Wednesday, July 21, 2010

how-the-rich-are-winning: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

how-the-rich-are-winning: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

Wot a surprize? other web jems.....

/Rick Sanchez let slip a telling admission in response to the deadly bombings in Uganda during his show yesterday, the fact that such attacks are “helpful” for the military-industrial complex agenda to take over and occupy third world countries under AFRICOM Calls Deadly Terror Bombings "Helpful" To NWO Agenda/Yes, maybe it's true the middle class is broke, in debt, under water, out of work and in despair.look on the bright side. One group of people is doing just fine. The rich.//71910/CBS "Early Show" the possible seepage was found less than two miles from the well site. BP and the Obama administration offered significantly differing views Sunday on whether the capped Gulf of Mexico oil well will have to be reopened, a contradiction that may be an effort by the oil giant to avoid blame if crude starts spewing again.//Quijas was moved to another room, he says, where his hands and feet were tied. He was wetted down with water, and he could hear the hum of a machine, someone shocked him with a metal rod on his testicles, neck, legs, back and anus, he says. He was taken back to the interrogator, questioned, then shocked again, Huckabee, who speaks little Spanish, was being questioned, too. He was still blindfolded. His interrogator, he says, put objects in his hand, including what seemed to him to be drug paraphernalia, and asked him, in broken English, where they came from. He says he replied that he didn't know. Soldiers struck him repeatedly with the butt of a rifle, he says. Someone put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger, he says, but it wasn't loaded. Huckabee has been through five defense lawyers, none of whom speaks English. One lawyer who reviewed the case said recently he believed that crimes result from "demons entering the body and taking control, as Paul says in the Bible." One of his lawyers was shot and wounded in May, while exiting the prosecutor's offices.calderon/gwtfb//
lonechaw: if our freedom is simply limited to a "freedom" from life
lonechaw: i don't see how it is meaningful in the least
lonechaw: whether this freedom comes from death or from a renunciation of life71810/Hamas rulers have banned women from smoking water pipes in cafes, sending plainclothes agents through popular beachside spots Sunday to enforce the edict.Islamic militant group that overran Gaza three years ago, has banned women from riding motorbikes - mostly impoverished women riding behind their husbands on cheaply bought Vespas.Ghussein, the Interior Ministry spokesman, denied claims they were trying to coerce Gazans into adopting a strictly Islamic lifestyle."If we wanted to make Gaza like the Taliban, then we could have done that very easily," /June, there were 14.6 million unemployed people in the U.S. -- nearly twice as many as in late 2007./Sudan's Foreign Ministry spokesman, Muwaia Khaled, said the agency's employees, an Italian and a Spaniard, had violated the conditions of the original agreement with the agency and were declared persona non-grata. Khaled said the pair were given 72-hours - as of late Wednesday - to leave the country.the government has been clamping down on freedom of expression in Sudan, particularly after the April elections, in which al-Bashir easily won another five-year term. //71710/cide-bombings-iran-official-says-1.302398>
* --Top Revolutionary Guards officer says attacks, which left 27 dead, were
an attempt by the west to raise tensions between Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims
[as the US does in Iraq 24/7, to justify the ongoing Blackwater occupation*]./Democrats and Republicans are basically the same on a lot of issues: They both voted for the Iraq War, they both love pork and useless weapons programs, they both lift their skirts for Wall Street.//"I love my daughters Ayla and Arianna very much, and any parent would be proud to have them as children. Kathy Griffin and Bravo ought to be ashamed of themselves.”At the end of the clip, Griffin runs a disclaimer “from Bravo’s legal team,” saying the girls are not, in fact, “prostitutes.” Griffin, being an old "pro" herself is really an expert on this subject. The problem here is in her trying to gain compassion and acceptance from illiterate, amoral members of a sub-human species./scientists are being offered $250.00 per hour by BP, if they will simply sign on the dotted line, and keep silent about their work and findings for at least the next three years. Traitor? such a strong word "Judas" ...//71610/satanist, Zionist behind our government and Britain's (They have already been had) is to UNDERSTAND that their ploy that ALWAYS works is thus --- False Flag incidents and RESULTANT EMERGENCY PROCEDURES / REGULATIONS. little doubt that America, along with the west as a whole, is being set up for a total collapse in which life as we know it will be fundamentally altered and rebuilt around a collectivist model managed and controlled by the same criminals who engineered the crisis in the first place./July 13, a bishop has resigned, police have
conducted an unusual raid on three church facilities to collect evidence, and
hundreds of men and women have stepped forward reporting the horrors they say
they experienced as children at the hands of Belgian clerics./ bracketofevil//71510/Genuphobia - a deep fear of knees. Some people find them extraordinarily ugly, others may have been traumatized by kneeling in childhood. There are many possible reasons for this highly individualized phobia./oilleak /Eyal Nahum, an Israel Defense Forces soldier who
was recently arrested for sexual harassment, was indicted on Sunday on charges
that he harassed thousands of underage girls over the internet, giving them
sexual education lessons... He had sexual intercourse with four of them,
according to the indictment. In two cases, Nahum is suspected of blackmailing
12-year-old girls with threats that he would post nude photos of them online if
they didn't comply with his demands â€" turn on a camera and do as instructed./Glenn Beck's History 'Expert' Endorses Biblical Slavery//71310/In Rwanda, before the genocide called "Africa's most Christian country," over 50 percent of the population is Roman Catholic. Some 12 percent belong to...
1994 Genocide
A Human Rights Watch report notes that the leaders of the Roman Catholic Church refrained from condemning the 1994 genocide. Four days after the genocide began, the Catholic church issued a statement asking its followers to support the new government./Germans are calling for a public roasting of the oracle octopus who correctly picked the winner of all six of their national soccer team's World Cup matches -- including a bitter defeat to Spain/Pancake batfishes have round, flat bodies with giant heads and mouths they can thrust forward. They use arm-like fins to drag themselves along the bottom and a modified dorsal fin excretes fluid to lure prey pumped millions of gallons (liters) of oil into the Gulf, coating shorelines and animals and having as yet unknown effects on creatures living in deep waters./– The International Criminal Court has added three genocide counts to the charges against Sudanese President Omar al-Beshir over the war in Darfur, in a move hailed as a "victory" by rebels."There are reasonable grounds to believe that (Beshir) acted with specific intent to destroy in part the Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa ethnic groups," said a new warrant issued Monday -- the court's first for genocide./You got the fear part right, not so sure about the age group or well educated parts. And here's the thing, don't quite know why they are afraid and think it's mostly red herrings. I've only been around 59 years and never have I seen anyone try to take guns away from anybody. Seriously, the teabaggers should have been afraid of the last administration, two wars of choice, patriot (how's that for an oxymoron) act, FISA laws igonored, etc. Where was all the hollering then about freedoms, liberty, socialism, communism. Me thinks this is mostly about two things, a pesky librul Democrat president who is also of mixed race. They want to take "their" country back...back to where? 1850? before women could vote? before the civil rights act?//71210//: White House: "GOP in danger of staying the minority" 12-Jul-10 12:19 am I can't believe that you Teabaggers actually resurrected Harry Reid's campaign from the dead like that.Two months ago he was down in all the polls by double digits!You are your own worst enemy and our best friend.Thanks, buddy! /
Teabaggers deserve their name.
It's funny to watch you all whine and cry about it.
Funnier yet is how you think you are someone that people take seriously/Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have already started recouping billions of dollars from lenders on loans that did not meet underwriting guidelines for "agency" mortgage-backed securities issued by the two government-controlled companies." ssued 64 subpoenas seeking loan files and other documents to determine whether the sellers of those securities made any false statements or omissions./MAJOR BANKING/FINANCE REFORM 12-Jul-10 09:56 pm ready for the president's signature to make it into LAW! A defeat for corporate loving GOP maggots and a victory for the American people!Thanks, GOP Senator Brown and GOP Senator Snowe, for seeing that this is the right thing to do to protect our country from another GOP inspired economic debacle!!! /
Former high-level BP contractor and Army Special Operations soldier Adam Dillon told a New Orleans television station that British Petroleum is not interested in cleaning up the oil spill because the company is run by “cutthroat individuals” who only care about money/By then the hot Russian spy has become yesterday's titillation, and we're already being saturated by the next cycle of breaking punchlines./
1seer: an atheist anthem, simple, to the point: enter now
* ♣♥Danielle♥♣ joined the room.
1seer: or gawd will fuck you up
1seer: the end
God: i like it/663/27.6days/71010/Saudi investors eye 10-15 percent stake in BP/Tesla Motors (TSLA) is the only automaker that uses or plans to use lithium-cobalt-oxide cells, the most dangerous lithium-ion battery chemistry//7910/Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, repeatedly told/tells its people that they were/are a type of 'Master Race,' CHOSEN above all to be above all?/ planet x/how often has the Dow passed 10,000? Here, according to my look at Bloomberg data, is the full list: 03/29/99; 04/05/99; 04/07/99; 02/28/00; 03/09/00; 03/15/00; 10/19/00; 03/15/01; 04/10/01; 09/05/01; 12/5/01; 12/19/01; 12/21/01; 02/14/02; 02/25/02; 05/01/02; 05/08/02; 05/13/02; 12/11/03; 05/11/04; 05/25/04; 07/27/04; 08/18/04; 09/28/04; 10/27/04; 10/14/09; 10/19/09; 10/22/09; 11/05/09; 02/09/10; 05/27/10; 06/10/10; 07/07/10. Greek myth of Sisyphus, a king punished by the gods to repeatedly roll a boulder up a hill — and then watch it roll back down again — for eternity.//7810/The one-day increase for June 30 totaled $165,931,038,264.30 - bigger than the entire annual deficit for fiscal year 2007 and larger than the $140 billion in savings the new health care bill will produce over its first 10 years. The figure works out to nearly $1,500 for every U.S. household, or more than 10 times the median daily household income./27,000 abandoned oil and gas wells remain in the Gulf of Mexico and no one's checking to see if they are leaking, AP, calling the Gulf an "environmental minefield," says the oldest of these wells were abandoned in the late 1940s, raising questions about whether their seals remain intact. It says 3,500 wells are listed as "temporarily abandoned," without seals, with 1,000 of them remaining that way for more than a decade./al/Karachi/05-Jul-2010/Blackwater-behind-Darbar-incident-JI>05
Jul 2010 Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) chief Munawar Hassan on Sunday claimed
Blackwater and US Marines were involved in the Data Darbar blast saying that
any Muslim cannot imagine the act of terrorism at Data Darbar. Addressing
the press conference at JI office Idara-e-Noor Haq, he said that Blackwater
and US Marines wanted to destabilise Pakistan. Commenting on the statement
of Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik, he asked the Federal Minister to
arrest the terrorists involved in the attack on Data Darbar incident./ffiti-on-warsaw-ghetto-wall-1.300138>/Coast Guard today announced new rules keeping
photographers and reporters and anyone else from coming within 65 feet of
any response vessel or booms out on the water or on beaches -- 65 feet...
Violators could face a fine of $40,000 and Class D felony charges.
//7710/ideas likeblood of conversatiion quantum antimatter//charged with raping a 14-year-old boy at a Thai beach resort, Pletnev, the founder of the Russian National Orchestra, was arrested Monday evening at a restaurant in Pattaya and brought to court Tuesday to face rape charges, said police Lt. Col. Omsin Sukkanka. He was released on 300,000 baht ($9,000) bail, ordered to report to the court every 12 days and banned from contacting witnesses in the case.He could face up to 20 years in jail and a fine of up to 40,000 baht ($1,200) if found guilty/The Dutch erotic actress wrote on Twitter that she "will give a BJ to all my followers" if the Netherlands wins the soccer tournament this weekend.//7810//McChrystal dismissed the counterterrorism strategy being advocated by Vice President Joe Biden as "shortsighted," saying it would lead to a state of "Chaos-istan." The remarks earned him a smackdown from the president himself, who summoned the general to a terse private meeting aboard Air Force One. The message to McChrystal seemed clear: Shut the fuck up, and keep a lower profile. The assembled men may look and sound like a bunch of combat veterans letting off steam, but in fact this tight-knit group represents the most powerful force shaping U.S. policy in Afghanistan./46 cents to mail a letter; post office asking 2-cent rate increase to fight financial crisis //fybromyalgia and cronic fatigue syndtom7510//Some cities are eliminating hundreds of patrol-officer and firefighter positions and taking ladder trucks and ambulances out of service. Others have announced they will no longer respond to entire categories of calls, such as burglaries, check fraud, shoplifting and traffic accidents involving minor injuries./Reuters) - Teen apparel chain Abercrombie & Fitch Co has closed its Hollister store in New York City due to bedbug infestation.//Majestic views of the Teton Range. Prime location for luxury resort, home development. Pristine habitat for moose, elk, wolves, grizzlies.Price: $125 million. Call: Gov. Dave Freudenthal.Wyoming is trying to force the Interior Department to trade land, minerals or mineral royalties for 1,366 acres it owns within the majestic park./multinationals have come to rely on people like Xue to run their China operations. Another China-born foreign national, Australian Stern Hu who worked for the global mining firm Rio Tinto, was sentenced in March to 10 years for bribery and infringing trade secrets 30,000 oil and gas wells belonging to China National Petroleum Corporation and listed subsidiary PetroChina Ltd. That information, it said, was sold to IHS Energy/KOBE, Japan (AP) - Prized for its tender, marbled texture and succulent flavor, Kobe beef is a delicacy that can cost 19,000 yen ($200) for a slab of steak at some Japanese restaurants.But cattle farmers near the central city of Kobe are worried an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in the southern prefecture of Miyazaki, another key beef-raising region that often supplies calves to Kobe breeders, "If the foot-and-mouth disease came to Kobe, I could lose everything."The disease broke out about two months ago in Miyazaki, on the southern island of Kyushu. To keep it from spreading, more than 270,000 animals were destroyed, including several valuable stud bulls, bred to sire calves with optimal fattiness. vehicles leaving the prefecture had to have their wheels disinfected./One day he was driving some evidence out to a storage facility outside of town when **he noticed he was followed by some feds.** He phone his ex-wife. She never saw him again alive as he was murdered shortly after his call.

The police department quickly covered up the story as a suicide although he had deep cuts all over his body and signs of being tied up and dragged.

At the crime scene **no gun could be found until Police Chief Gonzales along with an FBI agent, Bob Ricks, flew out in a helicopter and 9 vehicles of Feds arrived, and then miraculously found a gun**, not Officer Yeakey’s gun.

One of the first doctors at the scene, Dr Chumley, who Officer Yeakey had been going over pictures with died when his plane suddenly fell from the sky.

It is estimated at least 28 people have died suspicious deaths related to covering up the Oklahoma Murrah Federal Building Bombing./Israel Seeking to Please Obama - FOXNews (blog)
[Obama]/ Extreme Muslims (growing btw) are terrorist and moderate muslims refuse to condone their actions because they too follow the teachings of a liar. @large//committing 189 nations to a world free of nuclear weapons. But it has become the latest source of friction between Israel and the United States in a relationship that has lurched from crisis to crisis over the last few months./my newest ct: obama plot to assimilate joos/oran rewrite: gawd created everyone, to create everything. the end
1seer: bb rewrite: 5998 years ago yer invisible friend created us, when you die you'll go to a fluffy place
1seer: the end
1seer: committing 189 nations to a world free of nuclear weapons. But it has become the latest source of friction between Israel and the United States in a relationship that has lurched from crisis to crisis over the last few months.
1seer: it would be cheaper to move the joos to dallas
1seer: herion is cheaper there too
1seer: soakin up the grace of gawd
1seer: my newest ct: obama plot to assimilate joos
1seer: boys in dallas think joos have sexy mouth mercinary rest homes for murders
sign zee paper old man....Times‘ sources want us to know, is that the Obama administration deeply and sincerely regrets that it was not able to do more for Israel – and solemnly promises that it will act more reliably next time./Viraldoc23 // Jul 5, 2010 at 10:12 am

I dont get it….are we suppose to look out for our interest or israel??…Peace has not happened by bowing to every demand by the israelis and peace has not happened by bowing to every neo-cons wishes. In fact, they only lead to more tension and more war. I am more than happy we try a different perspective.
/Suck on it, guys. There is a double standard. We think Israel needs a nuke to protect themselves from the craziest leaders in the Middle East, and we don’t trust any of you with one. Now please keep allowing our corporations and contractors to have free run of your oil fields, and STFU about Israel’s nukes. Oh – and if any of you try to follow Israel’s or Pakistan’s lead and develop your own nukes, we may have to blow the crap out of you.

I mean, that really is the neocon position. Why not just put it out there on the table?/the next step in the President’s efforts to reduce the influence of special interests on the federal government. Today, the President signed a memorandum directing agencies in the Executive Branch not to appoint or re-appoint currently-registered federal lobbyists to advisory boards or commissions. goes further by barring lobbyist appointments to part-time agency advisory positions. More Support for Curbing Special Interest Influence in Our Elections
Posted by Dan Pfeiffer on June 16, 2010//iMerc Latest News Music (ANIM) was formally inaugurated in front of an audience of dignitaries including Ambassadors, officials from the government of the. Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, and community leaders.//7410/U.S. Coast Guard and BP are waiting to see if the vessel, which is 10 stories high and as long as 3 1/2 football fields, can live up to its makers' promise of being able to process up to 21 million gallons of oil-fouled water a day. "They've used the war rhetoric," Jindal said aboard a boat floating in oil-slicked waters near Grand Isle. "If this is really a war, they need to be using every resource that makes sense to fight this oil before it comes to our coast./BUSH TRIED 17 TIMES IN 2008 ALONE TO AVIOD THE MORTGAGE MELT DOWN. The Bush era has passed. This is the BO era. Granted every president of the past has made/This year's competition had already caused a stir after word that Kobayashi -- who took home the title every year from 2001 to 2006 -- would not be participating because of a contract dispute with Major League Eating. He watched from the stands.police officer said Kobayashi faces charges of resisting arrest, interfering with a police officer and disorderly conduct. Kobayashi was being held at the Brooklyn jail, Hailing from Japan and weighing in at 160 pounds, Kobayashi, 31, rose to frank-feasting stardom in 2001 when he devoured 50 dogs, shattering the previously held record of 25 1/8.But in 2007, having entered the challenge with a jaw injury, Kobayashi met his match in Chestnut, the 230-pound contender from San Jose, California, downed 66 dogs to Kobayashi's 63 that year. Kobayashi has not won the competition since, and Chestnut is currently ranked No. 1 in competitive eating by the MLE.//7310///One worker earlier told Xinhua that a new hire makes 1,500 yuan ($220) a month, working six days a week with two hours of overtime every day./a quarter of the swine flu vaccine produced for the U.S. public has expired — meaning that a whopping 40 million doses worth about $260 million are being written off as trash./never been more apparent to those who have awakened from the slumber imposed upon them by popular culture that the establishment music industry now pumps out the most dumbed-down, monotonous, garbage which actually serves to induce depression and despair in those who are enlightened and aware, while providing hypnotizing bread and circuses for those still transfixed by the babylon system. amoral, nihilistic drivel from the likes of Gaga and Katy Perry serves to keep the masses in a state of spiritual decay//7110/You can call it fear mongering, you can call it blatant market manipulation by a man who has said the market is heading lower for a month now and is anxious to make himself correct or you can just call it criminal but I call it just another day at CNBC, which has taken the art of market control to a high art form./Remember Mr. Armagreeddoom Bush and crafty republicans saying that all he/they needed to defeat Iraq and Afghanistan was six months and 50-60 billion dollars? Well, it has now been nearly 9 years and over a trillion dollars have been spent/(wasted) so far and still counting! And, what have we gotten for it: laid off policemen, school teachers, firefighters and in every city and state they all are facing a budgetary crisis!/"People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." - Einstein/Gaza is often described as the largest open-air prison in the world. It may be the most densely populated area on earth. Its 1.5 million Palestinians live in a narrow strip with a total area of 139 sq miles or 360 square kilometers. //63010/In the eyes of most Chinese, Jewish people are considered “smart,” “rich” and “good at making money.” Bookstores in China offer a variety of self-help books titled, “How to make money like Jęws,” and “The secret of Jęws’ global success.”Until recently, the notion that Jęws and money were inseparable carried no anti-Semitic undertone in the country, but a relatively new book called “Currency Wars” threatens to change all that.The book’s author, Song Hongbing, claims that behind world-changing events like the battle of Waterloo, Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, President Kennedy’s assassination, and the deep recession in Asia during the 1990s stood an intricate conspiracy aimed at increasing Jęws’ wealth and influence.
Song, a Chinese computer engineer and history buff who resides in the United States, writes that almost every defining historical moment has been instigated by Jewish bankers, and mainly the Rothschild family, which Song says dominates the global banking system, including the US Federal Reserve System./ warning of a gas explosion that may occur in weeks or months resulting in a massive tsunami, which he says would travel at 400-600 MPH toward the most vulnerable coastline in America.
This he says, would sink all vessels for miles and drive the oil, toxic dispersants and gases inland within minutes.

Hoagland said, “Think Mount St. Helens — underwater. Depth recorders have detected a gas bubble growing under the ocean floor, around the well head. If this potential bubble does not get controlled ASAP before it explodes, impending disaster could be awaiting millions of residents in the gulf states.”

//The Surge was the brainchild of the AEI Exxon funded think tank ...they even admit to it on their own website/Hugo Chavez described Israel on
Saturday as a genocidal state that acted as an assassin for the United States,
predicting the Middle East nation would one day be "put in its place."let's
hope that a really democratic state emerges there, with which we can share a
path and ideas."/US Supreme Court declined Monday to hear an appeal by the
Vatican in a landmark case that opens the way for priests in the United
States to stand trial for pedophilia. /republicans just don't get it that their wicked days of lying and greed and warmongering is on the decrease and shall not rise again before the poleshift. I heard the decrepit Mississippi governor say these words and much more. He also said that his beaches were clean and unpolluted which was a red-face lie even at the time! And now this! I do not fault him as being a republican is so close to being a mental disease and perhaps incurable./LOCATE "NIBIRU" and explain its' signifcance! The "LYRAN" are "4th dimensinal" and therefore are "INVISABLE" to our 3 dimensional human eyes! I showed them how I could "talk-to-them" ( via "PALOMETRY") and They were quite impressed! They have begun to do MUCH to bring our SCIENCES into very advanced FUTURE as a result! They also removed the MARTIAN crew that were known as "The "Brittish" group that
occupied MARS for well over 30+ years. The LYAN finally took them OFF of same and relocated them ro a NEWER location as yet known by the entire EARTH_WORLD? I actually visisted same long ago when I was in my early 20's. I was visiting ALL of the FAR OUT SYSTEMS that were also "peopled" including the further out 92+ systems of The entirety of the "MILKY WAY! Yet in my early 20's it was indeed an exciting adventure! I am NOW in my late 70' you can "go-figure'..LOL! Sincerely: Dr. R. McCarty Ph.D /a habit of helping move money for Mexican drug
smugglers*. 29 Jun 2010 Just before sunset on April 10, 2006, a DC-9 jet
landed at the international airport in the port city of Ciudad del Carmen,
500 miles east of Mexico City. As soldiers on the ground approached the
plane, the crew tried to shoo them away, saying there was a dangerous oil
leak. So the troops grew suspicious and searched the jet. They found 128
black suitcases, packed with 5.7 tons of cocaine, valued at $100 million.
The stash was supposed to have been delivered from Caracas to drug
traffickers in Toluca, near Mexico City, Mexican prosecutors later found. *The
smugglers had bought the DC-9 with laundered funds they transferred through
two of the biggest banks in the U.S.: Wachovia Corp. and Bank of America
Corp.*, Bloomberg Markets magazine reports in its August 2010 issue/a final version of Congress's financial
regulation reform bill means that firms such as Citigroup and Goldman Sachs
could exploit loopholes until 2022 before withdrawing from "illiquid" funds
such as private equity./perhaps, all these actions are merely smoke screens designed to undermine confidence, create panic selling and allow unscrupulous parties to aquire huge sums of incredibly cheap shares before they pull back the curtain and say, here's the real story, we weren't being fair to the gse's, it wasn't their fault, we're restoring their value and role, the stock soars and the secret players who are accumulating now get mega rich overnight...of course they already are but even more so.
/How many more laws need to be blatantly broken for someone to step in?//62910/62810/The American mentally, continually ducking any accountability, still boggles my mind. We slay BP, but still drive our cars to work every day//FBI had discovered the presence of a massive spy ring inside the United States run by the government of Israel. This seems a harsh gratitude from a nation which obtains 10% of its annual budget from the American taxpayer, $3+ billion a year. Over the years, American taxpayers have been required to send Israel more than four times what the US spent to go to the moon.What Israel has done in return was to set up government subsidized telecommunications companies which operate here in the United States. One of these companies is Amdocs, which provides billing and directory assistance for 90% of the phone companies in the USA. Amdocs' main computer center for billing is actually in Israel and allows those with access to do what intelligence agencies call "traffic analysis"; a picture of someone's activities based on a pattern of who they are calling and when. Another Israeli telecom company is Comverse Infosys, which subcontracts the installation of the automatic tapping equipment now built into every phone system in America. Comverse maintains its own connections to all this phone tapping equipment, insisting that it is for maintenance purposes only. However, Converse has been named as the most likely source for leaked information regarding telephone calls by law enforcement that derailed several investigations into not only espionage, but drug running as well. Yet another Israeli telecom company is Odigo, which provides the core message passing system for all the "Instant Message" services./KNOWN LIARS, TRAITORS AND SPIES THESE PARASITES ARE IN EVERY LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT OFFICES/,000 Israeli youths will be leaving for the United States in the upcoming weeks to serve as Zionist “ambassadors” to American youth. The Israelis will work at Jewish Agency camps, teaching about Israel and Israeli society and culture. will disperse to approximately 200 Zionist and Jewish camps in North America, which are attended by a total of 150,000 children. The counselors have already completed their IDF or national service, and they looked to the Jewish Agency as a new way to contribute after fulfilling their mandatory service. diaspora any movement of a population sharing common national and/or ethnic identity. /We are now, I fear, in the early stages of a third depression. It will probably look more like the Long Depression than the much more severe Great Depression. But the cost — to the world economy and, above all, to the millions of lives blighted by the absence of jobs — will nonetheless be immense. We have truly wasted a crisis. Effective reform has been debauched. The banks remain as powerful as ever. Main Street remains weak./ BP is capturing some of the leaking oil through two systems near the seafloor that are diverting crude and natural gas to vessels on the surface. It’s installing the first floating riser for a third oil-collection vessel, which is anticipated to be ready as soon the end of this month.The company collected 22,750 barrels of leaking oil and burned 52.9 million cubic feet of gas on June 26, according to BP’s website. In the first half of yesterday, BP collected or burned more than 12,000 barrels of oil. The first of two relief wells aiming to intercept and plug the leak has reached more than 90 percent of its target depth and detected the metal casing of the Macondo wellbore, London- based BP said on June 25. The relief well is still slated to be done in early August as BP enters the “delicate” phase of testing to find the right spot to stop the leak, company spokesman David Nicholas said by telephone yesterday.
BP may find that “sweet spot,” about 200 feet (61 meters) long, for cutting into and plugging the damaged Macondo well earlier than the company estimated, said Don Van Nieuwenhuise, director of professional geoscience programs at the University of Houston. He called the August target a “careful” schedule. The intercept well was at 16,275 feet late last week, BP said.///42710/Benedict XVI lashed out Sunday at what he called the "deplorable" raids carried out by Belgian police who detained bishops, confiscated computers, opened a crypt and took church documents as part of an investigation/Reta attended a Mexican training camp, where he learned to shoot assault rifles, before returning to America. He lived in an expensive house in Laredo and was provided with a $70,000 Mercedes, plus access to firearms and women. Convicted of two murders in America, Reta also killed an unknown number of people in Mexico, but he acknowledges no doubts about his choice of profession. "I like what I do," he told police. "I don't deny it." If I cannot hit you in the forehead from a distance, I will kneel down in front of you and put my forehead against the muzzle of your gun. I will look you in the eyes while you kill me. - Rosalio Reta, 19, serving a 70-year sentence for drug-related murders/don't think this is about drugs rocking or not. It is about this failed war on drugs that is now recruiting young kids to fight in it. It is a war on personal freedom and a war on Americans seeing how they are the ones buying the drugs and fueling the war... on both sides./"Heeeey gringo, come over heeere holmes! Run some drugs for us yeah?"/ //* 25 Jun 2010 Former Vice President [sic] Dick Cheney admitted to hospital
after reporting discomfort*//
Wikipedia has become home base for a loose worldwide network of pedophiles
who are campaigning to spin the popular online encyclopedia in their favor
and are trying to lure more people into their world, an investigation by confirms. Pedophiles have campaigned to push their point of view that 'pedophilia
is OK and doesn’t hurt children' on Wikipedia,” says Xavier Von Erck,
director of the online pedophile watchdog organization Perverted Justice
Foundation and, its offshoot project devoted to tracking
pedophiles and pedophile activism on Wikipedia. Wikipedia pages edited by pedophiles, including "Child
Sexuality," and "NAMBLA," a page about the North American Man/Boy Love
That page links directly to NAMBLA's website, as do 25 other Wikipedia
Wikipedia also has 32 external links to GirlChat, 14 to a Danish
pro-pedophile website and 12 to BoyChat....
But an investigation by shows that pedophiles are gaming this
system, using their message boards to rally opposition and to sabotage
attempts by other Wikipedia community members to rid the online encyclopedia of
pro-pedophilia content./Astronomers are reporting today the discovery of a planetary system way out of tilt, where the orbits of two planets are at a steep angle to each other. This surprising finding will impact theories ..Combining fundamentally different, yet complementary, types of data from Hubble and ground-based telescopes, McArthur's team has determined the exact masses of two of the three known planets, Upsilon Andromedae c and d. Much more startling, though, is their finding that not all planets orbit this star in the same plane. The orbits of planets c and d are inclined by 30 degrees with respect to each other. This research marks the first time that the "mutual inclination" of two planets orbiting another star has been measured. And, the team has uncovered hints that a fourth planet, e, orbits the star much farther out."Most probably Upsilon Andromedae had the same formation process as our own solar system, although there could have been differences in the late formation that seeded this divergent evolution," McArthur said. "The premise of planetary evolution so far has been that planetary systems form in the disk and remain relatively co-planar, like our own system, but now we have measured a significant angle between these planets that indicates this isn't always the case." also confirmed Upsilon Andromedae's status as a binary star. The companion star is a red dwarf less massive and much dimmer than the Sun."We don't have any idea what its orbit is," Benedict said. "It could be very eccentric. Maybe it comes in very close every once in a while. It may take 10,000 years." Such a close pass by the secondary star could gravitationally perturb the orbits of the planets. astronomers have known that three Jupiter-type planets orbit the yellow-white star Upsilon Andromedae. Similar to our Sun in its properties, Upsilon Andromedae lies about 44 light-years away. It's a little younger, more massive, and brighter than the Sun. Several different gravitational scenarios could be responsible for the surprisingly inclined orbits in Upsilon Andromedae, "Possibilities include interactions occurring from the inward migration of planets, the ejection of other planets from the system through planet-planet scattering, or disruption from the parent star's binary companion star, Upsilon Andromedae B," McArthur said. /February 18, 2010: Imagine finding a living dinosaur in your backyard. Astronomers have found the astronomical equivalent of prehistoric life in our intergalactic backyard: a group of small, ancient galaxies that has waited 10 billion years to come together. These "late bloomers" are on their way to building a large elliptical galaxy. Such encounters between dwarf galaxies are normally seen billions of light-years away and therefore occurred billions of years ago. But these galaxies, members of Hickson Compact Group 31, are relatively nearby, only 166 million light-years away Hickson Compact Group 31 shows the four galaxies mixing it up. The bright, distorted object at middle, left, is actually two colliding dwarf galaxies. The bluish star clusters have formed in the streamers of debris pulled from the galaxies and at the site of their head-on collision. The cigar-shaped object above the galaxy duo is another member of the group. A bridge of star clusters connects the trio. A longer rope of bright star clusters points to the fourth member of the group//62610cont

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