in here,” Ted Shpak, the national legislative director for Rolling Thunder, told the Washington Post. Palin apparently came in the front of the Pentagon’s north parking lot, where event staff and press were assembled. “If she wanted to come on the ride, she should have come in the back.”/ Right wing, corporate media still shoving palin down our throats I think the media wants her to be president? anyone else sense this?/High School Girl Claims Private Twitter Chats With Weener "Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) was very active on twitter on Friday/Armed westerners have been filmed on the front line with 'rebels' near Misrata in the first apparent confirmation that foreign special forces are playing an active role in the Libyan conflict. A group of six westerners are clearly visible in a report by al-Jazeera from Dafniya-CIA prisons in Poland 'illegal' --Prosecutors representing terror suspect Adb al-Rahim al-Nashiri claim the man was tortured at the facility between 2002 to 2003. Al-Nashiri was subjected to waterboarding and mock executions with a power drill while he was naked and hooded-provincial government, said Nato was targeting 'insurgents' but instead struck two homes, killing two women, five girls and seven boys-A group of hackers angered by a PBS documentary about WikiLeaks has posted a fake news story on the website of the public broadcaster claiming that dead rapper Tupac Shakur was alive and well. The group, Lulz Boat, attacked PBS' servers on Sunday, posting stolen passwords and other sensitive PBS information alongside a story headlined "Tupac still alive in New Zealand." "We just finished watching WikiSecrets and were less than impressed,"-The more aggressively a bank lobbied before the financial crisis, the worse its loans performed during the economic downturn -- and the more bailout dollars it received, according to a study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research this week. The report, titled "A Fistful of Dollars: Lobbying and the Financial Crisis," said that banks' lobbying efforts may be motivated by short-term profit gains, which can have devastating effects on the economy. Data collected by the authors -- three economists from the International Monetary Fund -- show that the most aggressive lobbyers in the financial industry from 2000 to 2007 also made the most toxic mortgage loans.-legitgov.org/borrow from the Devil's Dictionary, which defines logic as "the art of thinking and reasoning in strict accordance with the limitations and incapacities of the human misunderstanding".That's what most media people in the west seem to be suffering from akhbar-alkhaleej.com/Pope leans towards Mr. Obama and said, "Do you know that with one little wave of my hand I can make every person in this crowd go wild with joy? This joy will not be a momentary display, but will go deep into their hearts and they'll forever speak of this day and rejoice!"> Obama replied, "I seriously doubt that! Show me!" the Pope backhanded him and knocked him off the stage-St Peter takes him to the first door and explains this is where the Jewsare. He opens the door and sees heaven; people having fun.At the next door, St Peter tells him this is where the Protestants are.He opens the door and sees largely the same heavenly scene.At the last door, St Peter tells the man that he must be very quiet.Why?Because this is where the Catholics are and they think they're the onlyones here/NYSE:C) suggest that policy makers may increase Polish interest rates next week/ upcoming "shit hitting the fan" news... 20,000 US troops are schedule to stay in Iraq indefinitely... but Iraq's president campaigned, made an agreement with Iraq's leading muslim cleric, and won on the platform that ALL US troops would be OUT of Iraq by this December/buzzfeed.com/mjs538/the-10-craziest-michele-bachmann-quotes/4,500 years ago is 900 years before the myan callendar was a thought. think of it, the possibility of an actual terrestrial race inhabiting our earth would confound all religeons. Yet again, no-one will ever know if they do not post those pictures for everyones inquisitive minds which may solve the riddles under the sand./Cell phones may cause brain cancer, a panel of experts reporting to the World Health Organization (WHO)/Trump and his wife, Melania, rode in a stretch limousine with Palin, her parents and youngest daughter, Piper, to have dinner at a pizza restaurant in Times Square. The Palins planned to visit Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty Wednesday/Trump/Palin 2012: "You're Fired!"-I Quit!"/Trump meets the Tramp!/one has a squirrel on his head, the other has the brain of a squirrel/both nuts/
53011/latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-congress-bonus-20110525,0,7990945.story /El Salvadoran Government and Social Movements Say "No" to Monsanto/overwhelmingly Catholic country of Malta have elected to allow divorce/French lawyers sue Sarkozy for crimes against humanity. Mission led by hoodlums and killers. Al-Barak Hussein Obama--the war criminal. For what National Security issue is Obama using Predator Drones in Libya. Verges denounced a " a mission led by hoodlums and killers. "We are going to break the wall of silence,"Dumas, a former socialist minister, said the NATO mission, which was meant to protect civilians, was in fact killing them./DEMORATS RUN BY SATAN!!!/give me a break fundie, when you can't cope with a situation, all you can do is to fall back on the legends of demons...the boogie men for adults through out time. What a con but,it does scare up tax free, big bucks for those t v evangelists...Hallelujah!!/greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist." Charles Baudelaire/tomshardware.co.uk/WiFi-Harmful-Phones-Radiation-Electromagnetic-Field,news-35603.html /I sraeli government and its two faced conduct regarding sanctions on Iran. While the prime minister and cabinet ministers travel from country to country telling frightening stories about Iran and calling for the imposition and strengthening of international sanctions against Iran, back at home the I sraeli government itself has not legislated or even bothered to discuss enforcing sanctions on Iran. It has not even adopted the sanctions that the US, Europeans and other countries have imposed./Palis lose anywhere between 8 to 20 men for each Isra3li that perishes. The top rabbinical authority in Isra3l says that one *uice fingernail is worth 1,000 Arabs./some 200 million gallons of crude oil into the Gulf as well as the spraying of almost 2 million gallons of chemical dispersants, both of which are known to damage human health, symptoms being reported by oil cleanup workers and residents of coastal communities are respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders, vision and memory problems, skin conditions, and bleeding from the rectum and ears./Limbaugh has taken the biggest fall. He had a 3.0 share of listeners for his WABC-AM midday slot -- a 33% slide from October and from last April. Mr. Hannity’s afternoon show was down 28% from its fall peak, as was fellow conservative Mark Levin/Texas, apparently at the urging of their oil industry benefactors, removed the word “public” from the name of the city library. It’s now the Fort Worth Library, not the Fort Worth Public Library. Why? They explain the reason in their press release: the word “public” has “negative connotations.” ever noticed that when “public” is used descriptively in conversation — public school, public transportation, public (or county) hospital — the quality of the item is called into question? Change the word “public” to “private” and the perception is that the product is superior/
52911/Osama Bin Laden Raid Secretly Avenged CIA Deaths/republicans still preaching the paranoia of the insecure mind. Imagine.....to the republicans on this board...anyone with compassion is weak and unpatriotic/cheney talked to mullah omar about Perhaps they were talking about Halliburton's war profiteering in Iraq?/Jeremiah Wright. Among the things said in that sermon was that “white folks’ greed runs a world in need.” Obama was literally moved to tears by that sermon./Christianity (but not fundamentalism)The Enlightenment principles of free inquiry and critical thinking/3000 day neoprediction mtp/institutional drug-wars/GM will turn a total of 227 miles worth of oil booms into material for the Volt's air-deflecting baffles that surround the radiator. A centrifuge spins the used booms to release the oil and the plastic material is then processed and remolded to be used in the air deflectors. The program will divert 212,500 pounds of boom waste from landfills/43 percent of the nation's law enforcement agencies do not have a computerized system for tracking forensic evidence, either in their inventory or after it is sent to the crime lab. That same survey also found that 18 percent of unsolved alleged sexual assaults that occurred from 2002 to 2007 contained forensic evidence that was still in police custody/California - exemptions from vaccines in 2011 (don't let them fool you - you still can exempt from Tdap vaccine (Tetanus/diphtheria/whooping cough)/ush allowed bin Laden go free for ten years because he know that he had millions of brain-dead clowns like you to make up pathetic excuses for him/
52811/bible...yeshua saved the world of sin.....but in koran ...isa need a savior to save isa because his only mission in koran was teaching 3gods in allah, isa and mother of god/According to physicist Stephen Hawking, smaller black holes should actually lose mass in the form of radiation and should ultimately evaporate./ compensation for financial losses the nation incurred during the telecommunication disruptions.Mubarak is now in custody in hospital pending trial on charges of corruption and conspiring in the deadly shootings of protesters, has been ordered to pay $33 million of the sum. Former interior minister Habib el-Adly will pay $50 million and ex-finance minister Ahmed Nazif $7 million-43 percent of the nation's law enforcement agencies do not have a computerized system for tracking forensic evidence, either in their inventory or after it is sent to the crime lab. That same survey also found that 18 percent of unsolved alleged sexual assaults that occurred from 2002 to 2007 contained forensic evidence that was still in police custody.While the study acknowledges there may be legitimate reasons for not sending the evidence, it noted that 44 percent of law enforcement agencies said it didn't do so in part because a suspect had not been identified-sentenced to 20 months to five years behind bars.Shah, 49, and Kankariya, 45, both immigrants from India, were convicted in March of engineering a New Year's Eve 2008 stick-up with flourishes fit for a caper movie: bandits disguised as Hasidic Jews,-10,000 people with PTSD, 4,000 children suffering psychological problems and 259 raped women," The women said they had been raped by Qaddafi's militias fauxsnooze/Nothing with their regime is accident, it is all preplanned chaos and crisis. The social fascist have drained the USA tax payer, And now is going after the world aid cash pot. This is all a load of social fascist BS/
52711/texasided with Rainey, ruling that censorship and religious discrimination violate the First Amendment.sj00z gone wild foxnews.com/us/2011/05/26/houston-minister-sues-va-memorial-day-prayer according to court papers. The pastor agreed, but four hours later, she responded with an email saying that “while it was very well written” she asked that it commemorate “veterans from all cultures and religious beliefs” -- in other words, not just those who believe in Jesus./liberman sees the light on imus/legislation,determine is in the country’s best interest.” http://www.fhfa.gov Thursday to replace mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac with at least five private companies that would issue mortgage-backed securities with explicit federal guarantees." "The companies would operate more as public utilities and likely wouldn't have exchange-listed shares." Also they will have the same regulator as FnF, the FHFA. online.wsj.com/Obama signed into law a four-year extension of post-Sept. 11 powers to search records and conduct roving wiretaps in pursuit of terrorists/Bosnian Serb military commander Ratko Mladic was captured in a routine raid as he headed out to his garden for a pre-dawn walk, had also asked about receiving money from his military pension, and requested a visit to the Belgrade grave of his daughter Ana, who killed herself in 1994. was the top commander of the Bosnian Serb army during Bosnia's 1992-95 war, which left more than 100,000 people dead and drove another 1.8 million from their homes. Thousands of Muslims and Croats were slain, tortured or expelled. on the run for 16 years, in the late 90s and early 2000s, Mladic showed up at soccer games, dined in plush restaurants and frequented elite cafes. he went underground in 2002, as recently as 2004 Mladic was seen driving a battered, boxy Yugo car in Belgrade — without the six black-clad bodyguards with shaven heads who had typically escorted him/Reuters)lawsuit brought by four young male members of an Atlanta megachurch who said its pastor, Eddie Long, coerced them into sex has been "resolved," from Long's megachurch, New Birth Missionary Baptist Church based in Lithonia, Georgia. "Neither attorney Bernstein nor the plaintiffs themselves will be available for interview on this matter, now or in the future,"/just ruled that corporations have a constitutional right to contribute money directly to political candidates: Thursday, U.S. District Judge James Cacheris tossed out part of the indictment against two men accused of illegally reimbursing donors to Hillary Clinton’s Senate and presidential campaigns. Koch Industries, for instance, to contribute directly to political campaigns. corporate donors can simply create a series of shell corporations for the purpose of evading such caps./
52611/Department of Justice threat to cancel airline flights to and from Texas, in addition to underhanded lobbying by TSA representatives, has killed efforts in the state to pass HB 1937, a bill that would have made invasive pat downs by TSA agents a felony. that would have made it “A criminal act for security personnel to touch a person’s private areas without probable cause as a condition of travel or as a condition of entry into a public place,” was headed for an imminent Senate vote in Texas having already passed the House unanimously 138-0, before the federal government stepped in to nix the legislation. threatened to cripple the airline industry in the state if legislators did not back down.conservativebyte.com/Herman Cain was just on TV;True Atheists refuse to eat Pizza, bcause it was first made by Italians who were Catholics/Like murdering your parents and claim you are an orphan? > the type of perverse behavior which the world has come to EXPECT from "palestinians".And their leftist supporters./this in mainstream media:After Isra3l declared independence on May 14, 1948, armies from neighboring Arab states attacked the new nation; during the war that followed, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled or were driven from their homes by Isra3li forces/1947, the UN General Assembly passed a plan to divide Palestine into four entities, one Arab (which was 99 percent Palestinian Arab on 43 percent of the land) one Jewish (which was 55 percent Jewish and 45 percent Palestinian Arab and on 55 percent of the land) a third entity to be internationally monitored around Jerusalem which was 51 percent Palestinian Arab and 49 percent Jewish and a fourth isolated enclave around the Palestinian city of Jaffa. For Palestinians, this partition divided their population into 4 and gave 55 percent of their territory to the 30 percent of the population which was Jewish, most of which just arrived in Palestine in the previous two decades/not only inaccurate to suggest Palestinian refugees are merely the unintended consequence of war, but also offensive and disgusting/Israeli soldiers opened fire at the protesters who approached the Israeli border during a rally in the village of Maroun el-Rass, Lebanon on May 15, 2011/sealteam6 trademark by disney dispute-imus/“Chalaque,” Scotland Yard’s codename for the president on his U.K. visit, means “smart aleck,” according to the British press-halak used to describe someone who is a notch below diabolical-found in Urdu, Hindi, and Bengali. Verbally, Hindi and Urdu are very similar, and Punjabi and Bengali are related to Hindi and Urdu.-crafty or cunning-/Whether accidental or purposeful, it's very ironic (possibly even serendipitous)/diabolical Kingdom. They're always trying to get back at us. You Obama haters are so boring and shortsighted/insulting all of us Indians(Native Americans) by codenaming Osama with Geronimo,/code name could well be 'Shellack' and someone got his spelling wrong/dailybeast is becoming a sick joke for sponsoring and playing the straight role to the Asra Nomani 'who killed Daniel Pearl' and 'burn all Korans' comedy act/Sarah "Pay - Lend" running, now that'll put some salsa in that 'warmed over' GOP menudo/6 months of Palin as President, then it will be heaven on earth ... for good Jesus-fearing Republicans/Palin offer. She's shockingly simple minded/bi-racial president does not mean that predjudice has disappeared in this country. That idea is a right wing fantasy conjured up by the woefully uninformed/she got reams of hate mail. Fey wondered why it was fine that Will Ferrell could parody W. Bush, but Palin was off limits. She finally concluded with this: "Governor Sarah Palin is not fragile, and I am not mean."/She will enjoy being asked to travel through PARTS of the country, where her "ah shucks" message sells./JUNE 8, 1967, while patrolling in international waters in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, USS Liberty (AGTR-5) was savagely attacked without warning or justification by air and naval forces of the state of Israel. Of a crew of 294 officers and men (including three civilians), the ship suffered thirty four (34) killed in action and one hundred seventy three (173) wounded in action. The ship itself, a Forty Million ($40,000,000) Dollar state of the art signals intelligence (SIGINT) platform, was so badly damaged that it never sailed on an operational mission again and was sold in 1970 for $101,666.66 as scrap. ifamericansknew.org/us_ints/ul-presstv.html /Battered Libya sues for peace/Ratko Mladic arrested: Bosnia war crimes suspect held/
52511/Although Crabtree Valley Mall has continued to thrive, the recent Foreclosure of the non-existent Crabtree Tower, illustrates just how weak the Glenwood corridor remains. Crabtree Tower, once a Sheraton Hotel, currently stands as a vacant slab occupied by no more than overgrown weeds and shrubs, nccmls.com/index.php/home/nccmls-exclusive-articles/1028-commercial-real-estate-market-statistics/5890-after-math-of-too-big-to-fail-still-lingers-in-raleigh-nc /imus: gawd save the queen gaff/Buffalo Republican was so far removed from reality, as she lost 25 points in the polls because of Ryan's Kill Medicare plan, had Paul Ryan and Karl Rove campaigning for her!/"death derivatives." After betting trillions on everything from liar loans to mortgages that never should have been issued in the first place, the big banks are back and they're betting on death -- yours and mine. It seems that Goldman Sachs Group Inc., JPMorgan Chase & Co., Deutsche Bank AG and others now want to help securitize "longevity risk" now want to help investors bet on people’s deaths. I don't know whether to laugh or cry/Obama, who mandated the rewards last year in legislation responding to the mortgage meltdown. Whistleblowers will be entitled to receive 10 percent to 30 percent of the money they help the SEC collect through enforcement actions. washingtonpost.com/police union lawyer, extracted the detail about Jesus Malverde from the same bodily orifice he employs to dispose of used food. representing the SWAT operators who murdered Jose Guerena in his az home on May 5, in an attempt to assign all of the blame for Jose's death on the victim and his terrorized wife. insisted that if the Guerena family had permitted the armed intruders into their home, those inside "probably … wouldn't have been arrested." This is because the "warrant was not directed at any particular person, and Guerena's home was not mentioned, but it was targeting whoever might be inside the residence. The only material difference I can identify between that tyrannical practice and SWAT raids of the kind that resulted in the murder of Jose Guerena is the fact that British Redcoats were considerably more restrained in their behavior, Within seconds of violating the Guerena home, the invaders had perforated Jose's body with at least 60 gunshots. While Jose bled to death, his killers refused to allow paramedics to treat him. all insist that the violent death of Jose Guerena was an entirely appropriate outcome, and that only irresponsible people would suspect otherwise./dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1390152/Junk-food-wont-just-make-fat-shrink-brain.html /eating Sunrider (he had only been eating it for 10 days). The doctor at the Environmental Health Center confirmed Calli tea has chelating properties and will attach to heavy elements and bring it out of the tissue into the system. The radioactive isotopes were being pulled out of his tissue and out through his urine, Green tea protects you from radiation. The people who survived the A-bomb in WW2, drank 20 cups of green tea daily/October 21, 2011, it coincides with Simchas Torah/Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) criticized the Navy’s choice as “more about making a political statement than upholding the Navy’s history and tradition.” Chavez was a Navy veteran who enlisted at age 17 and served from 1946 to 1948. Clearly these incidents are about more than Chavez’s name — they reflect a conservative movement so hostile to labor rights and history that they will go out of their way to block decisions by democratic bodies to honor anyone who fought for workers. Duncan and Oliver, who represents the San Antonio Conservation Society seem interested in protecting only a selective version of “our history.”/Arpaio deputy faces human smuggling charges Other members of 'toughest' sheriff's staff arrested in drug smuggling case/
52411/Preacher says world will actually end in October21/The growth in the prison population in the nation's most populous state can be attributed in part to years of get-tough sentencing laws, including a three-strikes law that sends repeat offenders to prison for life. There now are roughly 143,000 inmates in a 33 adult prison-system designed to hold 80,000. "California is a victim of its retributive sentencing policies — tough on crime," 46000 to be released, "The prisons are full of two strikers and three strikers, a significant number of whom are not violent offenders. They are now serving very long sentences/Cell phones, drugs are freely available to inmates because of corrupt guards and other employees. The guards are exempted from search when arriving for work, because they demanded to be paid overtime for it. Truth is stranger than fiction./Seventy northern Sudanese troops were killed and more than 120 are missing from an attack last week by southern Sudanese forces near the disputed region of Abyei/STOP THE EVIL OBAMA & HIS HATE for Christian & Jew NOW/Islamophobia and racism toward Islam does not exist and people are finally beginning to realize what disgusting and manipulative terms those are. That they are designed to foster in all Westerners nothing more than an imagined post Imperialist guilt complex and to redefine our values as prejudices. We are all one race, we are all part of the same organism anyone with half a brain knows this. But we are NOT all one religion, and we are NOT all one culture. One of the most insidious LIES we all face today is that all cultures are equal. They are NOT even close to equal. No one would agree to integrate the legal principles of tribal headhunters into our society so why should we be obligated to accomodate any part of the brutal Iron Age values of Islam? It's ridiculous that any criticism of their precious faith results in people being murderd by a mob of hysterical, self righteous, carpet chewing, book burning, bearded, swivel eyed muppets with chips on their shoulders the size of a Mosque. I'll tell you right now what exists in the world and it's not Islamaphobia, it's Islamo-Nausea, and that's people who are sick of Islam and its multicultural apologists. Instead of a dangerous and oppressive belief system threatening to take our freedoms away with each passing year. How much more death does there need to be before people wake up and realize that the Burka should be treated with the same revulsion and contempt as a Klu Klux Klan uniform for the sake of women if nothing else../Southern Sudan is ran by christians.While northern sudan is ran by muslims/7 figures bribe to dskusher accuser's family/to recognize a Palestinian state along Israel’s 1967 borders. No one knows exactly what will happen after that, but from the Israeli government’s point of view, it won’t be good. According to international law, Israel will be occupying a sovereign nation. The result will likely be a bonanza of lawsuits, divestment campaigns and cancelled business deals/the "real world" of which he speaks includes millions who want to wipe Israel off the map and kill every Jew there. That, Mr. Beinert, is a fact not in dispute!/defensible border, nine miles wide. On one side you've got hundreds of millions of people who hate your guts, on the other side you have the Mediterranean. Unless you control, in Israel, unless you control those Golan Heights, it's an indefensible position./bama means well. I think he's a actually a good guy... he has no f***ing idea what the world is like because he doesn't have to live there." (May 21, 2011/Gene Simmons - KISS)/research with your own mind, instead of letting Faux News and Hate radio do it for you---you would find that many jews agree with Obama's proposal, as they did with Clinton in 2000, and again in 2008 with Olmert. There is an organization in the US called J Street which looks at the problems of Israel and Palestine realistically. you sat and let Bush destroy this country for 8 years, and never opened your mouth!/Soros front organization, partially funded by Muslims. Great advocates for the Israelis/That "zionist belligerence and churlish behavior" clearly justifies the 67-year-old threat by the Palestinians to kill every last one of them/Proven, Mass Murdering Butchers (Nazi Trained Shamir, Begin, Sharon etc) to Prime Minister AND idolize these same Monsters that would have been Hung at Nuremberg? Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population." Moshe Dayan, address to the Technion, Haifa, reported in Haaretz, April 4, 1969./scottishpsc.org.uk/Zionist-Exploitation/sunday-herald-auschwi tz-survivor-israel-acts-like-nazis.html/scottishpsc.org.uk/Zionist-Exploitation/sunday-herald-auschwi tz-survivor-israel-acts-like-nazis.html /stupid analogies helps your case - now you are calling analogising the Obama administration and the EU to the Nazis/they don't "target" civilians, they just kill civilians based on the chance they lived in the same building as a "terrorist"./innocent women and children are "the enemy?". Congratulations you have just become an apologist for all acts genocide. Thats a two-way street. If you think its OK to kill women and children than you have ZERO complaint when the enemy kills your women and children/if your an American I really have to say you Israeli apologists really make me sick. I am a loyal American citizen, You should go move to Israel because America doesn't need people of dual allegiances who puts Israel's agenda ahead of the USA. Do us all a favor, tear up your US passport (assuming you have one) and get the f**k out. You are clearly more loyal to Israel than to the USA. there are no Hamas apologists here, only Israeli apologists. You are typical right-winger, when the facts don't suit you, make sh*t up. No wonder everyone hates you/you would do well to do some googling to news sources like BBC, Guardian, Australian Daily, the Scotsman, Asia Times, etc, to get the World view of what is happening , not the views of Right Wing news sources with an agenda of their own. Try it---you may find Truth and Facts a refreshing change./Wireless devices DO make people sick as well as trees. Another study proves it. http://www.macworld.co.uk/digitallifestyle /White House has hired a dedicated propagandist whose role will be to savage people who tell “lies” about the President, in a chilling reminder of how prosecutors threatened people with jail time during the 2008 campaign if they criticized Obama./CAIRO (Reuters)-Hosni Mubarak was ordered on Tuesday to stand trial for the killing of protesters and could face the death penalty/Israel is prepared to make "painful compromises" for peace with the Palestinians, including the handover of land they seek for a state, Netanyahu told Congress, Palestinians swiftly dismissed the Israeli leader's terms for a deal as placing more obstacles in diplomacy's way, casting doubt as to whether frozen peace talks would resume anytime soon./al Qaeda-inspired militants bent on avenging Osama bin Laden's death at the hands of U.S. special forces on May 2 killed 10 Pakistani troops and wounded 20. It took about 100 commandos, rangers and marines to kill four militants and recapture the base, further humiliating the military. Two militants are believed to have escaped, assailants were dressed in black with night-vision goggles and armed with Russian hand grenades, rocket launchers, assault rifles and suicide vests/
52311/ktmcfarlin, worked for nixon and kissenger, is nutz fer israel&war/Goldman Sachs (GS.N) expects to be served subpoenas from U.S. prosecutors seeking more information about the firm's mortgage-related business, the Wall Street Journal/GOP is trying to get Americans to accept the Randian version of America, one where as a society we decide to "cast off" and stop helping the least fortunate in our nation. Unfortunately for them, it seems enough Americans are aware that these "solutions" are being pushed by the very richest in our country (who have been able to so lower their tax burdens that they tend to pay less in effective tax rate then their secretaries and house-keepers) as a way to "pay for" even further reductions in their tax bill (the Ryan plan gave the Rich and corporations another tax cut). We CAN provide basic social insurance programs and services for our poor, but not at the same time we have the lowest taxes in the developed world and while we spend $1T/yr on War and Empire. We CAN keep taxes low and keep a global Empire, but not also provide a social safety net. We have to decide what is most important./What they save in cutting welfare, Medicare, Medicaid and food stamps will be spent on more police, prisons and security/republican agenda is to keep the middle class, barefoot ,broke and pregnant/reagan emptied the govt wallet also,i you recall george bush senior inherited a bad economy too ,so did obama/one person's waste and fraud is a critical program or tax benefit to his party-mate./It's good that the Republicans are finally revealing themselves as the absolute idiots they are/Kinda hard to implement austerity when you can vote mean old fiscally responsible daddy out and vote for mom's platform of milk and cookies./ush couldn't speak in public without embarrassing his country or offending millions with his arrogance and ignorance./you think he didn't offend anyone by saying Israel should go back to 1967 borders?/a fallacious statement and very typical of the semantic distortions you resort too when confronted with undeniable facts./they would rather talk about bigotry and hate, than caring about the people who lost everything , including their lives. This is religion gone crazy./America -- land of hatred and greed./We have seen more tornados than ever before. God is trying to wake people up. It will get much worse because of the way our country is going in it's morals, & the way so many people down grades Christianity claiming their is no God. Jesus Christ died for us all. All we need to do is turn our lives over to Him for our salvation & clean up the filth that is taking place today. Those of us who are true Christians who knows Jesus Christ as their Saviour should continue to pray for those that are hurt & for our country to straighten up it's morals that is taking place./
51911/ush figured out how to get bin laden he just couldn't figure out how to get out of a classroom full of 7 year olds/denial of our history is second to non other than, well, Iran and Gods Own Party there , in that unholy of holy places. Very much reminds me of the flag wavers in our heartland as they wave the flag with one hand and pump a bible with the other-/Analyze the major factors that drove United States imperialism. Examine the controversy surrounding the proliferation of nuclear technology in the United States. Assess key figures and organizations in shaping the Black Power Movement. Analyze significant Supreme Court decisions relating to reproductive rights. Describe efforts by the United States and other world powers to avoid future wars. Examine the failure of the United States to support the League of Nations. kalahar says teachers will be legally bound to teach these perspectives. It’s going to take teachers like Kalahar to reverse America’s slouch towards progressivism. We need people like him to raise awareness of the radical union agenda//http://biggovernment.com/kolson/2011/05/18/conservative-public-school-teacher-calls-florida-exam-soviet-style-propaganda-2/ /right-wing teabagging social engineers how's those plans to destroy Grandma's Medicare going? Ayn Rand would have been proud/United States and Saudi Arabia are quietly expanding defense ties on a vast scale, led by a little-known project to develop an elite force to protect the kingdom's oil riches and future nuclear sites, air and missile defense system with far greater capability against the regional rival the Saudis fear most, Iran. And it is with Iran mainly in mind that the Saudis are pressing ahead with a historic $60 billion arms deal/trust the leadership or "Elite" (read most corrupt) of any of those countries and you are looking to be bent over and poked dry/yahoo.com/s/ap/20110519/ap_on_re_us/us_arming_arabia/ /a win-win situation for our warmongers in Congress and the military industrial complex. They will give them lots of money and arms now, and then make profits from the decades of conflict which will likely ensue. Average Americans can contribute taxes and their lives and limbs/does not want a democratic middle-east becauase they won't be able to control big oil!/Israel is used as an excuses to get angry and yell, etc, but privately they are all terrified of Iran/Persia. Israel is no threat to anyone, they are busy just trying to survive in their tiny borders as it is/The day America stops defending Isreal will be our own demise. These muslim nations and their ideology is driven by the underworld. dig and research what the truth about the matter is. Isreal is not our problem or the world's either, but the enemy of Isreal and America which is Islam, will do all that they can to make good to sound and look like evil and evil to look and sound like good!/her husband Dominique Strauss-Kahn was preparing to run for President of France five years ago, Anne Sinclair told a Paris newspaper that she was "rather proud" of his reputation as a ladies' man, a chaud lapin (hot rabbit) nicknamed the Great Seducer. if he is guilty, he is not a player - he's a predator. two weeks before his arrest, he had a quiet conversation with LibÉration editors and admitted that the three obstacles if he were to run for President would be "money, women and being a Jew."/title is "Where's the Birth Certificate?" -- yes, really.-Corsi's work is a greatest-hits reel of delusions, ranging from 9/11 conspiracies to claiming that there is an infinite supply of oil in the Earth's core. In 2008, he published a book about Barack Obama claiming, among other things, that he (a) is a secret Muslim; (b) is secretly anti-military; (c) secretly dealt drugs; and (d) secretly supported terrorist actions when he was eight years old. So many secrets!/ in a prolonged zone of delayed destruction...the opposite of delayed gratification/ Glenn Beck Plans Apocalyptic Rally in Jerusalem a morning zoo deejay, a recovering addict, and a tea party phenom. With his Fox News program scheduled to end this year, how he'll evolve next is getting clearer by the day. His website, The Blaze, is up and running. His talk radio audience remains dedicated. And more books are likely. What few expected, even after his successful rally in Washington, D.C. last year, is that he would ask his listeners to attend a similar event this August ... in the heart of Jerusalem.theatlantic.com if you go don't drink the grape Kool-Aid)"Things in Israel are going to get bad. They're going to spread across the Middle East," the ex-Fox employee said. "There are forces in this land and forces all over the globe that are trying to destroy us/"Porno" Claim Harks Back To CIA Fakery Spooks admitted creating hoax videotapes of Osama talking about having sex with boysPrison Planet.com quite disappointed with the fact that Islamic extremists have yet to attack the United States in “retaliation” for allegedly killing Bin Laden, because they seem to be doing everything in their power to rile up terrorists – this time with the claim that a significant stash of pornography was found in Bin Laden’s compound-Strauss-Kahn and other top globalists are intent on raping the national and monetary sovereignty of countries in pursuit of their new world order, it’s no surprise that they also seem pre-occupied with raping women, amongst a host of other sordid and predatory perversions.-Secret Weather Weapons Can Kill Millions, Warns Top Russian Politican Influential political leader says Russia has capability to "destroy any part of the planet"-Supreme Court cases have served to virtually abolish the Fourth Amendment in the United States of America, with citizens no longer being “secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.”-start using prison inmates to conduct grope downs and naked porno scans of people traveling through US airports? It would save a lot of time and money, and it wouldn’t be a departure from the fact that TSA workers have worked hard to maintain their reputation as thieves, perverts and criminals-Clinton, a man who knowingly lied to the nation on live television at the height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, has called for the creation of an Internet ‘ministry of truth’ style organization that would be run by the federal government or the UN to address “misinformation and rumors floating on the Internet.”- behaviometrics – a new omnipresent surveillance technology developed for the US Air Force and destined to be used in law enforcement to “monitor suspicious behavior”.-/FBI Files - Top Zionist Says Only 2 Million Jews In WWII Europe 1943 memo with Dr Heller being Chairman of the Zionist Organization of America./American Poles Boycotted Jews in 1919 henrymakow.com/5 foot 2 1/2 inch -- communist-sympathizing Sartre "was notorious for never taking a bath and being disgustingly dirty." He said admiringly of the Nazis, "We have never been as free as we were under the German occupation." flyweight Sartre famously turned Simone de Beauvoir into his "mistress, surrogate wife, cook and manager, female bodyguard and nurse."/CHRISTMICHAELSGLOBLSPIRITUALNETWORK.COM sERVICESECTOR12@Yahoogroups.com (SUPERHUMAN MINISTRY Service Sector/cancer drug Avastin — patented by the pharmaceutical company Genentech/Roche — costs patients about $80,000 per year/
51811/gawd done lite the fuse, the world ending blues apologies to notradamus /Reverse splits like this one benefit no one except the company trying to stay afloat on the Nasdaq./mennonitecoverup.ca/ /dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1376533/8-000-cow-abductions-reported-southern-U-S-sent-White-House-panic.html document, written by agent WA Branigan in July 1957, it says that if extrasensory perception could be mastered then the 'possibilities are endless.' documents the deaths of Bonnie and Clyde, who were killed by officers in Louisiana during 1934. Other names mentioned among the files include Jimi Hendrix, Marvin Gaye and Groucho Marx./Osama is a phantom boogeyman concoction/
51711/alternet.org/teaparty/150946Religious Right groups and their allies in the Tea Party claim to respect American values, but much would change if they had their way/Americans are a hollow shell of their proud history. Their financial controllers have enslaved the few remaining hard working producers of actual wealth. Those who still cling to a feeble dream of getting ahead rationalize their captivity as the price needed to pay for success. It seems that only government parasites, leeching off the system, remain sheltered from the imminent outlook of a total melt down. The elites have implemented their master plan. All that is left is to gather up the remaining assets of the indebted public through a proscribed national bankruptcy. batr.org/autonomy/051511.html/ /is it true? Do "they" create jobs? Do we "depend on" the wealthy to "create jobs?" Demand Creates Jobs. coming in the door and buying things is what creates jobs. The Rich Do Not Create Jobs This idea that a few wealthy people -- the "producers" -- hand everything down to the rest of us -- "the parasites" -- is fundamentally at odds with the concept of democracy. In a democracy we all have an equal voice and an equal stake in how our society and our economy does. We do not "depend" on the good graces of a favored few for our livelihoods. We all are supposed to have an equal opportunity, and equal rights. And there are things we are all entitled to -- "entitlements", that we get just because we were born here. But we all share in the responsibility to cover the costs of democracy -- with the rich having a greater responsibility than the rest of us because they receive the most benefit from it. truthout.org/actually-rich-dont-create-jobs-we-do/1305380742/ /Osama bin Laden has rekindled the discourse about the efficacy and legality of using torture in the "war on terror."/I agree that President Obama has done the country a disservice by not prosecuting the officials who authorized and carried out the torture during the Bush administration, by no means does that inaction make waterboarding legal. I guess if the Bush apologists keep saying it enough, they hope that Americans will believe them. Mukasey and Yoo both sold out their souls for their jobs and their President. I hope they can sleep at night.Lawrence Rafferty/Wonder how folks got the idea Fox did that? Oh yeah: by watching Fox./12 FHLBs (5,000 Community banks) will step in the new entity/s to do FnF's functions, and that's why the won't fight for a better conversio ratio.
They will be granted with a piece of FnF's cake and the retail investor will be screwed again./"Screw you Tea Party. Screw you and your rigidness, and screw you [for] making us do what you want. We're gonna go back... we're gonna make deals with the Democrats where we lose, because that's how good government is defined." - Rush Limbaugh, 05/09/2011 .ll we're going to send OUR OWN MESSAGE to the GOP Leadership... and we're not going to mince words: Straighten up, fly right and keep the promises you made to the American people or TENDER YOUR RESIGNATIONS IMMEDIATELY and let Republicans who are willing to lead assume positions of leadership, if you ignore our demands, mark our words, you will see an electoral revolt that will make the tsunami of November look like a spring shower and whisk your worthless hides out of office and out of power. /CBS News poll shows Americans oppose raising the debt ceiling by a 2-to-1 margin, with 63 percent opposed to only 27 percent in favor. The CBS News Polling Unit's results also show that 83 percent of Republicans and 64 percent of independents oppose Congress lifting the maximum amount the federal government can borrow, while even Democrats stand against it, with 48 percent opposed to 36 percent in favor
51611/As states and cities struggle with billions of dollars in shortfalls, elected officials are increasingly selling public assets to cover their costs. Sometimes municipalities sell the buildings to pocket a one-time pile of cash and then lease them back so they can continue to use them/teatards say, let the free markets determine the business opportunity, sell off everything to the rich. Since you fauxfreaks dont want Universal healthcare, sell your Momas to the health insurance agent, and don't forget the lawyer. Roach Lawyers and foxfreaks are nibbling away at the sinking titan/'devolving' from a democracy to a corportocracy. Republicans and their ilk will bleed you dry and laugh all the way to the bank. As Warren Buffet Said: "this is class warfare---and my class is winning"/International Criminal Court on Monday requested arrest warrants for Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, his son and his brother-in-law/Olympic marathon gold medalist Samuel Wanjiru died early Monday from injuries sustained after jumping from the balcony of his Nyahururu home in central Kenya/H.R. 1925: To provide for increased Federal oversight of prescription opioid treatment and assistance to States in reducing opioid abuse, diversion, and deaths./RECAPITALIZATION OF FnF BILL H.R. 1859. I bet he prohibited any U.S. politician to introduce more ridiculous bills that harass FnF's workers and shareholders/Florida City Paying $2,500 A Day To Radical Union-Busting Firm To Stop Workers From Organizing/small but growing nonprofit U.S. organization called Youth for Western Civilization. The group, which bills itself as "America's right-wing youth movement," a response to "left-wing indoctrination, multicultural silliness and savage abuse of conservative and moderate students" at American colleges, DeAnna said./proof that the killing of our worst enemy in history really aggravates all you traitorous cons. You hate the thought that Obama has shown you to be incompetent fools and can't wait to stop being reminded of it. remember Bush as the one person who allowed the deaths of 3,000 American through his laziness,arrogance and incompetence/Hawking is right. Mankind will never truly be free until the last God is killed. Try to think without mythology, or religion as you would call it./DF 21D "carrier killer" missile is designed for launch from land with enough accuracy to hit a moving aircraft carrier at a distance of more than 900 miles/denied release on bail Monday on charges of trying to rape a hotel maid as allegations of other, similar attacks by Dominique Strauss-Kahn began to emerge/
51511/ government define Privacy? A: Privacy is defined to mean “the right to be let alone and to control the conditions under which information pertaining to you is collected, used and disseminated.” DoD? A: This event is focused on providing secure, privacy protecting access to government systems by the public, which is not subject to HSPD-12./Christ Michael's messages, official universe broadcasts, and the Magisterial Mission messages): www.tmarchives.com Simone: You will appear in human form?Christ Michael: Yes.Simone: You will use a body similar to the one you used as Jesus?Christ Michael: Yes.-Christ Michael's messages,official universe broadcasts, and the Magisterial Mission messages): www.tmarchives.com Simone: You will appear in human form?Christ Michael: Yes.Simone: You will use a body similar to the one you used as Jesus?Christ Michael: Yes. and nonbelievers alike: >The Bible says that the Son of Man would return like a thief in the night.<<--Thanks jacob, I'm double locking my doors and windows and buying a pit bull terrier.Jacob, how do you type with that straight-jacket?senseless, disorienting, often menacing complexity: Kafkaesque bureaucracies./numbers cannot just keep going up, bankers folly, when the "mighty" fall, the ground shakes, not to be missed./using your own delusion to prove your delusion./I accept morality, reason and tolerance. All the things your mythology is against/leader of the International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, possible candidate for president of France,62, was arrested on charges of a criminal sex act, attempted rape and unlawful imprisonment. was yanked from an airplane moments before it was to depart for Paris and arrested in the alleged sexual assault of a hotel maid, Dominique Paille, a political rival to Strauss-Kahn on the center right, on BFM television. "It's totally hallucinating. If it is true, this would be a historic moment, but in the negative sense, for French political life," Paille said. Still, he urged, "I hope that everyone respects the presumption of innocence. It wasn't clear why Strauss-Kahn was in New York. The IMF is based in Washington, and he was due in Germany on Sunday. The 32-year-old maid told authorities that she entered his suite early Saturday afternoon and he attacked her. She said she had been told to clean the spacious $3,000-a-night suite, which she thought was empty. Strauss-Kahn emerged from the bathroom naked, chased her down a hallway and pulled her into a bedroom, where he began to sexually assault her. She said she fought him off, then he dragged her into the bathroom, where he forced her to perform oral sex on him and tried to remove her underwear. The woman was able to break free again and escaped the room and told hotel staff what had happened, They called police. When detectives arrived moments later, Strauss-Kahn had already left the hotel, leaving behind his cellphone, Browne said. "It looked like he got out of there in a hurry,"/He had been taken off the Air France flight at John F. Kennedy International Airport on Saturday afternoon by police officers. One of his allies, Jean-Marie Le Guen, "The facts as they've been reported today have nothing to do with the Dominique Strauss-Kahn that we know," Le Guen said on BFM television. "Dominique Strauss-Kahn has never exhibited violence toward people close to him, to anyone."/Harry Truman once said: "I could have been a pianist in a w*hore house or a politician, there is not much difference"/Israeli troops clashed with Arab protesters Sunday along three hostile borders, including the frontier with Syria, leaving 16 people dead and dozens more wounded, and Syria, thousands of protesters stormed the fence and hundreds burst through, pelting soldiers with stones, the military said. Soldiers guarding the border opened fire to stop them. Dozens were wounded and four were reported killed "The Syrian regime is intentionally attempting to divert international attention away from the brutal crackdown of their own citizens to incite against Israel," said Lt. Col. Avital Leibovich, an Israeli military. marked the "nakba," or "catastrophe," the term they use to describe their defeat and displacement in the war at the time of Israel's founding in 1948. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were uprooted, and the dispute over the fate of the refugees and their descendants, now numbering several million, remains a key issue srael, police were on high alert for disturbances among the country's large Arab minority. In a reflection of the jitters, a deadly traffic incident involving an Arab truck driver in Tel Aviv set off fears that an attack had been carried out. The truck plowed through a crowded street, crashing into a bus, several cars and pedestrians, killing one and injuring 16 others. Police said the 22-year-old driver claimed it was an accident/
hope everything works out.....until then tell yer friends, they would like to know how much in the know you are.
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