Monday, March 3, 2025

3325 stefstuff

3:31 AM sycjim ​​🙌🙌Stephanie 6:20 AM David ​​good mornin ere'body 💙 6:21 AM David ​​🤗💙 6:21 AM David ​​🇺🇦🤗❤🇺🇸 6:54 AM zorroairbrush2003 ​​Good morning StephHeads 💙 6:55 AM zorroairbrush2003 ​​Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 6:56 AM RVing5150 ​​Good morning, Steph & mooks! 6:58 AM Doggie's World ​​morn Bahama mamas 6:58 AM Craig from Canada New member ​​good morning everyone 🌅 6:59 AM Girliegurl ​​Good morning 7:00 AM Flibertyjibit ​​Good morning everyone 7:00 AM zorroairbrush2003 ​​Hi Girliegurl 7:01 AM nicole reeves ​​gmornin all 👋🏼 Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Learn more 7:02 AM Robert R. ​​Good morning from Canada 7:02 AM Girliegurl ​​Hi @zorroairbrush2003 👋 7:02 AM sanguine111 ​​slava ukraine 7:03 AM zorroairbrush2003 ​​💕 7:03 AM sanguine111 ​​g'mornin from chilly new england, f'n cold out! 7:03 AM Craig from Canada New member ​​slava Ukraine 7:03 AM Robert R. ​​@sanguine111 Canada is with Ukraine 7:03 AM Kate Hillenbrand ​​Did anyone else see Jasmine Crockett's MSNBC appearance yesterday? She is pissed! 7:04 AM zorroairbrush2003 ​​March has come in like a little baby deer but tomorrow will be like a hungry lab 7:05 AM Robert R. ​​I shut off the news for the weekend 7:05 AM zorroairbrush2003 ​​🔥🔥Jasmine🔥🔥 7:05 AM EarlGray007 ​​Good Morning 🌄☕😃 7:05 AM sycjim ​​Jasmine is 🔥🔥🔥🔥 7:05 AM Ruth Farrelly ​​Crockett's awesome we need a lot more like her! 7:05 AM JiN up the Bass ​​@Kate Hillenbrand Yes. I didn't think I could have a bigger adult crush on Jasmine and then she fired off like a Crockett Rocket and I realized her limits are unlimited. 7:05 AM spudwas ​​Please ...don't waste time pontificating about how wonderful Bella is. Save it for after the show.face-orange-raised-eyebrow 7:05 AM Kaitlyn ​​Good morning! 7:06 AM m red ​​Here it comes !!! face-red-heart-shapeface-red-heart-shapeface-red-heart-shapehand-pink-waving 7:06 AM gibbons666 ​​Good morning everyone!!! It’s a magical day!hands-yellow-heart-red 7:06 AM zorroairbrush2003 ​​Hi Jin up the Bass 7:06 AM Robert R. ​​I Like that Jasmine crocket, Make her President 7:06 AM JiN up the Bass ​​Good morning everyone!!!! Happy Monday. 7:06 AM JiN up the Bass ​​@zorroairbrush2003 always GTSY my friend. 7:07 AM zorroairbrush2003 ​​💕💕 7:07 AM sanguine111 ​​hey robert r 7:07 AM JIMS RADIO CHECK ​​Good morning everybody 7:08 AM JiN up the Bass ​​@sycjim Good morning!! 7:08 AM kathryn realhealthtalk ​​morning mooks 7:08 AM Stan Daniels ​​Chris welcome back 7:08 AM sycjim ​​Gm. Jin. 👋👋 7:08 AM Stan Daniels ​​Good morning all🌞🌞 7:08 AM sanguine111 ​​o dam, this guy's bac? lol, jk... 7:08 AM EarlGray007 ​​Chris is back 🤔 Let's see how much better the show goes 😃 7:08 AM Robert R. ​​@sanguine111 Don't give up the free world is with you. God Bless your country, 7:08 AM JIMS RADIO CHECK ​​Tesla crashes into a house in southwest suburbs of Chicago killing two people in a crash 7:08 AM sycjim ​​👋👋chat 7:08 AM sanguine111 ​​umm, i'm in mass, lol 7:09 AM Girliegurl ​​The only theme hotter than Al is German defense stocks. 7:09 AM Doggie's World ​​Keep booing, Canada 7:09 AM sanguine111 ​​new england is kinda it's own country, tho 7:09 AM Dennis Reynolds ​​ If Elon sees this is costing him money, he will bail. 7:10 AM Stan Daniels ​​Lil mini Mike on meet the press embarrassingly lies 7:10 AM Frank Cover Jr. ​​“Can’t dull our sparkle!”- Bella rules again.😊💙 7:10 AM kathryn realhealthtalk ​​@Jims radio. in Woodridge. I grew up in that suburb. that Tesla kinda blew up didn't it? 7:10 AM #BobbleHead ​​WTF is a BBL ? 7:10 AM Kaitlyn ​​Conan wasn’t too bad as host. 7:10 AM Kaitlyn ​​Wicked pt 2 will win the awards. 7:10 AM EarlGray007 ​​😂😂 7:10 AM Girliegurl ​​I wish I cared about the Oscars. 7:11 AM sanguine111 ​​conan, from ma 7:11 AM JIMS RADIO CHECK ​​I lived in Woodridge for 10 years myself at around 83rd and Janes Yes the Tesla blew up inside the house people in the house escaped The two dead were in the car 7:11 AM Aimee Taylor ​​Wicked is for people who saw "Wizard of Oz" and thought "What is the backstory of all these side characters?" 7:11 AM EarlGray007 ​​We're cooked 🤔😂⚖🇺🇸 7:11 AM kathryn realhealthtalk ​​conan got tips from Jimmy Kimmel on how to host. was a funny show 7:11 AM Aimee Taylor ​​Great joke. 7:11 AM Madeleine McKenna ​​hand-pink-waving 7:12 AM Dennis Reynolds ​​Oscars went smoothly although Adrian Brody would not shut up. 7:12 AM kathryn realhealthtalk ​​@Jims radio. hiya and that was crazy about that house 7:12 AM EarlGray007 ​​It was a humiliation ritual by evil rich fraternity boys 🤔⚖🇺🇸 7:12 AM Aimee Taylor ​​Has anyone here seen Brutalist? 7:12 AM Robert R. ​​@JIMS RADIO CHECK just going to get worse but with out federal regulations for anything. 7:13 AM Aimee Taylor ​​Mike Meyers as Leon Musk was great. 7:13 AM kathryn realhealthtalk ​​@Jims radio. probably drunk or high. and stupid wreckless 7:13 AM JIMS RADIO CHECK ​​I find it bizarre all these Teslas blowing up like the one in front of Trump Tower 7:13 AM kofi ​​Vance is Peter thiel boyfriend 7:13 AM Dave ​​Barney Rubble LMFAO 7:13 AM Girliegurl ​​There it is: Trump announces the US will not be enforcing its new shell company registry, which is the single-best tool to counter kleptocracy. 7:14 AM TheystillcallMeRicky ​​lol .. ya "glitch" was funny 7:14 AM zorroairbrush2003 ​​Shady Vance looked like he was ready to attack Marco for sitting on his couch. 😂 7:14 AM Ann Smith1 ​​I can be funny but not today. Winston Churchill went to the White House in a shirt and slacks….because his country was at WAR. 7:15 AM Aimee Taylor ​​Our local news showed on of the protests, as it was organizing, 3-5 people milling around. There was over 2000. 7:15 AM Dennis Reynolds ​​Vance is as bad as Trump. 7:15 AM kathryn realhealthtalk ​​@Jims radio the one in front of agent orange tower.... coincidence? hm.. dunno bout that one 7:15 AM YoCuz' ​​stop using PayPal 7:15 AM Girliegurl ​​I saw the protests. 7:15 AM sanguine111 ​​can't i get a shout out to my buds in vermont??? that was amazing, c'mon 7:15 AM Mea Culpa ​​Did everyone here make $ millions on crypto after Krasnov 's tweet yesterday ? 7:15 AM Lori Woloshyn ​​Yes. there was no coverage of the protest from main stream media. I found it on social media. 7:15 AM JIMS RADIO CHECK ​​protest have been breaking out in front of Tesla dealers 7:16 AM Stagmas9 ​​Thank you Vermont!!! 7:16 AM Ann Smith1 ​​The protestors in Vermont were amazing! 7:16 AM John Welch ​​Now, where are the Simpsons going to sit ? 7:16 AM JIMS RADIO CHECK ​​by the way people that live in Illinois happy cashmere Pulaski Day 7:16 AM Dennis Reynolds ​​You would have to be a fool to buy a Tesla and put up with people keying your car. 7:16 AM zorroairbrush2003 ​​Love the Vermont protesters 7:17 AM John Welch ​​JD Vance, Jeffrey Dahmer and I went to Ohio State but didn't wrestle for Jim Jordan. 7:17 AM Robert R. ​​their 7:17 AM Robert R. ​​typing sucks 7:17 AM susan woosnam ​​Keith Olbermann pleads for everyone to go Tuesday and BOOOOOO then walk out, all on camera for the world to see 7:17 AM Girliegurl ​​Why are you watching Katy Tur? 7:17 AM Boo Bing ​​DEFUND KING MUSK. 7:17 AM Ann Smith1 ​​I think Katy went to the dark side. 7:18 AM Stan Daniels ​​ VT showed theCouch potato what was up with a warm welcome JD please leave 😂😂😂 7:18 AM Dennis Reynolds ​​Will avoid Trumps speech to Congress tomorrow. 7:18 AM JiN up the Bass ​​@Dennis Reynolds one Tesla owner in Portland has put a bumper sticker on his Tesla that says, "I bought this before I knew Elon was crazy." Not sure that will help with the keying. 7:18 AM ChefGirl ​​Don’t like Katy Tur 7:18 AM kathryn realhealthtalk ​​take mushmouth citizenship away. get everything back that he stole 7:18 AM Dennis Reynolds ​​Jin that's a good plan. 7:19 AM John Welch ​​F.orever B.usting I.talians but not Russians 7:19 AM Lib 4 life ​​I renamed my ass to the Gulf of America. 7:19 AM JIMS RADIO CHECK ​​those guys ambushed zielinsky like a bunch of pit bulls 7:19 AM a buddha ​​Too bad you didn't buy your Swastikar before I knew about Dodgy Nazi lEon. 7:19 AM #BobbleHead ​​guess I'll just ask Google (go Blank Myself) 7:19 AM JIMS RADIO CHECK ​​did you hear him screaming at zelinsky do you want world war 3 7:20 AM carol kenny ​​💙💛🇺🇦 7:20 AM Mea Culpa ​​People made $ hundreds of millions on Crypto yesterday after Trump's tweet," Using the US Treasury to bail out Crypto Bros". 7:20 AM Charles Stanton ​​I asked Chat GPT how many time has Zelinsky thanked the American people, The answer 7:20 AM Charles Stanton ​​If you’re looking for a specific count, there isn’t an official tally, but he has thanked Americans dozens, if not hundreds, of times across various platforms. 7:20 AM Robert R. ​​Maybe Putin will get a 5 million us Visa? 7:20 AM Doggie's World ​​because why even do this? 7:20 AM Girliegurl ​​An NIH source with direct knowledge tell Popular Information that scientific research has ground to halt because necessary supplies can no longer be purchased. 7:20 AM JIMS RADIO CHECK ​​how you doing this morning Robert 7:20 AM Stan Daniels ​​Don’t t give Lindsey Graham any more airtime 7:20 AM Doggie's World ​​So then Bannon can just fire things up 7:20 AM Dark Watcher ​​Mike Braindead Johnson. 7:21 AM Boo Bing ​​Dise king musk have a suit????? 7:21 AM JIMS RADIO CHECK ​​zielinski got a hell of a welcome in the UK yesterday 7:21 AM non-useful ​​hello 7:21 AM Robert R. ​​@JIMS RADIO CHECK good doing some baking and smoking a a joint 7:21 AM sanguine111 ​​did u guys see the vid w/ marco w/ sounds of silence playin? wicked funny.. 7:21 AM non-useful ​​hello pitchfork 7:21 AM Lib 4 life ​​@Charles Stanton I asked ChatGPT if JD wears eyeliner. It lied to me saying there is no evidence to back that up. I even told it to stop lying to me. 7:21 AM Dark Watcher ​​Lindsey Graham should've retired a decade ago. 7:21 AM Global ​​i would save the world if i could afford a lawyer 7:21 AM zorroairbrush2003 ​​Hi non-useful 7:21 AM non-useful ​​hello pitchfork, have I got a job for u. 7:22 AM mike williams ​​Does Bella have a military uniform Chat... 3:31 AMsycjim​​Stephanie 6:20 AMDavid​​good mornin ere'body 6:21 AMDavid​​ 6:21 AMDavid​​ 6:54 AMzorroairbrush2003​​Good morning StephHeads 6:55 AMzorroairbrush2003​​Slava Ukraine 6:56 AMRVing5150​​Good morning, Steph & mooks! 6:58 AMDoggie's World​​morn Bahama mamas 6:58 AMCraig from Canada ​​good morning everyone 6:59 AMGirliegurl​​Good morning 7:00 AMFlibertyjibit​​Good morning everyone 7:00 AMzorroairbrush2003​​Hi Girliegurl 7:01 AMnicole reeves​​gmornin all Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Learn more 7:02 AMRobert R.​​Good morning from Canada 7:02 AMGirliegurl​​Hi @zorroairbrush2003 7:02 AMsanguine111​​slava ukraine 7:03 AMzorroairbrush2003​​ 7:03 AMsanguine111​​g'mornin from chilly new england, f'n cold out! 7:03 AMCraig from Canada ​​slava Ukraine 7:03 AMRobert R.​​@sanguine111 Canada is with Ukraine 7:03 AMKate Hillenbrand​​Did anyone else see Jasmine Crockett's MSNBC appearance yesterday? She is pissed! 7:04 AMzorroairbrush2003​​March has come in like a little baby deer but tomorrow will be like a hungry lab 7:05 AMRobert R.​​I shut off the news for the weekend 7:05 AMzorroairbrush2003​​Jasmine 7:05 AMEarlGray007​​Good Morning 7:05 AMsycjim​​Jasmine is 7:05 AMRuth Farrelly​​Crockett's awesome we need a lot more like her! 7:05 AMJiN up the Bass​​@Kate Hillenbrand Yes. I didn't think I could have a bigger adult crush on Jasmine and then she fired off like a Crockett Rocket and I realized her limits are unlimited. 7:05 AMspudwas​​Please ...don't waste time pontificating about how wonderful Bella is. Save it for after the show. 7:05 AMKaitlyn​​Good morning! 7:06 AMm red​​Here it comes !!! 7:06 AMgibbons666​​Good morning everyone!!! It’s a magical day! 7:06 AMzorroairbrush2003​​Hi Jin up the Bass 7:06 AMRobert R.​​I Like that Jasmine crocket, Make her President 7:06 AMJiN up the Bass​​Good morning everyone!!!! Happy Monday. 7:06 AMJiN up the Bass​​@zorroairbrush2003 always GTSY my friend. 7:07 AMzorroairbrush2003​​ 7:07 AMsanguine111​​hey robert r 7:07 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​Good morning everybody 7:08 AMJiN up the Bass​​@sycjim Good morning!! 7:08 AMkathryn realhealthtalk​​morning mooks 7:08 AMStan Daniels​​Chris welcome back 7:08 AMsycjim​​Gm. Jin. 7:08 AMStan Daniels​​Good morning all 7:08 AMsanguine111​​o dam, this guy's bac? lol, jk... 7:08 AMEarlGray007​​Chris is back Let's see how much better the show goes 7:08 AMRobert R.​​@sanguine111 Don't give up the free world is with you. God Bless your country, 7:08 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​Tesla crashes into a house in southwest suburbs of Chicago killing two people in a crash 7:08 AMsycjim​​chat 7:08 AMsanguine111​​umm, i'm in mass, lol 7:09 AMGirliegurl​​The only theme hotter than Al is German defense stocks. 7:09 AMDoggie's World​​Keep booing, Canada 7:09 AMsanguine111​​new england is kinda it's own country, tho 7:09 AMDennis Reynolds​​ If Elon sees this is costing him money, he will bail. 7:10 AMStan Daniels​​Lil mini Mike on meet the press embarrassingly lies 7:10 AMFrank Cover Jr.​​“Can’t dull our sparkle!”- Bella rules again. 7:10 AMkathryn realhealthtalk​​@Jims radio. in Woodridge. I grew up in that suburb. that Tesla kinda blew up didn't it? 7:10 AM#BobbleHead​​WTF is a BBL ? 7:10 AMKaitlyn​​Conan wasn’t too bad as host. 7:10 AMKaitlyn​​Wicked pt 2 will win the awards. 7:10 AMEarlGray007​​ 7:10 AMGirliegurl​​I wish I cared about the Oscars. 7:11 AMsanguine111​​conan, from ma 7:11 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​I lived in Woodridge for 10 years myself at around 83rd and Janes Yes the Tesla blew up inside the house people in the house escaped The two dead were in the car 7:11 AMAimee Taylor​​Wicked is for people who saw "Wizard of Oz" and thought "What is the backstory of all these side characters?" 7:11 AMEarlGray007​​We're cooked 7:11 AMkathryn realhealthtalk​​conan got tips from Jimmy Kimmel on how to host. was a funny show 7:11 AMAimee Taylor​​Great joke. 7:11 AMMadeleine McKenna​​ 7:12 AMDennis Reynolds​​Oscars went smoothly although Adrian Brody would not shut up. 7:12 AMkathryn realhealthtalk​​@Jims radio. hiya and that was crazy about that house 7:12 AMEarlGray007​​It was a humiliation ritual by evil rich fraternity boys 7:12 AMAimee Taylor​​Has anyone here seen Brutalist? 7:12 AMRobert R.​​@JIMS RADIO CHECK just going to get worse but with out federal regulations for anything. 7:13 AMAimee Taylor​​Mike Meyers as Leon Musk was great. 7:13 AMkathryn realhealthtalk​​@Jims radio. probably drunk or high. and stupid wreckless 7:13 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​I find it bizarre all these Teslas blowing up like the one in front of Trump Tower 7:13 AMkofi​​Vance is Peter thiel boyfriend 7:13 AMDave​​Barney Rubble LMFAO 7:13 AMGirliegurl​​There it is: Trump announces the US will not be enforcing its new shell company registry, which is the single-best tool to counter kleptocracy. 7:14 AMTheystillcallMeRicky​​lol .. ya "glitch" was funny 7:14 AMzorroairbrush2003​​Shady Vance looked like he was ready to attack Marco for sitting on his couch. 7:14 AMAnn Smith1​​I can be funny but not today. Winston Churchill went to the White House in a shirt and slacks….because his country was at WAR. 7:15 AMAimee Taylor​​Our local news showed on of the protests, as it was organizing, 3-5 people milling around. There was over 2000. 7:15 AMDennis Reynolds​​Vance is as bad as Trump. 7:15 AMkathryn realhealthtalk​​@Jims radio the one in front of agent orange tower.... coincidence? hm.. dunno bout that one 7:15 AMYoCuz'​​stop using PayPal 7:15 AMGirliegurl​​I saw the protests. 7:15 AMsanguine111​​can't i get a shout out to my buds in vermont??? that was amazing, c'mon 7:15 AMMea Culpa​​Did everyone here make $ millions on crypto after Krasnov 's tweet yesterday ? 7:15 AMLori Woloshyn​​Yes. there was no coverage of the protest from main stream media. I found it on social media. 7:15 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​protest have been breaking out in front of Tesla dealers 7:16 AMStagmas9​​Thank you Vermont!!! 7:16 AMAnn Smith1​​The protestors in Vermont were amazing! 7:16 AMJohn Welch​​Now, where are the Simpsons going to sit ? 7:16 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​by the way people that live in Illinois happy cashmere Pulaski Day 7:16 AMDennis Reynolds​​You would have to be a fool to buy a Tesla and put up with people keying your car. 7:16 AMzorroairbrush2003​​Love the Vermont protesters 7:17 AMJohn Welch​​JD Vance, Jeffrey Dahmer and I went to Ohio State but didn't wrestle for Jim Jordan. 7:17 AMRobert R.​​their 7:17 AMRobert R.​​typing sucks 7:17 AMsusan woosnam​​Keith Olbermann pleads for everyone to go Tuesday and BOOOOOO then walk out, all on camera for the world to see 7:17 AMGirliegurl​​Why are you watching Katy Tur? 7:17 AMBoo Bing​​DEFUND KING MUSK. 7:17 AMAnn Smith1​​I think Katy went to the dark side. 7:18 AMStan Daniels​​ VT showed theCouch potato what was up with a warm welcome JD please leave 7:18 AMDennis Reynolds​​Will avoid Trumps speech to Congress tomorrow. 7:18 AMJiN up the Bass​​@Dennis Reynolds one Tesla owner in Portland has put a bumper sticker on his Tesla that says, "I bought this before I knew Elon was crazy." Not sure that will help with the keying. 7:18 AMChefGirl​​Don’t like Katy Tur 7:18 AMkathryn realhealthtalk​​take mushmouth citizenship away. get everything back that he stole 7:18 AMDennis Reynolds​​Jin that's a good plan. 7:19 AMJohn Welch​​F.orever B.usting I.talians but not Russians 7:19 AMLib 4 life​​I renamed my ass to the Gulf of America. 7:19 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​those guys ambushed zielinsky like a bunch of pit bulls 7:19 AMa buddha​​Too bad you didn't buy your Swastikar before I knew about Dodgy Nazi lEon. 7:19 AM#BobbleHead​​guess I'll just ask Google (go Blank Myself) 7:19 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​did you hear him screaming at zelinsky do you want world war 3 7:20 AMcarol kenny​​ 7:20 AMMea Culpa​​People made $ hundreds of millions on Crypto yesterday after Trump's tweet," Using the US Treasury to bail out Crypto Bros". 7:20 AMCharles Stanton​​I asked Chat GPT how many time has Zelinsky thanked the American people, The answer 7:20 AMCharles Stanton​​If you’re looking for a specific count, there isn’t an official tally, but he has thanked Americans dozens, if not hundreds, of times across various platforms. 7:20 AMRobert R.​​Maybe Putin will get a 5 million us Visa? 7:20 AMDoggie's World​​because why even do this? 7:20 AMGirliegurl​​An NIH source with direct knowledge tell Popular Information that scientific research has ground to halt because necessary supplies can no longer be purchased. 7:20 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​how you doing this morning Robert 7:20 AMStan Daniels​​Don’t t give Lindsey Graham any more airtime 7:20 AMDoggie's World​​So then Bannon can just fire things up 7:20 AMDark Watcher​​Mike Braindead Johnson. 7:21 AMBoo Bing​​Dise king musk have a suit????? 7:21 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​zielinski got a hell of a welcome in the UK yesterday 7:21 AMnon-useful​​hello 7:21 AMRobert R.​​@JIMS RADIO CHECK good doing some baking and smoking a a joint 7:21 AMsanguine111​​did u guys see the vid w/ marco w/ sounds of silence playin? wicked funny.. 7:21 AMnon-useful​​hello pitchfork 7:21 AMLib 4 life​​@Charles Stanton I asked ChatGPT if JD wears eyeliner. It lied to me saying there is no evidence to back that up. I even told it to stop lying to me. 7:21 AMDark Watcher​​Lindsey Graham should've retired a decade ago. 7:21 AMGlobal​​i would save the world if i could afford a lawyer 7:21 AMzorroairbrush2003​​Hi non-useful 7:21 AMnon-useful​​hello pitchfork, have I got a job for u. 7:22 AMmike williams​​Does Bella have a military uniform Chat... 9:33 AMRuben Michaels​​Good morning @Korgoth of Barbaria 9:33 AMJeff Curry​​rose did you see the meme of zelensky knocking trump out??? 9:33 AMper sebra​​NO, i am not handling it well, but most black folks will say they are, just because its a brag 9:33 AMKorgoth of Barbaria​​@Ruben Michaels Hey! Good morning! 9:33 AMVD Hurtz​​nah, the mkt has been weak since trump was inaugurated 9:33 AMElia Fuimaono​​we have to step in-- to prevent catastrophe. it's in our nature 9:33 AMJiN up the Bass​​@Pink nightmare Portland, Oregon. 9:33 AMVD Hurtz​​Tesla Stock has collapse 9:34 AMFoggy Ozark G​​@Jeff Curry that was gr8 9:34 AMnon-useful​​IF U HAVE JEWELRY GET IT APPRAISED SO WHEN EVERYTHING GOES SOUTH YOU'LL KNOW HOW MUCH $$ U CAN HAGGLE WITH 9:34 AMKorgoth of Barbaria​​First Tesla, next SpaceX 9:34 AMJeff Curry​​foggy i wanted that to be real even more than bigfoot 9:34 AMFoggy Ozark G​​ha 9:34 AMStarchild​​Sorry dude, your $40/hr. union GM job was off shored. 9:34 AMSarah A. Maninger​​All Coward-Liars 9:34 AMRose Blake​​Corporate is needed against these Billionaires 9:35 AMVD Hurtz​​@Starchild that makes no sense 9:35 AMElia Fuimaono​​we're building. not tearing down 9:35 AMJiN up the Bass​​@Debbie Hopewell check your texts 9:35 AM#BobbleHead​​is Equality a Religion? 9:35 AMRagamuffin Ukes (CharLee)​​How am I holding up? At 73, on SSB for past 11 yrs, SSB has arrived at 12:01 am on the 3rd of each month. Today, it didn't show up til 5 am! I WAS HAVING A HEART ATTACK! 9:35 AMSteve Imes​​rewind 12 minutes and enjoy again 9:35 AMnon-useful​​I have over a hundred gemstones to barter with 9:35 AMPink nightmare​​ooohhh JIN are ya following me on Bluesky yet?? 9:35 AMGirliegurl​​Brag? 9:35 AMPink nightmare​​or am I following you? 9:35 AMDash​​Did Mariam Williams win a Dem Chairperson? 9:35 AMa buddha​​When we complain about cheap Chinese tools, I notice somebody is benefitting by importing those tools to sell at a profit. They could spec those old style tools that you hand down to a next generation 9:35 AMFoggy Ozark G​​@non-useful youre not supposed to broadcast it sweety 9:35 AMRuben Michaels​​The Armpit of the Kremlin 9:36 AMCarol Glynn​​NOT AMERICA - DJT! 9:36 AMSteve Imes​​then install ppv cameras 9:36 AMJiN up the Bass​​@Pink nightmare Yes but I still don't go to BlueSky ever. I'll get there but yes I'm following you Pink. 9:36 AMSuzanne Forasiepi​​I'm going to sell my Harley Davidson leather jacket it doesn't matter to me especially now 9:36 AMnon-useful​​I LIVE IN HELL FLORIDA 9:36 AM@rarelightmare​​Those of us who have been here since 1620, who founded states, worked to create egalitarianism are suffering from serious trauma from the lies we’ve been taught and taught our kids. 9:36 AM#BobbleHead​​only use CROSBY shackles 9:36 AMDash​​Are they both are ussr assets. 9:36 AMRose Blake​​Everyone has a plan until they are punched in the face….Mike Tyson 9:36 AMMichael Reich​​@a buddha Better remove the Tariff on Canadian Steel. 9:37 AMnon-useful​​MY GEMSTONES ARE MARRIED TO MR. AR-15 9:37 AManajane803​​PLEASE be suspicious enough to check it out. PLEASE 9:37 AMFoggy Ozark G​​@a buddha ya the 1st 1/2 of the 20th century tools are still in ONE piece 9:37 AMzorroairbrush2003​​I am Potawatomi, Ghandi said,”. I like your christ, I just don’t like your Christian’s, they are so unlike christ.” This the heritage foundation and project 2025 9:37 AMSteve Imes​​uh ah boo boo, Mexico that way 9:37 AMPink nightmare​​I get ya JIN too many apps to follow and podcasts to listen to 9:37 AMRose Blake​​Hope we don’t have a war because we now stand alone 9:37 AMGrrace Grracy​​Peaceful protests can work and that should be the path. However, I have no illusions about how dictators have ultimately been removed. 9:37 AMFoggy Ozark G​​@non-useful set a trap! 9:38 AMSteve Imes​​john Fugelsang is awesome 9:38 AMPink nightmare​​thats my Senator! 9:38 AMElia Fuimaono​​close your Amazon tab, for starters 9:38 AMJiN up the Bass​​@Pink nightmare other than these chats, I don't social media at all. 9:38 AMa buddha​​Corporations can't make huge profits if your tool doesn't break and require periodic replacement. No recycling tools to a next generation. 9:38 AMRose Blake​​@Elia That’s a great idea 9:38 AMSetSquare​​That meeting in the Oval Office was like a mafia style shake down. 9:39 AM#BobbleHead​​Read iT 9:39 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​which reminds me I have to cut my credit card from Amazon up bastards charge 24% interest after 5 years of having the card 9:39 AMMichael Reich​​I liked the ones that searched "Obama Care" after they lost their ACA Insurance. 9:39 AMElia Fuimaono​​@rose start small 9:39 AMPink nightmare​​I would deactivate FB, I deactivated Twitter and use Twitch and Bluesky 9:39 AMcatcookie​​ 9:39 AMGrrace Grracy​​That's why we call them Nazis or Hitler. Everyone knows what that means. And DEPRESSION, instead of recession. 9:39 AMTamera Chance​​ 9:39 AMDash​​How do you spell, Pickle / Pickel? 9:39 AMFoggy Ozark G​​no WE ARE on the side of PUTiN now 9:39 AM#BobbleHead​​but is Equality a Religion? ...are You sure You want that, Babe? 9:39 AMLolly D​​People do not understand cause and effect. Jen is right - talk about effect - dumb it down 9:39 AMnon-useful​​ITS NOTHING FOR AN ANUS TO SWALLOW 100 GEMSTONES 9:39 AMEric Paradies​​I freaking love you, John Fugelsang!!! 9:40 AMRuben Michaels​​Not in my State @Kimo Mail in ballots or a drop box...We are blue 9:40 AMRose Blake​​I got at least 5 people to cancel Comcast….Got idea from Elizabeth 9:40 AMPink nightmare​​I need to be in touch somehow 9:40 AMYoCuz'​​what was the name of the company and Terminator 1 that was taken over the world 9:40 AMJiN up the Bass​​@non-useful Rectum? I didn't even know em. 9:40 AMPink nightmare​​Fugelsang rocks 9:40 AMDash​​Adam needs to stay away from the bread. 9:40 AMFoggy Ozark G​​@non-useful that could be hazardous to your poop chute! 9:40 AM#BobbleHead​​iT's More Like A Net #ThankYouKraken 9:40 AMSuzanne Forasiepi​​non useful I say it orifice lol 9:40 AMVD Hurtz​​I cant cancel comcast, I have no other source of internet 9:40 AMPink nightmare​​I love Karen Hunter 9:40 AMRose Blake​​@Pink nightmare Another great idea 9:40 AMChristina Weibel​​I'm an online ACTIVIST and I WON'T leave FACEBOOK. I don't use any other platform besides here And FACEBOOK. 9:41 AMTurd Nugent​​SkyNet 9:41 AMGirliegurl​​Dictionary’s exist. 9:41 AMStay Clean​​yeah, us dumb masses don't give sh!t about 9:41 AMnon-useful​​DON'T HIDE COINS IN YOUR BUM. THEY'LL RUST 9:41 AMannie Bell​​Afternoon who's the lovely person Stef is talking to 9:41 AMGirliegurl​​They even have apps. 9:41 AMcindee D​​I like that! America’s early warning system: Black women!!!!!! 9:41 AMJeff Curry​​JIN i have always wanted to hear the joke that goes with "rectum, damn near killed him" 9:41 AMSteve Imes​​only five minutes behind now... 9:41 AMMtnbike Fan​​lol Jen 9:41 AMVD Hurtz​​all stock indexes in FREE FALL once again. 9:41 AM#BobbleHead​​no such thing as a bad chicken 9:41 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​metronet here in the Chicago area is offering high speed fiber internet for $34.99 a month 9:41 AMElia Fuimaono​​I'm ready to intern, @Stephanie Miller Show 9:41 AMSteve Imes​​senator Chris Murphy 9:41 AMdevilbunny​​I have been anticipating this crap since SkyNet in Terminator 9:42 AMJiN up the Bass​​@Jeff Curry when it's put on a tee like that, of course i'm going to swing away. 9:42 AMScott K​​Eye contact can be creepy. I like autism instead 9:42 AMPink nightmare​​ BLAKE what lol I forgot what I said 9:42 AMJeff Curry​​JIN yep 9:42 AMEpi_gurl​​and this is why Jenn is my celeb crush! 9:42 AMVD Hurtz​​She does not have autism 9:42 AMDash​​Thank you Jen you are awesome! 9:42 AMFoggy Ozark G​​@non-useful 9:42 AMRuben Michaels​​for sure @VD Hurtz 9:42 AMMea Culpa​​Yankee Farm Wife channel she's awesome 9:42 AMElia Fuimaono​​or she can afford good meds 9:42 AMGrrace Grracy​​Jen is right. Talk hospitals closing in your neighborhood because of Medicaid cuts. It affects you, even if you don't need Medicaid. 9:42 AMRose Blake​​@Pink nightmare Shutting off Facebook and twitter 9:42 AMnon-useful​​MY GEMSTONES ARE ALL CABOCHON. NO EMERALD CUT HERE 9:43 AMStay Clean​​N. Korea 9:43 AMFoggy Ozark G​​that's me.. im the poster child 9:43 AMVD Hurtz​​I have known ,worked with AUTISTIC people. She is not autistic, 9:43 AMSuzanne Forasiepi​​pink nightmare did you watch Karen Hunter live this Saturday I did she is amazing 9:43 AM#BobbleHead​​last thing I need is another crush on a woman Steph had on the show 9:43 AMMtnbike Fan​​Ozempic and all the other GP-1 meds. 9:43 AMannie Bell​​VD do not presume 9:43 AMDash​​Back to a time when those women things didnt exist. 9:43 AMDavid Martinez​​It's too late Project 2025, is already in motion. 9:44 AMElia Fuimaono​​lol you encapsulated all of the forms of autism and their permutations? why don't we know of you 9:44 AMVD Hurtz​​@annie Bell presume? I have worked, helping autistic people. Aspergers 9:44 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​when I vote I vote for mostly all women 9:44 AMGrrace Grracy​​There is a wide range of autism. High functioning to non verbal. 9:44 AMannie Bell​​So what? Late diagnosis is a real thing and shouldn't be debated in chats 9:44 AMVD Hurtz​​themselves 9:45 AMVD Hurtz​​NOPE. 9:45 AMPink nightmare​​Suzanne I did not sadly. I follow too many YouTubers and its hockey season 9:45 AMRobert R.​​Mask and wash hands like covid, health Canada still has website 9:45 AMSteve Imes​​not buying Anything this week 9:45 AMVD Hurtz​​LAte diagnosis? LOL 9:45 AMRose Blake​​I don’t know Karen Hunter 9:45 AMSonya Massey​​N 9:45 AMSonya Massey​​I 9:45 AM#BobbleHead​​my crush on JKP makes me self conscious but, I think iT would be Worse if I didn't admit iT is a only a Compliment 9:45 AMSonya Massey​​G 9:45 AMSonya Massey​​G 9:45 AMSonya Massey​​E 9:45 AMSteve Imes​​continue boycott 9:45 AMSonya Massey​​R 9:45 AMannie Bell​​So what is it expert? 9:45 AMSonya Massey​​S 9:45 AMSonya Massey​​are 9:45 AMPink nightmare​​Look her up she's great! 9:45 AMSonya Massey​​excellent 9:45 AMEpi_gurl​​so you're a doctor are you? VD you're so good at diagnosing that you can diagnose someone you have never met?? check yourself. 9:45 AMSonya Massey​​pets 9:45 AMJeff Curry​​RFK tries to take away hot wings, there could be another minecraft 9:46 AMLinda Goff​​Anyone see Trump dragging his right leg on the golf course like he's had a mini stroke or other health issue? 9:46 AMzorroairbrush2003​​Grrace Grracy Zi respectfully agree to disagree with you 9:46 AMJiN up the Bass​​@Pink nightmare you happy with the Rantanen acquisition? Necas was on my Fantasy Hockey squad. 9:46 AMElia Fuimaono​​Sonya, I thought we got all the turds out 9:46 AMScott K​​A mantra for the unwise "Don't ask google 9:46 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​oddly enough gas hasn't gone up at all here 9:46 AM#BobbleHead​​cue: Jane's Addiction - PETS 9:46 AMRway Man​​Don't Let the Outer Layer FOOL You People HURT People Matter of Mind Mood Moment MONEY Think Twice Chose Wisely Your Being Tested 9:46 AManajane803​​OMG I do the same! 9:46 AMRose Blake​​@Steve Imes Boycotting will help….Love the ideas because not all people can think of things 9:47 AMFoggy Ozark G​​OMFG 9:47 AMEarlGray007​​I blocked so many people I can hardly make sense of the chat 9:47 AMDragon's Marine​​good to know I'm mentally weak instead of a horrible diagnosis 9:47 AMSteve Imes​​The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance 9:47 AMVD Hurtz​​@Starchild your stupidity is leading to your demise 9:47 AMnon-useful​​MY NIECES 8TH GRADE PUBLIC SCHOOL OFFERS JUDEO CHRISTAIN STUDY AS AN SUBJECT. BONUS POINTS ON YOUR GRADE IF U PROVIDE INFORMATION THAT U ATTEND CHURCH SERVICE AND BIBLE CLASS. TRUE STORY 9:47 AMSteve Imes​​What we do in life echos in eternity 9:47 AMTurd Nugent​​You say something stupid in here , and these girls will beat you to a pulp . @VD Hurtz 9:47 AMcindee D​​Make our democracy great again 9:47 AMPink nightmare​​JIN I was when they traded NECAS I bought the 25th anniversary jersey with his name on it and 88 is my number eeeh we'll he could be back. Gostibhere came back 9:47 AMJeff Curry​​suzanne another guy i like to watch for a laugh is "ozzy man reviews" he hilarious 9:47 AMnevets 4ever​​Zelensky should be given the Nobel Peace Prize for how he handled that WH fiasco 9:47 AMSonya Massey​​Hippiddy 9:47 AMGrrace Grracy​​@zorroairbrush2003. It's reality, so get ready. 9:47 AMSonya Massey​​Hoppiddy 9:48 AMSonya Massey​​all 9:48 AMSonya Massey​​N 9:48 AMSonya Massey​​I 9:48 AMSonya Massey​​G 9:48 AMSonya Massey​​G 9:48 AMSonya Massey​​E 9:48 AMSonya Massey​​R 9:48 AMElia Fuimaono​​tell your friends to stop being landlords and we'll begin to heal 9:48 AMSonya Massey​​S 9:48 AMDash​​And Who made the most money from 9-11. 9:48 AMSonya Massey​​are 9:48 AMSonya Massey​​property 9:48 AMMea Culpa​​suicides are never reported in the news unless it involves others. Who really knows how many people unlive themselves ? died at home 9:48 AMAgolf Twittler​​"I will wear a costume after this war will finish. Maybe something like yours. Maybe something better." - Zalensky... 9:48 AMkathryn realhealthtalk​​blessings to all 9:48 AMVD Hurtz​​FDJT 9:48 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​did you see how Trump had his hands on zalinski when he was yelling at him 9:48 AMRose Blake​​@nevets 4 ever Yes he does 9:48 AMPink nightmare​​JIN I'm neutral about Mikki he and Aho are close like Fishy and Turbo were 9:48 AMGrrace Grracy​​Sonya should be blocked. 9:48 AMGirliegurl​​I don’t know why there is a fake Sonya Massey still in the chat. The only Sonya Massey I recognize; is the one that was murdered. 9:48 AMElia Fuimaono​​sonyaaaa, is a plagiarist 9:48 AMVD Hurtz​​FDJT 9:48 AMVD Hurtz​​FDJT 9:49 AMDash​​Wasn't his attempt to make Jr. look bad. 9:49 AMJiN up the Bass​​@Pink nightmare 88 is your number? Should we be alarmed - H.H. and all? 9:49 AMPink nightmare​​F45 9:49 AMmike williams​​It's not just NORWAY 9:49 AMVD Hurtz​​FDJT 9:49 AMVD Hurtz​​FDJT 9:49 AMMea Culpa​​spontaneous combustion 9:49 AM#BobbleHead​​love triangles are Not Romantic 9:49 AMzorroairbrush2003​​I will continue to smoke my sacred pipe and send prayers of love around the world 9:49 AMGirliegurl​​HAPPENING NOW: At a hearing on dismantling of CFPB, Judge Amy Berman Jackson suggests that she wants an evidentiary hearing. 9:49 AMTurd Nugent​​ 9:49 AMGirliegurl​​Anna Bower 9:49 AMSuzanne Forasiepi​​CE u next Tues Sonya 9:49 AMRobert R.​​@Elia Fuimaono She watches the vegan teacher or is her 9:49 AMTurd Nugent​​ 9:49 AMRose Blake​​@JIMS RADIO CHECK Yes I did and I think trump should be arrested 9:50 AMJiN up the Bass​​@bobblehead Tubberville thinks Trigons are romantic. 9:50 AMPink nightmare​​my grandma's license plate has 88 in it my plate now 9:50 AMMea Culpa​​Brian Shapiro 9:50 AMVD Hurtz​​FDJT 9:50 AM#BobbleHead​​yeah . 9:50 AMPink nightmare​​HH? 9:50 AMJeff Curry​​love triangle are not romantic, but depends who is in them, so ive heard... 9:50 AMVD Hurtz​​FDJT 9:50 AMDash​​MarA-lagoon slips into a sinkhole. 9:50 AM*Elena*​​I feel like the Gorillas made the point “On melancholy hill”. Happy ending everyone hope for 9:50 AMScott K​​JD Vance is gonna make the saying "The ugly american" in vogue again 9:50 AMMark​​screwing w NOAA is worse than Stephen King thinjs even, fishing and shipping industries also heavily rely on it 9:51 AMRose Blake​​I love Joe Biden 9:51 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​yeah Mark tornado season started the other day and Trump cuts the national weather service 9:51 AMPink nightmare​​love Jojo! 9:51 AMRobert R.​​FAA maybe AA too 9:51 AMsanguine111​​great seein u guys, gatta get goin, c u tmrw 9:51 AMSteve Imes​​SNL skewered trump's oval office meeting this week. HILARIOUS 9:51 AMPink nightmare​​I dont have enough monitors set up lol 9:51 AMSteve Imes​​watch it on YouTube 9:51 AMNeuroGeezer​​ Have a great day. I'm having my head examined. 9:51 AMTurd Nugent​​cu @sanguine111 9:51 AMSteve Imes​​only 3 minutes behind... 9:51 AM*Elena*​​I don’t watch the republicans. Thank you, nope 9:51 AMzorroairbrush2003​​Bye bye @ sanguine 9:52 AMFoggy Ozark G​​Click thatClick It GOODoff to the Rush Limbaugh of the left The Tony MIchaels podcastthank you STEPHANiE 9:52 AMJiN up the Bass​​@Pink nightmare are you sitting in you Connecticut Command Center trying to follow all of your follows? 9:52 AMDash​​Sinkhole from the pits of hell opens up after the submarine port collapses. 9:52 AMRobert R.​​fun finding out what the world thinks of this 9:52 AMPink nightmare​​has Biden spoken out lately 9:52 AMGrrace Grracy​​@nevets 4ever THAT would be perfect. 9:52 AMRose Blake​​Marco Rubio was like why did y’ll put next to Vance on sofa 9:52 AMSteve Imes​​see i can watch the entire show in less than two hours 9:52 AMTurd Nugent​​ Chat...

Tuesday, October 22, 2024


32813/bucking vatican protocol francis wears black shoes and white vestage- amman bombs syrian university, blams rebels dweimhz/GOP Senators Paul, Cruz and Lee Threaten to Filibuster Gun Bill Politico- a date when commercial television decided amassing corporate money and providing entertainment were its central mission, when it consciously chose to become a carnival act, it would probably be Feb. 25, 2003, when MSNBC took Phil Donahue off the air because of his opposition to the calls for war in Iraq. truthdig/Chicago, over 50 schools have just been scheduled for closure, mostly in underprivileged neighborhoods, while officials have tried to censor what books are taught in class. But here's some good news: Parents, teachers and, most excitingly of all, students are coming together to fight back. Across the country, more and more people have realized that this kind of education "reform" is incompatible with progressive values, doesn't teach children how to think truthout/Dionne Warwick has filed for Chapter Seven bankruptcy over tax liens dating back to the 1990s. The smooth-voiced soul singer had a negligent business manager, her attorney tells Rolling Stone "and before she knew it, she owed a gazillion dollars in taxes rs/

3 24-27 13 lost gems

32713 problems creat solutions, solutions create more problems 32613/birther truther Todd Akin goon who loves Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels talking about lying!-unknown-poet an Open Letter to the Congress, a work in progress "We, the American people are full of faith and credit. We finance our financial markets. In good faith we let you, our government representatives withhold a portion of our wages, set aside for Social Security, for our retirements. But you replaced our earnings with U.S. Treasury Bonds backed by who, why the full faith of we, the American people. So as not to confuse realities, we are now paying double, you, re-selling Treasury Notes as they come due, while you, our Congress, including president Obama want to cut the pay back by squeezing the pay out of our retirement money. This corruption of our hard earned benefit our dollars— is not acceptable. We foot the bill for your sweet pensions. Upon election to public office you don’t have any skin in our game. Upon the fiddle with our retirements you should say good-bye to your offices. You, elected to represent us, squandered our people’s good faith on aircraft carriers that serve to silhouette the seven seas, fighter planes too difficult to fly, and obsolete weapon systems to attack imagined foes, when our dollars could have been put to work in robust enterprises, with stock dividends, instead of dead ends. Had the Social Security been let to invest our surpluses, taking barrel head positions in blue chips and writing mortgages, buy sell bubbles would not have blown up, Wall Street investment banks would have been kept honest by “we, the people’s” presence in our financial marketplace and our government would not have had to form regulatory bureaucracies. There is a non partisan solution to which all parties can agree. A new and innovative non partisan financial instrument, the 2% U.S. Mortgage Savings Bond can solve the actuarial dead end street, you, the Congress created, in your squandering of money that was not yours to appropriate. You, our representatives are going to make it possible, with a clearly written Order, for we, the people to purchase all our bank held residential mortgages in U.S.A., according to very reasonable terms: $0.85 on the dollar for the good, $0.65 on the dollar for underwater upside down bad, and $0.49 on the buck for the tick tock sick, soon to be ugly foreclosures, this mass purchase accomplished with 2% U.S. Mortgage Savings Bonds, backed by the good faith of we, the American people. We don’t need to create a whole new agency to run this mortgage buy out. Social security has the data in mainframe computers and we can trust them with our money. The social Security agency is not in the habit of taking hooray for us vacations in Vegas. The lenders shall present to our Social Security Administration our mortgaged properties’ payoffs, along with their assessed valuations, for every house. The 2% U.S. Savings Bonds shall be issued to the homeowners, pay to the order of both homeowner and mortgage holding bank. The owners shall appear at their bank branches with their 2% U.S. Bonds, wait for a copy of their deed to come over the fax, and then, on the bank’s computers, with a banker standing by, rewrite their mortgage at 10 to 30 years fixed rate of 3.5,7% interest, based on the owner’s true credit rating. The branches shall forward all paid off property deeds and rewritten mortgages to the Social Security Administration for safekeeping. Upside down underwater re-mortgages at $0.65 shall carry a non-interest bearing 2nd mortgage bubble on the back end, not to be negotiated until the house is sold, down the road, insuring the upside down owners retain reasonable equity upon sale. When financial calamity strikes a household, the homeowner shall have the option to pay only interest only until the homeowners regain financial footing. Home foreclosures shall become a rarity. The Social Security shall redistribute the 50 million mortgages, dividing good, bad and ugly amongst bank branches and credit unions in the same zip codes as the houses, for servicing, allowing the branches to use the principal in the first year’s payments, for re-loaning to independent small businesses in their same neighborhood zip codes, to recapitalize Main St. This bank branch service will show a profit for the banks and credit unions. But the 50 million monthly interest payments on the 50 million residential mortgages shall be deposited monthly by the branches with the Social Security, the interest spread between 2% U.S. Mortgage Savings Bonds and average 4.5% fixed rate mortgages applied to drawing down our public debt, starting with those Treasury Bonds Congress originally shelled when switching out the cash slice that was withheld from our pay checks. You, our Congress shall convert the 2.7 trillion in Treasury Notes now sitting with Social Security into 2% U.S. Mortgage Savings Bonds that we, the people shall immediately put to work, using these converted Treasury notes for our “we, the people” buy out of our mortgages from the too big to fail commercial lenders. The too big to fail or jail banks who nearly brought world trade to a stand still shall be cashed out, their golden opportunity, at the branch level, to slip back into earning money the old fashioned way, lending dollars to people based on tangible goods and sweat equity, instead of credit swap paper corporation bets where heads they win and tails the taxpayer’s money is lost. How many home owners in your district? That is how many people will vote you out of office for your refusal to allow them to purchase their mortgage note from the bank with we, the people money and apply the spread to ending the national debt so their children inherit a better life! You cannot beat the deal. michael s lev inson dot commie- rbg/ breitbart looking and acting gay except for having sex with men liking liberal women larry improves usual horrible prozion format, flipflop lectures republican concervatives because there are more important things effecting americans, admonishing ohio sen cordman for changing his mind after finding his own family is effected, difficult to satisfy reverse poligomist calls , wheel fna helps, prop 8 quagmire,interstate problems voter givith, ussc taketh away, on wabc geraldo/ republicans realizing extremist are the problem, rush not so much/ driving an especially rough mortgage & insurance day yesterday, today ussc wastes another day, pessimisticnutz pray for the demize of bamadministration, optimist, well are optimistic, good enough reason not to whackoneselfmortgage (Synonyms noun. hypothec, encumbrance, pledge, pawn verb. pawn, pledge, hypothecate, to pledge as security without delivery, bond obliged to pay back with a predetermined rate loan secured by real property conveys the conditional right of ownership ie: MF Global and the great Wall St rehypothecation scandal of 2011reuters/ 32513/experts claim that career advancement is a function of everything from extreme self confidence to extreme humility (or both at once). Still others make the case that big time professional success derives from more sinister behaviors, such as callous ambition or unfettered narcissism. And then there is the whole “positive thinking” bandwagon, which claims that getting ahead is primarily a function of believing you can. there’s so much contradictory advice out there about the core components of success that it’s enough to reduce you to a weary sigh of: “Whatever jw/ president of the Israeli regime Shimon Peres, major Zionist activists ex director of the CIA James Woolsey, and former secretaries of state, Henry Kissinger, and George Shultz, have joined Zionist officials and activist in calling for Pollard’s release based on what the Israelis are promoting as a “humanitarian” consideration. “I will sum it up in three words: enough is enough. It is not humane to keep him (Pollard) in jail any longer,” former Israeli Education Minister Amnon Rubinstein. Pollard, plans to stage a “hunger strike” for his release during Obama’s three day visit, a Jewish American at the time he volunteered to spy for the Tel Aviv regime after approaching an Israeli officer in Washington in 1984, Clinton, a particularly close Israeli ally during his two term presidency from 1993 2001, attempted to release Pollard towards the end of his second term in office but was rigorously challenged by top US military and Republican officials and experts, who ultimately foiled the move. zion first disowned their spy, claiming that “he was an actor in a rouge operation,” the report says. Netanyahu, in his first term as the regime’s prime minister in the late 1990’s, officially recognized Pollard as an Israeli agent, including nyt-All of your neonaziswine anti-semitic post- D.C democrap enclave North Dakota Indian welfare, Ask Dashle, New Mexico agan a democrap run state, Alaska, the Fed owns 80% of state, could make money anytime they allowed drilling. West Virginia , the affects of having two democrap senators, forever. Byrd, Rockefeller, and Now Mansion Montana, again the Fed owns 2/3's- DC is the worst but for other reasons plus it doesn't get electoral votes ($6.17) North Dakota ($2.03) New Mexico ($1.89) Mississippi ($1.84) Alaska ($1.82) West Virginia ($1.74) Montana ($1.64) Alabama ($1.61) South Dakota ($1.59) Arkansas ($1.53)- insane military spending-a new renaissance of wealth while the rest of America continues to deteriorate financially. This vast wealth, that is flowing into D.C., is a sign of the highest order of elitist apocrasy against the lower castes in America! A building boom is going on in D.C. and it's surroundings like Georgetown and other suburbs. This is at the expense of cities like Detroit, Chicago and Atlanta, just to name a few. Political elitists and the aids that they bring with them to Washington are thriving in a busted economy that in many ways resembles the decline of the Roman Empire-Interesting game you play with numbers. You should try learning statistics. You just failed-California pays in much more and if you look at the per capita in stead of the total amount they get back less than they pay in unlike your red southern states like Texas and Florida-the return ratio on federal taxes you can't spin your way out of it, and wonder why you keep losing-lack of brains cells is endless. Kinda oxymoronic huh?-hillbilly states like mississippi and alabama need the dough to buy junk food and get fat. Lets expell the confederate states once and for all-85% of red states are deadbeats and are supported and they want cuts, go for it-Top ten donor states Colorado $0.81 New York $0.79 California $0.78 Delaware $0.77 Illinois $0.75 Minnesota $0.72 New Hampshire $0.71 Connecticut $0.69 Nevada $0.65 New Jersey $0.61 See a pattern, top 20 moocher states are mostly red, if they want big cuts, a great place to start-w recently turned New Mexico bluey- bac/ holy cow cyprus gov took everything over 100k 4.2 billion- CYPRUS IS SAVED HOORAH! ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE IN THE LAND OF FIAT MONEY!- TBTF Eurobanks *saved again*. How much did Ben 'swap' the Fed so-called Balance Sheet, with Europe to 'save cypress-Cyprusitosis" is headed to America-ygs/Article I, Section 7 of the U.S. Constitution reads: "All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills." Our Constitution grants the president absolutely no authority to raise or lower taxes. The president is permitted to propose tax measures or veto them. Congress can ignore proposals and override vetoes. grants Congress the final and ultimate say on taxes. The same principle applies to spending-Since the Reagan gang began their war on regulations that has picked up speed over the last 30 years, instead of competing through product quality, we compete with the lowest price being the important criteria. With virtually all of our products being made in countries where the work force is payed slave wages & there are no regulations on the manufacturing process, many of our leaders demonize our regulations & cost of our labor. We are in a race to the bottom, & no matter what anybody says, in THAT race, ALL Americans lose Terror is a powerfully strong fear reaction to sudden, unexpected, life threatening circumstances—an emotion, in other words. So technically, the "War on Terror" becomes the" War on FEAR" where there is NO defined enemy except the manipulation of the human emotion called "FEAR", the war profiteers dupe the American public into expending their hard earned tax dollars to support ENDLESS wars-MORON ALERT corporate gods who are sitting on trillions would go out of business!--New Zealand Frankenscientists fallen even further into the surreal Announce Mutant GMO Cows to Produce Hormone Induced ‘Engineered’ allergen milk for consumption by human babies. worldtruth fb/might be the dumbest farm animal on the planet, Locking up criminal Wall St. and corporate crooks, along with murderous gun kooks is lawless?- Icelanders Force Accountability for Banks, banged pots and pans to disrupt the meeting of parliament, the "Kitchenware Revolution," they called it, turbulence forced Prime Minister Geir H. Haarde to announce that he and his cabinet would resign and new elections would be held. Although politicians responsible for Iceland's financial life were resigning, the campaigners didn't stop there; they demanded, and won, the resignation of the governing board of the Central Ban; Why Can't We? How to Deal With Right Wing Mega Criminals: Jail corporate and financial crooks, take back the trillions they stole from working Americans, and throw right wing economic slavery on the ash heap of history, along with corporate socialism, welfare for wealthy fascism, trickle down horschitt, (dick and w) Dopenomics and Reaganomics economic rape-O'Bozo needs all those rounds of ammo to blow away people who refuse to be forced to pay-proof of low IQ corporate fascist cattle who hate America? if your latest Tim McVeigh low IQ sheep tin foil hat rumor is true, and the government is finally getting ready to take on fascist Fifth who have raped America, take it from the least productive members of the 'Welfare for the Wealthy State', and tax gun kooks and all right wingers for being dangerous subhumans-we can jump start our infrastructure needs with a 5)% tax on the wages and pensions of greedy city county sate federal gvy union racketeers. It's time the leeches put the welfare of the country ahead of their mindless sanctimonious greed-rbpa/Cypriot bank restructuring plan should serve as a template for the rest of the eurozone yfn/The political conversation should be about creating jobs, helping people keep their homes and regulating banks. But it isn't- Obama is not a foreign born, brown skinned, anti war socialist who gives away healthcare. You're thinking of Jesus-rbn/ big russian money takes 49% cut in 13B$ bailout cypress deal includes downsizing and giving up offshore taxdodge status, humping online gambling, accusing iran, enabled by iraq to supply amman, jesus toaster, wabc/ales new talk points, beckel leads fauxcharge agains cbs, bernie: cbs amazing race using crashed b52 communist bastards, upton ziongroupie still in the news, pussyriot jailing duty of sorts, warren reports danica beats 17 other drivers and gulftown lassle long shots, diedl my stupid brother trusted a cartiologist about circulation problems worries about cybersecurity, daygen covers nascar fight, kinky's bipolar tour in vegas with 3500$ benis, sez michelle could be right about overweight americans iman goes to temple, on reaffirming his faux loyality to wingnutwacko hannity, ussc congress, and nra wasting time with same sex marrage, surgethismccain imus/bloomberg calling anyone who resists gun control is antismetic brietbart larry occonnor 32413/Beware the New Corporate Tax Cut Scam: LIFT Is a Big Lie Dave Johnson, Campaign for America's Future/Ellen Brown, Web of Debt: The push to confiscate the savings of Cypriot citizens is a hit against every working person in the world, a wake up call to the perils of a system in which tiny cadres of elites call the shots and the rest of us pay the price/Louisa Abada, In the Public Interest: The more we privatize, the less we know and the less we control/Thom Hartmann: The GOP Is Already Hatching Its Next Plot to Take Our Nation Hostage, Boehner said the GOP will refuse to raise the debt ceiling in May, unless the president agrees to more spending cuts; Colorado is now the 18th state to legalize some form of same-sex unions; Mexico is breaking up monopolies/Senate Passes $3.7 Trillion Budget, Its First in Four Years nyt/Palestinian Authority to Receive $500 Million in Aid as US Unblocks Frozen Funds rt/Mark Karlin, since 2007 The cruelty and brutality of horse slaughterhouses is apparently returning to the US soon. A New Mexico slaughterhouse worker shoots a horse in the head to mark the occasion, videotapes it-Francis' Silence on Pedophilia and Argentina's "Dirty War"-Afghanistan: A Dark and Fragile Future Richard Sale, What will happen next/Mike Ludwig, Cleanup continues at the site of an underground spill of thousands of gallons of pollution related to the oil and gas industry in the heart of Colorado's fracking country Truthout/Oscar winner Alex Gibney's Wikileaks documentary We Steal Secrets got Matt Taibbi thinking about the coming showdown between the government and the public over institutionalized secrecy and the public's right to know rs/Ashley Judd Gives Hint About Potential Senate Run-Biden recaps a moment he shared with two nuns, whom he described as "lovely women," outside of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City-supposed to fly by helicopter to Bethlehem but a windstorm forced him to travel by motorcade instead. The change in plans was cheered by Palestinians because the president drove past the large concrete wall erected by the Israelis, giving Obama a direct look at the hostilities facing the region on a daily basis-Congress has certainly already acted in some ways on guns, even passing a government spending bill that includes four gun provisions which actually loosen gun regulations- Christie Comes Out Against Gay Conversion Therapy, After initially saying he was undecided on the topic, look at his own prior statements where he makes clear that people's sexual orientation is determined at birth- abc/Texas fifth-grader’s test purportedly blaming the United States for 9/11 has gone viral. test question: Why might the United States be a target for terrorism? The correct answer was Decisions we made in the United States have had negative effects on people elsewhere. Flour Bluff Independent School District mom Kara Sands of Corpus Christi told Kristv I’m not going to justify radical terrorists by saying we did anything to deserve that, over 3,000 people died-Only a child thinks they are always right, and America is not a child only a fool would believe that the 911 attackers acted in a vacuum, we're talking about Texass Con, they cannot accept any part of reality that contradicts their worldview-freedom hating liberal would think that the freedom hating terrorists attacked us for any reason other than their hatred of our freedom, 9/11 attackers attacked us because they oppose freedom and democracy, preferring instead a world ruled by religious extremists. They perceived (correctly) that while America's freedom-hating liberals would warmly embrace such a world, the rest of America would stand in opposition. Their mistake was the same mistake that Japan once made. They thought that such an attack would intimidate us into not opposing them. iraq thought that after we left, they would then be able to conquer all the nations of the Middle East, kill all the non-Muslims, abolish democracy and women's rights, and set up an imperial Islamic theocracy. They were severely disappointed with how we actually reacted. But it's nothing that can't be cured with a good dronestrike- 4488 TRILLION$, they actually vote FOR Islamic theocracy, I believe that the fundamentalist filth in the ME, the religious garbage if I may, are STILL celebrating the criminal invasion of Iraq, EXACTLY what the Iran, Hamas, Al Queda, and Hezbollah wanted us to do-contradicted by OBL's own statements assertions are nothing but another sign that you cannot deal with any reality outside your fantasy delusions--RIP Joe Weider, his "sand kicked in the face" ad was in every comic I read as a kid. He made it to 93, so evidently he did something right--Nicolas Maduro is increasingly resorting to wild, paranoid, anti-American outbursts in an effort to convince Venezuelans he has the machismo needed to fill El Commandante’s boots. initial claims that the U.S. or others had killed Chavez, Maduro followed up on March 13 by saying he intends to form a scientific commission to review the facts, We have the intuition that our commander Chavez was poisoned by dark forces that wanted him out of the way, March 17, U.S. officials at the Pentagon and at the CIA are behind a plan to assassinate the right-wing presidential candidate to create chaos heritageorg-Hopefully, other firearms manufactures in Colorado, New York and Maryland will follow Magpul’s example and relocate their operations to more gun friendly states like Texas or South Carolina. Why would they want to operate in a state that legislates against their business and forbids residents from purchasing many of their products? godfatherpolitics-Locusts will destroy Colorado with their absolute stupidity-Good riddance to bad rubbish, Their whining reminds me of the tobacco companies-Your hatred of America's freedom reminds me of the 9/11 hijackers. They hated America's freedom too- Tell that to the 600 people in CO who just lost their jobs but I'm sure wherever they go most likely Texas as it's a business friendly state, Conservatives that support unconstitutional wars, the patriot act, the TSA and NDAA-What about the Liberals that support the patriot act?- What you don't know would fill many libraries-I have lived nearly 40 years longer than you have and let me tell you that what you don't know would fill chasms. Your arrogance is amazing and you top the hater list this morning so perhaps you should not be so smug.-nothing more than an appeal to authority fail--Madonna showed up dressed as a Boy Scout last Saturday night at the GLAAD Media Awards, Sporting a troop leader hat, blue shirt and shorts and merit badges to mock the Scout’s for not permitting openly gay people to join. Announcing she should be in the Scouts because she could; “build a fire,” the Material Girl went backstage and rubbed two dancers together in order to prove it, Biden visiting Italy bragged that he had Pope Francis in his March Madness bracket, dhs trusted traveler” status to folks they consider to be low-risk airline passengers. The good news is that Saudi travelers will soon be able to join, and bypass what the rest of us have been enduring since 15 Saudi hijackers along with four others pulled off the 9-11 attacks. What could possibly go wrong? “I like my boobs. They’ve always served me well. They’re good.” Not that anyone is paying any attention to what I’m writing now, Ms. Love Hewitt wants her best assets to be protected and is considering getting her breasts insured for $5 million- patriotupdate-Senator Jeff Sessions, I. F. Stone said: “All governments are run by liars and nothing they say should be believed. The Democrats are constantly braying about fiscal responsibility; paying our deficits, and balancing the budget; but their actual intentions could not be farther from the truth. In fact, they lie. Whether or not that lying is intentional or just part of their essence as a human bei–politician–is up for debate. Either way, a lie is a lie Sherrod Brown (D-OH): “Before I ask for your vote, I owe it to you to tell you where I stand. I’m for…a balanced budget amendment.” Senator Mark Begich (D-AK): “It’s time to stop playing political brinksmanship with the budget and do what every Alaskan is doing, balance the budget.” Senator Mark Udall (D-CO): “I’ve long gone by the saying, if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. By restoring healthy and responsible spending through a reasonable Balanced Budget Amendment, we can begin filling in that hole.” And, Obama 2008: The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion dollars for the first 42 presidents, number 43 added $4 trillion dollars by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion dollars of debt that we are going to have to pay back, $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic. This clever gambit made by Sen Sessions was brilliantly designed to reveal just who the Democrats truly are: liars. Good on Jeff Sessions for artfully revealing what lies beneath the Democrats’ facade. lastresistance-liberal democrats are the worst liars in congress!- No one who has watched Michelle Bachmann in action could seriously make such a claim-aibafs/Republicans Struggle to Recover From TeaPartyitis BuzzFlash/Danny Katch, SocialistWorker We need to wrest control of our schools away from the modern day segregationists, and put it in the hands of parents and teachers who believe that all children have talents and gifts that need to be nurtured, rather than ranked/we can't have our constitution raped our guns restricted, and our christian values destroyed. These politicians have to go. SOON-multinational corporations have no loyalty to this country over another. Most people can tell things are getting worse if they're even remotely paying attention. Less freedom, more poverty, more people on assistance, an increase in violent crime, breakdown in traditional family, longer working hours and less vacation, closures of schools, widening school achievement gaps between hispanics and whites, inflation, ballooning expenses of health care and higher education, etc, etc. The United States is a big rotting empire. Most people just don't want to admit it. A trillion dollar war here, a bailout there. This stuff adds up and sometimes the consequences take years to trickle down to where they hurt the average person- cl/chief financial officer of a nonprofit home health care service in Fort Collins and Greeley has been sentenced to six years in prison for stealing half a million dollars from his employer Dp/12-year-old Orlando, Fla. boy is dead after his 16-year-old brother accidentally shot him with a gun rbg/ government employees staged a protest against the sequester, Blame Congress, Not Obama conservativevideos 7,933 likes fb/ gen ret paul eaton, unprepared top brass and civil leaders led catastrophic failure in iraq cctv/ suzi orman want or need-francis visits beni to make sure everything is kewl, california, woman rents couch for 40$ per night, goodhousekeeping seal boosts qvc, giste finally does porn queen desirie hope, a piece worth watching, on cbssm/ssm cbs/usmc chesty fn/bo swaping talking points occupation is not the answer, daring zion to deal with wmd amman-Comic Sheds Light on Secret Army Spy Unit, According to the few books written about the ISA, and the smattering of newspaper articles over the last 30 years that have identified the unit, the Intelligence Support Activity began in the early 1980s after the military's disastrous attempt to rescue Americans during the Iran Hostage Crisis-Supreme Court to Take on Gay Marriage-Italian prosecutors appealing Knox's release from prison are set to appear in court. Amanda Knox's Legal Trouble Not Yet Over- Coney Island Reopens for First Time Since Superstorm Sandy abc/ It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see. Henry David Thoreau

found on pendrive 12 years later

102412/Don't take it from me, Abraham Lincoln: "You cannot bring about
prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot strengthen the weak by
weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the
wage payer. You cannot further the the brotherhood of man by encouraging
class hatred. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot
keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn. You cannot build
character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and
should do for themselves. "You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening
the strong. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage
payer."-prosperity is all about how much is left over for investors after
the board pay themselves. Just ask Glenn Beck he'll tell you-LOL! The man
helped free the slaves. It is ironic that a black man would be the one to
counter everyone one of those statements, You don't want black men to
take over nothing. You're the Old Guard- They've got a firm hold on
violent crime yip/religion doesn't fly jets into building crooked old men
with agenda's of world domination do that-when did this atheist shoot
places up? Was it prompted by his atheism? or science? no. it wasn't, but
religionists bomb women's health centers, shoot girls for wanting to
learn etc because of their religion. HUGE difference-I'm done with this
group. It has thoroughly insulted my faith enough-Stalin, I consider it
completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is
extraordinarily important is this, who will count the votes, and how."-
Comparing 2016 to The Eternal Jew is a sad and desperate. Playing the
Nazi card, seriously?-the name Dinesh D'Souza, I knew the movie was
nothing more than propaganda-I've had many debates with Romney zealots
and they never have ingormation to disprove what I'm saying and just come
back with nonsense. So I would not even promote this movie because all it
will do is fuel the fire for Romney zealots-getting rich off of
ignorance- as someone who lost family in the Shoah I can see where the
lies affect people's lives, too bad you do not understand or refuse to
understand or are complicit in the Goebbels sort of big lie-Moores
laughable Fahrenheit 9/11 was ok to liberals even though 99% was proven
to be false-9/11 the official government report was proven false rofl the
towers didnt fall to no gas fire and building 7 was never touched so im
pretty sure moore was closer than the government story havent seen 2016
yet but i know who the people behind it are and since most of wut these
ppl do is hate speech i prolly wont watch it-haters believe this
propaganda- It is easy to hire someone to say anything. I do not trust
any news media or movies as any kind of proofgod made rape pregancies
muordock-Ann "Sarah Palin created more jobs then Obama did" Coulter's
style-Coulter = Douche Bag-She's no clown. Clowns are funny. She is evil
and pathetic-The red nose Is an improvement!-(ann the man explodes in
mitt's face)- fb/wanted Detroit automakers to be bankrupt down and out
then Bain Capital would move in like vultures and steal all assets ybac/
Uncle Sam wants to put Bank of America outof business! Why else would
they constantly harass an American Icon with this lawsuit. Let the market
fix it self. BAC was not the reason for the fall of Freddie and Fannie
ybac/some new info on the so politically correct GOP?
Republican Fundraiser in Utah, Charged With Multiple Counts of Rape and
Kidnapping, Commits Suicide
A violent end to a tawdry tale of power and abuse
alternet-"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."
—Marie Curie-not only political rhetoric, but a LIE by R-Money!

After Obama stopped the bleeding and set the economy in the right
direction, the economy will generate jobs but nobody should use such a
number given that a good part of jobs will not come back at all! That's
the reality as the world is going global and competition is tough when it
comes to manufacturing jobs. Asia (China, S. Korea, Indonesia, etc.,
etc.) can produce goods at a much lower labor costs than the U.S. That
won't change for decades until and unless the living standards in those
countries improve and labor costs go up like ours did in the past 50
years fb

lizzy blow talor swift interview
bengazi dwarfs watergate, reported 2hrs later, (as protest gone bad) eib/

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


🔴ELON MUSK + TRUMP AT BUTLER PA RALLY🔴AUSTIN IS HERE 🔴🔴SPOOKTOBER🔴30 DAYS OUT! 🔴 Conversation opened. 1 unread message. Skip to content Using Gmail with screen readers 8 of 108 chump speech /chatt 10524 Inbox richard cavessa <9xldog""> Oct 6, 2024, 6:41 AM (9 days ago) to me,, drjaz123, joedough123 HasanAbi 🔴ELON MUSK + TRUMP AT BUTLER PA RALLY🔴AUSTIN IS HERE 🔴🔴SPOOKTOBER🔴30 DAYS OUT! 🔴 Just Chatting news politics adhd English GamerRage About HasanAbi 2.7M followers i'm a political commentator irl trying to avoid heated gaming moments 4:3746-* (3.5-Year Badge)Prime Gamingonellsgt: facebook mommy 🤳 4:375-* (3-Month Badge)cheer 100cakejarr01: IM CANADIAN I DIDNT TAKE SHIT @hasanabi 4:37Watching without audioawww321: the history of politics 4:3712-* (1-Year Badge)Prime GamingIamSprouting: Greatest 4:3715-* (1-Year Badge)5 Gift Subscurrentlyfreezing: imagine having the national anthem being the last thing you hear as you fade out of consciousness lmao 4:37Nazzavelle: if he keeps saying Kamala will end israel i really might vote for her 4:37WitcheryRocky: biotoxzGun bullets for America dsa7 4:3755-* (3.5-Year Badge)Streamer Awards 2024Tayl0rCrypt1d: it happens a lot i swear mugshotofDonaldtrump 4:37mipp0hipp0: SHES IN LANDSCAPE NOW 4:3716-* (1-Year Badge)ilovepizxa: KEKW 4:3737-* (3-Year Badge)onecandream: shot for notthing @HasanAbi 4:37Watching without audiopoggersnz: LMAO 4:372-*Destiny 2: The Final Shape Raid RacePiplup_11: YEP 4:377-* (6-Month Badge)Twitch Recap 2023herculeeeez: oh 4:371-*latonzacpi: SHRAPNEL ONLY SHRAPNEL YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A SCAR 4:3726-* (2-Year Badge)Hershysnick: “we” is cory 4:377-* (6-Month Badge)Listening onlyRaddbudah: BUY MY COIN!!!! 4:37Prime GamingOnTheRon: he’s bragging that people pass out at his rallies 4:37Direct Relief - Charity 2018TylerJ: she loves it 4:3721-* (1.5-Year Badge)Prime Gamingdancema7er3000: is the we in the room with us 4:372-*Prime Gamingmakirolllllll: IT’LL BE A MERE PENINSULA BECAUSE THEY CAUSED CLIMATE CHANGE 4:37Listening onlyinexplicably_wet: WOOW 4:3742-* (3.5-Year Badge)Gold Pixel Hearttiamani: CHAD 🤳 4:37Prime GamingBlueboogies: repeating Trump 4:3717-* (1-Year Badge)Watching without audiominiath_: OMEGALUL 󠀀 4:378-* (6-Month Badge)jupiter_moon19: debra in the back is still filiming 4:37cloudette: HE'S JEALOUS THEY FAINT AT KAMALA RALLIES ISTG 4:373-* (3-Month Badge)steezygramps: I wonder if any of them have imposter syndrome for patriotism 4:37r/place 2023 Cakeelliewp: HE IS THE SAVIOR 4:37SUBtember 2024hy1R: LMFAO 4:3713-* (1-Year Badge)redeyeink: lmao 4:3714-* (1-Year Badge)MrSubtleTease: Looking 4:3722-* (1.5-Year Badge)thefill: DO WHAT!??? 4:37Turboaustrom: KEKL 4:3720-* (1.5-Year Badge)Raging Wolf Helmdevalio123: KEKW SHE WENT HORIZONTAL 4:37Prime Gamingkelociraptor98: KEKW 4:3717-* (1-Year Badge)Twitch Recap 2023swanson_n_ritner: KEKL 4:3723-* (1.5-Year Badge)Raging Wolf Helmcrashtestz0mbie: hasPray stfu and stand still 4:3748-* (3.5-Year Badge)Raging Wolf HelmaCasualCreature: Cinema 4:3748-* (3.5-Year Badge)Twitch Recap 2023boricua4_life: KEKL 4:371-*linaaathebunny227: #selfie 4:3745-* (3.5-Year Badge)Twitch Recap 2023RatMasterRace: for his age yes 4:3742-* (3.5-Year Badge)Gold Pixel Hearttiamani: CHAD 🤳 4:37mipp0hipp0: SHES IN LANDSCAPE NOW 4:3716-* (1-Year Badge)ilovepizxa: KEKW 4:3737-* (3-Year Badge)onecandream: shot for notthing @HasanAbi 4:37Watching without audiopoggersnz: LMAO 4:372-*Destiny 2: The Final Shape Raid RacePiplup_11: YEP 4:377-* (6-Month Badge)Twitch Recap 2023herculeeeez: oh 4:371-*latonzacpi: SHRAPNEL ONLY SHRAPNEL YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A SCAR 4:3726-* (2-Year Badge)Hershysnick: “we” is cory 4:377-* (6-Month Badge)Listening onlyRaddbudah: BUY MY COIN!!!! 4:37Prime GamingOnTheRon: he’s bragging that people pass out at his rallies 4:37Direct Relief - Charity 2018TylerJ: she loves it 4:3721-* (1.5-Year Badge)Prime Gamingdancema7er3000: is the we in the room with us 4:372-*Prime Gamingmakirolllllll: IT’LL BE A MERE PENINSULA BECAUSE THEY CAUSED CLIMATE CHANGE 4:37Listening onlyinexplicably_wet: WOOW 4:3742-* (3.5-Year Badge)Gold Pixel Hearttiamani: CHAD 🤳 4:37Prime GamingBlueboogies: repeating Trump 4:3717-* (1-Year Badge)Watching without audiominiath_: OMEGALUL 󠀀 4:378-* (6-Month Badge)jupiter_moon19: debra in the back is still filiming 4:37cloudette: HE'S JEALOUS THEY FAINT AT KAMALA RALLIES ISTG 4:373-* (3-Month Badge)steezygramps: I wonder if any of them have imposter syndrome for patriotism 4:37r/place 2023 Cakeelliewp: HE IS THE SAVIOR 4:37SUBtember 2024hy1R: LMFAO 4:3713-* (1-Year Badge)redeyeink: lmao 4:3714-* (1-Year Badge)MrSubtleTease: Looking 4:3722-* (1.5-Year Badge)thefill: DO WHAT!??? 4:37Turboaustrom: KEKL 4:3720-* (1.5-Year Badge)Raging Wolf Helmdevalio123: KEKW SHE WENT HORIZONTAL 4:37Prime Gamingkelociraptor98: KEKW 4:3717-* (1-Year Badge)Twitch Recap 2023swanson_n_ritner: KEKL 4:3723-* (1.5-Year Badge)Raging Wolf Helmcrashtestz0mbie: hasPray stfu and stand still 4:3748-* (3.5-Year Badge)Raging Wolf HelmaCasualCreature: Cinema 4:3748-* (3.5-Year Badge)Twitch Recap 2023boricua4_life: KEKL 4:371-*linaaathebunny227: #selfie 4:3745-* (3.5-Year Badge)Twitch Recap 2023RatMasterRace: for his age yes 4:3742-* (3.5-Year Badge)Gold Pixel Hearttiamani: CHAD 🤳 5:2613-* (1-Year Badge)Prime GamingBrotherPlaya: beautiful car 5:26Predicted "Yes"1-*spareuser666: his nose is very shiny 5:26mahasan2: Trump we’re not mad at any of that 5:26GlitchCon 2020ZingZane: he is cooking 5:26Predicted "Yes"45-* (3.5-Year Badge)GlitchCon 2020latepizza: what 5:2640-* (3-Year Badge)Watching without audioD726: @HasanAbi MIGRANT BIGRANT. 5:26Verifiedsadgirl: don’t know how to talk or think? rich coming from a guy with a vocabulary of 20 words. 5:2619-* (1.5-Year Badge)Aumua: Hey you know he's completely full of shit, but his messaging is still better than kamales right now 5:2629-* (2-Year Badge)Raging Wolf Helmtarantoga21: WOOW 5:26Predicted "Yes"45-* (3.5-Year Badge)Prime Gamingh3llworld: How do they beg to be lied to hahaha 5:26robertgoodguy: PopNemo PopNemo he talk to much yyjHmm I feel this lie 5:2643-* (3.5-Year Badge)SUBtember 2024베리의뮤온 (muon_2ms): SEZ U LULW 5:26Direct Relief - Charity 2018TylerJ: Jebaited 5:26emilio369x: Pog 5:26Predicted "Yes"34-* (2.5-Year Badge)tolerance00: HOGGERS BIGRANT CRIME 5:26Twitch Recap 202311meko: $FIGHTCOIN 5:26HavanaSyndromePatient: No they're gonna say, Im just gonna trade with China psycho LUL 5:26notkean: he wants to make more tax on people who make under 75k 5:2653-* (3.5-Year Badge)Gold Pixel HeartElyndria: KEKW 5:26Prince_Asa: WTF IS HE YAPPIN ABOUT??? 5:2631-* (2.5-Year Badge)r/place 2023 Cakecloverpufff: ? 5:26Raging Wolf HelmFutureSaiyan: ?????? 5:2612-* (1-Year Badge)TwitchCon 2018 - San Joseduresspls: ALL BAD STUFF LOW LETSGO ALL GOOD STUFF HIGH LETSGO 5:26gmnoa: ????? 5:2657-* (3.5-Year Badge)gladiusnova: KEKL 5:2636-* (3-Year Badge)Twitch Recap 2023Jaydenhawke: ?????? 5:26Predicted "No"18-* (1.5-Year Badge)Twitch Recap 2023electrifiedoreo: hasTasty 5:263-* (3-Month Badge)SUBtember 2024neoncommunist: COOKED 5:26SUBtember 2024steeel93: TTrump 5:26Predicted "No"TerribleTayy: 5:2639-* (3-Year Badge)Prime Gamingpuertoricanvegansocialist: HUHH 5:26Prime Gaminghardbodyjuanguaido: Lol what 5:269-* (9-Month Badge)OWL All-Access Pass 2018aiboefly: basic 5:26TurboSpookr: beautiful car COCKA 5:2643-* (3.5-Year Badge)Prime Gamingbiggestcarl: OMEGALUL 5:2638-* (3-Year Badge)Prime Gamingjushinsuave: HE'S SO FUCKING BORING NOW. WHAT DID THEY DO TO OUR GOAT? 5:26Predicted "Yes"OWL All-Access Pass 2019shakenbake38s: iorn dome 2 HOGGERS 5:2651-* (3.5-Year Badge)hnnngg: What about Bigrant crime sir 5:261-*TurboFoxDie262: Insanitacy 5:26Turbokatebushbabe: HOGGERS 5:2617-* (1-Year Badge)Raging Wolf Helmicaru5: ????? 5:26Watching without audioZenadyth: ???????????????????? 5:26eed1_EvilsBane: TRUMP DOME?? 5:2615-* (1-Year Badge)Prime GamingFlyForAFungi: HUHH 5:2625-* (2-Year Badge)MusicGTELife: the right has such bad graphics designers 5:26cheer 100sjmcfarland: BACON BACON BACON 5:26glockenberg: KEKW 5:26shmargoshmoogi: sounds like socialism 5:26SengirVampir: Kappa 5:26Predicted "No"miller511: sounds like hes wrapping up 5:26TBone_Slim: what 5:2616-* (1-Year Badge)Twitch Recap 2023barterboost: ICANT 5:26arthurapendragon: um what 5:2647-* (3.5-Year Badge)Raging Wolf Helmbestfriendtito: pepeSpit 5:26Predicted "Yes"23-* (1.5-Year Badge)Twitch Recap 2023jem_villain: okay give it to me for free liar 5:26Predicted "No"18-* (1.5-Year Badge)Twitch Recap 2023electrifiedoreo: WOOW 5:26alkappa_corporation: KEKW tax? like import taxes? KEKW 5:267-* (6-Month Badge)erikmarket: Heyge I have to go chat but I hope he does OKBuddy 5:26Prime Gamingrayenstorm: in WHAT 5:2637-* (3-Year Badge)Twitch Recap 2023MerlinsHappyTrail: lol wait wut 5:26wtfSugoi: WHAT 5:2624-* (2-Year Badge)Destiny 2: The Final Shape Raid RaceRulerOfImps: Bros been listening to the Talking Heads 5:26Littlezilla: wait what 5:2638-* (3-Year Badge)Prime Gamingniceharris: HOGGERS CRT 5:26GLHF Pledgetjqq: OMEGALUL 5:26Predicted "Yes"18-* (1.5-Year Badge)Prime Gamingsabrinasuccs: WHAT 5:2670-* (3.5-Year Badge)Raging Wolf Helma_pride: ???????????? 5:26Direct Relief - Charity 2018TylerJ: LMAOO 5:26GlitchCon 2020Exaba: LMAOOOOOOO 5:261-*TurboFoxDie262: KEKW KEKW KEKW 5:26Predicted "Yes"40-* (3-Year Badge)SUBtember 2024Scrotacious: MAAAAN 5:26Raging Wolf HelmCoolTV: WHAT? 5:2646-* (3.5-Year Badge)Prime GamingT_blazian: Pog Bronze Dome 5:26Predicted "No"44-* (3.5-Year Badge)Prime Gamingviolent_phlegm: Hog Twah 5:2638-* (3-Year Badge)SUBtember 2024SmileySpaceX: Hmm 5:2635-* (2.5-Year Badge)DavesHereMannn: ???? 5:26BeeHolden: ? waht 5:266-* (6-Month Badge)Raging Wolf Helmfuneralfortheliving: ???? 5:261-*angieesversion: ???? 5:2624-* (2-Year Badge)biking_solo: HUH AN AMERICAN IRON DOME? 5:26scutoel: IRON DOME 2 Pog 5:2631-* (2.5-Year Badge)r/place 2023 Cakecloverpufff: ???????????????? 5:2651-* (3.5-Year Badge)JTINGY: iron dome 5:26Watching without audioimrllykool: dome? 5:26Prime Gamingnickcero: ??????????????? 5:26Predicted "No"28-* (2-Year Badge)SUBtember 2024ne11ywhoa: hasChud everything should be no cost 5:26eed1_EvilsBane: INSANICITY 5:2633-* (2.5-Year Badge)InsaneAsylumSeeker: HOGGERS CRT is back 5:263-* (3-Month Badge)oopsallkarmin: insanidacy 5:26frankie26267: METH 5:2626-* (2-Year Badge)Streamer Awards 2024eyezra_: PogU CRT MENTION 5:262-*gaming_enjoyer111: what???? 5:26GLHF PledgevxdPrism: ??????? 5:265-* (3-Month Badge)Chimaara: pepega 5:26Predicted "No"25-* (2-Year Badge)Sub Giftervinnqvinn: Iron Dome 2 Pog 5:26Watching without audioNarcissicm: INSANITASY 5:2647-* (3.5-Year Badge)Raging Wolf Helmbestfriendtito: ?????? 5:26nepwe: Lmao 5:261-*TheHouseOfThorne: ?????? 5:26Civil_Disorder_: insanisity 5:26ModeratorVerifiedFossabot: @Snoozemumrik1, Message is too repetitive [warning] 5:26Predicted "Yes"Prime Gamingkelociraptor98: HUHH 5:2634-* (2.5-Year Badge)Prime Gamingbathroom64: Scrajj 5:26Turboteb_1: GROCERIS 5:26Raging Wolf HelmMEGITSUNE9: transplinK 5:269-* (9-Month Badge)0rbitron: INSANITACY 5:264-* (3-Month Badge)Twitch Recap 2023Jmeister75_: stroke 5:26Predicted "No"12-* (1-Year Badge)Prime Gamingjhct12: STAR WARS 5:2626-* (2-Year Badge)ZeroTepMusic: insanitaseed 5:264-* (3-Month Badge)Houngry: INSANITACY 5:26brittlebonenikki: WE'RE GONNA KEEP TI! 5:2634-* (2.5-Year Badge)Twitch Recap 2023herbary: HUHH 5:26Nox219: IN WHAT ? 5:2653-* (3.5-Year Badge)Twitch Recap 2023j_hern: KEKL 5:2621-* (1.5-Year Badge)Prime Gamingx_mstar_x: what is he 5:2616-* (1-Year Badge)Prime Gamingblue_fleur_de_lis: Iron dome?????? 5:26Twitch Recap 2023vaesari: insanitacy 5:262-*SUBtember 2024hayeszs: NOOOOOOOO 5:2620-* (1.5-Year Badge)Prime GamingTankErdin: OMEGALUL 5:26Twitch Recap 2023aizensosukei: insatintsity 5:26CS:GO Week Brazil 2022snoopadillo: insanitisy 5:26Peter_Hexen: bro losing his mind 5:2638-* (3-Year Badge)SUBtember 2024SmileySpaceX: Danki 5:26Predicted "Yes"18-* (1.5-Year Badge)Prime Gamingsabrinasuccs: ICANT 5:26Watching without audioShapeLovingCat: ??? 5:26Predicted "No"7-* (6-Month Badge)Prime Gamingkimchili_: ??? 5:26Raging Wolf HelmHemry64_: Did he just say we're building an Iron Dome KEKW 5:26HighlyRidiculous: insaniticy 5:2621-* (1.5-Year Badge)25 Gift Subsemilygiselle23: I DESERVE A BEAUTIFUL CAR 5:2643-* (3.5-Year Badge)cromagnetron: IRON DOME KEKL 5:26GainGreenGang: huh 5:269-* (9-Month Badge)SUBtember 2024katie000001: insaniticy! 5:26Predicted "Yes"40-* (3-Year Badge)SUBtember 2024Scrotacious: MAAAAN he cant speak 5:26Predicted "No"5-* (3-Month Badge)Twitch Recap 2023lifenedsmilk: HUHH 5:2627-* (2-Year Badge)snars_: KEKW 5:2617-* (1-Year Badge)cheer 100system0fad0wner: INSANTISY 5:26ValeriethelovelyItalian: GenderFluidPride 5:261-*thebookofjerry: American Iron Dome???? 5:26SUBtember 2024steeel93: HUHH 5:26Listening onlyBREHVlTY: insanitacy 5:2628-* (2-Year Badge)GlitchCon 2020Code_vx: WhatChamp ???? 5:26leocreates: INSANITICY? 5:2640-* (3-Year Badge)Watching without audioD726: CRT? REBOOTED @HasanAbi 5:26BadBaneling: Insaniticity 5:2612-* (1-Year Badge)Raging Wolf HelmNokty: First rule of Fight Coin, hide your weird memorabilia from your family 5:2620-* (1.5-Year Badge)Prime Gamingsmolkitty420: ???? 5:26Twitch Recap 2023charltonffs: INSANITOUSY 🔴 i'm a political commentator irl trying to avoid heated gaming moment 4:3746-* (3.5-Year Badge)Prime Gamingonellsgt: facebook mommy 🤳 4:375-* (3-Month Badge)cheer 100cakejarr01: IM CANADIAN I DIDNT TAKE SHIT @hasanabi 4:37Watching without audioawww321: the history of politics 4:3712-* (1-Year Badge)Prime GamingIamSprouting: Greatest 4:3715-* (1-Year Badge)5 Gift Subscurrentlyfreezing: imagine having the national anthem being the last thing you hear as you fade out of consciousness lmao 4:37Nazzavelle: if he keeps saying Kamala will end israel i really might vote for her 4:37WitcheryRocky: biotoxzGun bullets for America dsa7 4:3755-* (3.5-Year Badge)Streamer Awards 2024Tayl0rCrypt1d: it happens a lot i swear mugshotofDonaldtrump 4:37mipp0hipp0: SHES IN LANDSCAPE NOW 4:3716-* (1-Year Badge)ilovepizxa: KEKW 4:3737-* (3-Year Badge)onecandream: shot for notthing @HasanAbi 4:37Watching without audiopoggersnz: LMAO 4:372-*Destiny 2: The Final Shape Raid RacePiplup_11: YEP 4:377-* (6-Month Badge)Twitch Recap 2023herculeeeez: oh 4:371-*latonzacpi: SHRAPNEL ONLY SHRAPNEL YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A SCAR 4:3726-* (2-Year Badge)Hershysnick: “we” is cory 4:377-* (6-Month Badge)Listening onlyRaddbudah: BUY MY COIN!!!! 4:37Prime GamingOnTheRon: he’s bragging that people pass out at his rallies 4:37Direct Relief - Charity 2018TylerJ: she loves it 4:3721-* (1.5-Year Badge)Prime Gamingdancema7er3000: is the we in the room with us 4:372-*Prime Gamingmakirolllllll: IT’LL BE A MERE PENINSULA BECAUSE THEY CAUSED CLIMATE CHANGE 4:37Listening onlyinexplicably_wet: WOOW 4:3742-* (3.5-Year Badge)Gold Pixel Hearttiamani: CHAD 🤳 4:37Prime GamingBlueboogies: repeating Trump 4:3717-* (1-Year Badge)Watching without audiominiath_: OMEGALUL 󠀀 4:378-* (6-Month Badge)jupiter_moon19: debra in the back is still filiming ... [Message clip

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

twitch stef & hal 5124

PVN_Live The Stephanie Miller Show 2:24:14 About PVN_Live 9:15CharmedOne43: Barron probley feels worst then Noem's kid when they told their friends mom shot the dog. 9:15TurboSaltySylvester: he's stuck in the denial stage 9:16Prime Gamingkathzinn: @bjmilbach Hi Betsy! davidb8Pick 9:16Prime Gamingkathzinn: @bluzlvn Welcome! 9:17Prime Gamingbluzlvn: @kathzinn hey there 👋🏻💙 9:178-Month SubscriberTwitch Recap 2023BJMilbach: @kathzinn Hello there!! 9:17Founder, 18-Month SubscriberGifter Leader 1mark_p_: Anita on X 9:18Founder, 18-Month SubscriberGifter Leader 1mark_p_: Anita on Threads 9:18russthetroubadour: They gave us MOTANG, they gave us the Mustang 😜😂 9:18Founder, 18-Month SubscriberGifter Leader 1mark_p_: Karen and Anita 9:189-Month Subscribersarpusx: betaunKipye 9:18Prime Gamingkathzinn: 9:18Founder, 18-Month SubscriberGifter Leader 1mark_p_: GM @russthetroubadour halspaMTC 9:19russthetroubadour: Always remember that THE KIDNEY HAS A VERY SPECIAL PLACE IN THE HEART ⚡🌧️⚡😜 Replying to @russthetroubadour: Always remember that THE KIDNEY HAS A VERY SPECIAL PLACE IN THE HEART ⚡🌧️⚡😜 9:1915-Month SubscriberTwitch Recap 2023SteelyDan68: 😳 9:19Prime Gamingbluzlvn: 🥵 He’s toast! 9:20russthetroubadour: @mark_p_ GM 9:20Prime Gamingkathzinn: @russthetroubadour THE KIDNEY ⚡️ 9:208-Month SubscriberTwitch Recap 2023BJMil 9:20Prime Gamingbluzlvn: CaitlynS 9:218-Month SubscriberTwitch Recap 2023BJMilbach: tomasdAwkward 9:21Founder, 18-Month SubscriberGifter Leader 1mark_p_: STFU Glitch 9:21Prime Gamingmissypa: Marjorie Taylor Greene says she will force a vote to oust Speaker Johnson next week. Let the fun begin! 9:218-Month SubscriberTwitch Recap 2023BJMilbach: stride84Lurk 9:21Twitch Recap 2023ghostarmyofbots: Like all of them 9:22Prime Gamingbluzlvn: @missypa she never stops, much like her idol 9:22russthetroubadour: She doesn't have the votes to force a vote 9:221-Month SubscriberPrime Gaminggenomaynard: Awwww Mitch passed away 10 years ago 😢 9:22russthetroubadour: Moscow Mitch 🤮 9:23Twitch Recap 2023ghostarmyofbots: I wonder if Clif will say something about Steph having Walsh on and not asking about his plan to arm 5yr olds 9:231-Month SubscriberPrime Gaminggenomaynard: 1863 9:248-Month SubscriberTwitch Recap 2023BJMilbach: 9:25Prime Gamingkathzinn: 9:25Prime Gamingkathzinn: 9:258-Month SubscriberTwitch Recap 2023BJMilbach: 9:25Prime Gamingbluzlvn: 9:2712-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingsweetmel37: Happy Humpday everyone 🐫 9:27CharmedOne43: Here your after school snack. By the way shot your puppy. 9:2712-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingsweetmel37: 😆 9:28russthetroubadour: SHARTY MCFLY 9:281-Month SubscriberPrime Gaminggenomaynard: Don Incontinence 9:28CharmedOne43: Is he represented by Will Shart? 9:29Prime Gamingbluzlvn: Criminal Contempt! 9:29russthetroubadour: Culver's Double cheeseburger with bacon 9:30CharmedOne43: and green peppers? 9:308-Month SubscriberTwitch Recap 2023BJMilbach: Yummmmmmmm @russthetroubadour 9:301-Month SubscriberPrime Gaminggenomaynard: Donald IS the Fake News 9:31Prime Gamingmissypa: The House Oversight Committee will hold a hearing next Wednesday on the Metropolitan Police Department’s reported refusal to clear the GW encampment. D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and MPD Chief Pamela Smith are called on to testify. Don't they have more important things to worry about? 9:31Prime Gamingbluzlvn: @mark_p_ lots of breaks, ads ? Replying to @bluzlvn: @mark_p_ lots of breaks, ads ? 9:31Founder, 18-Month SubscriberGifter Leader 1mark_p_: Yes. These are commercial breaks 9:321-Month SubscriberPrime Gaminggenomaynard: This is when Steph and Jody whip Chris for his past transgressions 9:33russthetroubadour: "We'll be appointing very PRO CRIME JUDGES"😜 9:3315-Month SubscriberTwitch Recap 2023SteelyDan68: @bluzlvn Enjoying your self? 9:33CharmedOne43: Sounds like fun 9:34Prime Gamingbluzlvn: @steelydan68 yes but the breaks and ads,…. 9:341-Month SubscriberPrime Gaminggenomaynard: Chris lnows what he did..... 9:34Prime Gamingkathzinn: 9:34Prime Gamingkathzinn: 9:34CharmedOne43: Hopefully just love taps. 9:34Prime Gamingkathzinn: 9:34Prime Gamingkathzinn: 9:341-Month SubscriberPrime Gaminggenomaynard: Knows even 9:34Prime Gamingkathzinn: 9:3412-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingsweetmel37: 9:34Prime Gamingkathzinn: Replying to @bluzlvn: @mark_p_ lots of breaks, ads ? 9:3415-Month SubscriberTwitch Recap 2023SteelyDan68: Oh, yea. Steph also broadcasts OTA radio. 9:34Prime Gamingkathzinn: 9:35Prime Gamingkathzinn 9:35Twitch Recap 2023ghostarmyofbots: I liked the covid lockdowns Replying to @bluzlvn: @steelydan68 yes but the breaks and ads,…. 9:3515-Month SubscriberTwitch Recap 2023SteelyDan68: Yea. It's annoying. 9:35Turbobigstephfan: Jody's mom probably was in that group for many years. 9:35Prime Gamingtenacious_liege: Some people have different degrees of separation from the wealthy begging. Usually it's 3, 4 degrees. 9:35Prime Gamingbluzlvn: @steelydan68 bet subscribe helps HahaBall Replying to @ghostarmyofbots: I liked the covid lockdowns 9:3615-Month SubscriberTwitch Recap 2023SteelyDan68: Ha... I didn't. I still had to work during that. 9:369-Month Subscribersarpus 9:36CharmedOne43: Closed you down for 2yrs and let the rich monopolize on all the small buisness and control pricing. 9:36Turbobigstephfan: I mean I'm sure Carroll Burnett was making over $400,000 for many years. 9:36Prime Gamingm00ngyrl: lol 9:36Prime Gamingtenacious_liege: Under contract with a wealthy person is not the wealthy begging btw 9:3612-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingsweetmel37: Thank you Carlos Replying to @bluzlvn: @steelydan68 bet subscribe helps HahaBall 9:3615-Month SubscriberTwitch Recap 2023SteelyDan68: If I wasn't broke right now, I would gift you. 9:371-Month SubscriberPrime Gaminggenomaynard: That voice...... 9:37nonuseful2: The economy was only better for the 1/10th of 1% under Trump one 1⃣ else 9:37CharmedOne43: eleventy billion 9:38Turbobigstephfan: there was an article yesterday how the tariffs trump added have caused most things to go up in price 9:38Turbobigstephfan: for us Redeemed Highlight My Message 100 9:38Twitch Recap 2023tynebritt: They say it because Trump's regular people tax cuts end in 2025, and Bidenhas not stated he will continue them 9:39Prime Gamingbluzlvn: @steelydan68 ahh thanks, I really like her 💙 9:39Turbobigstephfan: @tynebritt Congress, the democrats, tried to extent those tax cuts and the fascist maga repuklicons voted against it so it didn't get out of the house. 9:3912-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingsweetmel37: 😢 9:39CharmedOne43: US Timeline will show 8 yrs of hate, after Clinton. Obama and even George. 9:39Prime Gamingmissypa: Gateway Pundit warned by its own lawyer it was using 'a damned fraud' as a source. Interesting. Replying to @bigstephfan: there was an article yesterday how the tariffs trump added have caused most things to go up in price 9:3915-Month SubscriberTwitch Recap 2023SteelyDan68: Yup. Trumpo started a trade war for no other reason but to make the Fat Cat donors rich, before COVID fucked things up. 9:391-Month SubscriberPrime Gaminggenomaynard: Steph is a Cylon 9:39nonuseful2: Missouri Josh Hawley working on a bill to exclude any liability from roundup weedkiller. It passed the house. My dad died of exposure to roundup 9:39Twitch Recap 2023tynebritt: @bigstephfan I don't think there has been a vote to extend them yet 9:40Turbobigstephfan: @tynebritt Yes there was or it didn't get out of the committee on it 9:40Turbobigstephfan: @tynebritt I will research it 9:401-Month SubscriberPrime Gaminggenomaynard: Crueltyas a virtue...... 9:40Twitch Recap 2023tynebritt: @nonuseful2 sorry for your loss 9:4012-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingsweetmel37: 🤦🏾‍♀️ 9:40Twitch Recap 2023tynebritt: @bigstephfan thank you 9:41Prime Gamingbluzlvn: Definitely lack of compassion built-in to the Republican party 9:41CharmedOne43: It was the Maga virus that affect the Republcican party of my Grndfathers. Maga needs their own party, 9:41nonuseful2: Kristi Noem belongs in my Dalhia garden 9:41Prime Gamingkathzinn: And yet we’re the snowflakes, supposedly 9:41Prime Gamingkathzinn: Kevin! 9:42CharmedOne43: <3 kev 9:4212-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingsweetmel37: 😆 9:42Turbobigstephfan: @tynebritt here's on article on it from last year, March 9, 2023: 9:4312-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingsweetmel37: 💯 9:43Twitch Recap 2023tynebritt: @bigstephfan They are still talking about them expiring...I know they voted on the child tax credit. 9:43Prime Gamingkathzinn: Kevin is talking about Jane Eliot. She’s fantastic 9:431-Month SubscriberPrime Gaminggenomaynard: One drop for blacks.....No drops for white purity. 9:44Turbobigstephfan: @tynebritt here: 9:44CharmedOne43: Imagine Kev as pretty as Bakari Sellers 9:44nonuseful2: Cross breeding cultures will end white superiority. 9:44Prime Gamingkathzinn: 9:44Twitch Recap 2023tynebritt: @bigstephfan thank you, I can't read all of it. 9:44Twitch Recap 2023ghostarmyofbots: Just like Hillary Biden is demobilizing his base. 9:44Turbobigstephfan: @tynebritt BY DAVID SHERFINSKI THE WASHINGTON TIMES Published 9:47 AM PDT, September 28, 2018 Share The House on Friday voted to permanently extend the individual rate cuts in the GOP’s $1.5 trillion tax-cut law as part of Republicans’ “Tax reform 2.0" effort, saying the cuts are needed to keep the economy humming in the future. 9:45Prime Gamingm00ngyrl: And if you like Pina Coladas..... 9:45nonuseful2: Getting caught in the rain 9:45Turbobigstephfan: @tynebritt but some democrats were against it: But Democrats said the bill is another giveaway to the wealthy that isn’t paid for, and that it’s part of the GOP’s “starve the beast” strategy to slash federal revenues, then demand cuts to other government programs in order to deal with a rising sea of red ink. 9:461-Month SubscriberPrime Gaminggenomaynard: For a Black man like me, voting is existential. I don't need to be seduced for my fricking vote. 9:46jessejames702: if you’re not into yoga 9:4612-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingsweetmel37: LUL 9:47russthetroubadour: I'm into yogurt 🤤😄 9:47Prime Gamingm00ngyrl: "If you have half a brain..." 9:47Twitch Recap 2023tynebritt: @bigstephfan thank you for the information, guess it is time for me to do so.e more research on it. 9:47nonuseful2: If you like making love with Trump at midnight 9:4712-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingsweetmel37: SuperVinlin 9:47Prime Gamingmissypa: State Senator Timothy Kennedy just won a special election for the New York congressional seat vacated by Brian Higgins President Biden won the district plus 20 in 2020. The District is now plus 36 Democratic. Good news. 9:47Prime Gamingrightsaidrob: like these people were ever principled 9:481-Month SubscriberPrime Gaminggenomaynard: Flies to 💩 9:48Turbobigstephfan: @tynebritt it looks like there were things added to the new bill or the original one the repuklicons got through that the democrats didn't agree with so it didn't pass? it's always complicated. 9:48nonuseful2: Trump is an emotional cripple 9:49Prime Gamingm00ngyrl: Is that Cassidy? 9:49Turbobigstephfan: @m00ngyrl sounds like her 9:49russthetroubadour: Ball lickers more likely 9:49jethro_beaudine: Decency 2024 9:49Prime Gamingm00ngyrl: She has a really breathy texture, it's quite sexy. 9:491-Month SubscriberPrime Gaminggenomaynard: They feared their base....Trump doesn't. 9:495-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingkendel77: @bigstephfan It is... 9:49Turbobigstephfan: none of the fascist maga repuklicons are is listening to her. she is a traitor to themFollowing Streaming Monday-Wednesday and Friday 3pm PST - Thursday at 4pm PST - Saturday 9-11am PSTAnd Gaming whenever I can :) HSRPM - The Hal Sparks Radio Program Mega-worldwideSaturdays at 9-11am PST HalSparks's 10:50Subscribersarpusx: @grannyjojoe "Tricksey Bagginsessss! They stolessss the Precioussss! We hatessss them Preciousssss!" 11:0516-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingsharpgfx1: Alberta's Nazi Barbie has lost her good damn mind what little she had to lose!! 11:0543-Month Subscribersarpusx: It's Marjie! The one Woman Revolution demanding the Globe answers her questions after she sees the Manager 11:0512-Month Subscribercheer 1kjdogluv: Marj, bro…trump is a drug addict 11:0535-Month Subscribercheer 100Kkath_mcc: @H2ogdS_303 yeah and she decided to care about the abuses of the prison system when the insurrectionists got put in jail 11:05mass_recess: I got 10 on horse number 5 11:0535-Month Subscribercheer 100Kkath_mcc: no. it's about your mildewy ego 11:0520-Month Subscriberdiagramm65: she wants the uh ih 11:0544-Month SubscriberListening onlyklhink42: I vote for Marge to be the new Karen 11:0520-Month Subscriberdiagramm65: here it is 11:05Prime GamingFellaheen: I bet she knows almost 3 things 11:0520-Month Subscriberdiagramm65: the ONE thing Redeemed Highlight My Message 100 11:0543-Month SubscriberPrime GamingLeatherGoddessOfPhobos: We are all surprised that there is one. 11:0512-Month Subscribercheer 1kjdogluv: 🤣🤣🤣🤣😅 11:0537-Month SubscriberPrime GamingCouchsLoungeGaming: @twistedstepsister 🤣🤣🤣🤣 11:058-Month Subscriberminm1980: I think Marjorie got a letter of interest from Jack Smith. This might explain why she is so unhinged. Just like when Gaetz did this because the ethics probe would not be dropped Replying to @twistedstepsister: She has Hunter's pics in a drawer with her vibe. 11:0520-Month SubscriberFormer Hype Train ConductorPOWnobodyNOW: she has that pic taped to the inside of her leg. 11:05mass_recess: Carpet 11:0612-Month Subscribercheer 1kjdogluv: she knows how to wear a tank top 11:0618-Month Subscriberjennypenny75: lol Redeemed Highlight My Message 100 11:0631-Month SubscriberPrime GamingPamMatthewsABQ: Citation needed 11:06mass_recess: Dalton Ga I’d the carpet capital 11:0647-Month Subscriberninkacrinkles: i actually saw that stage play with the puppetry 11:0612-Month Subscribercheer 1kjdogluv: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 11:0634-Month SubscriberTurboSaltySylvester: one thing she knows 11:06mass_recess: She can make and eat it too Replying to @kath_mcc: @H2ogdS_303 yeah and she decided to care about the abuses of the prison system when the insurrectionists got put in jail 11:0623-Month SubscriberTwitch Recap 2023H2ogdS_303: exactly. I am not saying that fentanyl isn't a huge problem but i aint listening to it from this hypocrite. 11:0643-Month Subscribersarpusx: The Kidney! 11:0621-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingterdferguson5: She knows one thing i'm gonna need proof of that 11:0618-Month Subscriberjennypenny75: Hal, damn how I love you. 11:0611-Month Subscribertwistedstepsister: She's so angry about the wrong things. 11:0620-Month Subscriberdiagramm65: dream on, peabrain 11:07mass_recess: Unsuited for the task 11:0735-Month Subscribercheer 100Kkath_mcc: @H2ogdS_303 yep. she does not give a single shit about addicts or overdoses. she cares about being the center of attention. 11:07mass_recess: Republicans couldn’t sell () at a profit 11:0735-Month Subscribercheer 100Kkath_mcc: heyyyy philip!! 11:08keeganjg007: I can hear Phil 11:08mass_recess: Sorry 11:0816-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingkatfem: people who do shit don't get behind cameras and bitch. 11:0835-Month Subscribercheer 100Kkath_mcc: @twistedstepsister she is angry that she is so universally hated, losing power, and never gonna be VP 11:08mass_recess: I went to far 11:0816-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingkatfem: Do or Do not!! 11:0835-Month Subscribercheer 100Kkath_mcc: @katfem good point, well-made 11:0843-Month Subscribercheer 10Kadrianew1: Hi Philip! 💛💙💛💙💛💙 Replying to @katfem: people who do shit don't get behind cameras and bitch. 11:0820-Month SubscriberFormer Hype Train ConductorPOWnobodyNOW: its all about performance for them. Who can get on TV the most contest. 11:0934-Month SubscriberTurboSaltySylvester: Good to see you 💙💛 11:0944-Month SubscriberListening onlyklhink42: we hear Philip, donotfixit 11:0945-Month SubscriberPrime GamingSomewhereintime11: See y'all later have to go to an appointment. halspaBLUSPRK adrianew1 redeemed Ad Time 1,500 11:09mass_recess: Bye 11:0935-Month Subscribercheer 100Kkath_mcc: @Somewhereintime11 bye! <3 11:0911-Month Subscribertwistedstepsister: Maybe Marge should go try stand-up comedy? 11:0912-Month Subscribercheer 1kjdogluv: hi Philip 11:0935-Month Subscribercheer 100Kkath_mcc: heyyyy philip!! 11:0935-Month Subscribercheer 100Kkath_mcc: mwhahaaha 11:09mass_recess: 167 strong 11:0928-Month SubscriberSuperUltraCombo 2023DejaEntendu152: 11:0939-Month SubscriberCurrent Hype Train Conductorstargal46: i hear you fine Phil 11:1044-Month SubscriberListening onlyklhink42: we hear Philip 11:1021-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingterdferguson5: We do 11:1031-Month SubscriberPrime GamingPamMatthewsABQ: This is the hold music waiting for Phil's On the Edge podcast 11:1020-Month Subscriberdiagramm65: he’s a sangin’ 11:1031-Month SubscriberPrime GamingBikeShopGuru: HELLO PHIL !!! 11:1034-Month SubscriberTurboSaltySylvester: ah, I remember Definition 11:1039-Month SubscriberCurrent Hype Train Conductorstargal46: Hello Phil & good morning to you!👋 11:1035-Month Subscribercheer 100Kkath_mcc: @twistedstepsister she better perform on a stage that has chickenwire all in front 11:1044-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingkathzinn: Yes we can hear Phillip 11:1020-Month Subscriberdiagramm65: 🖐🏻Hi Phil🖐🏻 11:10mass_recess: No worries I’m a million by myself 11:1011-Month Subscribertwistedstepsister: Hi Phil! Reading you 5 x 5 11:1035-Month Subscribercheer 100Kkath_mcc: good eveningggg 11:10mass_recess: Marvel like 11:1027-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingzen_faerie: Phil needs some custom tracks for background DinoDance . @halsparks !! 11:1023-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingfish_delight: What are isthmuses, man? Isthmuses. 11:1035-Month Subscribercheer 100Kkath_mcc: sounds good Redeemed Highlight My Message 100 11:1043-Month Subscribersarpusx: Howdy Philip !! Slava Ukraini !! Heroyam Slava!! 11:1028-Month Subscriberadmflagurl38_andrea: PHILIP!! 11:1039-Month SubscriberCurrent Hype Train Conductorstargal46: Oh yeah…how about just a simple good day/good evening to you! 11:1135-Month Subscribercheer 100Kkath_mcc: @fish_delight mwhahahaaa 11:1127-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingzen_faerie: 💙💛💙 💛💙 💛💙 💛💙 💛💙 💛💙 💛💙 11:1135-Month Subscribercheer 100Kkath_mcc: ohh she is losing it 11:1130-Month Subscribercheer 5Kcentralscrewtinizer1: Phil’s been drinking? 11:1139-Month SubscriberCurrent Hype Train Conductorstargal46: I’ve never seen her as animated about the American people as she was in that video! LMAO 11:1131-Month SubscriberPrime GamingPamMatthewsABQ: Marjorie HIPPY HOMEWRECKER Greene! 11:1230-Month Subscribercheer 5Kcentralscrewtinizer1: we’ll go get your list, Ohil. I’ll wait 11:1216-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingkatfem: MTG paid by Putin 11:1235-Month Subscribercheer 100Kkath_mcc: @PamMatthewsABQ mwhahaha 11:1235-Month Subscribercheer 100Kkath_mcc: of course tucker did 11:1211-Month Subscribertwistedstepsister: I saw a vid where the Ukraine soldiers played our national anthem to piss off the Russian soldiers. Bad ass. 😂 11:1339-Month SubscriberCurrent Hype Train Conductorstargal46: Tucker’s a full-blown traitor to America…he’s a traitor jtreg42 Subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months! 11:1232-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingjtreg42: Me 32..i rock 11:1318-Month Subscriberjennypenny75: Hello Philip 11:1339-Month SubscriberCurrent Hype Train Conductorstargal46: He’s a Russian 11:1320-Month Subscriberdiagramm65: @ninkacrinkles 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 11:13mass_recess: oh yeh this guy Replying to @twistedstepsister: I saw a vid where the Ukraine soldiers played our national anthem to piss off the Russian soldiers. Bad ass. 😂 11:1334-Month SubscriberTurboSaltySylvester: I saw that the other night too 11:13mass_recess: He got gagged I thought Replying to @katfem: MTG paid by Putin 11:1320-Month SubscriberFormer Hype Train ConductorPOWnobodyNOW: They are all Russian State actors whether they know it or not. Even the Trump cult members are, its sad they are too stupid to see it. 11:1335-Month Subscribercheer 100Kkath_mcc: i remember clips of him 11:13mass_recess: bagged 11:14mass_recess: His daughter blew up 11:14mass_recess: I remember now 11:1411-Month Subscribertwistedstepsister: @saltysylvester the Russians were so pissed 😂 11:1435-Month Subscribercheer 100Kkath_mcc: @POWnobodyNOW yep Redeemed Highlight My Message 100 11:1443-Month SubscriberPrime GamingLeatherGoddessOfPhobos: Morlocks 11:1426-Month Subscribercheer 1Kgrannyjojoe: She’s an oxi-moron. 11:1415-Month SubscriberPrime GamingAt0mXII: And Kong, don't forget Kong is there as well as other Titans! 11:1430-Month Subscribercheer 5Kcentralscrewtinizer1: Grom lives underground 11:1415-Month SubscriberPrime GamingAt0mXII: :) 11:1435-Month Subscribercheer 100Kkath_mcc: tucker's propaganda is not working mwhaha 11:15mass_recess: On X 11:1547-Month Subscriberninkacrinkles: yay @diagramm65 lexyBoop 11:15mass_recess: Elon in China 11:15mass_recess: I don’t trust him 11:1512-Month Subscribercheer 1kjdogluv: crazy Fux 11:1539-Month SubscriberCurrent Hype Train Conductorstargal46: But that’s how Tucker conducts himself! 11:1516-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingkatfem: Gazpacho police 11:1543-Month Subscribersarpusx: Tucker is too deliberately stupid to admit that the Evolution of Life is a fact 11:1539-Month SubscriberCurrent Hype Train Conductorstargal46: Tucker could never be trusted…never! 11:15mass_recess: He’s insane 11:1626-Month Subscribercheer 1Kgrannyjojoe: Hello Philip. Glad you’re safe! 11:1639-Month SubscriberCurrent Hype Train Conductorstargal46: Elon Musk either…another traitor to America 11:1644-Month SubscriberListening onlyklhink42: Agartha Replying to @stargal46: Elon Musk either…another traitor to America 11:1616-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingkatfem: i mean hes not American so go fig 11:1628-Month Subscriberadmflagurl38_andrea: PHILIP ITTNER: *** . com/@PhilipIttner 11:1635-Month Subscribercheer 100Kkath_mcc: @sarpusx yep so very stupid and so very desperate to get an audience by going battier 11:1744-Month SubscriberListening onlyklhink42: I read a lot of Blavatsky 11:1739-Month SubscriberCurrent Hype Train Conductorstargal46: @katfem Elon’s not American…not even a duo citizen? 11:1728-Month Subscribercheer 100ArenDuran: "Human Rights are created by Liberals and Masons....." Yeah, good, so what? 11:1735-Month Subscribercheer 100Kkath_mcc: chickens?!? 11:1716-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingsharpgfx1: How does Elon still have a top US security clearence ? Replying to @stargal46: @katfem Elon’s not American…not even a duo citizen? 11:1716-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingkatfem: send him to Mars with the rich fucks like him Replying to @kath_mcc: chickens?!? 11:1834-Month SubscriberTurboSaltySylvester: chickens ? 11:18mass_recess: Not for long 11:1839-Month SubscriberCurrent Hype Train Conductorstargal46: @sharpgfx1 How is that even possible then, if he’s not an American citizen? 11:18mass_recess: Abraham Lincoln 11:1820-Month Subscriberdiagramm65: Pootin’s handmaidens 11:18mass_recess: Corrections have to be made at times 11:1820-Month SubscriberFormer Hype Train ConductorPOWnobodyNOW: @katfem he does want to be King of Mars HypeLUL 11:1835-Month Subscribercheer 100Kkath_mcc: @SaltySylvester chickens! 11:1923-Month SubscriberTwitch Recap 2023H2ogdS_303: @HalSparks Check out the YouTube channel "Inside Russia" he is an economist from Russia educated in the West and now living here in Washington State. Telling the truth about what is going on in Russia. I AM SURE YOU COULD GET HIM ON THE SHOW. 11:1943-Month Subscribersarpusx: @kath_mcc Too oblivious to know that History will see him as worse than a sycophantic Nazi, a Traitor to his Nation and the Morality of all human beings 11:1911-Month Subscribertwistedstepsister: So, eat the rich? 11:1920-Month Subscriberdiagramm65: @h2ogds_303 I tune in 11:1928-Month Subscribercheer 100ArenDuran: @stargal Elon Musk became a US Citizen in 2002 Replying to @diagramm65: @h2ogds_303 I tune in 11:1923-Month SubscriberTwitch Recap 2023H2ogdS_303: do you watch him? He is great. In my opinion 11:2035-Month Subscribercheer 100Kkath_mcc: @sarpusx yes! oblivious is the word. fucking traitor Replying to @ArenDuran: @stargal Elon Musk became a US Citizen in 2002 11:2016-Month SubscriberPrime Gamingkatfem: well citizenship is a privilege revoke!! \ 11:2020-Month SubscriberFormer Hype Train ConductorPOWnobodyNOW: yeah the Far-Left tankies don't know they are getting played, or worse they do. 11:2020-Month Subscriberdiagramm65: Aleksandr Dugin is younger than me and looks like my grandpa 11:2144-Month SubscriberListening onlyklhink42: Phil has a website: philipittner dot com  9:49Prime Gamingkathzinn: Someone made the point that all the women are coming out against Trump and the men are still kissing his ass wtf???