and other web gems:
122110/NO evidence to suggest that the Israelites ever practiced the debt forgiveness found in the old testament, but that didn't stop the prophets from shouting it./Deuteronomy 15The Year for Canceling Debts1 At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts. 2 This is how it is to be done: Every creditor shall cancel any loan they have made to a fellow Israelite./If anyone is poor among your fellow Israelites in any of the towns of the land the LORD your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward them. 8 Rather, be openhanded and freely lend them whatever they need. 9 Be careful not to harbor this wicked thought: “The seventh year, the year for canceling debts, is near,” so that you do not show ill will toward the needy among your fellow Israelites and give them nothing. They may then appeal to the LORD against you, and you will be found guilty of sin./self involved, greedy and ignorant p.o.s., but if she had any chance of winning i'd vote for her, being an anarchist at heart i thinnk this would certainly stop delaying the inevitable colapse of this world society thing./this whole freak show is being run with borrowed money... what i am hearing and seeing is the USA selling it's self out, cheap, so a bunch of flighty, selfish, power hungry, fools can have a tea party... they are saying, please, we will morgage everything we have just don't make us pay taxes... our jobs, our health and our kids future is worth a lot more than they are getting for them./
122010/ Prominent J[e]ws Leave Amsterdam over Anti-Semitism are the only group I am aware of that has a God that historical aka the Bible, promotes wiping out all races other than his chosen one aka Jws. Be it women or babies....../
121910/well over 600,000, and probably close to a million, inmates are working fulltime in jails and prisons throughout the United States. advocates,raised issues common to incarcerated people nationwide: abusive treatment,degrading living conditions, a lack of accountability in the administration andparole authorities, and a lack of basic educational and social servicesAccording tonews reports, prison staff locked down four facilities, attempted to transferout the leading troublemakers, cut off the hot water, and revoked cell phoneprivileges (yes, according to Facing South, "Cell phones are contraband inGeorgia's prisons, but widely available for sale from correctional officers."/I don't believe the true religion would burn books and ban us from even lookingat things like this. There are no explanations for modern day issues in theBible, so look around, but keep an open mind. This woman isin a closet herself where everything is either good or evil, black or white,blue or red. Divide, divide, divide.I wonder if she thinks smooth peanut butter is good while chunky peanut butteris evil? It does remind one of the preaching of Sarah Palin, Queen of theIlliterates. Fear what you do not understand./Defense Contractor General Electric, RECEIVED as atax BENEFIT, last year, especially since they can defer taxes onOverseas income INDEFINITELY. /a chart forDec 21, 2012 and saw nothing. do a chart for Dec 21, 2010, I see aspectacular, powerful eclipse lasting total phase of the eclipse will last for the mystical number of 72 minutes.. Mayan elders have been trying to tell everyone that the end of acycle on their calendar is not the end of the world. WinterSolstice this year, thanks to the lunar eclipse, and for the only timeduring this period of solar alignment, the Moon, Earth, Solstice Sun andGalactic Centre will all be in perfect alignment. The Eclipse itself takes place smack dab in the center of thePacific Ocean. Right in the middle of the ‘Ring of Fire’ where all theworlds Earthquakes have happened this year. The impact here is one ofdestabilizing one of the Earth’s most vulnerable /Poorer folks go "$7,800 further into debt to get a $613 tax break" but rich folks "earning between $5M and $10M get $38,590".ichardcavessa's Instablog - Posts on BHP - Seeking AlphaStop Following. You are no longer following richardcavessa. nothing .."It happened so quickly. They came and attacked us. One of them pulled a very long knife. It was like a bread knife with a sharpened edge. I was scared, but my friend became a bit hysterical, so I told her in English – they spoke in Arabic – 'be quiet, don't make any noise, it'll make them attack us'," she said. "One of them took the Star of David necklace off my neck like a gentleman – and they stabbed me 12 times. They came to kill. Nobody walks around with a knife like that for no reason. He stabbed me, but I sensed the knife did not penetrate my heart. I pretended to be dead."/March, a gunman walked into a Jewish religious seminary and shot eight students dead./In July, a construction worker drove a bulldozer down a main street in the city, killing three people and injuring 44 others.Later that month, another man drove a bulldozer down a busy street, ramming cars and injuring 16 people. All three Palestinians were shot dead at the scene of the attacks.In September, a Palestinian driver crashed his car into a group of Israeli soldiers in Jerusalem, injuring 17 people in what Israeli police also described as a terror attack.The driver was immediately shot dead by an army officer./1,300-word communique, the Vatican said: "It has not always been possible to follow every attack against Israel with a public declaration of condemnation."It said one reason for this was that "the attacks on Israel were sometimes followed by immediate Israeli reactions not always compatible with the norms of international law ... It would thus be impossible to condemn the [terrorist operations] and pass over the [Israeli retaliation] in silence". / /Interesting to read the Guardian report that Cuba had banned Michael Moore's 'Sicko'. Particularly as it has aired on Cuban TV and Moore has been feted in Cuba for the film. Apparently this misinformation was concocted by the CIA and Cuban exiles..Perhaps you should have checked Michael Moore's website first before publishing this untrue story? /If you have embraced a creed which appears to be free from the ordinary dirtiness of politics - a creed from which you yourself cannot expect to draw any material advantage - surely that proves that you are in the right? George Orwell/
121810/On This Day In History An Overwhelmingly GOP Supreme Courtsaid that the interment of Japanese Americans during WWII was not only legal, but even those Japanese-Americans who were "undeniably loyal" to the USA should be kept interred/Playboy reportedly offered Sarah Palin $4 Million/the escape of 141 inmates from a border city prison as police stepped up security and searched for convicts on the run. apparently in collusion with prison workers -- escaped through a service entrance for staff vehicles,September, 85 inmates used a ladder to clear a wall and escape from a prison in the border city of Reynosa The prison director also "disappeared,"/Taxpayers filed nearly 143 million returns, including those from individuals and married couples. Nearly 389,000 taxpayers reported incomes of $1 million or above.Corporate audits dropped slightly, by less than 1 percent. But there was a 7 percent increase in the number of audits of firms with $10 million or more in assets. / Other media outlets suggested that the presence of 500 Swedish troops in Afghanistan, or a Swedish artist’s 2007 rendering of the founder of Islam in the form of a dog, are what may have sparked the attacker’s fury. But these explanations just don’t cut it. They all miss the point, one that has been driven home time and again since 9/11. These attacks have little to do with what the West does, and everything to do with what the West is and what it represents. The haters, killers and extremists may seize upon this or that current event as a convenient excuse to justify their actions, but what fuels their extremism is a worldview that is bent on global Islamic domination.A clue to this could be found in the threat sent just prior to the Stockholm attack, which said in part, “Now the Islamic state has been created. We now exist here in Europe and in Sweden. We are a reality.” the bomber felt himself to be part of a larger movement, one that is seeking not to alter Western policy, but the very identity and nature of the West. fall of 2009, after a popular Swedish newspaper accused IDF troops of killing Palestinians to harvest their organs, the Swedish government rejected Israeli requests to condemn it./ot since Jack sold his cow for some magic beans has a deal like this been made by our "leadership" where families earning between $35,000 and $64,000 go $7,800 further into debt pd/So, Obama is a republican in wolf's clothing. I guess we understand that. He wants a job with Goldman-Sachs when this experiment in government is over. He wants to be a billionaire. The change he wants is not to reform the system, but to make sure that blacks have a place in the corrupt power hierarchy (so they can get filthy rich) too./many of the same old people who have been lying to the electorate for years. In the south where I live, people keep electing Republicans who just claim they are "conservative". These "conservatives" just voted to extend and increase the Bush tax cuts that were done by borrowing from friends and enemies alike/men designed the CIA's interrogation program and alsopersonally took part in the waterboardingsessions. the CIA had to promise to cover at least $5 million inlegal fees for them in case there was trouble down the road,Turns out the contractors needed that secret agreement as taxpayers pay todefend the men in a federal investigation over an interrogation tactic theUnited States now says is torture. The deal is even more generous than theprotections the agency typically provides its own officers psychologists Jim Mitchell and Bruce Jessencreated the CIA's interrogation program. But former U.S. intelligenceofficials said Mitchell and Jessen also repeatedly subjected terror suspectsinside CIA-run secret prisons to waterboarding/
121710/Two pregnant women, a teenage girl, a police officer and his brother were shot on February 12[2010] when US and Afghan special forces stormed their home... NATO had initially claimed that the women had been dead for several hours…, but later admitted responsibility for all the deaths. "US special forces soldiers dug bullets out of their victims’ bodies in the bloody aftermath of a botched night raid, then washed the wounds with alcohol before lying to their superiors about what happened,”/Obama of "palling around with terrorists," has refused to call people who bomb abortion clinics by the same name. Brian Williams whether an abortion clinic bomber was a terrorist, Palin heaved a sigh and, at first, circumvented the question./
121610/the CIApromised in the 1970s to compensate those who were made guinea pigs, but the2009 complaint states that the government "never made a sincere effort tolocate the survivors/Germany has owned up to one of the most disturbing examples of mass child and youth abuse in its post-war history, some 60 years after the first teenagers started being locked away and mistreated by supposedly "caring" foster homes. agreed yesterday to provide a €120m (£101m) compensation fundfor the estimated 30,000 victims who were among the 800,000 children inGerman foster homes in the Fifties, Sixties and Seventies.admits enslaving and abusing a generation of children Lawsuits accuse Knights of Columbus of child abuse/ Wikileaks Julian Assange granted bail over Fake sex crime allegations/liberals not understanding the zoologyof our movement. But the use and abuse of the term 'neoconservative' hasexceeded even the high allowance for cliché and ignorance generallyafforded to those who write or talk about conservatism from outside theconservative ant farm. Infact, neoconservative has become a Trojan Horse for vast arsenal of ideological attacks and insinuations. There is nothing remotely conservative within the cult of the NeoCon"./International Solidarity Movement (ISM)Working to Destroy Israel, Supports Terorism the group Rachel, I crave pancakes, Corrie, belonged to./Nasrallah said in a speech Thursday that the removal of J[e]ws from the Land of Israel and conquering the land by Arabs was a principle that the Arab world could not surrender on. Speaking at a Shi'ite religious event, Nasrallah said that “we will bring thousands of martyrs” to kill J[e]ws in Jerusalem. “We will never recognize Israel. We will not surrender a grain of Palestine's sand.”/Falling Rates and Energy prices. That was the key to Reagan's Economy, not TAX CUTS. The Economy runs on Low Energy Costs, Productivity, and Low Interest RATES, not Tax Cuts in the context that Repugs foolish paint in their Faux History Lessons. Bushy's entire Economy rise was built on SCAM BANKING Derivatives, Crude Oil Manipulation, and Wars for Profits. Clearly that has come tumbling down as we have the Worst Economy since the Great Depression./"Protocols of Elders of Zion..." fantasy?/ They are a bit offensive in only that they are preoccupied with the end times. Hypocritical, corrupt human beings run churches. ALL OF THE THEM. one I go to is quick to point this out. Basically man gets in the way of God's message in innumerable ways because we are humans. /all to some degree or another twist the message of God somehow. It really depends on how much twisting you personally are comfortable with. /Jesse Ventura (and Alfred Webre) on BP Gulf oil spill false flag operation. /
121510/1951, CIA agent William Colby, based at the CIA station in Stockholm,supported the training of stay-behind armies in neutral Sweden. (Sweden)Since then the CIA and its friends have been very active in NOTICE is intended to provide fair disclosure of my rights and my intention to enforce them. I will not brook impairment of travel, due process, liberty or freedom, nor unreasonable searches. Since I may feel threatened for my life by invasive searches and radiation exposure, I will use all lawful means to protect myself and to hold violators personally responsible. If you believe you are legally immune – think again. There is a doctrine of law that no one can grant authority to commit a crime against another. Please consult the Constitution for further information as to the limits of your authority. I do not grant consent or jurisdiction to the United States Federal corporation. Nothing I do or say can be interpreted as the contrary. That I am able to make sure my rights will not violated or limited in any form or that at least violators will suffer the full consequence of the law, see my newest book: The Only Answer to Tyranny at and /He seemed like Superman, able to guide jumbo jets through perilous skies and tiny tubes through blocked arteries. As a cardiologist and United Airlines captain, William Hamman taught doctors and pilots ways to keep hearts and planes from crashing.He shared millions in grants, had university and hospital posts, and bragged of work for prestigious medical groups. An Associated Press story featured him leading a teamwork training session at an American College of Cardiology convention last spring. turns out Hamman isn't a cardiologist or even a doctor. The AP found he had no medical residency, fellowship, doctoral degree or the 15 years of clinical experience he claimed. He attended medical school for a few years but withdrew and didn't graduate.more at Jim Boswell suppression incident - electromagnetic power generator*** COPY THIS INFORMATION AND SAVE IT TO ANOTHER LOCATION ONLINE ASAP!!! *** Jim Boswell has been a target of suppression in recent weeks (March-April 2009 timeframe). Since articles were posted online several weeks ago discussing Jim's advanced energy technologies, Jim has experienced the following: * Jim has received multiple death threats over thephone. * Jim received a hard copy death threat - placed on the windshield of his vehicle. * Unmarked vehicles have been parked outside Jim's house at night on several occasions. Whenever Jim walks outside to confront the person(s), the vehicles quickly drive away. * Two uninvited men interrupted a meeting in Texas between Jim and a prospective investor, one of which claimed he was former NSA, using a fake name to identify himself. After one of the men briefly walked out of the room to make a phone call, this man walked back into the room and mentioned information that could only have been known by someone monitoring Jim's email/phone communications. * The morning after Jim posted a video on youtube demonstrating his technology, a man parked his personal vehicle outside Jim's house, placed a PG&E cone behind the vehicle, and was loitering around Jim's house and accessed Jim's home electrical box outside. Jim walked outside and confronted the man. The man immediately walked to his vehicle. Jim walked inside, grabbed his camcorder and recorded the man leaving. In one of the videos, the man can be seen holding a taser close to his leg. The license plates were recorded on the video. The local police department said the gentleman has a long list of convictions, to include being hired as a hit man. A private investigator identified the owner of the vehicle by name, and an internet search for the name brought up only one name on the Fresno area. This individual's mother was also listed on the registrationof the vehicle. She was murdered in 2006 according to online articles. This individual is considered very dangerous, so do not approach or contact him directly. For the videos, see or * PG&E confirmed that no one was scheduled for an appointment to work on Jim's house electrical box on that day. The phone call is recorded. * Jim received a death threat on paper the night after the abovementioned incident stating: WE WARNED YOU! STOP TALKING ABOUT YOUR INVENTIONS! YOU WILL NOT MANUFACTURE YOUR INVENTIONS OR THE NEXT TIME YOU ARE DEAD! Jim's phones are apparently monitored by an outside party with covert electronic surveillance capabilities, based on information conveyed in the threatening phone calls and from one of the two men who interrupted Jim's meeting with a prospective investor in TX. Jim can hear a click shortly after he begins a phone call. The measured voltage on his phone line increases from ~24V to ~40 volts when the click occurs, and the voltage returns to ~24V when another click is heard towards the end of his phone calls or when it is determined that he is talking about an unrelated topic that is not of interest to the monitoring party. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Based on other advanced energy researchers' experiences of suppression, the next likely event is vehicular assault, where someone will drive into Jim, run him off the road, try to hit him in a parking lot or on the street, etc., in order to stop him from continuing his work and public interactions, to ensure his technology does not make it out to the public. All of the abovementioned information can be confirmed upon request. Simply repost this information somewhere on the internet with a request to be contacted via email (anonymous email OK), and within a few days the search engines can be used to identify keyword phrases from this original post, and a message will be sent to the email posted along with this message. This information is intended to 'go viral', as a means of protecting Jim Boswell from future incidents, as local authorities and the FBI are not positioned to provide the protection necessary to ensure Jim's safety, so we must do it through the Internet - a million watt spotlight on these incidents will minimize the likelihood of future incidents. *** COPY THIS INFORMATION AND SAVE IT TO ANOTHER LOCATION ONLINE/the hypocrisy: Several Republican senators are now opposing the omnibus spending bill because they say it has too many earmarks—including their own. Senate Minority Mitch McConnell, for example, says he is “actively working to defeat” the bill, even though he has larded it with over $5 million in earmarks for Kentucky. Senato/
121410/Catholic nun with a reputation for gambling trips to Atlantic City was accused of embezzling more than $850,000 from a college where she oversaw the school's finances/piginsoc, You have proven yourself to be a disgusting drama junkie. Ihope you fade away...fall off the earth and disappear forever. STOP fu$%king up this board with your unbelievably idiotic posts. Some of usare dependent upon the advice of the well-meaning people here...youare nothing more than a horrifically disgusting distraction. PLEASE goaway. /defend myself from the pumpers. Your objection is???/Reuters) - Chase DeBlase and his sister Natalie endured cruelty and torture before their father John DeBlase allegedly murdered them and dumped their bodies/authorities on Thursday and Dutch police arrested a 16-year-old boy suspected in attacks on credit card sites of Visa and MasterCard. Putin questioned whether the U.S. Foreign Service was a "crystal clean source of information." /EPA administrator Christie Todd Whitman (R) cautioned Republicans against overreaching in the new Congress, noting that they're already "misinterpreting this election" by "standing up and saying `no' to everything."/TSA Policies To Be Reviewed After "Humiliating" Pat Down Of Indian Diplomat "Livid" Ambassador to United States vowed never to return to America/Father Harassed By CPS For Feeding Kids Organic Food /Massive anti-Israel protests across Scandinavia the gop house ni@@a/
121110/2009, Exxon Mobil, the most profitable corporation in history made $19 billion in profits and not only paid no federal income taxes but they got A REFUND OF $ 156 MILLION DOLLARS.../Today in 1972, Apollo 17 landed on the moon. Here's a historical photo of the crew with the moon rover: /,_the_US_secret_bunker,_the_Gulf_of_Aden_Vortex:_Contact_made.html / Wikileaks has never had a document mentioning the 9/11 investigation, the controversy over the “9/12″ secret flight to Israel or the “dancing Israeli’s,” the 5 Mossad agents arrested on the George Washington bridge on 9/11 in a van with 2,000 pounds of explosives. This group, admittedly “documenting” the 9/11 attack for the Israeli government was kept in custody for 10 months and only released after diplomatic wrangling and a major lobbying effort. Gingrich, Assange and Murdoch have several things in common. All are avid Zionists. in an FCC complaint made by NBC. They contended that foreign ownership of Fox, Murdoch was not an American, was illegal. Murdoch then gave Gingrich $4.5 million through his publishing company, Harper Collins, to write a book. Murdoch had offered similar deals to Margaret Thatcher and other politicians where Murdoch had regulatory problems. This time, when Newt was found to be meeting with Murdoch’s lobbyists, it all blew up in his face and he was forced to give the money back. When it came down to “splainin’ time,” Newt and Murdoch denied it all, then it came out that they met secretly on a park bench. Then they claimed Murdoch’s agent, Lynn Chu and Gingrich’s “associate” Jeff Eisenach had cut the deal and forgot to tell them about it. Rupert Murdoch got to keep Fox News and the Neocons gained control of content, making Fox the unofficial voice of Israel, the Republican Party and the military/industrial complex./If Israel were to gain from this, what are they gaining - Mistrust in the Middle East? Obama was surely their's to pawn with but this whole leak business has left him with egg on his face so much so that he has withdrawn the recent offer of 35 F-20 Aircraft for the freeze on settlements. Oh well, why do we pontificate.... its all a fraud, a moneyed elite make us believe its their puppets who govern us - they are taking our civil liberties rather rapidly these days and the Wikileaks at least is highlighting that problem with the very undemocratic, uncapitalistic way the state department has pressured anyone having dealings with Wikileaks. Its a Shame the US didn't do that with Israel a long time ago./ UFO_may_have_crashed_in_the_Austrian_Alps.html / Putin said
12910/Spanish Strategy to Combat the Russian Mafia: Follow the Money) Grinda traced the history of the Russian mafia in Spain to the mid-1990s, when several vory v zakone began to enter Spain. He said that since 2004 Spanish prosecutors have created a formal strategy to “behead” the Russian mafia in Spain. He explained that this has been a top-down strategy done through extensive investigations of criminal actions by these vory v zakone living in Spain. These individuals have no known jobs and unknown sources of income, yet they live in large mansions. Spanish prosecutors have concluded that money-laundering is likely involved and the challenge has been how to prove this. Grinda says that Spain’s longtime experience in fighting drug traffickers’ use of money laundering has proven valuable in this regard. Grinda says the money-laundering investigations have a two-fold objective: to prevent the targets from profiting from the original crime and to prevent the targets from gaining enough clout to enjoy economic influence, which Grinda suggested sooner or later always reaches political power. This is why Spain’s Attorney General has grouped together the prosecutors’ office for anti-corruption and organized crime. As part of this strategy to prevent mafiosos from enjoying economic influence, Spain’s strategy includes the seizure of businesses, companies, furniture and other assets./ Behind the facade of Wahabi conservatism in the streets, the underground nightlife for Jeddah’s elite youth is thriving and throbbing. The full range of worldly temptations and vices are available -- alcohol, drugs, sex -- but strictly behind closed doors. This freedom to indulge carnal pursuits is possible merely because the religious police keep their distance when parties include the presence or patronage of a Saudi royal and his circle of loyal attendants, such as a Halloween event attended by ConGenOffs on. [DETAIL REMOVED] Over the past few years, the increased conservatism of Saudi Arabia’s external society has pushed the nightlife and party scene in Jeddah even further underground. End summary./Religious police/CPVPV (Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice) were nowhere to be seen and while admission was controlled through a strictly-enforced guest list, the partygoers were otherwise not shy about publicizing the affair. According to a young Saudi from a prominent Jeddah merchant family, the Saudis try to throw parties at princes’ houses or with princes in attendance, which serves as sufficient deterrent to interference by the CPVPV. There are over 10,000 princes in the Kingdom, albeit at various levels and gradations -- “Royal Highnesses” (“Saheb Al Sumou Al Maliki”) signified by direct descent from King Abdulaziz, and mere “Highnesses” (“Saheb Al Sumou”) from less direct branches of the Al Saud ruling family. Our host that evening,xxxxxx (protect), traces his roots to Thunayan, a brother of Mohammad, Amir of Diriyyah and Nejd (1725-65), King Abdullah’s direct ancestor, six generations back. Although PrinceXXXXXXXXXXXX is XXXXXXXXXXXX not in line for the throne, he still enjoys the perks of a mansion, luxury car, lifetime stipend, and security entourage. (Note: Most of the prince XXXXXXXXXXXX’s security forces were young XXXXXXXXXXXX men. It is common practice for Saudi princes to grow up with hired bodyguards from Nigeria or other African nations who are of similar age and who remain with the prince well into adulthood. They are called “khawi,” derived from the Arabic word “akh,” meaning “brother.” The lifetime spent together creates an intense bond of loyalty. End note.)Alcohol, though strictly prohibited by Saudi law and custom, was plentiful at the party’s well-stocked bar, well-patronized by Halloween revellers. The hired Filipino bartenders served a cocktail punch using “sadiqi,” a locally-made “moonshine.” While top-shelf liquor bottles were on display throughout the bar area, the original contents were reportedly already consumed and replaced by sadiqi. On the black market, a bottle of Smirnoff can cost 1,500 riyals when available, compared to 100 riyals for the locally-made vodka. It was also learned through word-of-mouth that a number of the guests were in fact “working girls,” not uncommon for such parties. though not witnessed directly at this event, cocaine and hashish use is common in these social circles and has been seen on other occasions./¶5. (C) Comment: Saudi youth get to enjoy relative social freedom and indulge fleshly pursuits, but only behind closed doors -- and only the rich. Parties of this nature and scale are believed to be a relatively recent phenomenon in Jeddah. One contact, a young Saudi male, explained that up to a few years ago, the only weekend activity was “dating” inside the homes of the affluent in small groups. It is not uncommon in Jeddah for the more lavish private residences to include elaborate basement bars, discos, entertainment centers and clubs. As one high society Saudi remarked, “The increased conservatism of our society over these past years has only moved social interaction to the inside of people’s homes.” End comment. /the U.S. failure to "listen" to Russia, which advised against Palestinian elections, had allowed Hamas to come to power and eventually take over Gaza, thereby strengthening Iran's position in the region. /Israel's official recognition of the Holodomor, the 1930s famine that occurred in Ukraine. Lieberman explained that by recognizing this tragedy, Israel had not said Russia was guilty of causing it, nor that it was an act of genocide. /During an October 26 call on the Ambassador, Israeli Ambassador Gabby Levy registered concern over the recent deterioration in his country's bilateral relations with Turkey and the conviction that the relationship's decline is attributable exclusively to Prime Minister Erdogan. Levy said Foreign Minister Davutoglu had relayed a message to him through the visiting Czech foreign minister that “things will get better.” He had also fielded messages from senior civil servants, xxxxx urging him to weather quietly Erdogan's harsh public criticisms of Israel. The latter claimed Erdogan's repeated angry references to the humanitarian situation in Gaza are for “domestic political consumption” only./Comment: Our discussions with contacts both inside and outside of the Turkish government on Turkey's deteriorating relations with Israel tend to confirm Levy's thesis that Erdogan simply hates Israel. xxxxx discusses contributing reasons for Erdogan's tilt on Iran/Middle East isues, but antipathy towards Israel is a factor./the aftermath of the failed assassination attempt targeting Assistant Interior Minister Prince Mohammed bin Naif (MbN) (ref A), King Abdullah and other officials responded swiftly and decisively to reassure the public that the Prince was well, and reaffirm the Kingdom's commitment to combating terrorism. The press and the public universally condemned the attack, characterizing it as a direct assault against the Saudi state and Islam. A more measured reaction The attack seems to have strengthened the already positive public reputation of Prince Mohammed bin Naif, and many religious-minded Saudis will see his miraculous survival, almost unscathed, as a sign of Divine protection and blessing for his efforts against Al-Qaeda and other extremists. For his part, Prince Mohammed has told us the attack has only strengthened his resolve, and convinced him that the Kingdom's counter-terrorism strategy, combining firmness with understanding, is effective and should continue./immediately following the attack. The Saudi Press Agency published photographs of King Abdullah and MbN, wearing a bandage on his left middle finger, meeting at the hospital in Jeddah. News channel Al-Arabiya played a tape of the visit throughout the day in which the visibly concerned King praised Allah for the Prince's safety and described the attack as an attack against both Islam and the country: "Thanks be to God that you are safe and nothing has happened to you. Everything you might have suffered in the service of your religion and homeland will not be for nothing, God willing." MbN responded that this attack "would only strengthen our resolve to root out the terrorists," and admitted that he was at fault for failing to require a full search of the bomber. Official reports note that the would-be assassin was on a list of 85 wanted terrorists, that MbN was aware of his planned attendance, and that he had been expected to turn himself in at the event. / Other prominent religious and political figures were widely quoted in the press the day after the incident. The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia told Okaz newspaper the attack was "not unexpected," and called the assailant "deviant" and "corrupt to the core." Justice Minister Mohammed Al-Issa , Major General Mansour Al-Turki reaffirmed the Ministry's commitment to fighting terrorism, characterizing the attack as "an isolated incident" and adding "those who think the war on terror is over in the Kingdom are mistaken." /Saudi journalist Dawood Al-Shiryan wrote in Al-Hayat that the attack was "terrorism as a political rebellion attempting to undermine the authority of the state." Okaz called the attack "an attack on the security of the nation...that should make everyone alert and ready to fight." /Ahmed Al-Omran expressed relief that the Prince was not seriously injured and hope that the incident would not "add fuel to the fire" of the debate between liberals and conservatives. He added, "this is a time for solidarity and national unity, let us not ruin it." Liberal blog Al-Tomaar said the attack was the result of "spoiling terrorists and treating them leniently,"/columnist Mshari Al-Zaydi also considered the arrests a success, while citing the need to confront terrorism as an ideological issue. That this new batch of terrorists was predominantly Saudi, middle-aged, and well-educated challenged previous assumptions that economic deprivation and youthful religious zealotry were responsible for domestic terrorism, and indicated that the government needed to rethink its approach. "Saudi Arabia is now co ronting a new virus that is constantly evolving,"/ISRAELI OFFICIALS REQUEST USG DEMARCHE SYRIA ON POSSIBLE MISSILE TRANSFER TO HIZBALLAH Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak. Baidatz was concerned that a demarche following Barak’s meeting in Washington would lead the Syrians to believe that the U.S. and Israel collaborated to uncover and thwart the transfer./Transportation and Aviation Minister Ibrahim Kemoh Sesay was relieved of his duties August 4, pending the conclusion of the cocaine trafficking investigation. Sesay has vehemently proclaimed his innocence since the bust, despite a close family connection to one of the accused. XXXXXXXXXXXX Sesay was questioned by the Sierra Leone Police (SLP) August 5, but the SLP had orders from the President to neither charge nor detain him. This runs counter to Koroma’s public and private statements which have said he will hold anyone connected to the cocaine bust accountable, regardless of their connections. Also, following an Embassy offer August 1, the GoSL has accepted and offer for DEA to assistance in the investigation, and possible help with the deportation of the accused. Sesay stated in a radio interview August 5 that he “expects to land on his feet” following the conclusion of the investigation, inferring that he will resume his ministerial duties at that time. The Sesay “brothers” are APC stalwarts with close ties to the President. Kemoh Sesay was originally elected as a Member of Parliament in 1996 His contributions during the election, according to rumor, earned the ministerial position for Kemoh Sesay and the Manager position of the national football team for himself. If the allegations are true, these positions were strategically selected and likely used to facilitate narcotics trafficking beyond this particular case. officials made clear their fear that the traffickers could corrupt lover-level judiciary and police officials, and hoped that the DEA could indict and remove the traffickers from Sierra Leone as quickly as possible. The attendees at the meeting also agreed that an additional DEA agent fluent in Spanish should be sent to Sierra Leone immediately. Post will report further developments regarding DEA participation septel. Kemoh Sesay’s possible arrest contradicts previously reported information that he intends to see any guilty party brought to justice, regardless of their personal or professional connections. This is an unwelcome development, particularly given the importance of Koroma’s personal integrity and commitment to rule of law in encouraging greater investor and donor confidence. On the other hand, DEA involvement, particularly if it results in the removal of traffickers from Sierra Leone quickly, helps the President retain his government’s reputation and commitment to the rule of law--before the traffickers use their resources to bribe their way past prison and police officials who make only few dollars a day. /Saudi Arabia is officially still studying the issue of whether to associate with the Copenhagen Accord on Climate Change. Behind the scenes, we understand serious discussions are taking place about which road will best serve the Kingdom’s long term interests. On one hand, Saudi Arabia’s lead climate change negotiator has criticized the Copenhagen process in private and in public, arguing that the UNFCCC process is the only acceptable legal framework. On the other hand, Saudi officials are very eager to obtain investment credits for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and other technology transfer projects that will only become available once an agreement has been reached. Saudi officials express concern about the impact a transition to a low-carbon energy mix will have on the country’s revenue stream at a time when it faces enormous financing needs to transform its economy to create jobs for its young, growing population. It also fears imposed economic costs associated with “demonizing” oil. Part of the explanation for this schizophrenic position is that the Saudi Government has not yet thought through all the implications of a climate change agreement, in part because it may not fully understand the various demand scenarios. There appears to be a growing sense within the SAG that it may be in danger of becoming isolated on climate change, which may prompt a re-examination of its position. Saudi officials have suggested that they need to find a way to climb down gracefully from the country’s tough negotiating position. More sustained engagement in coordination with other governments, particularly if pitched as an effort to develop partnership, may help them do so. Saudi Arabia not yet Decided on Copenhagen Accord.Saudi Arabia’s lead climate change negotiator Dr. Mohammad Al-Sabban told Econoffs February 3 the United States should adopt a more inclusive, transparent approach to United Nations Forum for Climate Change Cooperation (UNFCCC) negotiations. Although he was encouraged by President Obama’s attitude towards developing country partners in the negotiations, Al-Sabban said the parties needed to “learn from the mistakes” of Copenhagen in thinking about preparing for the next Conference of Parties (CoP) in Mexico. Al-Sabban said developing countries felt their Danish hosts forced them to decide on the Copenhagen Accord with practically no notice. Heads of state were also called into the negotiations too early and they applied too much pressure “when the deal was not there,” he said. In specific response to the U.S. request for support for the Copenhagen Accord (ref H), Al-Sabban said Saudi Arabia was still studying the accord to determine its position. The SAG cares about the environment, but it also must care for its citizens, he said. Asked how to move forward on a global climate change commitment, Al-Sabban agreed negotiations need a “speedy outcome,” and Saudi officials are intensely discussing what position the country should take. We believe that the message is getting through, that there is a broad consensus among countries that tangible action needs to be taken now to address climate change. We also think that Saudi leaders are beginning to understand that they are in increasing danger of being left behind. They do have significant, legitimate concerns about how this process will affect their long-term livelihood. Our conversations, however, with officials in Finance, Petroleum and the other economic ministries suggests that they have not done sufficient economic analysis of the various scenarios to understand what the real impact of a climate change agreement might be. Such a discussion might help provide the kind of dispassionate basis to address legitimate Saudi concerns, while also making a better case for the need to take action to mitigate increasing emissions. We take as an encouraging sign the fact that several Saudi officials have noted to us that the Kyoto agreement only runs for two more years, suggesting that some at least understand the need to chart a more assured future course. We take the suggestion seriously that we help the Saudis find a way to climb down from their current position, ideally by offering the hand of partnership, which may help persuade the rest of OPEC to follow suit. For now, we believe that success will require a sustained, broad engagement with Saudi leadership, as we think the problem is more than just a rogue negotiator, but some broadly shared fears about the future, and uncertainty about the way forward. SMITHsaid countries need to rebuild trust and confidence through more transparent negotiations. Al-Sabban said Saudi Arabia’s nationally appropriate actions would include carbon capture and storage (CCS) credits. He emphasized Saudi Arabia’s need for technology transfer and foreign direct investment to mitigate the adverse impact that emissions-reducing policies may have on the Kingdom. He said the U.S. Administration’s rhetoric to end dependence on foreign oil, reiterated by President Obama in Copenhagen, is antagonistic and causes genuine fear in Saudi Arabia. The SAG is concerned about the outlook for oil demand and global production, and fears it will not be able to diversify in time to reach its development goals. /McChrystal and briefed Karzai on a June 29 incident in which a USG-funded, equipped, and mentored paramilitary force attacked a Kandahar courthouse. Karzai had earlier receivedphone calls from high-level US officials regretting the incident. Karzai that he had selected and introduced this paramilitary unit's recruits to the USG in 2002, a fact that he had conveniently omitted in larger group settings./Allegations of corruption surrounding Governor Hamdard have come from all quarters including the private sector, public employees, and XXXXXXXXXXXX. Afghans throughout the province generally regard him as corrupt. Hamdard’s ham-fisted approach to intimidate international partners and the PRT, while not an admission of guilt, illustrates his contempt for the international donor community, GIRoA, the lawful processes for development within ministry line directories in particular, and the rule of law. His reported statement that he wants to “declare a jihad against the PRT” is illustrative of the strained relations with the PRT. Somewhat fortunately, Governor Hamdard is often away in Kabul or Balkh Province and Deputy Governor Mangal is a capable administrator and thoughtful intermediary./ABOVE THE LAW: CORRUPT GOVERNOR THWARTS GOVERNANCE AND DEVELOPMENT IN PAKTYA PROVINCE, AFGHANISTAN/Russian arms sales are consequential, totaling approximately USD 6.7 billion in 2006, according to official figures. This amount reflects a 12 percent increase over 2005, and a 56 percent increase since 2003. Russian arms sales are expected to total at least USD 8 billion in 2007. Russia has made a conscious effort to improve after-sales customer service and warranties, which has added to the attractiveness of its weapons. As a result, Russian weapons command higher prices than previously. Russia is ranked second only to the United States in arms sales to the developing world, and a sizeable portion of its arms trade is with countries of concern to us./There are few voices in Russia who protest the sale of weapons to countries of concern and no domestic political constraints that tie the hands of Russian policymakers on this score. The pride that Russian officialdom takes in the arms industry as a symbol of Russia’s resurgence is largely shared by average Russians. American concerns are interpreted cynically, as the disgruntled complaints of a competitor, and viewed through the prism of a 1990’s story line in which the West seeks to keep Russia down, including by depriving it of arms markets. Burns/Accountability for alleged crimes committed by GSL troops and officials during the war is the most difficult issue on our bilateral agenda. (NOTE: Both the State Department Report to Congress on Incidents during the Conflict and the widely read report by the University Teachers for Human Rights (Jaffna) also detailed many incidents of alleged crimes perpetrated by the LTTE. Most of the LTTE leadership was killed at the end of the war, leaving few to be held responsible for those crimes. The Government of Sri Lanka (GSL) is holding thousands of mid- and lower-level ex-LTTE combatants for future rehabilitation and/or criminal prosecution. It is unclear whether any such prosecutions will meet international standards. END NOTE.) There have been some tentative steps on accountability on the GSL side. Soon after the appearance of the State Department report, President Rajapaksa announced the formation of an experts’ committee to examine the report and to provide him with recommendations on dealing with the allegations. At the end of the year, the president extended the deadline for the committee’s recommendations from December 31 until April. For his part, General Fonseka has spoken publicly of the need for a new deal with the Tamils and other minorities. Privately, his campaign manager told the Ambassador that Fonseka had ordered the opposition campaign to begin work planning a “truth and reconciliation” commission/Accountability is clearly an issue of importance for the ultimate political and moral health of Sri Lankan society. There is an obvious split, however, between the Tamil diaspora and Tamils in Sri Lanka on how and when to address the issue. While we understand the former would like to see the issue as an immediate top-priority issue, most Tamils in Sri Lanka appear to think it is both unrealistic and counter-productive to push the issue too aggressively now. While Tamil leaders are very vocal and committed to national reconciliation and creating a political system more equitable to all ethnic communities, they believe themselves vulnerable to political or even physical attack if they raise the issue of accountability publicly, and common Tamils appear focused on more immediate economic and social concerns. A few have suggested to us that while they cannot address the issue, they would like to see the international community push it. Such an approach, however, would seem to play into the super-heated campaign rhetoric of Rajapaksa and his allies that there is an international conspiracy against Sri Lanka and its “war heroes.” BUTENIS/President Sarkozy seems to have come around to previous leaders’ conclusions that French-German cooperation is the “engine” of the EU. French-German exchanges are intensifying in preparation for the French EU Presidency in the second half of 2008. Just as the November 12 joint Council of Ministers meeting focused on one of France’s Presidency priorities, immigration and integration, the next intergovernmental meeting will focus on the French Presidency priority of energy and environment. France and Germany are also working closely on the third French priority, ESDP, with frequent contacts at the Political Director level and between planning staffs. XXXXXXXXXXXX characterized France as seeking to translate high-level, theoretical consensus on ESDP goals into concrete projects such as the planned ESDP mission to Chad./If the militant’s plan was to force the Pakistani Army to re-focus on its eastern border and eliminate any chance (however slight) of moving forces from the Indian border to the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), then their plan may have succeeded. The Mumbai attacks likely torpedoed any prospect of Indian CBMs on Kashmir in the immediate future. The decision to send ISI MG Pasha to India, however, is a good sign that both sides are trying to prevent these horrific attacks from undermine all the progress made on bilateral rapprochement./ASSESSING THE RISK OF SOCIAL UNREST IN RUSSIA/Public Mood: Darkening but Not Black/ We areinclined to the view that Russia will maintainsocio-political stability through the summer, albeit with therecognition that localized demonstrations of protest arepossible throughout the country, particularly in the "onecompany towns." Without a viable political alternative andthe tandem's control overmass media, the likelihood thateconomic discontent can evolve into a politicalmovementremains low. However, as we will discuss septel, the greaterrisk to socio-political stability is that of inter- andintra-elite conflict, in which one or more of the competingclans seeks to leverage public discontent to gain advantage./Prime inister Brown delivered several requests oneconomic issues to Vice President Biden. The first was theneed to secure financing for an additional $250 billion inSpecial Drawing Rights (SDRs) for the IMF to help vulnerableeconomies withstand the economic downturn. Brown commentedthat his understanding was this was an amount that theadministration could support without the need to consultCongress. U.S. support on the issue would be particularlyhelpful with the Germans who, as yet, do not supportadditional SDRs. Parallel discussions were going on withChina, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and several other Gulf nations tosecure $400 billion in additional financing.Biden noted that the current U.S.commitment of 63,000 troops to Afghanistan is the result of avigorous internal policy debate and would not be sustainablepolitically for more than two years without visible signs ofprogress. After two years, the extraordinary cost ofmaintaining a robust military presence in Afghanistan wouldmake additional commitment increasinglydifficult. /We should begin with $1.5billion per year in economic assistance that is unconditionaland supplement that with military assistance that isconditioned on the modernization of its command structure andactive action in the field to combat insurgents. It would bedifficult to convince Congress to support such a plan, he was waryof the Sharif brothers and Zedari./Russia noted that in its presentations the U.S. hadgiven a range of 10,000 km - 15,000 km with a 500 kg warheadfor the Taepo Dong and asked how the U.S. had calculatedthis. The U.S. said that for the 10,000 km range, it hadassumed a clustered first stage and a No Dong second stage.For the 15,000 km range, it assumed a 3-stage configurationwith the same clustered engines and second stage./ /--In any case, even with the assistance of foreigntechnology, Russia assesses it will take Iran 6-8 years togain the ability to launch an MRBM with a nuclear warhead. --With regard to an ICBM, Russia considers this purelyhypothetical and does not see the possibility of Iran havingthis capability for the next 10 years./our dealings with Ricard and Bruguiere on the Guantanamo detainees issue, Ricard has consistently evinced more uncertainty and his reaction to this first setback demonstrates that. The fact that the "liberty and detention" judge allowed bail for one defendant and not the other suggests that incarceration in Guantanamo was not a decisive factor in deciding pretrial detention. Ricard and Bruguiere remain determined to pursue charges against six of the seven GTMO detainees, although there is little doubt that their defense lawyers will redouble their efforts to obtain bail for the other detainees as a result of the "liberty and detention" judge's decision. /In light of their uneasiness with EU-3 efforts, the Israelis are hoping for robust U.S. involvement and action by the UNSC. PM Sharon has urged the EU-3 to continue its efforts, but also stressed the importance of preparing to take Iran to the UNSC. In a meeting with a CoDel on December 12, DefMin Mofaz pushed for the U.S. to take the lead with the Europeans and pursue all diplomatic solutions, including sanctions. President Katsav asked the Secretary not to "wait for the Europeans." / Dr. Prince Turki is not a decision-maker, but he is a reliable transmitter of official Saudi thinking. Most of what he said is not new, although this is the most explicit mention we have heard of Saudi willingness to see nuclear weapons deployed in the GCC as a deterrent to Iran. His concern that the United States will negotiate a "grand bargain" with Iran without consulting Saudi Arabia is a concern we have heard often in recent weeks./PolCouns noted that Arabs say that progress on the Palestinian track would make it easier for them to publicly engage Israel. Hadas countered that while peace with the Palestinians is an Israeli interest and important in its own right, it should not be the sum total of Israel's relations with the Arab World. Arab League Secretary General Amre Moussa had invented the "never-ending hurdle race" in which Israel could never do enough to deserve a positive response. The Israeli-Palestinian track should not serve as an excuse for the Gulf to avoid action, whether against Iran or through practical steps to support the Palestinian Authority. / explosions, etc... Every tragedy comes in group of 3 or more.. That's scary!/REALLY you dont expect "accuracy" from an AP reporter do you. Being FIRST is far more important than honesty and accuracy ! Keep this up and you will be in the league with the NY Times and Wall Street Journal./Operation Paperclip - CIA’s Denial of Protecting Nazis is Blatant Lie_Mind Control Documents & Links _( Teen Girls Describe Life In 'The Game'"According to the FBI, more than 100,000 children are sold for sex in theU.S. each year."/Victims reveal their suffering at the hands of 'singing priest'The Irish Times - Tuesday, December 7, 2010....Yesterday, former priest Tony Walsh (57) was jailed for 16 years forabusing three young altar boys in Ballyfermot, Dublin. One of the boys wasrepeatedly raped over several years between the age of seven and 12; and heindecently assaulted the two other boys./ FREE PFC BRADY MANNING! PUT WAR CRIMINAL GEORGE W. BUSH ON TRAIL!/Judson Phillips, president of Tea Party Nation, thinks that it makes sense thatvoting rights in the United States should be restricted to those who ownproperty. He believes that property owners have more of a “vested stakeâ€� ina community than do people who do not own property./ YOU TELL ME AMERICANS WILL DO THIS AND WILL DO THAT. I WANT TO TELL YOU SOMETHING VERY CLEAR: DON'T WORRY ABOUT AMERICAN PRESSURE ON ISRAEL; WE, THE JEWISH PEOPLE, CONTROL AMERICA. AND THE AMERICANS KNOW IT." -- Israeli Prime Minister Ariel SharonOctober 3, 2001(IAP News)/
Obama and GOPers Worked Together to Kill Bush Torture Probe A WikiLeaks cable shows that when Spain considered a criminal case against ex-Bush officials,/the simpleton known as Sarah Palin is the poster child tostart these hate games. No one else ever, man or woman had the nerve to insultthe sitting President of the United States on a daily basis, which she does,daily on her Facebook and, or Twitter. She's not too worried about gettingaudited, must have a lot of big huge money in back of her ready to defend her incourt. She's a stinky shill for the big corporate masters who are determined totake down the USA. I don't think the thinkers are going to get anywhere eitherjust by saying, "Hey, let's just stop this hate thing." The hate is far toostrong, and one side is absolutely unbending. I won't mention which side here.The other, weaker, or more humane side is far too weak,or has been to their own detriment in the past. Now that they are finallygetting the gist of the hateful stone throwing game, the heat is on! This isn't going away until there is blood flowing in the streets./
12710/bond reeds pasture gone bad/Islam is reason along w/modern day Israel why its not good to have religous nations.*/evidence shows that the founding fathers intended for religion to play very little if any part in government, and that this country has time and again benifited from that./The Christian Life & Character of the Civil Institutions of the United States. This 146-year old book book has been out of print for years, but is now available again. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car./Assange’s arrest over the dubious rape and molestation claims of two Swedish women is likely a political stunt, after it was revealed that one of the women has connections to the CIA and is a militant feminist who published a guide on how to get revenge on men and make them “suffer”./TSA is creating a watch list of individuals who criticized the agency as a form of collective punishment, it’s revealing to note that CNN journalist Drew Griffin was also put on a TSA watch list immediately after he filed reports critical of the organization back in 2008./Walmart will soon have something other than glossy magazines and chewing gum to look at when in the checkout line: A "video message" from the Department of Homeland Security asking them to look out for "suspicious" activity and report it/
12610/manson@76/State Department To Columbia University Students: DO NOT Discuss WikiLeaks On Facebook, Twitter / / /Other things Sarah dislikes:Bristol losing DWTS in spite of all of her efforts to rig the votingTodd being so competitiveBeing asked tough questions - like what do you read, are you running for President, can you really see Russia from your front porch, when did North Korea become our ally../These absolutely worthless rantings of the Grifter Woman covered in the media AMAZE ME. Can they be so desperate for something to fill their pages?/Given the massive, world-wide damage the financial institutions have caused, they should rightly be classified as weapons of mass destruction. Following the logic of Mitch McConnell who called Julian Assange a "terrorist", I believe the banksters should be considered "domestic terrorists" bent on destroying the American people and the fabric of American society/I blame the corporatists (aka Republicans) who have outsourced jobs oversees and have lobbied to keep borders open to illegal immigrants for mass cheap labor (the Arizona thing is just a ploy). You can also blame Wal-Mart for funneling billions of American dollars to China.These corporatists are guilty of treason if you ask me. They have no patriotism to the American people. Their allegiance is to the almighty dollar even if it means America's death.Many of these wealthy corporatists are taking flight to places like Panama, so they can enjoy the tax shelter while America crumbles. In the end, they will all leave America after they have raped and stripped her of all her wealth. America will be a 3rd world wasteland riddled with mass crime and poverty. /Nelson, who was arrested last week in Texas for having pot on his bus, has been charged with misdemeanor possession. Nelson was originally charged with carrying six ounces, a felony with a maximum sentence of two years in prison plus a $10,000 fine,/
12510/ -- The Federal Reserve made $9 trillion in overnight loans to major banks and Wall Street firms during the financial crisis, according to newly revealed data released Wednesday. The loans were made through a special loan program set up by the Fed in the wake of the Bear Stearns collapse in March 2008 with a very low interest rate to the Fed -- an annual rate of between 0.5% to 3.5%../US blocks access to WikiLeaks for federal workers,Library of Congress Blocks Access to Wikileaks, PayPal Freezes WikiLeaks Account, officials deny they are urging technical takedown of WikiLeaks, Justice Sheikh Azmat Saeed of the Lahore High Court (LHC) on Friday dismissed a petition seeking ban on access to website WikiLeaks, (San Antonio, TX) As many as 250 people were quarantined Immigration and Customs Enforcement offices for nearly 4 hours while Hazmat crews tried to identify a suspicious, white powder. men having sex with 12- to 15-year-olds was too much for Ben Johnston*, a hulking 6-foot-5-inch Texan, and more than a year ago he blew the whistle on his employer, DynCorp, a U.S. contracting company doing business in Bosnia,clg/Helen Thomas on zionistssssssssss US Aboot 99.9% of the judges should be hung for treason or plea bargain to life in prison for perjury to the Oath of Office & filing of the oath once violated is fraud, see 18 USC 1001,newest zionists ops-$80 bln to isreal over 5 yrs to build UP their military of which the US pays 80% is this ON TOP of the $7 mln per day thru US AId with the 25 F-35 jets at $113 mln per & isreal wants 100 more F-35's for FREE. All this US Aid, yet isreal is the worlds 4th largest arms dealer, mossad traffics in tons of opium, heroin & cocaine to forced prositution, theft of body parts, assassanations & that radio transmitter set UP in Tripoli say Pres Rayguns launched missiles ast Khadafi to teach Him a lesson-only lesson Khadifi learned was by isreali false flag ops, 1 of rayguns missiles killed His daughter. Or ask Racheal Cory Tis the zionists that want total control of America & turn us into grateful slaves paying into the illegal income tax fraud-same reason to allow 30 mln illegals-more grateful slaves kneeling at the alter of the IRS/FRB/IMF, World Bank & now Internation Bank of World Settlements. Saddam was done cause he refused the fiat FRN, then Iran & Venzuela refused the FRN cause as Saddam said-"Tis nothing but worthless paper backed by nothing" Even the zionists selling silver certificates-they r selling tons of paper certificates but donut have the amount of silver-so WHY isn't the DOJ DHS doing ANYthing aboot this fraud-I am not sure which country they r running this scam thru but I have chores to do n I will see what I can come UP with. 10 to 1 I bet goldman sacks is no 1 behind this sceme/After receiving a briefing on NSA surveillance, Senator Jay Rockefeller of the Senate Wants Government to Shut Down Fox and MSNBC /
12410/ dissolution ofhe power of the US and with it the illusion of freedom suffered by its "citizens". This will come as a tsunami and destabilize all we presently perceive. That includes widespread suffering on a scale that will dwarf the depression of the 1930's and the dustbowl years that drove so many midwesterners Westwards. Following the turbulence of a predetermined period, once enough death and suffering has been achieved to satisfy the Luciferian demand for human sacrifice, the "solution" of greater geopolitical consolidation (the physical aspect of NAFTA) of North America will be presented to a populace desperate for any stability. The Dollar will be history and in its place will be the Amero, Many global elite are in agreement to the idea of slave labor states as being more profitable then democracie/
12310/ Ex-banker sentenced for $140,000 theft,she admitted that she began in 2000 occasionally stealing $25 from her cash drawer to pay for lunches. She stated she later began stealing larger amounts of cash to pay her bills. letters he received speaking favorably of Ulloa were sent by friends "who didn't know she was systematically stealing every day from the bank. She took advantage of all her relationships to cheat depositors and the bank." Virginia Ulloa of La Junta given 21 months in prisonsand required her to pay back the $140,000./sport of "parking lot shopping" while the rest of us are inside the stores looking to spend the money we earned working (for those of you who don't know what "working" is, steal a dictionary and look it up). Guess that whole "spread the wealth" thing isn't coming fast enough for y'all./
12210/confidential government documents. Some showed how the Obama administration and Congress helped persuade Spain not to pursue charges against members of George W. Bush's administration for allowing torture of terrorism suspects./Army says it was a crime. When Private First Class Bradley Manning downloaded tens of thousands of diplomatic cables to a CD-RW disc at an Army outpost in Iraq from November 2009 to April 2010/regime of Kim Jong Il learned that its longtime protector, China, may be turning on it and is willing to contemplate unification of the peninsula under the leadership of the South Korean government in Seoul. uammar Gaddafi keeps a cadre of four blond Ukrainian nurses, that a U.S. diplomat considers Kim Jong Il "flabby" and that junior members of the British royal family have maintained their unerring ability to stick a foot in their mouth. The number of new secrets designated as such by the U.S. government has risen 75%, from 105,163 in 1996 to 183,224 in 2009, according to the U.S. Information Security Oversight Office. At the same time, the number of documents and other communications created using those secrets has skyrocketed nearly 10 times, from 5,685,462 in 1996 to 54,651,765 in 2009. Not surprisingly, the number of people with access to that Everest of information has grown too. In 2008, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found, the Pentagon alone gave clearances to some 630,000 people. WikiLeaks "tries to make the world more civil and act against abusive organizations that are pushing it in the opposite direction," Clinton issued Executive Order 12958, which gave just 20 officials, including the President, the power to classify documents as top secret, meaning their disclosure would likely "cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security" of the U.S. But sneakily, the order also allowed those 20 selected officials to delegate their authority to 1,336 others. Assange unveiled WikiLeaks in December 2006. The idea was to serve as a drop box for anyone, anywhere, who disagreed with any organization's activities or secrets, wherever they might be. Originally, a handful of activists recruited by Assange ran the website; it now has a full-time staff of five and about 40 volunteers, as well as 800 occasional helpers, mixes radicalism with a heavy dose of autodidactic erudition. time/Time redacted the leak showing U.S. Military murdering Iraqi reporters. After the slaughter, the military celebrated./Assange is a modern day American Hero. This one single person is bringing to light all the problems with government transparency. He is 100% correct that government secrecy brings about distrust. It is proven in the fact that as soon as the truth is learned everybody jumps into damage control because they don't want the public to know the truth, PERIOD..../3000 Americans just rolled over in their graves due to yahoo facist not allowing their tragic story to be commented on hanks nazi's /The media lies and people sit back and accept it and don't question anything as long as they can eat their steak dinner and buy their next house or car. Because of Julian Assange I will no longer believe what they say or print until I see the results for myself. Articles say on Monday, that the economy is getting better. For whom? So stop the lies. Playing your cards close to your chest only helps the INDIVIDUAL, not your country and that goes for every country in the world. Stop the lies./The funniest part is that they assume the stupid sheeple will believe it's true./As a lemming I appreciate you distracting me from uncomfortable truths and information. Please return me to titillating scandals and prime time television. I can't handle the truth./Government is accountable to no one. These days not even the voter. The deck is stacked.They want him gone because he threatens the cloak that seperates them from you. Their world from yours. It's simply self preservation. A government employee would snuff your kids to avoid embarrasment. I say screw them. GO WIKILEAKS!/The truth is the greatest enemy for the one doing the wrong thing./hang him. hang him high. he's a traitor and guilty of high treason, regardless of his citizenship. let the tea-party activists deal him. we'll ask sweden to turn him over. if they hesitate, we'll send over an elite, clandestine team to deal with him. he'll just diasppear one day--never to be found or seen again by anyone. it'll almost be like he never existed. people will speculate, but there will be confirmations. just like over jfk. but, it will send a clear message to those who are contemplating acts of treason against the us./so democratic! so nuanced! and, essentially, advocacy for a secret police state! also fun: how you're equating the tea party with super secret hit squads....i looked at your other posts and see you identify as a tea party "revolutionist" (the word you want is "revolutionary" but i digress) so i guess you're signing up as executioner? pre-trial? i thought people like you claimed more respect for the constitution than mere mortals like the rest of us? sounds like you've been watching too many movies produced by jerry bruckheimer, listening to too much rush and combined the two. but at least we've found a place where people like you approve of "elitists" -- in our hit squads. awesome./Assange turned on the lights, and all the roaches scattered.I'm not an anarchist, but I truly enjoy watching crooked governments squirm when the truth is exposed./After we spend trillions of dollars, what happen to Osama Bin Ladin? Got bumped to #10?/the majority of the 300,000 plus documents deal primarily with what the Bush administration was doing if any one needs to be brought up on charges of treason it's Bush and Chaney./Assange and those who help him should be highly commended. Countries who do not promote such free press? North Korea, China, Russia. Those of you opposing this type of free press, perhaps you'd feel more comfortable living there?/wiki leaks is right and the mainstream media and mendacious governments funded by taxpayers are wrong/Only Criminals and Dirty Politicians Fear The Real Truth...can anyone else say this reeks of a Staged Government Conspiricy.../He showed some folks the truth and the entire world hates him for it.Dimwit Hucklesomething wants Assange EXECUTED. The powers that be, just like Nixon decades ago, DO NOT WANT THE PUBLIC TO KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT ANYTHING./Diplomatic cables made public by WikiLeaks show the skills of American diplomats, not their failings/ Single Woman Has A Knack For Dating E-Mail ExhibitionistsDear Abby – /Lee Harvey Oswald's coffin to beauctioned in L.A.Reuters – The coffin of suspected assassin of President John F. Kennedy,(Reuters) - For the JFK-assassination conspiracy junkie who has everything: Lee Harvey Oswald's coffin. Body not included. /Fort Collins police officer accused of lying in the investigation in a botched murder case is asking a judge to throw out the charges against him./got themselves into was due largely to lawmakers/White House sleeping with Wall Street bankers, not because the fundamental missions they were set out to be in the first place./ an Israeli device spying on its private telecommunications network.The device exploded, apparently detonated remotely by the Israelis, when it was found near the village of Majdel Silim, about 8 kilometers (5 miles) from the border with Israel, Hezbollah said in a statement.The Lebanese military also reported the find and the explosion, saying two people working in a truck nearby were injured in the blast. It too said in a statement the device was intended to spy on the network./no indication that anyone wants to talk to Julian at this moment in time; no member of his legal team has had a call from any law enforcement agency."/
12110/A government in trouble that does not enlist the population to help, is doomed to failure.TOP down decision making never works in business or government.Reagan's stimulus (BIG TAX BREAKS) was not controlled.Obama's Stimulus was highly controlled./he definition of kiting from Wikipedia. I agree that this, once the desperate act of bankrupt businesses and pathological gamblers, now seems to have become a standard practice of banks and governments."Check kiting is the illegal act of taking advantage of the float to make use of non-existent funds in a checking or other bank account; it is a form of check fraud. It is commonly defined as intentionally writing a check for a value greater than the account balance from an account in one bank, then writing a check from another account in another bank, also with non-sufficient funds, with the second check serving to cover the non-existent funds from the first account.[1] The purpose of check kiting is to falsely inflate the balance of a checking account in order to allow checks that have been written that would otherwise bounce to clear."/Happy Thanksgiving -- I certainly did.Just had to pass on this quick note on the foreclosure story. Another piece on Florida's woes has come out, and in this one, a circuit court judge named Lee Haworth essentially admits that judges do not look at the paperwork of the foreclosure cases they process. In other words, he is admitting that he accepts the arguments of the plaintiffs (i.e. the banks) reflexively and that the burden is on the homeowner to defend himself.Florida judges and legal officials have been slow to prevent or reverse foreclosures based on questionable documents. Judges do not question the documents unless homeowners question them first, so they continue to rule in favor of lenders. Twelfth Circuit Chief Judge Lee Haworth said judges must remain neutral in court, and cannot raise possible defenses -- such as bad paperwork -- on behalf of homeowners who choose not to fight, or don't know how to fight, their foreclosure."The judges will accept, as they do in every case, pleadings that are represented by counsel as legitimate," said Haworth. "It's the defendant's case. ... If they don't want to hire an attorney, that's their business."/molech may have actually been the ugaritic god mot, the god of death, or melqart, a phoenician god B41/The essence of all of this is that the legal system has yet to accept the idea that once-trusted institutions like transnational investment and commercial banks could be guilty of widespread criminal fraud. It's an issue of perception. Judges I think are long used to the idea that individual people are deadbeats and don't pay bills -- they've seen enough lying-ass individual debtors stand in their courts with their faces unshaven and their shirts untucked, trying to sell them excuses and stories -- but they haven't quite made it to a place where they can accept the idea that the nation's top 10-20 banks could be engaged in ongoing criminal conspiracies. I think it blows their minds and they don't believe it. mt/. Pete Hoekstra: WikiLeaks Document Dump 'Colossal Failure' by U.S. Intel te secret document dump by WikiLeaks not only put our foreign policy at risk in but also possibly American lives, /"Griftopia." Amusingly, I got one of the answers wrong when I took the test (I'd forgotten that I'd called Rick Santelli a "douche-wad")./No, I found a small historical error when I was reading her new book, “America by Heart,” and I merely wanted to point it out. It’s not because I think it is a grievous error, or because I think it reflects poorly on Palin; no, it is just a tiny bit interesting. A teeny tiny bit.On page 189 of “America by Heart,” Palin is in the midst of a lengthy and thoughtful discussion about the role of religion in America, and American history. Among other things, she spends time praising Mitt Romney for his speeches on this subject. But on page 189, she is writing about the opinions of Founding Father John Adams, including his famous quotation, “we have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion.” /10 rockers who found gawd: /
112910/rather be paintingProcrastination – the art of placing tremendous importance on sometimes useless, sometimes mundane/Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accuses Israel and Western governments of being behind bomb attack that killed a prominent Iranian nuclear scientist and injured another/This year bonuses on the Street are expected to hit a record $144 billion, or about 1% of GDP. Most (i.e. over 50%) of that money will go to fewer than 10,000 individuals -- out of a population of 310 million -- and about 140 million individual tax returns. That would work out to about an average of $7.2 million for each of those 10,000. If 90,000 or so split the remaining half of the bonus pool, that would work out to an average of $800,000 each. Wall Street makes up a very significant fraction of the top 1% that would see their marginal tax rate rise from 35% to 39.6% if the top end of the Bush tax cuts were allowed to expire/PARIS -- A retired French electrician and his wife have come forward with 271 undocumented, never-before-seen works by Pablo Picasso estimated to be worth at least $79.35 million. investigators are looking into how Le Guennec and his wife came by the pictures. Picasso produced more than 20,000 works of art during his long career. Hundreds have been listed as missing / greediest generation’By David EdwardsFriday, November 26th, 2010 -- 10:17 amWyoming Republican Alan Simpson has a pretty low opinion of the people that have paid into Social Security all their lives and now need something back.It's not the first time Simpson's comments about Social Security have raised eyebrows. In an August email, he described the program as a "milk cow with 310 million tits!"Simpson told Ashley Carson, executive director of the Older Women's League, that those who oppose cuts to Social Security are "Gray Panthers" and "Pink Panthers."/Arvin West, the Hudspeth County Sheriff, said Willie Nelson would be treated just like anyone else if required to serve time at the Hudspeth County jail, according to the El Paso Times. " I'm going to make him cook and clean. He can wear the stripy uniforms just like the other ones do," the Sheriff was quoted as saying.Nelson posted a $2500 bond and was freed from jail today. Nelson> had been charged with possession of 6 ounces of marijuana./the TSA’s new pat down procedures include reaching inside people’s clothing and directly touching their skin and genitals, communicable diseases are set to soar, with doctors warning of a new wave of infections that will pose a greater risk to public health than any statistical probability of being a victim of terrorism.pp/FOX News Reporters Fired For For Not Lying About RBGH Cows Milk Victory Against rbGH!by: Jill RichardsonThu Sep 30, 2010 at 18:32:09 PM PDThttp://www.lavidalo diary/4056/ big-victory- against-rbgh.The court challenged the FDA's finding that there is "no measurablecompositional difference" between milk from rbGH-treated cows and milk fromuntreated cows. According to those who have worked on this issue for nearly twodecades now (maybe more), the FDA's claim that there was no compositionaldifference between milk from rbGH-treated and untreated cows was THE MAJORroadblock to any good regulation.Monsanto's/FDA "food safety" bill battle continues/der South Korea's leadershipChina Stood Aside on Iran deadly attack: China has expressed frustration with North Korea, with one official calling it a "spoiled child," at the same time as brushing off U.S. requests to choke off the flow of military technology from Pyongyang to Tehran that helps to sustain the regime, according to leaked U.S. diplomatic cables/
112810/ / /Saudis refer to Iran -- a fellow "Islamic nation" -- as "evil", and have asked the U.S. to "cut off the head of the snake". The same cables also reveal that even now the main financiers of al Qaeda are Saudi donors. American presidents George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama have identified al Qaeda as the biggest threat to the U.S., and yet they collude with the nation whose citizens are its biggest financiers.