82810//Why not just pick out one Fox advertiser at random and make an example out of it? How about Subaru and their unintentionally comic “Love” slogan? I actually like their cars, but what the fuck? How about Pep Boys and that annoying logo of theirs? Just to prove that it can be done, I’d like to see at least one firm get blown out of business as a consequence of financially supporting the network that is telling America that its black president wants to kill white babies. Isn't that at least the first move here? It's beginning to strike me that sitting by and doing nothing about this madness is not a terribly responsible way to behave.//their real problem is that the medical marijuana folks aren't delivering payoffs the way the developers and the pseudo churches do. The doper don't realize that in a city run by incompetent right wing ideologues, you gotta pay if you wanna play. These guys make Boss Tweed look like an amateur/Guantánamo during Ramadan, guards strap hunger striker detaineesintoforce-feeding chair at night* 24 Aug 2010 Here's a new twist in the U.S.
military's Islamic sensitivity effort in the prison camps for suspected
terrorists at the Guantánamo Bay Navy base: Military medical staff are
force-feeding a secret number of prisoners on hunger strike between dusk and
dawn during the Muslim fasting holiday of Ramadan/Karzai says private security firms are a
source of corruption in his country as they have ties with Mafia-like groups
funding the Taliban./*Blackwater fined $42m for breaking US export, arms traffic
didn’t take hold of the rich oil fields in the war-torn Middle Eastern
nation before they left. Pickens at first elicited laughs from an audience
at the Paepcke Auditorium on Saturday night, as he bluntly made the case for
America’s right to Iraq’s oil. Those laughs subsided as he recalled how he
personally lobbied Presidents [sic] George W. Bush and Barack Obama to seize
Iraq’s natural resources... *"It’s absolutely nuts to lose 5,000 people,
have 31,000 injured, and spend a trillion dollars, and you didn’t even get
the oil,"* Pickens said.//82510//===New Testament versus Old Testament===
The Churches of Christ historically do not use the Old Testament to authorize practices, relying solely on the New Testament (new covenant) for matters of practice. They believe that the commands of the Old Testament (old covenant) were to Jews (under Mosaic Law) only and were done away with when Christ died, pointing to verses such as {{bibleverse||Galatians|3:16-29|NASB}}, {{bibleverse||Ephesians|2:13-16|NASB}}, {{bibleverse||Colossians|2:13-14|NASB}}, {{bibleverse||Hebrews|7:12|NASB}} and {{bibleverse||Hebrews|7:18-22|NASB}}, and {{bibleverse||Hebrews|8:6-13|NASB}}. Thus, things used under the Old Testament by Israel in worship (instruments, incense, animal sacrifice, etc.) which are not repeated in the New Testament are not considered authorized for Christians today.However, since the New Testament has reiterated many of the moral commandments that God said were wrong in the Old Testament (such as not murdering, lying, stealing, incest, homosexual behavior, etc) they are considered to still be wrong today. Churches of Christ have begun to draw distinctions between Law (torah in Hebrew meaning instruction) and covenant Some, however, make exceptions for cases of rape and incest, because these scenarios constitute situations under which moral obligations are placed upon an individual against that individual's volition; people are not normally condemned to bear the burden of another person's sin; therefore, the [[morning after pill]] may be appropriate in matters of rape and incest, especially because this prevents rather than terminates pregnancy. However, the vast majority of the members and clergy of the Churches of Christ are against abortion in any form for any reason, and many equate the fertilzed, non-implanted egg with human life.
[[Homosexual]] activity is seen as sin. Churches generally differentiate homosexual activity from [[homosexuality]] itself or homosexual people, sometimes espousing the idea that while mere sexual orientation is not sinful ''per se'', all homosexual ''acts'' are a choice. Many see homosexual proclivity as not inherent in a person's nature but rather a result of personal choices or life events that have pushed the person toward such feelings.
===Conscientious objection===
Several members of the Churches of Christ have claimed [[conscientious objector]] status during wartime. This opinion was mainstream, at least in some circles, in the late 19th century and was the viewpoint frequently published in mainstream Church of Christ publications such as David Lipscomb's ''Gospel Advocate''. This movement lost most of its currency in the Churches of Christ during [[World War II]] when 199Gingerich, Melvin (1949), ''Service for Peace, A History of Mennonite Civilian Public Service'', p. 452, Mennonite Central Committee. members registered as conscientious objectors and served in [[Civilian Public Service]] camps, and has been fairly uncommon since World War II.
The contemporary Church of Christ is not a historical [[peace church]], but it is still listed as such by the US military for consideration of conscientious objector status. Most churches in the [[United Kingdom|UK]] consisted overwhelmingly of objectors. One notable post-WWII American conscientious objector is author [[William Kay Moser]], who served two years in prison rather than serve in the [[Korean War]].//82410//3-Year-Old Tased During Fla. Suspect's Arrest/Best Buy is threatening legal action against a Wisconsin priest over his "God Squad" vehicle, claiming the logo on the clergyman's Volkswagen Beetle is identical to its own "Geek Squad" design. Give us your take on a new logo for the priest's car.http://www.foxnews.com/slideshow/opinion/2010/08/20/photo-op-god-squad-best-buy-geek-squad-design-wisconsin-priest/#slide=1 //This fixation on a one-year timetable in regards to Iran's nuclear capabilities and Israeli-Palestinian peace talks is not a coincidence. Israel factors into the Obama administration’s plan to deal with Iran. They think the road to Tehran runs through Jerusalem fauxsnoze/Mozilo of Countrywide (CFC) gave Bush a $710,000.00 "political contribution". got Mozilo a 1 on 1 Photo Opt with Bush in the Oval Office. got CFC $12. Billion from a group of 40 banks 2 weeks alter after some Arm Twisting by Bernanke. followed in anothe r2 weeks by FNM buying $20. Billion of mortgages from CFC. FNM took on more of CFC's CDO paper. helped crap up FNM's balance sheet so FNM sold $60. Billion of crap mortgages (CDO's) to the Chicago FHLB./Adnan Shukrijumah, 35 formerly of Brooklyn, New York and Miami Beach is more likely to carry the real name Levine or Goldstein. The “legend,â€� intelligence jargon for a false background constructed for an imaginary person, created for Shukrijumah is paper thin. An FBI Agent named Brian LeBlanc in an “exclusive interviewâ€� with the Associated Press warned the world of this new “bin Ladenâ€� clone. /the republic's true religion would be ultimately, a babel world republic, since once Yahweh/JC no longer has a hold on you neither would the banksters and banksters’ divided world that keeps the world conflicted and distracted in divisiveness.
Why keep the world divided and criminals in power, including those they bankroll as leaders of both parties, and parties around the world, to protect their evil and downing of america and world to religious JC hitler tyranny out of a restored israel made the new vatican empire over the planet.
Where the hoax changes from a lamb version of JC to a lion version for 1000 years of dumbing down, police state and withholding of truth, tyranny, if aren't on to the hoax and agenda, and stopping it, however hard that is to our brainwashed and nostalgic condition to Yahweh/JC as captives of it the past 1700 years since the creation of the lamb JC version hoax in the 300s AD by the banksters then, caesar Constantine and new vatican religion and its priest class to promote it. Attaching the hoax to the banksters’ bible, also a long established hoax, and back tracking it to before Israel was destroyed in 72 AD, and hence long enough before that to establish and spread it, as the story goes. Ultimately not only JC as an other world competitor to Caesar but a this world competitor too. mental people made up their mental distortions. But for religious followers who take on many of the symptoms of the mental, it is made up by their handlers. The handlers are also the handlers of the highest of high priests down the century. The handlers are bankers and confessors, who have privileged access and confidences to everyone of importance who must subscribe to the system or not achieve the high stations they have. The high priests don't learn the complete truth the handlers know that religions are made up, though high priests do become cynical and harsh practitioners of expediency, the doing what is necessary for the so called good of society, which is of the banksters and priest class, handlers determinance. / Prince Alaweed funds terrorism Newscorp just donated $1 Million to the GOP. //82310/Claremont project, is part of a broader trend in American theological education as schools face an increasingly pluralist society. While none go as far as Claremont will to broadly train non-Christian clerics, other big-name Protestant programs have added world religion classes as well as partnerships with Jewish and Muslim programs. Hartford Seminary is known for its specialty in Christian-Muslim studies, and Harvard Divinity School requires in-depth study of at least two religious traditions.time.com/not just the written text — an English translation accompanies the original Greek — but also skeletal imprints, insect bites, scar tissue and spilled candle wax. At nearly 800 pages, Sinaiticus is the largest edition of an ancient manuscript http://www.codexsinaiticus.org/en/manuscript.aspx?book=59&lid=en&side=r&zoomSlider=0 some with no english translation available from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the first-born of the dead and the prince of the kings of the earth. To him that loves us and that washed us from our sins in his blood, saying: What thou seest write in a book, and send to the seven churches, to Ephesus, and to Smyrna, and to Pergamus, and to Thyatira, and to Sardis, and to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea. in the midst of the candlesticks one like the Son of man, clothed in a robe reaching to the feet, and girded about the breasts with a golden girdle; his head and his hair were white as white wool, like snow, and his eyes were as a flame of fire, his feet were like burnished brass, as if they burned in a furnace, and his voice as the sound of many waters; in his right hand seven stars, and out of his mouth went forth a sword two-edged, sharp, and his face as the sun when it shines in its strength. The seven stars and angels of the seven churches, and the seven candlesticks are seven churches. I know thy works, and thy labor, and thy patience, and that thou canst not endure evil men, and hast tried those that say that they are apostles and are not, and hast found them liars; whence thou hast fallen, and repent and do the first works: else, I am coming to thee, and will move thy candlestick out of its place, unless thou repent. 6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. /I don't think there are any Russians
There ain't no Yanks
Just Corporate Criminals
Playing with tanks.//82210€☢alt+0128/gr +e/*Reagan: Taliban 'moral equivalent of America's founding
officials in Washington D.C. have backed off their threats to arrest
Christians praying on a sidewalk outside a Planned Parenthood abortion
clinic after they determined that the sidewalk is indeed a public one. strategies across
the nation, exposing and closing abortion clinics through peaceful,
legal means. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion
issue, taking direct action to stop abortion and ultimately restore
legal personhood to the pre-born in obedience to biblical mandates./Zumwalt’s vocation is a compelling example of Christ’s command to love one’s enemies. Yet, an impossible divide remains where people are unable to see and appreciate one another as human beings and individuals with their own compelling and unique histories, struggles, and present existences. /Abeyta had asked the court to reduce her 37-month prison sentence by one year, arguing that home detention would allow her to work and go to school to retrain for another profession. sentenced in April, also must pay just under $420,000 in restitution.serving her sentence at the same federal prison in Phoenix as Patricia Martinez, the former director of the agency, who was sentenced to six years for embezzling $1.28 million. Two others also were convicted of crimes stemming from the embezzlement of housing authority funds, and a third was convicted of money- laundering./Assistant Fire Chief Shawn Shelton said this was the third fire call at 1528 E. Routt in the past year."I don't know why they'd burn it again. All that was left was the roof," Shelton said. "I don't know why they'd burn it again unless it was kids just jacking around."/World Health Organization have shown about 30 to 60 percent of medicines in Africa are counterfeit or substandard. whether they're buying their medicines at a hospital pharmacy or a roadside market,"/Florida Department of Corrections report for FY 2007, there were 92,844 inmates currently in prison, all (or nearly all, at least 99.99 percent) of whom would be felons. Also the report for that same year indicates that 153,692 people were on some form of state supervision (probation, community control, etc.). Not everybody sentenced to state supervision is a felon, but a vast majority are. These numbers only show a small percentage of the total population of Florida who are felons. It is estimated that well over a million felons (perhaps closer to 2 million) reside in Florida who have been released from prison, have completed their community supervision, or have moved to Florida/
2004:217,766,271 1,315,387 477,704 1,344,883 62,878 2,058,678 5,259,530 2.42%
Total Voting Population Prisoners Parolees Probationers Jail Inmates Est. Ex-Felons Total Est. Disenfranchised Total Est. % of Voting Pop. Disenfranchised Does not include the 6,677 D.C. prisoners under the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Prisons//82010/MERS was developed in the early 1990s by a number of financial entities, including Bank of America, Countrywide (CFC), Fannie Mae (FNMA.OB), and Freddie Mac (FMCC.OB), allegedly to allow consumers to pay less for mortgage loans. That did not actually happen, but what MERS did allow was the securitization and shuffling around of mortgages behind a veil of anonymity. The result was not only to cheat local governments out of their recording fees but to defeat the purpose of the recording laws, which was to guarantee purchasers clean title. Worse, MERS facilitated an explosion of predatory lending in which lenders could not be held to account because they could not be identified, either by the preyed-upon borrowers or by the investors seduced into buying bundles of worthless mortgages./get serious about the idea that this could be a backdoor way to nationalize the banks and give 62 million people "free" homes. Of course I'm also sure some democratic strategist in DC is calculating how many new votes Obama could get in 2012 if all mortgages were forgiven./Old habits are hard to break, and in the United States of America, there are few “habits” as common as mortgage-fraud. In 2006, the world discovered that the U.S. housing market was the most-fraudulent market in history./August 2010 article in Mother Jones titled “Fannie and Freddie’s Foreclosure Barons” exposes a widespread practice of “foreclosure mills” in backdating assignments after foreclosures have been filed. Not only is this perjury, a prosecutable offense, but if MERS was never the title holder, there is nothing to assign. The defaulting homeowners could wind up with free and clear title./58 pilot whales die in New Zealand beach stranding /letters were addressed to Brig. Gen. Gary M. Jones (who was in charge of the investigation) and the Senate Armed Services Committee. In a nutshell, Tillman's father said, "F--- you ... and yours."/declassified documents highlighting how the Israeli lobby routinely paid off journalists in the U.S. corporate media to write pro-Zionist propaganda in support of Israeli aggression against Palestine and Iran during the 60’s have taken on new significance after the Atlantic Monthly, which is named in the documents as being complicit in the bribing scandal, recently published a cover story hyping the necessity and inevitability of an Israeli attack on Iran./Ten or more black bears found guarding B.C. pot farmToo funny  http://www.timescolonist.com/Roman Catholic Church in the United
States has become embroiled in a new pedophilia scandal with six women and one
man alleging sexual abuse by a priest over three decades. The lawsuit filed
Wednesday in Oakland, California accused Father Stephen Kiesle of acts of
sexual abuse between 1972 and 2001, The church paid out 436 million dollars in 2008 for sex abuse cases
involving clergy members, according to an official report last year./out-of-control oil well in Louisiana’s Assumption Parish could continue
gushing for six weeks, following a blowout last week. Last Wednesday’s blowout
resulted in the evacuation of residents from six nearby homes and shut down a
two-mile stretch of Louisiana highway 70, between Louisiana highways 1 and 996,Mantle Oil and Gas LLC of Friendswood, Texas. The
blowout occurred last Wednesday, around 3:30 a.m./Hamas is a supposed terrorist organization that in truth is a creation of the CIA. there is evidence in plenty for those who choose to pursuethe topic. I have to say that I have had some serious ethical problems
surrounding whether or not it is ok for me to even be discussing this in
writing, given how many people the US government has tortured and held in prison
indefinitely for even so much as talking with a suspected terrorist. It is so
obvious that Zionism is in truth/By
October 2011, the State Department will assume responsibility for training
the Iraqi police, a task that will largely be carried out by contractors.
...It will be up to American diplomats in *two new $100 million outposts* to
head off potential confrontations between the Iraqi Army and Kurdish
Peshmerga forces. *The department’s plans to rely on 6,000 to 7,000 security
contractors, who are also expected to form "quick reaction forces"* to
rescue civilians in trouble, is a sensitive issue, given Iraqi fury about
shootings of civilians by American private guards in recent years... The
startup cost of building and sustaining two embassy branch offices -- one in
Kirkuk and the other in Mosul -- and of hiring security contractors, buying
new equipment and setting up two consulates in Basra and Erbil is about *$1
billion*. *It will cost another $500 million or so to make the two
consulates permanent*. And getting the police training program under way
will cost *more than $800 million*. /never suicide, says Dr Kelly's cousin as family finally breaks silence*
that point, John Bolton warned Monday, it will be too late for Israel to
launch a military strike against the facility because any attack would
spread radiation and affect Iranian civilians./
*Blackwater Founder Moves to Abu Dhabi, Records
AP) -- A 22-mile-long invisible mist of oil is meandering far below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, where it will probably loiter for months or more 40 miles off the Louisiana coast. The plume started three miles from the well and extended more than 20 miles to the southwest. The oil droplets are odorless and too small to be seen by the human eye. If you swam through the plume, you wouldn't notice it.//he mocked the police for getting his age, height and accent wrong then pointed out he escaped in a car, not on foot."His game of cat and mouse went all wrong," a Wuerzburg police spokesman said.Police traced his email and arrested him in a gambling hall in Hamburg just a few hours later."He was completely shocked,"/woman in South Carolina has confessed to smothering her two children with her bare hands and driving their bodies into a river/ Gingrich Nazi Comparison 'Offensive'from The Huffington Post by The Huffington Post News EditorsSen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) says that conservative criticism of plans to develop a mosque and Islamic community center in close proximity to "Ground Zero" in New York City is "one of the most disgraceful things that [he's] heard."//81810/(Reuters) - Cricket star Graeme Swann told a police officer who stopped him for drunk driving that he had had to go out to buy screwdrivers to rescue his trapped cat/Murdoch, contributed $1 million to the Republican Governors Association this summer,/pawned herself off as a Psychology Doctor and a Family Counselor.Another right wing fake. Cons love hoaxes./Foxconn to Hire 400,000 in China The assembler of iPads and iPhones will build factories closer to employees’ homes after a spate of suicides suicides of at least 12 workers this year prompted it to install safety nets to prevent employees jumping to their deaths. Chen Peng, president of the workers’ union, said in the statement. “We also want to ensure that employees understand that suicide is a cowardly act.”/http://www.newsmeat.com/washington_political_donations/ /Loans Eligible For Repurchase By 4 Largest Banks Could Total $175B-$180B 08/18 01:11 PM/81710/Freddie Mac (FMCC), and its sibling Fannie Mae (FNMA), have recovered billions from the banks as they seek to hold them accountable for improperly underwritten mortgages sold to them in the past. Now, in a regulatory filing, Freddie Mac has said that if banks didn't buy back defectively underwritten mortgages "on a more timely basis," it would saddle slow-poke banks "with financial consequences or with stated remedies for non-compliance, as part of the annual renewals of our contracts with them."holding these loans can force the lender to take mortgages back, and recover the unpaid principal on them, if they were underwritten improperly. http://www.automatedtrader.net/real-time-dow-jones/11925/freddie-mac-ramps-up-pressure-on-banks-over-defective-loans /Ted Nugent will have to pay a $1,750 fine after pleading no contest in California to baiting a deer and not having a properly signed hunting tag. game wardens saw Nugent kill an immature buck on a February episode of his Outdoor Channel TV show "Spirit of the Wild." originally faced 11 charges, including killing a deer too young to be hunted. In a deal with Yuba County prosecutors,/Shooting baited baby deer
"Hunting" pre-captured tiny quails with a shotgun (and shooting your friend in the face!)
Blasting wolves from a helicopter/ /shiekurmoneybags/81610/Roseville's Westfield Galleria prohibited people in its common areas from approaching people they didn't know to talk unless the conversation was about business involving the mall or its tenants. The case arose after mall officials issued a citizen's arrest of a 27-year-old pastor who tried to talk about his faith./necrotizing fasciitis, (fash-ee-EYE-tis), the infection's formal name/S.C. (AP) - Obese government workers in South Carolina can get stomach-shrinking surgery through the state health plan under a pilot program state's employee insurance plan will cover gastric-bypass or Lap-Band surgery costs for 100 people statewide on a first-come, first-serve basis, considered morbidly obese, which roughly translates to a 5-foot-7 adult weighing more than 255 pounds, a positive psychological exam state already charges $25 extra for smokers on the health plan./The only "death panels" which exist in the world of medicine are with respect to PRIVATE SECTOR health-insurance (i.e. "we'll take your money BUT, no guarantees we'll ever try to save your life if you need your insurance")."Health Insurers: the OTHER U.S. Oligarchs" www.bullionbullscanada.../your next Reagan, that's how we got into this mess in the first place. W modelled everything he did after Reagan--hired most of his administration, cut taxes, projected US military power.... The right still believed that tax cuts would pay for themselves, since Bush I and Clinton came along and cleaned-up Reagan's mess. W ran up a much larger debt--for no good reason--and in spite of trillions of dollars of deficit spending managed to cruch the economy//improper actions by the investment bank that led them to lose at least 5 million euros ($6.4 million), about 80 percent of their total investment, The Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary claim the SPV then waited until the price of the bond had risen in June 2009 to redeem the note and securing "Morgan Stanley a profit of at least $11.2 million … by way of a termination of payment."/Billionaire Alki David, who comes in at number 45 of the Sunday Times' rich list in the UK, promised 1M to whoever manages to get naked in front of President Barack Obama with "Battlecam" written on their chest while shouting "Battlecam."/approved with shocking amounts of rhetoric equivalent of modern day ghost stories, texas textbook publishers gain 1M in sales per book #2cali#1 http://books.google.com/books?id=KALsz08ijnkC&pg=PT74&dq=texas+textbook+publishers&hl=en&ei=tYZpTJnnNoGGnQf85fHBBQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CEsQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=texas%20textbook%20publishers&f=false Kansas cut the first chapter refering to fossils and an inland sea that once covered the area/hinckley lived in lubbock from 74=80 good family friends and contributers to 41 bush family/Saad Asad: Muslims, immigrants, gays and why the right wing hates the ConstitutionAlthough they claim to be
defenders of the Constitution, they want nothing more than to shred it to pieces
and instate their radical Tea Party platform of no taxes, no immigrants, and no
freedom. Mitch McConnell (R) of Kentucky, Sen. Jon Kyl (R) of
Arizona, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R) of Alabama, and Sen. John McCain (R) of Arizona
have said they would be in favor of looking at the issue via hearings. So has
House minority leader John Boehner (R) of Ohio.
These aren’t just some rogue Republican /Obama and his daughter, Sasha,
swam in a private Panama City Beach, FL beach off Alligator Point in St. Andrew
Bay, not part of the Gulf. Reporters were banned, no TV video permitted.
"So....only the White House photographer was allowed to capture proceedings. The
official picture was intended to provide evidence that the region's beaches are
back to normal." False. A dangerously toxic oil/dispersant brew contaminates
much, perhaps the entire Gulf. It's poisoned and potentially lethal for decades,
maybe generations. /http://welcometoafreeworld.blogspot.com 911 etc..../" Gates assumed his role as Defense Secretary
in December 2006 and is the only defense secretary to serve both a
Republican and Democratic president//801510/750,000 Medicare recipients with high prescription costs each got a $250 government check this summer, and 3 million-plus more checks are going out to people who land in the program’s anxiety-inducing coverage gap./christian angle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aptpsiXZCNo&feature=related /U.S. State Department has denied asking other countries to
open criminal investigations into Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange. "We
have not approached any country to encourage them to do anything," Philip
Crowley, assistant secretary of state, /180,000
predicted the company would file for bankruptcy*. 10 Aug 2010 (ME) Matthew
Simmons, an energy investment banker who espoused the peak oil theory and
became an advocate for alternative energy, has died at his North Haven
island home, officials said Monday. He was 67. Simmons' body was found
Sunday night in his hot tub, investigators said. An autopsy by the state
medical examiner's office concluded Monday that he died from accidental
drowning with heart disease as a contributing factor. [*Not to mention,
possible help from the '**Covert Affairs*/*
* --Gov't squandered more than £1.2 billion tackling swine flu, most of it
for vaccines* 13 Aug 2010 A third of the experts advising the World Health
Organisation about the [lab-generated] swine flu pandemic had ties to drugs
firms, it has emerged. Five of the 15 specialists who sat on the emergency
committee had received funding from pharmaceutical giants, or were linked to
them through their research. The revelation will prompt speculation that the
'pandemic' was wildly overestimated and largely fuelled by the drugs
industry who stood to benefit from the panic./growing
clamour for a full inquest into the death of Dr David Kelly. Dr Richard
Spertzel claimed Dr Kelly was on a 'hitlist' in the final years of his life.
The former head of the UN Biological Section, who worked closely with Dr
Kelly in Iraq in the 1990s, has written to Attorney General Dominic Grieve
about the 'mysterious circumstances' surrounding the death. The weapons
inspector's body was found after he was unmasked as the source of a damaging
BBC news report questioning the grounds for the Iraq war./ his support behind a controversial proposal to build an Islamic center and mosque near New York's ground zero, saying Friday that "Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country.""That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances," Obama said at a White House Iftar dinner celebrating the Islamic holy month of Ramadan./A warden and a security official have resigned their posts at an Arizona state prison where three inmates escaped last month, a spokesman for the private company that runs the facility said//81310/Goldman: New Reform Law Can Kiss Our Ass new rules will bar banks like Goldman from engaging in prop trading – the concept of this rule is that federally-insured depository institutions shouldn’t also be engaging in high-risk speculation – but there are a number of loopholes tahibbi/exceptions to the rule that will allow the bank to continue gambling as before. Among other things the banks will be allowed to put aside a certain amount of money to sponsor hedge funds/Police: Israeli man also suspect in Israel attack/according to the Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute in Asheville, N.C., which estimates that $800 million to $900 million is lost in business every Friday the 13th because of fears of the doomed day./SNAP (Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests), however, isn't buying what the campaign is selling Catholics Launch Campaign to Lure Back Former Followers/eabaggery: The Catholic Religion with all it's flaws, pale compared to the Islamic Rules.I agree with you that Religions are oppressive, but they do have significant Moral Compasses to guide those who need it./where I try to raise my thoughts to heaven, there is such convicting emptiness that those very thoughts return like sharp knives and hurt my very soul. Love -- the word -- it brings nothing," wrote the woman known the world over as the "Messiah of Love."/
1seer: attacks, which involved a hammer and knife, occurred in Michigan, Virginia and Ohio. Police have charged Abuelazam only once – with one count of assault with intent to commit murder – though authorities say to expect more counts.His mother was quick to defend him. She told Reka Radio in Israel that her 33-year-old son is a Christian, God-fearing man who helps anyone in need, according to CNN aff//picturesque southern Colorado town known for decades as the sex-change capital of the world — thousands of gender-reassignment operations have been performed here — is becoming a beacon for victims of female genital mutilation/ 33-year-old Quayle faces the camera directly and begins by saying, "Barack Obama is the worst president in history." Quayle's generation will "inherit a weakened country," he says/Tom Tucker, who helped shuttle the medical workers to the scene, described seeing a survivor still strapped in the front seat with the nose of the plane in shambles. His head was cut, and his legs appeared to be broken./Members of an evangelical church in Texas travelled to Connecticut to verbally attack worshippers leaving a mosque in Bridgeport, carrying signs reading: "Jesus hates Muslims"/Gingrich said that he would push for legislation to prevent states from adopting sharia law even though none are proposing it and there is no likely prospect of it happening./we have hard data from Gallup and Pew that demonstrate in America how integrated the vast majority of Muslims are – economically, politically and religiously. And yet a significant number of Americans can be appealed to in what is nothing less than hate speech, the same hate speech directed against immigrants."/U.S. Is Bankrupt and We Don't Even Know It: Laurence Kotlikoff My reaction? Get real, or go hang out with equally deluded supply-siders. Our country is broke and can no longer afford no- pain, all-gain "solutions."/John Edwards gave away $4,600 donatedlawyer William Lerach, but only after he pleaded guilty to a federal conspiracy/press secretary Robert Gibbs lashed out at liberals he dubbed the "professional left," saying some of them should be drug-tested.Gibbs' comments: "I hear these people saying (Obama's) like George Bush. Those people ought to be drug tested. I mean, it's crazy."Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., told the Huffington Post that Gibbs should resign. Enron gave $530,493 to seventy-one senators since 1989, and $603,488 to 187 House members. Mostly Republicans were recipients, although important Democrats who could affect Enron's business were not overlooked./Biblical times (the 13th guest at the Last Supper betrayed Jesus). By the Middle Ages, both Friday and 13 were considered bearers of bad fortune. In modern times, the superstition permeates society. Roosevelt would not travel on the 13th day of any month and would never host 13 guests at a meal. Napoleon and President Herbert Hoover were also triskaidekaphobic, with an abnormal fear of the number 13. / Bristol Palin, Levi Johnston agree on custody AP/Council on Foreign Relations, the Tri-lateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group and other unAmerican organizations who want to remove our borders and make America submit to their New World Order. Illegal immigrants are useful pawns in their decades-long strategy to achieve this goal. Take the “red pill,” America, and wake-up to the evil that is about to consume you./Greene indictment doesn't bounce him from ticket//81210/Reuters) - Pancreatic tumor cells use fructose to divide and proliferate U.S. consumption of high fructose corn syrup went up 1,000 percent between 1970 and 1990/ New claims for unemployment aid reach 484K / a string of 20 stabbings that terrorized people across three states and left five dead was arrested at an airport as he tried to board a plane for Israel, /the ship is filling with water. The Democrats have only a few trying to bail out the water, with their remaining fellow dems afraid to touch the pails in fear that their constituents back home might be critical of their actions; and, the Republicons stand around smiling that now just maybe this is the Second Coming of Christ and you better have your best suit on as you hold the ticket to heaven, that is if Jesus decides to take those crooks with him. I doubt it./Two men have been charged in an alleged $200 million real-estate fraud that targeted Orthodox Jews in four states and overseas/The top 1% can suck it. You'll never be in that top 1%, so it is of no concern to you. What IS a concern to you, however, are the roads you drive on, the schools your stupid, brain-dead, overweight kids attend, the military you send overseas to fulfill your religious crusade, and everything else you take for granted in this country because you are a selfish person with no moral compass who revels in the suffering of others for some sick, sociopathic reason./Steven Slater, the JetBlue flight attendant who cursed out a passenger on the intercom and then slid out of the plane feet first, had long daydreamed about deploying an escape chute.Monday, on a full flight from Pittsburgh that had just landed at Kennedy International Airport, he did — after having a confrontation with a passenger whose bag had hit him in the head. He took the slide after getting on the plane’s address system to curse out the passenger and thank others for his two-decade career. /http://www.colbertnation.com/full-episodes/wed-august-11-2010-david-finkel gnuet//81110/Moscow Deaths Now 700 a Day as City Chokes in Smog/"There were no people carrying clubs near me," Hanin Zuabi MK, from the Arab Balad party, had told a news conference following the May 31 raid, in which nine pro-Palestinian activists were killed.//81010/AP - A plane believed to be carrying eight people, including former Sen. Ted Stevens, crashed in southwest Alaska/Li originally planned to buy his own place when he got married, but after watching Beijing real estate prices soar, he has been spending all his free time searching for an apartment. If he finds the right place — preferably a two-bedroom in the historic Dongcheng quarter, near the city center — he hopes to buy immediately. Act now, he figures, or live with Mom and Dad forever. In the last 12 months such apartments have doubled or tripled in price, to about $400 per square foot./new appropriations bring war-related spending for Iraq to $749.9 billion and for Afghanistan to $337.8 billion, with total war costs of $1.09 trillion/ http://www.moneyteachers.org/Rothschild.connection3.html //8910/(AP) - Israel's prime minister defended the deadly commando raid on an international flotilla protesting the Gaza blockade in opening testimony before an internal inquiry commission Monday, and suggested Turkey had sought the violent confrontation on board./A giant ice island has broken off the Petermann Glacier in northern Greenland.A University of Delaware researcher says the floating ice sheet covers 100 square miles - more than four times the size of New York's Manhattan Island./Ohio (AP) - The owner of an Ohio strip club and some of his dancers have been protesting at a church that has done the same to them for four years. Women in bikinis sat in camp chairs Sunday outside the New Beginnings Ministries church/surprising is just how much or our consumer economy is now dependent on the rich, and how that share has increased as the U.S. emerges from recession. In the third quarter of 1990, the top 5% accounted for 25% of consumer outlays. That held relatively steady until the mid-1990s, when it started inching up past 30%. It dipped in 2003 and again in 2008, but started surging in 2009 amid the greatest bull market rally in history, with the Dow Jones Industry Average rising nearly 50% in the last nine months of the year. recent spending of the wealthy may be unsustainable. Their savings rate has gone from more than 26% in 2008 to a negative 7% in the first quarter of 2010, according to the Moody's Analytics data. They still have lots of savings. But the massive draw on that in the past two years is unlikely to continue at the same pace./quantitative easing (QE) has rapidly become the most important discussion in the investment world. As deflation becomes the obvious risk and the economic recovery looks increasingly weak investors are again looking to the Fed to save their skin from a Japan style deflationary recession. The irony here is so thick you could choke on it, however, like some sort of sick masochist, investors continue to return to the trough of the Federal Reserve so they can gorge on half-truths and misguided policy responses./Saudi Arabia agrees to lift the ban on RIM’s (RIMM) BlackBerry and, as a bonus, they get $30Bn worth of F-15s (84, made by BA) in the biggest arms deal ever! When asked if there were any security threats to the US by giving Saudi Arabia our most advanced fighter jets - an official said: "Of course not, everyone knows that Saudi Pilots are very accurate with jets!"//8810/Hawaii is one of six states that do not have any laws against human trafficking. Without strong and vigorously enforced statutes, these states risk becoming unintended havens for traffickers. The Aloha State, however, is poised to leave this small club of outliers and become the 45th state to enact anti-trafficking legislation./GOP Comes Clean: No Need to Bash Gays, We Have Immigrantsfrom digg.com: state appeals court has determined that a New Jersey couple who gave their children Nazi-inspired names should not regain custody of them. Mother wrote note claiming her husband stabbed her with a screwdriver and taught their son "how to kill someone at the age of 3."/you impeached a President for lying about a blowjob, but let these two war criminals walk...? YOUR COUNTRY IS *****./Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons. 2 These people are hypocrites and liars, and their consciences are dead. 1 TIMOTHY 4:1-2/ http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3111/2848251671_01f7328d50.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.flickr.com/photos/jaywest/2848251671/&h=500&w=356&sz=140&tbnid=nhbs5k_qbntSYM:&tbnh=130&tbnw=93&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dspiritual%2Bsafety%2Btip&usg=__5Oi8L5WoT0Ns-LvNw_sh-68rzQ4=&sa=X&ei=idheTI7_A8G88gb8p_21DQ&ved=0CCkQ9QEwAw christian handbill /like Fox News without the punctuation. It is so devoid of content that it hardly deserves the adjective "truthy." Let's call it "roguey." Palinisms do not have to contain actual evidence of rogue thinking, though; they just have to capture the rogue spirit. It's "Yes, we can, in spite of Them."/> Very Few if ANY even know anything about the BENEFICENT LYRAN PRESENCE??? You DUMB_ASSES ARE REALLY A STINKING INSULT TO THE YAHOO GROUPS??
Dr. R.L. McCarty Ph.D./The Church lies about anything thats suits it whether they know about it or not../a Planet-x discovered just beyond Pluto! Well, not so much a planet but a large dark star called a brown dwarf. It has planets encircling it. The link for the page is http://www.viewzone.com/browndwarf.html ./bodies of 10 members of a medical team — six Americans, two Afghans, one German and a Briton — were flown to Kabul from the northern province of Badakhshan, where they were gunned down three days ago at the end of a humanitarian mission. The Taliban claimed responsibility and accused the group of spying and seeking to convert Muslims to Christianity./Nato coalition in Afghanistan has been using an undisclosed "black" unit of special forces, Task Force 373, to hunt down targets for death or detention without trial. Details of more than 2,000 senior figures from the Taliban and al-Qaida are held on a "kill or capture" list, known as Jpel.. guardian Although Tony Blair said Britain would take lead responsibility for eradicating the poppy harvest, little thought was given to the problems involved. British commanders warned that such an unpopular move, depriving farmers of their livelihood, would increase attacks on their troops. Reluctant Afghan authorities were persuaded to back the plan, as Britain and the US insisted it had to be "Afghan-led".The logs contain numerous examples of police corruption. A September 2007 report to Nato forces warns that a former police chief met a "prominent Taliban leader" in Kohi Safi, a district in Parwan province, south-east Afghanistan – which includes the large US base at Bagram – and instructed his officers to give the Taliban commander "free passage"./McVeigh’s death row cell mate, David Hammer, confirmed that McVeigh was working for the US Military in a secret operation designed to discredit the growing American Patriot Movement. He was to pose as a right wing American Patriot and so when the bombing took place he would be quickly caught and American Patriots would be discredited. It was important that a lot of people died in the event to have the desired effect on public opinion. This interview is archived for free at GCN Live, Friday, May 14, 2010 Hour 2 and the first few minutes of hour 3.Anyone with half a brain can easily know that the Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing was an inside job. The official story was a fertilizer bomb in a truck outside caused the destruction, but bombs were carried out of the building and the building was blown out. Watch Alex Jones 2001 documentary film “911 Road to Tyranny”.Listen to CIA agent Chip Tatum, who did the same kind of work as McVeigh./ Deepwater Horizon Drilling Rig Explosion is Conspiracy April 20, 2010 was the day of Nazis./Smoke marijuana with nymphaea caerulea ESP flowers focusing visionary mind on north east to crutch right ankle before God proving marijuana is a crutch and deadly sin that leads to eternal damnation after death. Transition to smoking nelumbo nucifera ESP leaves wit nymphaea caerulea ESP flowers and find God. Amen/Davos Elite is not driven by principle; its only real concern centers around its own greedy, self-absorbed life-style and its preoccupation with piling up ever greater amounts of material wealth and worldly treasure. And for what purpose? - there is none! Remarkably, that's it: the accumulation of money! - that's its goal! There is nothing beyond that except an eerie and frightening emptiness - and then the grave! And though many in the Davos Elite preserve a certain front of "purpose" and "idealism" in their lives, there is nothing behind that "front" except a vacuum - a hollowness that resembles the emptiness of a body without a soul. Their idealism is nothing more than a subterfuge, a contrivance, a masquerade - an excuse for what really drives them, which is the actual process of wealth accumulation - which they presume is the measure of a man's worth. They are utterly blind to the contempt and loathing that ordinary people have for them - and completely oblivious to the disconnect that separates them from the masses; and that "disconnect" is growing! - especially as it relates to wealth accumulation.Take the United States, for example, where four percent of the American population (approximately 3.8 million individuals and families) has in the past few decades managed to capture for itself through "restructuring," "free trade," "union busting," and unfettered immigration (which forces wages down) $452 billion in wages and salaries on an annual basis - the same as the annual wages and salaries of the bottom fifty-one percent (49.2 million individuals and families). And even this isn't enough; with each passing year more and more of this nation's wealth pours into their hands by "hook and by crook," much of which used to be held in the hands of the American middle class in the 1950s and '60s - and their is no sign that this phenomenon is abating.3//8710/dave l brooks via colbert lizy warren/
# Tens of thousands of firefighters, soldiers and rescue workers continue to fight against the wildfires raging across thousands of hectares in the western part of the country and have so far killed 52 people./A second Grand Junction police officer has resigned amid a department investigation into allegations that a group of officers damaged transients' property with pepper spray/His wife Brooke Mueller was renting a home in Aspen and Sheen flew in to spend the holidays with the family. They got into an altercation and the police were called. Latest reports from TMZ show that Mueller was legally drunk and Sheen was not./"Hussein Obama did not
sneak into power. An army of clueless, disconnected, ignorant Americans invited
him to bring his Marxist, glaringly anti-American jihad into our lives." Ted
Nugent/Hundreds of military service members and contractor employees
have fallen ill with cancer or severe breathing problems after serving in
Iraq and Afghanistan, and they say they were poisoned by thick, black smoke
produced by the burning of tons of trash generated on U.S. bases. In a
lawsuit in federal court in Maryland, 241 people from 42 states are suing
Houston-based contractor Kellogg Brown & Root, which has operated more than
two dozen so-called burn pits in the two countries./Secret Service is investigating a
Hellertown amusement company's use of a target-shooting game that challenged
players to hit the heart and head of an image resembling President Barack
Obama. The game's target is a painting of a black man in a suit who is
holding a scroll labeled "Health Bill." He sports a belt buckle fashioned
after the presidential seal, antennae and a troll doll on his shoulder.
Players paid $1 per shot, or $5 for six shots,/before Colorado voters in November. Similar ballot measures are expected to
appear on the November ballots in Arizona, Oklahoma and Florida. By a nearly
3-to-1 ratio, Missouri voters approved Proposition C, which rejects the
[originally, a GOP] mandate in the new federal health care law insurance
cartel giveaway that all Americans purchase [overpriced] health insurance.//8610/Wired Magazine writer Jonah Lehrer has labeled concerns that vaccines which alter brain chemistry and induce states of “focused calm” could be abused by governments to create lobotomized, servile populations as delusional, paranoid, and idiotic conspiracy theories, despite the fact that major mental health professionals are already pushing for lithium to be introduced into water supplies as a means of mass medicating against “mood disorders”./Lieberman's Model For America: Purging The Internet of Dissent The Chinese system has nothing to do with "war" and everything to do with political oppression ./Army doctor has been charged with disobeying orders after failing to show up for duty in Afghanistan and questioning whether President Barack Obama has the right to order him there.Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin is scheduled to be arraigned Friday at Fort Belvoir, Va./ Economic Policy Institute, a Washington think tank. For high school graduates, median inflation-adjusted wages were $626 per week in 2009, compared with $629 in 2000, according to the EPI analysis. That comes to $32,552 in 2009, down from $32,708 in 2000.For college graduates, weekly wages were $1,025 in 2009, compared with $1,030 in 2000, according to the study./ Re: Pentagon Demands WikiLeaks Return Unseen Afghan War Docs 6-Aug-10 09:38 am
ONE name- Jack Abramoff
Reality: Bush turned a total failure to find oil in Texas into 100,000,000 in return.
Perception: He's a great bidnessman.
Reality: Caught with third mistress, this one not on payroll. Kicked out of Gracie Mansion by family court.
Perception: He did not have sex, and he's presidential material.
Reality: Killing of unarmed black man with 41 shots.
Perception: Police just doing their job killing blacks and terrorizing black neighborhoods.
Reality: No WMD found. 1,366,350 dead Iraqis for NO reason.
Perception: Shrub had no idea?
Do you think Karl Rove, Scooter Libby and the RNC dominated press owned by Saudi princes connived to out a covert CIA agent?
Is the pope Catholic? Re: Pentagon Demands WikiLeaks Return Unseen Afghan War Docs 6-Aug-10 09:38 am
ONE name- Jack Abramoff
Reality: Bush turned a total failure to find oil in Texas into 100,000,000 in return.
Perception: He's a great bidnessman.
Reality: Caught with third mistress, this one not on payroll. Kicked out of Gracie Mansion by family court.
Perception: He did not have sex, and he's presidential material.
Reality: Killing of unarmed black man with 41 shots.
Perception: Police just doing their job killing blacks and terrorizing black neighborhoods.
Reality: No WMD found. 1,366,350 dead Iraqis for NO reason.
Perception: Shrub had no idea?
Do you think Karl Rove, Scooter Libby and the RNC dominated press owned by Saudi princes connived to out a covert CIA agent?
Is the pope Catholic? /Potheads are demonic possessed smoking buds fr0m the marijuana demon plant and need to be cured immediately by smoking nymphaea caerulea psychic flowers to find God. Amen/GEORGE BUSH Took 770 Paid Vacation Days!!/CAN WE HAVE A REFERENDUM to force Republicans to secede to Texas?
/Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc (BRKa.N)(BRKb.N) said on Friday second-quarter profit fell 40 percent/Connecticut shooterPolice arrested a woman Friday who they said accepted stolen beer from a delivery truck driven by the man who killed eight people and then himself...//8510/Cue the credits: the era of financial thuggery is officially over. Three hellish years of panic, all done and gone – the mass bankruptcies, midnight bailouts, shotgun mergers of dying megabanks, high-stakes SEC investigations, all capped by a legislative orgy in which industry lobbyists hurled more than $600 million at Congress/US defence department warns it will find ways to compel whistleblowers' site to 'do the right thing' over Afghan war logs The Pentagon has demanded that WikiLeaks immediately erase the huge cache of secret US military files /Nearly a dozen lawmakers have been honored by university endowments financed in part by corporations with business before Congress, posing some potential conflicts./911 Call, Gunman in Connecticut Says He Wishes He Had 'Gotten More'
from NYT > Home Page by By LIZ ROBBINS
After his shooting rampage in Manchester, Conn., Omar S. Thornton called 911 and calmly detailed what he had done and his reasons for it./
Offal enthusiast Chris Cosentino, of the San Francisco restaurant Incanto and The Next Iron Chef, has teamed up with the zany apparel company Betabrand to create the first ever pair of pants designed specifically for eating.H/This Will Be Dangerous When We Have A Lesbian On The Supreme Courttpm//8410/dystopia/The Lyran E_T's are anything but a STUPID "CONSPIRACY"!! THEY ARE OUR SAVIORS!! I have personally been invited aboard their 2000 mile diameter ships!
It was a WONDERFUL THRILL!! Sincerely! Dr R.L.McCarty Ph.D "AERO_SPACE ENGINEERING!" There is NO UFO (much less "ALIEN" "conspiracy" !! The Lyran Masters entered out system on Dec-13 1893 ( a Friday) and have tremendus SYSTEM REPAIR ever
since. Wy is it that your alleged "reliability" is SO FAR OFF as to be a SCREAMING JOKE?? Your entire GROUP must be a bunch of "would-be-IDIOTS and NIT-WITS???
I suggest you ALL GO BACK to "KINDERGARDEN" and First Grade and Learn to even slightly "communicate" ???
SINCERELY: Dr. R.L.McCarty Ph.D //"They were kind of dirty looking pebbles ... when I'm used to seeing diamonds I'm used to seeing them shiny in a box," she said, smiling. "If someone hadn't said they were diamonds I wouldn't have guessed right away that they were.""I had never heard of Charles Taylor before, never heard of the country Liberia before, had never heard the term 'blood diamonds'," she said./Charles Rangel, the Harlem Democrat, has been charged with 13 counts of misconduct and criminal offenses by the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, also known as the ethics committee. The counts range from the mundane — misuse of a House parking space /Pregnant moms who overeat could make obese babies /Department of Justice statistics, an
estimated 100,000 to 300,000 children are sold for sex every year in the United
States. Most are from 11 and 14 years old. Try for a moment to imagine your
fifth-grade child, niece or sister, sold for sex. Law enforcement officials
and anti-trafficking organizations have repeatedly asked Craigslist to rein
in its sex ads in an effort to stop the selling of children for sex._http://www.cnn.com/2010/OPINION/08/02/saar.craigslist.child.trafficking/ind
ex.html_ child sex crimes in US sharply increasing, Jeffs, abuse increased di
also : Sexual Abuse Survivors Have Increased Psychiatric Disorders Utah judge orders /coin dealer lobby in Utah may fantasize they have won some exemptions
(through discriminatory clauses in their favor, or seemingly in their favor).
WRONG. They should read the fine print. In fact, no coin shop has any
exemptions, unless they sell ONLY coins. That means they can not sell coin
supplies, coin books etc. to qualify for the exemptions, and they are in fact
all currently in violation of the law by taking the exemptions they were duped
into thinking they got.
A detective already told me things are going to get much worse. They plan to
hang us all a few at a time, it has already begun. If you are unfortunate enough
to live some place in Utah where the police are corrupt, local police are in
charge of enforcement (and selective enforcement). With this law in place, you
will end up fully under police control, either paying protection money, forced
to be a police informant to stay in business (as with many pawn shops now), or
Why is the world so full of division and hate? The answer could not be simpler:
it is the inevitable by-product of a zero-sum game involving ruthlessly
self-interested families doing everything to maximise their own power, and, by
implication, to minimise that of rival families. Richard Dawkins’ famous book
The Selfish Gene could be said to provide the scientific underpinning of this
grim Hobbesian world. Thomas Hobbes famously said: “During the time men live
without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that condition which
is called war; and such a war as is of every man against every man.� But he
ought to have replaced “man� with “family�." an extremely long and involved piece on the global elite and what
the implications of their ideas of family values are. Kind of makes you wonder
if this isn't all true and the rest of us are just sitting ducks?http://battleofearth.wordpress.com/2010/03/09/illumination-the-secret-religion-t\
he-satan-plan/ /Counterfeit Lincoln Cent
My wife and I collect lincoln pennies as a hobby. We came up with nice shiny a 1965 penny with no mint mark that "didn't feel right." We weighed it,/*Outsourcing we can believe in: **U.S. to Train 3,000 Offshore ITWorkers*
hi-tech jobs in the U.S., a federal agency run by a hand-picked Obama
appointee has launched a $22 million program to train workers, including
3,000 specialists in IT and related functions, in South Asia. Following
their training, the tech workers will be placed with outsourcing vendors in
the region that provide offshore IT and business services to American
companies looking to take advantage of the Asian subcontinent's low labor
costs. USAID [the US terrorist group that taught Latin American police how
to torture political dissidents
appears to be moving away from its companion in its elliptical orbit.
http://www.accuweather.com/blogs/Astronomy/story/34750/special-brown-dwarf-discovered-1.asp/Cops: Snooki Arrested for Disorderly Conductfrom FOXNews.com by foxnewsonlineKeep It Clean: Goldman Bans Profanity in E-Mail and this one stinks hard... The bullet that killed the mayor's daughter struck her in the back of the neck and came out through her right cheekbone, the reports said. Her body was found in the laundry room wrapped in towels on the first floor of the family's two-story home.The mayor's body was found in the upstairs bathroom with a "do not resuscitate" note, one of four notes left behind for first responders.Texas Mayor Shot Daughter From Behind, Then Killed Herself, Autopsy Shows/
To refute criticism that the first of three shots (the magic bullet) inflicted seven nonfatal wounds on two bodies in impossible physical and time constraints, he invents a second magic bullet. He asserts that Oswald fired the first bullet near frame 160 of the Zapruder film, fifty frames earlier than officially held, and missed. The bullet hit a twig or a branch or a tree, as he varies it, then separated into its copper sheath and lead composite core. The core did a right angle to fly west more than 200 feet to hit a curbstone and wound Tague while the sheath decided to disappear. The curb in fact had been damaged. He omits that analysis of the curb showed the bullet came from the west, which means the bullet would have had to have taken another sui generis turn of 135 degrees to get back west with sufficient force to smash concrete, which he pretends was not marred./http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100801/ap_on_bi_ge/us_gulf_oil_spill //
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